View Full Version : Worst Boss

Oct 21, 2003, 08:40 AM
who is your least favorate Boss?

Oct 21, 2003, 09:04 AM
Hmm, what about the Ultimate Episode 1 bosses?

Oct 21, 2003, 09:09 AM
i like them all the same but some could give more exp ^-^;

Oct 21, 2003, 09:13 AM
Barba Ray.

Landing Damage from BarbaRay=insta death for Melee-ers/anyone.

Oct 21, 2003, 01:14 PM
I would have said Vol Opt Ver 2... but you didn't have it... not up to Ult yet I guess...
Anyways I just chose barba ray because in Ult those Yellow Worm things Paralyze you instead of just confusing you...
*Goes back to killing Barba Ray on Ult*
Drop a... Double Brand you bastard...

Oct 21, 2003, 01:15 PM
Gal Gryphon, he's a big lug who can be very annoying if you make a mistake. Especially in Ultimate, his foot stomp seems to be a one hit kill to my HUnewearl. I learned to use a gun... But then it ook much longer than I wold have hoped to kill him :/

Oct 21, 2003, 01:51 PM
well I would say val opt ver.2, that stupid gibarta kills me instantly, so its impossible to do by myself online, other then that, I would say maybe gol dragon is annoying, but nothing that really bothers me

Oct 21, 2003, 02:00 PM
Barba Ray just takes so long to kill...

Oct 21, 2003, 02:24 PM
Barba Ray is annoying, but it took me longer to kill Da Ral Lie on Ultimate than it did Barba Ray, so...*shrugs*

Vol Opt v.2 is still the worst, though. Damn paralysis.

Oct 21, 2003, 02:35 PM

You have to w8 4 him to get on the ship and u get paralyzed so much

Oct 21, 2003, 02:43 PM
I voted (Sil) Dragon because I like boss fights to last and he has so low HP >_< a 1 minute fight is so annoying !

Oct 21, 2003, 03:28 PM
Vol Opt because, um, well if you don't have a good team it just takes forever with all that shock and stuff.

Oct 21, 2003, 03:35 PM
Gal Gryphon. He's the biggest offender of the "Episode II bosses have barely any HP" fiasco. He may be cool-looking, but geez, you can kill him in five seconds flat. What a challenge. -.-;

Oct 21, 2003, 03:41 PM
There are none that I hate. The only boss that I have yet to defeat is Ult. Dark Falz.. I haven't bothered yet. I have been to busy doing Ult. Caves and Addicting Food runs to try to find a Red Sword from Melqueek.. I have found 4 Cure/Poison, 3 Demo Comets, 3 Guilty Lights, couple'a Durandals, tons of Diska of Braveman, 1 Sacred Guard, and some Photon Drops... But nothing that I really want('cept the Demo Comets) I want my damned RED SWORD!!!

But anyway, I like all bosses equally.

Oct 21, 2003, 05:10 PM
Gol Dragon. The cheap b*st*rd always freezes you, and has other elements too.

Oct 21, 2003, 09:00 PM
The griphon annoys me because sometimes he wont sit still hes either flying around throwing tornados or charging around in circles. Also he can shock you with 2 attacks the one from the sky and the beams that come out of him on the ground... its just too much.

Oct 21, 2003, 09:10 PM
MERIFUCKINGCAROL. Jesus monkey Christ, there is just -no- way to safely fight him as a HUmar. Your techs have range as bad as your handgun, if not worse. Your Rabarta isn't going to be freezing him much. Handgun range isn't far enough to escape the BALLS OF INSTA-DEATH(Yeah, you can dodge them, but then when were you planning on actually -attacking- him?), and being on top of him doesn't help much either unless you manage to destroy him before he does his Megid-type crap. Ugggghhh. Give me a room full of Delbiters and Mil Lillies with L30 Megid before fricking Mericarol. Haaate Mericarol.

Er, as for actual bosses, Gol Dragon. Blech. What a miserable fight. Spend the whole time either shocked or frozen. I'm surprised I didn't die before he did. Ugh. At least Gal Gryphon was cool... Now there was a fight that was actually fun and required me to actually form some sort of strategy, since he could OHKO me with a couple of his attacks... That and his music, arena, and he himself are rather cool.

...Barba Ray isn't a problem. Well, he is if you don't know what you're in for. XD I remember when I fought him with my HUmar. I had like, two Antiparalysis on me and no Sol Atomizers... Mwah. Spent most of the fight waiting to be poisoned by the spikes so I could attack again(And since when the hell do you have to wait for Barba Ray to get on the raft? Dude, you do the same exact damn thing you do with De Rol Le/Dal Ra Lie: BRING A FRIGGING SLICER-TYPE IF YOU'RE A HUNTER. You'd be amazed how quickly that pants damage adds up when it's done to multiple sections at once. I mean, you hit 5 sections for, say, 150 with a normal attack, that's 750 damage - Per hit in a combo. And that's assuming you don't do Normal-Heavy-Heavy.)

Ult Falz is Uber super OMGWTF _CHEAP_, but still a pussy. Olga Flow pisses me off, because he's the only boss I've yet to beat on Ult... Rawr.

Oct 21, 2003, 09:28 PM
In the end, I narrowed it to Gol Dragon and Barba Ray. Reason I hate Gol is the elemental attacks shock or freeze me, which can be fixed by units. Reason I hate Barba Ray is He's just PLAIN ANNOYING! So, I chose Barba Ray http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Oct 21, 2003, 09:37 PM
I guess i'll be the first to say Dark Falz he's just long and tireing his first form the litlle spike things floating around makes little sense and isnt very fun, his 3rd is just a pain because its so hard to hit him and the others are just ok.
Plus I have no motivation to kill him cause he dosent drop anything, or barily ever does.

