View Full Version : My Fanfic (Before the Pioneer project)

Oct 22, 2003, 05:51 PM
Here is a Fanfic I made, Chapter 1 of it , It takes place on Coral before the Pioneer project.

Chapter 1 : Start of the beginning.

Narrator : In the small town of Ishkiri on a quiet small populated planet called "Coral" a young boy named Cezton is out doing his chores not knowing what he will stumble apon this brave boy will suceed through the depths of the worst.

*Voice from the distance* "Hey Cezton !" Says the voice. "Whaaa!?" says Cezton , "Oh hey! tsumia" shouts Cezton. "Where are you headed" says Tsumia. ", "To the market" shouts Cezton.
"OH!" says Tsumia, "Can I come along?" , "Sure" says Cezton. As they head for the market they have no idea what will happen. "Hey Cezton .. I better be going home, If you want I can wait up at the top of the hill and we can walk there" says Tsumia.. "Ok, just wait I have to deliver this package to Shein" says Cezton. "Okkeeyy" says Tsumia.

Cezton walks up to the counter of the Mail department.

"Hey Shein, Heres a package from my mother" says Cezton. "Cool man , I'll stamp this one down" queeks Shein. "See ya around Shein" says Cezton.

Cezton runs towards the hill and him and Tsumia head to Tsumia's house. "Hey Cezton wanna go up to the Mountain for a few minutes?" says Tsumia..
"Umm ok.." says Cezton. They head up the steep mountain and venture to a dark green field. "This is where we will train when he get pass grade school" says Tsumia, "Yeah this place is great training grounds" says Cezton. "Hey wanna check out that caves" says Cezton.

They walk into the dark misty cave.

"Whooaa, I feel as if there are 100's of shadows among us" says Tsumia...

* Cezton trips in the lose rock and tumbles down a steep rocky path and is unconscious

"CEZTON!!" says Tsumia...

* Cezton enters a deep dream world and see's his father years before.. With a sword of some sort..

* Cezton resumes conscious

"Whoaa..." says Cezton

"Are you alright!?!?!" says Tsumia..

"Yes, I think" says Cezton..

"I saw.. then it ..." mumbled Cezton.. "You had a rough fall, we better head back" shriekes Tsumia.

* In the distance Cezton notices a faint glow.

"Whaa..What's that ?!" says Cezton

* Cezton walks to the glow and leaves Tsumia behind in the faint misty dark part of the cave.

"Whoa! a sword" whisperes Cezton.

* As he pulles it out of the rusted, percelded rock he feels an urge of strength and power veiling in his finger tips. He urges it out of the rock and he does so. The ground shakes.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE CEZTON" screames Tsumia.
"Yeah!" says Cezton.

* They run swiftly out the dark deserted cave.
when they get outside they notice the sky clearing up as if there was just a storm, As this is done, Cezton quicky admires his new find.

"Whoa.." spoons Cezton
"Thats cool Cezton" says Tsumia
"TSUMIA!!" screams a voice in the distance, "I'll cya tomorrow shouts Tsumia as she sprints out of sight"

The beginning of a new adventure? This is chapter 1 of a new legend and what may very well be something that will change Coral history.

Main Keywords:

Cezton - A young teenage boy.
Tsumia - A young teenage girl who is freinds with Cezton.
Shein - A male worker at the market.

My email

[email protected]

I'm working on Chapter 2!

Oct 22, 2003, 06:20 PM
4 words:
i like it!!!!!!!
(the !!!!! counts as a word, right? RIGHT?)

Oct 23, 2003, 04:56 AM
A little short, but that was just chapter one, so it is understandable. Please continue your story as soon as you can.