View Full Version : Duping in Japan??

Apr 2, 2001, 12:57 PM
Last night I was playing on some japanese servers and in two games, I saw THREE heavens punishers! I used to play there a lot because there were nicer people and almost no dupes... Did I just run into a little bad luck or is it becoming a serious problem there too?

Apr 2, 2001, 01:13 PM
From my experience, they dupe as much as anyone else. I do think they are amongst the most decent and polite people to play with though.

I love going on the JP servers - I know just about enough romaji to get by which works in my favour as they seem to appreciate it when you make an effort to speak their language (even if it's not in the most ideal fashion!)

I also get a lot more response when I go on as Laluki (tiny FOnewearl) rather than Sisqua (big armoured RAmar). I often play with 3 other JP players, all of us tiny little cute girlies. It's a comical sight.

Someone somewhere else made the comment about going onto the JP Servers and feeling like a giant. It's very true - the majority of characters are very small - there are hardly any of those huge great hulking androids you see on the Euro/US servers.


Apr 2, 2001, 02:11 PM
On 2001-04-02 11:13, Sisqua wrote:
I often play with 3 other JP players, all of us tiny little cute girlies. It's a comical sight.

LOL! It's so true. My Aviendha is a giant compared to most Japanese players. The last time I played on a server I was head and shoulders about the other 3 players. Very amusing.

With regards to the duping on Japanese servers, I have not witnessed any but I'm sure it exsists. Japanese players on a whole are awesome PSO players but If the possiblilty of cheating exsists someone will always do it.

Apr 2, 2001, 02:57 PM
Well, some Japanese do duplicate. I love how the majority of the time someone sees certain people with certain weapons, the person carrying the weapon is automatically assumed to be a duper. So what if the Japanese people you saw carried Heaven's Punishers? The Japanese have been playing the game alot longer, couldn't it be just that all three found one? (I know I'm going out on a long ledge here . . ) Also, maybe they decided to get together and make a "Heaven's Punisher" group because they were so happy all three of them got one and they wanted to show off and do something cool! Eh, who knows? But, damn. Don't just assume people are dupers because they've got a better arsenal than you. Next thing you know, you get your own Heaven's Punisher and start using it and people will start assuming you're a duper. What goes around comes around, guy. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif

Apr 2, 2001, 03:58 PM
I thought that you got heavens punisher and
lavis cannon as well as nei and sonic knuckles from the pso cup in japan.

Apr 7, 2001, 07:32 PM
[i]If there are dupers in Japan, the ratio is a lot smaller. For the US players, it's like 30:100, where as the Japanese players are about 1:100. I played with some rare items, and then gave some others away to the people I was playing with, and one person that I was playing with thought that I wasa duper. I didn't care, since it doesn't matter what people think I do. I do havea gameshark, but I promised myself not to use it on my original character, Umi. I own't ever use it on her, since I've worked hard to get where she is. Since in my house, there are 3 VMUs, a 4x, and a GS, there are 8 files to go around my two brothers and I, I have three files. I've been playing around with a FOnewearl, I'm not serious about hte character, so if I lose it, it won't matter. I gave my character some materials and a perfect/resist, since Forces kinda suck in my opinion, but that's it. I duped a couple of items, just to see what they looked like, after I saw them, I got rid of them.