View Full Version : If U Lived In PSO!!

Oct 23, 2003, 12:48 AM
I know this has nothing to do with items or weapons. But If u woke up the next day and found your self living in the PSOW. What class would u wanna be!? Who would u be!? And Why!?

Oct 23, 2003, 12:52 AM
I would be a RAmar . I would be a Ranger no one hardly new about kinda like a bounty but still apart of pioneere , i would be known as the "Slient Sniper" my skills would be unlimited.I like rangers they have kool weapons and shooter things specialy enemies and Olga Flow get all the anger out if u know what i mean.! (LOL)

Oct 23, 2003, 01:12 AM
Living in PSO would be absolutely horrible. I mean, do you really want to spend the rest of your life living on a spaceship, under the rule of a ridiculous government riddled with corruption and lies, with a job that's incredibly likely to get you killed at a young age? Oh, sure, in the game, you wax Falz and Olga and everything else like it's nothing at all, but in real life? Those injuries would hurt, and they would bleed, and you'd get rather interesting scars, and you might get infected with the D-type factor, or assassinated for knowing too much, or all sorts of nasty unpleasant stuff. And you would have probably had family or friends or both on Pioneer 1, how would you like to have the knowledge that the people you cared about are just... Gone..., and you can't even bury them and move on? No thanks, I'll pass. @_@;

Oct 23, 2003, 02:30 AM
I'd be a HUmar. All that I can say about my life in the game is that I would be a merc... not a hunter. All my jobs would be under the table and there would be no questions asked.

Olga Flow would be a mere weakling compared to my tactics.

Oct 23, 2003, 03:36 AM
I would be a FOmar, living in a house in a faraway part of Forest, and would be known as "The forest Guru", living with my Barbarous wolf pet... a quiet and peaceful live in harmony with nature.

Oct 23, 2003, 04:16 AM
I'd be the ridiculous chao living in the Ragol forest playing wacky music. Oh and little do they know, I'm actually dark falz in disguise, I'm the real cause of the explosion http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Oct 23, 2003, 04:28 AM
I`d be a ramar who do the job for his owne .... no quest ..... hunt the hunter ...kill the monster make all people fear from hearing my name http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Oct 23, 2003, 04:36 AM
I'd be the guy pk'ing people and doing that nifty freeze trick from the DC version. Yes thats right, not only would I freeze you, but I'd sit and read the most horrendously boring story I had in memory and tell it in explicit and minut detail in an annoying accented voice of my choosing...all while having you frozen with your eyes wide open so they get dried out and filmed over, and so you could'nt fall asleep.

..then after I was done I'd pk you, take your rare weapon, or even normal weapon if thats what it were, and sell it if I did'nt already have one.

...and through this freezing ability...I'd be almost like a god. =D

..except without that omnipotence and all-powerfulness.

But you'd all ph34r me. >=O

...or something.

Oct 23, 2003, 04:51 AM
On 2003-10-23 02:36, ABDUR101 wrote:
I'd be the guy pk'ing people and doing that nifty freeze trick from the DC version. Yes thats right, not only would I freeze you, but I'd sit and read the most horrendously boring story I had in memory and tell it in explicit and minut detail in an annoying accented voice of my choosing...all while having you frozen with your eyes wide open so they get dried out and filmed over, and so you could'nt fall asleep.

..then after I was done I'd pk you, take your rare weapon, or even normal weapon if thats what it were, and sell it if I did'nt already have one.

...and through this freezing ability...I'd be almost like a god. =D

..except without that omnipotence and all-powerfulness.

But you'd all ph34r me. >=O

...or something.

Damn man, I'd be watching my back for you http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Myself...I'd probably be a HUmar. I would more than likely spend the majority of my days hiding in bushes waiting for HUnewearls to pass by so I could get a good look at them http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 23, 2003, 07:28 AM
LOL cool topic

I'd be a HUmar,
that chills now and then in his house on the seaside.
I tamed (sp?) gal gryphon and is now my means of transport.
No more warping, I am going to fly to any place on Ragol http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
Now and then I would meet the nurses in the Hospital for some "therapy" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
And I would make a place(on Pioneer 2 or Ragol) where you could get a drink,
because you can't get a drink anywhere on Pioneer 2 atm!
It is like PSO doens't have a "nightlife" atm.
That's sad if you ask me.

