View Full Version : My dog was just put to sleep because of cancer.

Oct 21, 2003, 07:38 PM
My dog Cody, a golden retriever, As of 1:00 PM today, was put to sleep. He had cancer and was in a ton of pain.

We knew before he had died that something was wrong with him. First off, he was an obese dog, like 160 pounds. He first started showing signs of him getting sick when he wouldn't eat his dog food. He still was eating people food for a bit, but then stopped eating that food, too. So, we brought him to the vet. They did blood tests, and found nothing.

Well, now he was loosing weight, and in one week, he lost 20 pounds.

(Also, in this week, he started to, well... poop with no texture.... It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. And plus, on white carpet... it stained it bad.)

So, doing this for another 2 weeks and loosing around 30 pounds, we took him back with a poop sample. They did another blood work test on him and tested the poop.

Well, the test results came back positive for cancer.

See, we could take care of the dog as long as he isn't in pain. This was 2 weeks ago.

Well, today, he wasn't even moving. He wouldn't get up. (No, he wasn't dead, he had his eyes open). While I was in school, my parents put him to sleep.

I forget what kind of cancer it was.

I just really wanted to clear my mind. At least he didn't get what I got before all this happened. If he had, he probably would have been in twice as much pain.

Well, rest in peace old buddy.
I'll post a picture of him later.


Oct 21, 2003, 08:50 PM
Intimidacius feels your pain. Unfortunately, you can only get his sympathy over the internet. He can't offer much comfort, so he will try. Cody is no longer in pain. You will not have to worry about him suffering any more. May sound hokey, but think about it.

To Cody

Oct 21, 2003, 09:24 PM
i'm so sorry =( but your doggie is not in pain anymore

Oct 21, 2003, 09:45 PM
I'm sorry... I know how it feels, I had a Black Lab that I had gotten for my birthday, and it started acting sick... I found out he had heartworms.

He died on Thanksgiving Evening...

Oct 22, 2003, 01:00 AM
This post lost some seriousness due to the fact that you said poop. Repeatedly.

Sucks about the dog though.

Oct 22, 2003, 01:14 AM
Reminds me of how my golden retriever spent her last days. I know you weren't there for when your Cody was put down, but after seeing my own golden put down, I can tell you that he probably looked very calm. It's refreshing to see how calm they are once they're gone, after seeing them in pain for a few weeks.

Oct 22, 2003, 01:35 AM
they're sedated before anaesthesized so there is no pain, just good stuff!

it was his time though.

post a pic!

Oct 22, 2003, 05:28 AM
It was good that it was put to sleep...when I was 14 my dog was hit by a car and flung off into a ditch. When I found it I had to...well...put it out of its misery.

Oct 22, 2003, 05:59 AM
You have my sympathy. I know what it is like to loose a pet ( I once had two dogs, both got poisoned and died ) and I think I have a pretty good idea what you are ging through, a pet isn't just an animal, it is a friend, in many ways it is a member of the family.

My older sister went through a similar thing, she had a 10 year old Rotweiler who developed cancer, eventually she had to put her ( the dog's name was Hanni and it was a she ) to sleep because it just got soo bad and Hanni was in soo much pain.

Oct 22, 2003, 06:16 PM
Afew years ago I had to put my chihuahua down because of cancer. I had her since I was two, and she had to be put down when she was 16. She lived a nice long life, and even though she had seizures all through her life, she was loved and taken care of.

It's hard to give them up, but trust me, it's better that they go peacefully than suffer clear through the end. Don't be sad or upset that you did'nt get to be there when Cody was finally let go(and trust me, I know it was important to you), think of it that he did'nt have to wait those extra hours in pain, and he was taken care of immediately.

My poodle-terrier mix had been attacked by a german shepherd years ago, and because of her thick coat, we did'nt realise what the german shepherd had done. We thought she just had the usual bites and so on, no blood loss, just like a little scrap. We put her in the basement for the night out of the weather and away from the dog so she could be safe, only to go down in the morning to see blood all over. We immediately took her to the vet and they said they'd have her taken care of and cleaned up.

I was to get off school the next day to go pick her up, and I was excited all day, and when I got off the bus I was glad to go get her. But as soon as I got in the car, I was told that when they clipped her hair, they saw a massive bite across her back. The german shepherd had crunched her spinal column, but hadn't done immediately damage. What it did was cause swelling, and punctured something vital, so there was an infection. When they clipped away the hair, torn meat came out from where she was bit, and she had to be put down due to the severity.

Not being there when she was put down, nor being able to bring her home made me feel bad, what made me feel bad was that we had her in the basement all night(it had happened around 11pm) so she'd be safe and secure, and we did'nt realise the extent of the injury, so all night she bled and was suffering and we never knew it. Thats what hurt the most.

Be glad Cody did'nt suffer for long, he was taken care of right when he needed it, and thats what really matters.

Oct 22, 2003, 10:51 PM
This was... what? Maybe 4 years ago. He hadn't changed much from this picture, except a few specks of white near his nose and mouth.

When I had time to see him for 2 weeks, you could see the areas of his skull, because he lost so much weight.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2003-10-22 20:55 ]</font>

Oct 24, 2003, 07:07 AM
Getintothe game, you have my condolences. We lost our dog a little over two years ago to diabetes and old age. My thoughts are with you mate.

May the best memories remain.

Oct 24, 2003, 03:20 PM
The same thing happened to my kitty.. poor poor kitty. I see how much it it must hurt to have lost a good unhuman friend. =(
As long as you have pictures of him still

Oct 24, 2003, 09:44 PM
When I was little we had the largest-recorded chocolate lab in all of Montana (not obese, he was the tallest), but he wasn't large enough to survive a dumb-ass "Shwan's"-man. I remember the pain I went through (was about 6), so I know how you must feel.

I'm sorry for your loss GITG, maybe my bro can drive over from Bozeman and cheer you up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif