View Full Version : PSO Card Game?

Oct 14, 2003, 03:09 AM
If PSO does come out with an actual card game, would it make sense? Who would actualy purchase or collect it when you could simply go online and compete there. What are chances anyone other than yourself would want to collect and build decks?

Should PSO even consider an actual card game? Good or bad idea?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlazingTiger on 2003-10-14 01:09 ]</font>

Oct 14, 2003, 03:29 AM
Should PSO even consider an actual card game? Good or bad idea?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlazingTiger on 2003-10-14 01:09 ]</font>

As a collecters item for the fans? DEFINITELY! Although I don't see myself playing it. Probably never gonna get'em all.....

Oct 14, 2003, 05:55 AM
I thought they should, but with episode three it seems kinda pointless. They'll probably do it though, so they can use them for e-reader. That way we have to buy more stuff.

Oct 14, 2003, 08:37 AM
well there is yugioh for console and there is yugioh as real card game. so i think it would also make sense for pso. maybe the userbase would be smaller...

Oct 14, 2003, 09:18 AM
Magic Online...If you ever look at a seller's collection you see a thousand worth sometimes..Of course MTG was the first CCG, but people love card games.

Oct 14, 2003, 11:36 AM
Yeah, one way or another, I think we'll see a physical CCG. There are cards out there already (have been for years, actually), but I don't know that a full deck physically exists. I think it was Camineet.net (I'm likely wrong on this) that had a .jpg of a whole collection of cards though, back in the v1 days.

[EDIT] Yup, Camineet.net has had the cards for years, now. Take a look. (http://www.camineet.net/psoimages/page5.shtml)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: HUnewearl_Meira on 2003-10-14 09:42 ]</font>

Oct 14, 2003, 04:06 PM
I guess the card game could be a good idea if done right. I wouldn't mind collecting the cards as collectibles. Hard core fans could be trading off of e-bay, or even posting their cards on psow. It could give us a better reason to love PSO. If it doesn't become popular, it would be an embarassing attempt...

Oct 15, 2003, 09:17 AM
id much rather fork out a fiver for a few cards than 39.99 to play the same game just digitised.

Oct 15, 2003, 10:37 AM
PSO 3 should be a card game after all the fighting does get very tedious on epi 1+2, and plus the main reason I'd buy it would be to finish the story, I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! If PSO 3 is a big hit, then it would make sense for it to be a proper card game.

Oct 15, 2003, 02:55 PM
I just have one thing to say..

"Booma! I choose you!"


Oct 15, 2003, 03:46 PM
On 2003-10-15 12:55, ilr2000 wrote:
I just have one thing to say..

"Booma! I choose you!"


LOL,when it comes out,next thing you know we're gonna get nostalgia.

I think PSO would be good as a card game,and even though I've never played Ep3 or researched into it,it might be possible to add all of the mechanics of the game into a real life card game.

Oct 15, 2003, 04:20 PM
Personally i think that it is a great idea and collecters of pso ,posters,games,and evrything else that pso puts out will also collect the cards.It would be a great ad for pso and for people who dont even know about pso.It will get those people involved,and then they will want to play if they are interested.After all not many people can go online and compete!

Oct 15, 2003, 04:24 PM
I'm just going to buy the game and play it online. I'm not going to actually play card games.

Oct 15, 2003, 05:42 PM
On 2003-10-15 14:24, PABLOparavida wrote:
I'm just going to buy the game and play it online. I'm not going to actually play card games.

lol. I don't care for yugioh or pokemon, but a pso card game may be alright. Hunters, rangers and forces... never has been done. With the card game being based upon rare and powerful weapons, we may get addicted to finding rare weapon cards, just as we are picking them up in the game.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlazingTiger on 2003-10-15 15:43 ]</font>

Oct 15, 2003, 06:37 PM
I wouldn't really buy any, but it sounds like a great idea to make/lose money...

Oct 15, 2003, 07:29 PM
On 2003-10-14 07:18, HairProneHalo wrote:
Magic Online...If you ever look at a seller's collection you see a thousand worth sometimes..Of course MTG was the first CCG, but people love card games.

i think i have about that amount in RL but only to a collecter, i have like four folders worth of cards packed in back to back :|

only got about 800 cards online

Oct 16, 2003, 09:05 PM
If a card game does come out for PSO, I wounder if wizards of the coast will play a part. After playing the star wars ep 2 card game, I felt like sheding tears.

Oct 16, 2003, 09:13 PM
All "battle style" card games have to pay royalties to Wizards of the Coast (whether they're manufactured by them or not), because, apparently, WotC holds an actual patent on these type of card games. :|

Oct 16, 2003, 09:24 PM
actuly i think wizards gets nothing...any ways dont htink of it as a card game but more of a turn based...its not like pokemon where you summon otu monsters to fight...i thinkit will be ok...but 20 bucks says it bes like really funa dn every one who stayed out cuz its a card game get screwd...its worht it to get...it doesnt cost extra to go online and if you like pso youd find out more of the story line...

Oct 17, 2003, 10:26 PM
i don't know. maybe for japan, because they are not as card game savvy as america's market (this is a fact if you keep up to date with the card game world). They'd buy it just for collector value and the ability to say silly things like "Rappy! I choose you!"

I think this card game will be better than overly simplistic games like Pokemon/Digimon or the FF card games. But will it make it equal to the very tough market of lasting card games? I don't know, i doubt it. It would have to be seriously complex like the games that have survived to the present. It would be easily ignored if it is too beer and pretzels mindless like SW ep1 or just plain hideous like SW ep2.

The other form of profiteering I could see would be fanatical fad status like Pokemon. But Phantasy Star does not have the child dynamic to really encourage that. The only place i think such fad status could work would be, like i said before, Japan.

if i had to make that choice i would definitely wait or make a short collector's run. let the CCG companies come to you if the game has a marketable chance.

Oct 17, 2003, 10:41 PM
Wizards has a patent on the word Trading Card Game. If anyone uses Trading Card Game as part of a game's title, wizards must be recognized (Yugioh). I think that if a PSO card game were to exist, nintendo would snatch it up. I'm not sure how many people follow pokemon anymore, but wizards just recently lost the license to pokemon. After about 3 months of being in the dark, it was finally confirmed that Nintendo would produce any new pokemon cards. What does it have to do with a PSO card game you may ask? Well if nintendo just started in june to produce card games, I would think they would try to snatch up any video game related liscenses they can for card games. Plus, e-reader will probably have something to do with it and nintendo is the only ones who know how to print those little dots on the cards (which I heard costs alot but I think it's a bunch of bull).