Oct 23, 2003, 07:43 AM
I would be a HUnewearl and I'd try to date any other HUnewearl and, possibly, FOnewearl. Uhm... pon pon hats... BOUNCING!!! O_o;;;

Oct 23, 2003, 08:24 AM
I'd be a FOmar because, to put it plain and simple, FOmars own everything.

Oct 23, 2003, 09:27 AM
I'd be the one that just got slaughtered by the pissed off Delsaber.. Yes that sounds like my luck..

Oct 23, 2003, 09:30 AM
I would be a Delsaber. Train all the other Delsabers to follow my lead.

Tacticts hit and run, play dead and such. But best trick would be to follow n00bs through their own damn telepipe and kick their azz on their own turf. WAHAHAHAH...uhmm yeah.

Not really, I would be Humar and train by myself to bring down Dark Falz.

Oct 23, 2003, 09:41 AM
Id be the PSO equivalent of that guy in Star Trek that would always get liquified at the beginning of each episode. What was his name again? Enseign Jones?

Oct 23, 2003, 10:35 AM
Wow... some of these answers are just... interesting... but cool none the less...

I would stay as a Hunter, and I'd probably be a HUmar... my weapon of choice would naturally be Katanas, even if they are fake forges... and I'd be the guy no one knew about because I'd be the guy who would only talk when it was neccessary... or to insult someone... so I guess everyone would just think I was some sort of quiet guy... or something...

Oh yeah... and if I have my way and get lucky and stuff, maybe I'll find myself a nice FOmarl to be with......

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Naagata_Clan on 2003-10-23 08:36 ]</font>

Oct 23, 2003, 11:09 AM
Id be a FOmar,

I wouldnt always have to Sink my Teeth into Monsters, I can just Blow them Up when theyre far with RAfoie http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

and when They are Close, KATANA TIME!!

Oct 23, 2003, 11:47 AM
On 2003-10-22 22:48, TekkamanBlade wrote:
I know this has nothing to do with items or weapons. But If u woke up the next day and found your self living in the PSOW. What class would u wanna be!? Who would u be!? And Why!?

In a manner of speaking, I think some of the people around here already DO live in the world of PSO...

Anyway... I'd be a RAmar... For more details on how that works out... Heh, read The Recollection of Crankshaft, or even better yet, my upcoming fic, The Recollection of VanGarrett... That's me!

Oct 23, 2003, 12:47 PM
I'd have to agree with Ian as far as living in the actual PSO world. If I didn't have to go up against two demigods anytime in my life, though, then I'd say a FOmar, which would match my personality perfectly. It's logical to assume forces are more intelligent than the other classes, not only because their primary fighting technique relies entirely on the use of their mind, but also because in the game forces seem to have other, thought-requiring careers. Think of Dr. Montegue (sp?) and Alicia Baz.

Also, FOmar's accuracy is crap, which for me would make sense seeing as I wear glasses for long distance and I can't hit a three-foot wide target with a ball.

I guess I'd likely use a weapon, and so my weapon of choice would be a Monkey or Black King Bar. I realize in the game forces can't use these, but think about it. Who can't pick up a metal stick and swing it around a bit?

Also, when you think about it, Megid wouldn't be the only instant death tech in reality.

Oct 23, 2003, 12:57 PM
On 2003-10-23 10:47, Kadou wrote:
I'd have to agree with Ian as far as living in the actual PSO world. If I didn't have to go up against two demigods anytime in my life, though, then I'd say a FOmar, which would match my personality perfectly. It's logical to assume forces are more intelligent than the other classes, not only because their primary fighting technique relies entirely on the use of their mind, but also because in the game forces seem to have other, thought-requiring careers. Think of Dr. Montegue (sp?) and Alicia Baz.

I wouldn't necessarily say that they're smarter... Though I would suggest that they may be more self-aware and analytical. Seems to me that Rangers would have a higher tactical sense, and that Hunters would... well... hmm... Well, I suppose the elite of the Hunters would have to demonstrate more discipline than anyone else, really.

