View Full Version : one of those "is this rare?" posts

Oct 10, 2003, 10:18 AM
i just got my pinkal newm into hard and got myself a paku paku on the 1st run from an al, i was wondering is it a rare rare? or not, i wanna make it into a chao striker thing ofcourse, any chance of me getting a legit chao mag? perhaps in hallo drop season? and do i have to be in ult for the mag cells to drop or not? coz i should be in v.hard with 2 or 3 chars by then =)

Oct 10, 2003, 10:24 AM
the branch is a nice item, not a rare, the only real rare that drops in under vhard is the invisible guard in normal... afaik.

jack o latern drop in any difficulty - so you can settle on normal runs or vhard runs (depends on which optional nar lilly drops you want) or even ult if you need the kick... (or mil lilly drops)

only thing is that you have to run for halo rappies online.

good luck.

the chao striker is said to be a decent weapon. i'm working on creating one in the moment.

Oct 10, 2003, 10:48 AM
me too =)

hmmm.. might do normal runs for speed, then i can try and harvest mag cells =)

do they drop at 100%? the lanterns/cells?

and is there any way of getting a deffinate tech? (like a heart of chao or what ever it is =) )

Oct 10, 2003, 02:26 PM
The cells wont drop 100% of the time, they have a very high drop rate though.
And if you want Heart of Chao, then simply do this:
As Soon as you have your Jack-o'-Lantern dont use the "use" option.
Go offline instead, open the Lantern and if you got the cell you want, quit and save, if not, just off the console, and redo it, until your desired cell appears, because its random which cell appears.
Hope that helps.