View Full Version : Yes, I'm startin over, and this time, i'm doin' it legit!

Oct 11, 2003, 11:10 PM

I know this topic is probably going to get alot of smart-ass remarks, but, this is really a big deal for me.

See, I have been playing PSO using dupes since the days of PSO Dreamcast. But, after talking to soem friends, and having an argument with someone (lol). they made some valid points. Even if you dont dupe yourself, even my using them, your ruining the balance. They were right, so, I decided, to change my ways. Being that PSO was even starting to get boring, with no challenge.

Take this however you want, but, I'm glad to say I've seen the light.


Oct 11, 2003, 11:19 PM
The best thing I can say to you is, the only way to enjoy a game is to enjoy it the way the programmers intended for you to see it.

Welcome to the club.

Oct 11, 2003, 11:33 PM
Yes,and I've even made a character that is 100% legit.

Oct 12, 2003, 12:48 AM
Ive done the same. Elsydeon the rather busty HUnewearl(Yes i know thats too common but....gotta look at something, might as well look at a babe) so far is my truly legit character. but even then I hardly play anymore.

Oct 12, 2003, 02:26 AM
Yes,and I've even made a character that is 100% legit.

Well, you know there is a difference between playing a legit character and BEING legit yourself.


I know this topic is probably going to get alot of smart-ass remarks, but, this is really a big deal for me.

See, I have been playing PSO using dupes since the days of PSO Dreamcast. But, after talking to soem friends, and having an argument with someone (lol). they made some valid points. Even if you dont dupe yourself, even my using them, your ruining the balance. They were right, so, I decided, to change my ways. Being that PSO was even starting to get boring, with no challenge.

Take this however you want, but, I'm glad to say I've seen the light.

I am glad you saw this finally. Maybe in not as much detail as me, or others, but you finally realize.

I have been trying to set the point out to most n00bs that want to play legit: To play legit currently in this new cheating enviroment, one must never accept items from strangers, or anyone for that matter unless you KNOW and are 100% sure they are legit themselves.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WootHinkInc on 2003-10-12 00:27 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2003, 02:35 AM
CONGRATS!!! Welcome to the Legit World =P

My characters are 100% legit =D the 3 of them ^_^

Btw i never dupe or cheat, or whatever, i don't see the point, it gets sooo boring

EDIT: Unless you count as unlegit giving my FOnewm's Yamato, Agito, etc to my HUnewearl, or other sutff for my RAcaseal, then they're not, but then my FOnewm still 100%

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: joluh on 2003-10-12 00:37 ]</font>

Oct 12, 2003, 03:13 AM
im 99.9% legit the rare i have that maby aint legit is a dragon slayer 5%native but i know 99.9% it is http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oct 12, 2003, 07:13 AM
Sweet. Thanks for the welcoming to the legit world!

Since I am going to be a low level, anyone up for a game? I'll be avalible later tonight, about 8pm EST (I still have lots of homework to do...)

Oct 12, 2003, 07:21 AM
Enjoy. No tweaking either.

Oct 12, 2003, 07:29 AM
My friend Andy told me being 100% legit involves taking NO ITEMS from ANYONE. Only trading with other CLOSE LEGIT friends.

Anyone care to improve and/or correct me?

Oct 12, 2003, 07:39 AM
After a heavy bout of cheating on the Dreamcast versions, I decided that I was going to do it right this time and be completely legit. That decision lasted awhile, but lately in the past two months I've started accepting duped items to save time on finding them myself.

The thing is, I came to the slow realization that PSO is a social game - and you can't truely experience what PSO was supposed to be all about without joining open games and meeting new people and experiencing their play-style.

As a legit, it's now near impossible to join open games. You'll be dusted by the TJ BKB HUmar, Spread Needle and Frozen Shooter RAmars, and the PsycoWand lvl 30 Techs at lvl 12 FO's. Even if you're legit, the balance of the game is still ruined by other gamers who don't share your view on dupes and their responsible usage. Leveling from Normal to Ultimate will be a struggle as othes keep stealing exp from you. Once you get to Ultimate, you'll be able to get a few hits in, but you'll still get dusted - as there's no way you can keep up with all the tweaked out players. You'll be struggling, while others are "LOL"ing at you for doing sub-1,000 dmg per strike. = /

If you can find a good group of legit players who play often at the same times you do, then you're in luck. But you might as well forget open gameplay - unless you're a masocist for self-punishment, frustration, and the ocassional insult.


Good Luck.

Oct 12, 2003, 07:51 AM
Anyone who insults me for how I play is going to feel my wrath! lol. And I'll try open games, usually in Antares 8. Vega games though can kiss my ass. And I do have a few friends who are legit that are on alot. So thats cool.

Oct 12, 2003, 07:59 AM
On 2003-10-11 21:10, Linkooseven wrote:
Being that PSO was even starting to get boring, with no challenge.

The funny thing is, even playing legit gets boring in the end.
If it happens sooner or later then if you would play a non-legit char is completly up to how you like playing the most(working for a good equipment and leveling or having dupes and just leveling).
The challenge with a legit char will last longer than with any non-legit char.
Anyway have fun playing legit. I know I did/do.

Oct 12, 2003, 08:35 AM
Welcome linko,

i got 2 legit char, but like for the FOnewm i got the lv 25+ techs arent http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
not his mag

hucast has God-Power unit and Hp mats almost maxed so i cant tell they are legit, and redria sucks for a FOnewm, them bad thing i made 2chars same name same crappy id LOL

so today im gonna create a spot and HUcast 110% legit and be Takato as a HUcast cuz Skyly ID offline is great for a HUcast ^_^

so lets bring it on Linko?
just tell me a time and day and we play?