Oct 23, 2003, 01:05 PM
I wanna be Ill Gill!
Because people will speak of me with FEAR!
Even though they kill me the next moment. +D

Oct 23, 2003, 01:18 PM
I'd be a that HUmar you'd see trying to kill things with his bare hands ("Die, Booma!" MISS, MISS, MISS *Smack* *death*). And the next time you'd see me I'd have soiled myself in a fight with the dragon.

Oct 23, 2003, 01:43 PM
On 2003-10-23 10:57, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
I wouldn't necessarily say that they're smarter... Though I would suggest that they may be more self-aware and analytical. Seems to me that Rangers would have a higher tactical sense, and that Hunters would... well... hmm... Well, I suppose the elite of the Hunters would have to demonstrate more discipline than anyone else, really.

I know they wouldn't really be that much smarter. I was just being biased. After having made my very first (and still current) character a FOmar, I've gotten slightly prejudiced toward all you inferior non-forces. Expecially with all the polls and whatnot about people's opinions of a "good force." What, are we no greater than your dogs?

I know, I'm being rediculous in taking this somwhat seriously.

Oct 23, 2003, 01:53 PM
I'd just be some RAmar who, everyday, runs around saying very little but murders enemies without mercy. But, everyone else would have to come nad save me because my MST is so low. And then I would be in everyone's debt.


Oct 23, 2003, 02:32 PM
I'd head over to vega/antares and be a preacher. I'd wear a huge ass sign that reads "Think of teh Children." Then when people questioned me I pull a varista out in the lobby and rob their dupes. Then I'd sell them to the cute Item Shop lady in EP2. Yay! I'd probably stay lv001 forever though... Don't ask how I can equip a varista though. My secret. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oh yeah I'd be a RAcast. Why? Cause who doesnt want to be an android. Getting owned wouldn't hurt, plus I could stand around and heal myself.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Auracom on 2003-10-23 12:34 ]</font>

Oct 23, 2003, 02:42 PM
Ide be a FOmar pimp going around killing monsters getting neat force weapons. like rabbit wand and psycho wand ....hanging with all the FOnewearls and HUnewearls...

Oct 23, 2003, 03:23 PM
I'd be my FOmar Edgar. Bustin out BiZ Markie and Grand Master Flash tunes while chillin out on hte park bench with my HUmar boy Seig. We'd be takin odd jobs and helpin out the Po-Po (ghetto term for the police). Cuz my pop's friend is the cheif of police. When me and boy ain't doin nothin we're screwin around at our crap job workin for some stupid firm. Damn lawyers. Eat my RAFOIE!!!

I'd be totin my Red Saber(+75) and Seig would carry around his Sealed J-Sword, cuz you know, he thinks he can unseal it. Whatever. Boy be drinkin to damn much!

Oct 23, 2003, 03:49 PM
On 2003-10-23 12:32, Auracom wrote:
I'd head over to vega/antares and be a preacher. I'd wear a huge ass sign that reads "Think of teh Children." Then when people questioned me I pull a varista out in the lobby and rob their dupes. Then I'd sell them to the cute Item Shop lady in EP2. Yay! I'd probably stay lv001 forever though... Don't ask how I can equip a varista though. My secret. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oh yeah I'd be a RAcast. Why? Cause who doesnt want to be an android. Getting owned wouldn't hurt, plus I could stand around and heal myself.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Auracom on 2003-10-23 12:34 ]</font>

LOL!!!!!!! This is the best repsond ive seen to this topic LOL!!!

But i would go find me a sexy FOmarl , and take her down to ragol on a date blasting boomas and stuff. (LOL)

Oct 23, 2003, 06:18 PM
I know they wouldn't really be that much smarter. I was just being biased. After having made my very first (and still current) character a FOmar, I've gotten slightly prejudiced toward all you inferior non-forces. Expecially with all the polls and whatnot about people's opinions of a "good force." What, are we no greater than your dogs?

I know, I'm being rediculous in taking this somwhat seriously.


Anyways, in PSO, I'd be a FOdog, I love FO's, and I'd be a doggy! I'd melee mostly, with an occasional tech, probably Grants or Gifoie...

Could you imagine a dog meleeing and casting grants? XD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DOG21313 on 2003-10-23 18:24 ]</font>

Oct 23, 2003, 06:34 PM
I would be a HUmar having a relationship with a HUnewearl.

