View Full Version : Movie quest. serious question.

Oct 19, 2003, 11:36 PM
Okay, so I ve gone through this quest a couple of times now and finally got that dam shiva stone. Gallon tells me that to comeback later and he will reward me for that stone. I was told by some DC vets that there was a quest where you could exchange that stone in order to get a legit heart of poumn or something like that. So im assuming that eventually ST will bring that follow up quest some time later.

Now my question is to a certain area in the cave area. There are two parts where you are beimg chase by fire. My question refers to the first one. I have noticed that after that smasher thing,around the last stretch there are three buttons. Its kinda hard to press those buttons in time as the smasher thing seems to obtruct ones view. But anyway, has anyone ever pushed those buttons? If you have, what happens. Do you even know what im talking about.

Please if you don't have any info that will help dont replie kthxbye