View Full Version : The Online Experiance

Oct 19, 2003, 08:22 AM
Is the Online experience all what people make it out to be? I would have to say no, after reading some of the threads that people have made about how people are racist, abuse the system and hack and cheat their way to the top it makes the online reality of PSO very scary, I was considering going online with my GC to primarily play PSO but by what I have read these last few days I am reconsidering. So basically is their any reason to go online with PSO or will I be much happier playing offline by myself?


Oct 19, 2003, 08:37 AM
its fun there are also alot of legit ppl and ull get used to the pathetic losers without a life,
and its just fun....

Oct 19, 2003, 09:03 AM
It is nothing like how the dreamcast version was there at the end. PK is a thing of the past, and character resets such as the infamous "NOL" no longer exist. The only thing you have to seriously watch out for is FSOD as far as I know, other than that it is all a social matter. It is best to get a group of people who play in somewhat the same style as you (i.e. legit) and save their cards for another game, another day. Just think of it primarily as a chatroom with more interaction, as you will find similair behavior on both.

Oct 19, 2003, 03:39 PM
On 2003-10-19 06:22, Hoax wrote:
Is the Online experience all what people make it out to be? I would have to say no, after reading some of the threads that people have made about how people are racist, abuse the system and hack and cheat their way to the top it makes the online reality of PSO very scary, I was considering going online with my GC to primarily play PSO but by what I have read these last few days I am reconsidering. So basically is their any reason to go online with PSO or will I be much happier playing offline by myself?


same as i was thinking... O.o;great minds think alike... or insane minds as the case may be... O.o;

Oct 19, 2003, 03:58 PM
Being a little narcisstic, aren`t we?

Oct 20, 2003, 03:07 PM
On 2003-10-19 13:58, Alighieri wrote:
Being a little narcisstic, aren`t we?

wats nar... watever mean? watever, i just mean i've been going insane for my parents to make up thier minds on if theyre gonna let me buy that broadband adapter!

Oct 20, 2003, 03:26 PM

You just find People that are Nice and You keep going with them.

Oct 21, 2003, 02:11 AM
Aww.. Please don't mention the NOL thing.. I don't know how many times I would have to race to snatch out my VMU.. That sucked.. Not to mention when I finally was NOL'ed I was lvl 79.. ::cries for his char::

Oct 22, 2003, 03:03 AM
it was great before the first age of the game shark. but now... it's hard to find good people in america and develop a roster of reliable available players without exopsing yourself.

but it's nowhere near as bad it was towards the end of DC v1. that was just disgusting.

Oct 22, 2003, 06:08 AM
Take this from someone who's been out the system for a while...
I played GC online from day 1, and it was great. After a couple of months though, I stopped, because other I was playing other games and the fee didn't seem to be worth it.
But just the last few days I've been getting these....cravings I guess, for PSO. I played offline for a day, but it just wasn't the same. So I signed up again yesterday http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
Sometimes you'll play with 'hardcore' players, who aren't very friendly, and who just care about exp or items. You'll advance your character a bit, but not have much fun. Sometimes you'll find jerks.
But about once in every 2 games, you'll meet some nice guys, and then this just becomes the Best Game Ever™ You'll blast through whatever level, and get to a boss at the end. And (Dark Falz is the best for this) you'll all run around screaming, ressing, battering, and just clinging on for dear life. And the buzz you get from winning is totally different from offline.

It's good to be back http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 22, 2003, 07:10 AM
Aww.. Please don't mention the NOL thing.. I don't know how many times I would have to race to snatch out my VMU.. That sucked.. Not to mention when I finally was NOL'ed I was lvl 79.. ::cries for his char::
Dont tell me you saved!

Oct 22, 2003, 08:05 AM
Admitedly I have not been Online much with PSO ( and I won't be able to go Online for a long time untill I have sorted out my new internet connections and all [it's a miracle I am even online and at PSO world right now] ) so I am probably not he best person to take Online advice from but I don't think it is that bad.

I did have one bad expereince ( it was not even all that bad, just caught me by suprise at a time when I did not have any patience ) where I logged on and 10 or so guys flocked towards my Hunewearl and started sending naughty messages to me, I tried to laugh it off at first ( heck, I am a guy, so I found some humour in it ) but I quickly lost my temper and quit my game when I realised they wern't gpoing to stop, I kind of felt violated like I had been gang raped or somthing. Anyway by far most of my experiences Online have been pleasureable. I have met and spoken to some very nice people so I know that they are out there, you just have to know where to avoid. The main reason why the above mentioned experience stands out in my mind as being soo bad was that I was still vey new to being Online, I had no idea where to go or what I was suposed to do, all I wanted to do was play Online with others or maybe to converse with my fellow PSO players, instead I encountered this mob.

I have not encountered any racists ( which is especially good since I am a mulato. ie. half black, half white ) or anbody else that means any real harm to others.

Unquestionably, there are alot of scum out there but you know what, there are also alot of nice guys out there as well.

Oct 22, 2003, 03:19 PM
I hate the people int the lobbys that do the same symbol chat over and over and over again. Thats prob the only thing that really annyos me about this game. i think alot of kids like 12 and 13 play and you know how they can be, some kids r cool but most are annyoying. The online experiance if awsome offline is only a alturative or me if somones using the cabel modem! Try it for a month, its free!

Oct 22, 2003, 04:22 PM
On 2003-10-19 06:22, Hoax wrote:
Is the Online experience all what people make it out to be? I would have to say no, after reading some of the threads that people have made about how people are racist, abuse the system and hack and cheat their way to the top it makes the online reality of PSO very scary, I was considering going online with my GC to primarily play PSO but by what I have read these last few days I am reconsidering. So basically is their any reason to go online with PSO or will I be much happier playing offline by myself?


it aint that bad, just find some people your comfertable playing with(and dont go to Vega 1:1) like i usually play with my online buddies in Altair 4 where not a lot of people play.

basically just meet some nice people, get there guild cards, and meet up with them through PMs in game and PSOW or some other site