Oct 21, 2003, 10:05 PM
ugh.....I hate dark falz's second form (the one after the chariot rider thing) in ult....not because it's strong, just incredably cheap. none of his attacks can kill me in one hit, but with at least 3 they can. his barta shot thing will freeze me, then gives one or two more hits, thus killing me. and then, if I somehow lived, I'm still frozen and the the darvents come and finish the job. he pisses me off.

Oct 22, 2003, 01:29 AM
You see, there's a reason you master shaking out of ice when frozen. With the right timing, you can get unfrozen in about half a second.

My most hated boss would be De Rol Le, but only because of how much HP it has on normal, when you fight it and you don't really have a good assortment of multi-target options. Other than that, all the bosses are easy if you're well-equipped, have enough HP to survive their attacks, and know what you're doing.

Oct 22, 2003, 08:20 PM
On 2003-10-21 19:37, Sockey wrote :
I guess i'll be the first to say Dark Falz he's just long and tireing his first form the litlle spike things floating around makes little sense and isnt very fun, his 3rd is just a pain because its so hard to hit him and the others are just ok.
Plus I have no motivation to kill him cause he dosent drop anything, or barily ever does.

39 000 exp offline, 50 000 online, 'nuff said.

And when will people learn that damage inflicted to body parts of De Rol Le, Barba Ray, Dal Ra Lie, Vol Opt and Vol Opt ver.2 does NOT deal 100% damage ??

I never thought of Mericarol as a Lv15 technique user. Hasn't you Zonde enough range ? well my Ranger has rifles, my Hunter freeze traps and my Forces Lv 30 Zonde http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I still think bosses should have WAY more HP.

Oct 22, 2003, 08:23 PM
gol dragon and the sil dragon i hate the view when you get close to them it so annoying when as a hunter it's the easiast way to kill

Oct 22, 2003, 09:41 PM
On 2003-10-22 18:20, Kefka wrote:

39 000 exp offline, 50 000 online, 'nuff said.

And when will people learn that damage inflicted to body parts of De Rol Le, Barba Ray, Dal Ra Lie, Vol Opt and Vol Opt ver.2 does NOT deal 100% damage ??

I never thought of Mericarol as a Lv15 technique user. Hasn't you Zonde enough range ? well my Ranger has rifles, my Hunter freeze traps and my Forces Lv 30 Zonde :P

I still think bosses should have WAY more HP.

Yeah, but 39k exp ain't worth dying a thousand times and getting the synchro on your Mag down to 20%. >_< I can do that just running through half of Seabed Upper Levels if I don't pay attention to what I'm doing enough.

What -does- it deal, then, if not 100% damage? My FOmar working through Normal-VHard consistently took Vol Opt's second form down in 2-4 Gizondes with a Gizonde Merge. My FOnewearl, with Zonde Merge and Club of Zumiuran and a higher level of Zonde, took 7 or so. Ditto whacking DRL/BR with a Slicer/Partisan vs with a Handgun/Saber

Well good for you. My FOmar, who's the only one who has a chance in hell of getting to CCA other than my HUmar, who's been there and done that, has L29 Gizonde. I'm sure he could bitchslap it six ways to sunday in no time. Zonde doesn't do much good as a HUmar. Nothing does, really. My Resta heals less than half my HP, and I use a Mag with 60 levels of MIND on it. L15 techs aren't particularily speedy, either, although I suppose I could have a decent chance of keeping it something resembling stunned constantly, being male. Uber unarmed casting speed and all that. He's still a HUmar, though, and his MST is still going to suck no matter what you do to it. I mean, it maxes somewhere in the 700s. My FOmar has more than that -now- at L101. Bad MST+No tech boosts+pissy tech level = You whip that stuff out for -fun-. *slaps some God/Minds and a 160 MIND Mag on HUmar* 732. Oooh, pretty shiny gold number. And even with that and a Gizonde Merge, he still manages 216 at best to stuff. >_>; The only advantage a HUmar really gets out of having techs is that Jellen rapes things.

Bosses could have more HP, yeah. I want monsters to have -less- HP. -_-; It takes longer to kill a Sinow Zoa in Seabed, and the risk is about a billion times greater, than it does to kill Sil Bob. Sil Bob doesn't kill me. If things go exactly wrong enough, Zoas -will-. -_-;

Oct 23, 2003, 07:44 AM
Worst boss fight is the easy Gol Dragon if u got cure freeze and shock he aint gonna last over 20 seconds.

Oct 23, 2003, 08:17 AM
3 words: De rol le


The same could be said for Barba Ray, but I like the music so I don't mind spending an eternity fighting it.

Oct 24, 2003, 09:13 AM
Gol Dragon.

freeze + fire + zap = x_x

cheap x 3

Oct 24, 2003, 02:32 PM
Gol Dragons pretty annoying so I'd have to say he's my least favourite. But its always fun to fight some big ole badies.

Oct 24, 2003, 07:15 PM
4 me, barbuari is ok because just use the de rolle trick on him.

Oct 24, 2003, 07:27 PM
Barba Ray because his not as fun as fighting De Rol Le.

Oct 24, 2003, 09:54 PM
i like all the bosses, except for the ultimate ones... you should have included them in the pole