Oct 23, 2003, 07:11 PM
I'd be a FOmar.

If I'd get pissed at someone, I'd cast megid on them, and revive them. Then cast megid on them again.

And I'd have a pet rappy. Have 'em poke the people's eyes out!

Oct 23, 2003, 07:35 PM
On 2003-10-22 23:12, Ian-KunX wrote:
Living in PSO would be absolutely horrible. I mean, do you really want to spend the rest of your life living on a spaceship, under the rule of a ridiculous government riddled with corruption and lies, with a job that's incredibly likely to get you killed at a young age? Oh, sure, in the game, you wax Falz and Olga and everything else like it's nothing at all, but in real life? Those injuries would hurt, and they would bleed, and you'd get rather interesting scars, and you might get infected with the D-type factor, or assassinated for knowing too much, or all sorts of nasty unpleasant stuff. And you would have probably had family or friends or both on Pioneer 1, how would you like to have the knowledge that the people you cared about are just... Gone..., and you can't even bury them and move on? No thanks, I'll pass. @_@;

Hehehe i'm 100% agree, oh but if only...

I'd be a FOnewm who was the master of Barta techs, hummm i ran out of imagination... X_x'

Oct 23, 2003, 08:17 PM
HUmar mainly because i like the idea of fight enenmy with sowrd and daggers not cowering in the distance with a gun

Oct 23, 2003, 08:29 PM
On 2003-10-22 23:12, Ian-KunX wrote:
Living in PSO would be absolutely horrible. I mean, do you really want to spend the rest of your life living on a spaceship, under the rule of a ridiculous government riddled with corruption and lies, with a job that's incredibly likely to get you killed at a young age? Oh, sure, in the game, you wax Falz and Olga and everything else like it's nothing at all, but in real life? Those injuries would hurt, and they would bleed, and you'd get rather interesting scars, and you might get infected with the D-type factor, or assassinated for knowing too much, or all sorts of nasty unpleasant stuff. And you would have probably had family or friends or both on Pioneer 1, how would you like to have the knowledge that the people you cared about are just... Gone..., and you can't even bury them and move on? No thanks, I'll pass. @_@;

Aren't you the conspiracy theory guy? lol! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I actually don't like the idea of being the "general Hunter over there who's willing to risk his life". I'd rather do something a bit more vigilante like in Pioneer 2, etc. Something mercenary-ish, but not like Hunter's Guild. But all in all, a RAmar will do. (it'd be nice to have a RAcaseal as my partner ^_^)

Oct 23, 2003, 09:19 PM

I like to have a lot of versatility, so a balanced character like the FOmar is perfect for me.

Oct 23, 2003, 09:45 PM
I would be a crystal photon dealer, then use the excess meseta to trick hunters that apply at the guild to go out into a level infested with morfos, delsabers, delbiters, del lilies, baranz(s?) and ob lilies. All in tight compact spaces. Oh yeah, then when they die, i go hire stronger hunters to retrieve the gear that the weaker hunters dropped. Then i would proceed to accumlate rare items, repeat the process, saying each time, I LOST MY GEAR WHEN I GOT KILLED BY A DARK FALZ. Eventually, there would only be one hunter left. In an epic battle between myself and this aforementioned hunter, i somehow manage to fail. While i am lying on the ground, begging for forgiveness, and right before the hunter slays me for my evil deeds, s/he gets shot in the back by an ob lily, and dies... The End.

Oct 23, 2003, 10:44 PM
On 2003-10-23 19:45, Arinoma wrote:
I would be a crystal photon dealer, then use the excess meseta to trick hunters that apply at the guild to go out into a level infested with morfos, delsabers, delbiters, del lilies, baranz(s?) and ob lilies. All in tight compact spaces. Oh yeah, then when they die, i go hire stronger hunters to retrieve the gear that the weaker hunters dropped. Then i would proceed to accumlate rare items, repeat the process, saying each time, I LOST MY GEAR WHEN I GOT KILLED BY A DARK FALZ. Eventually, there would only be one hunter left. In an epic battle between myself and this aforementioned hunter, i somehow manage to fail. While i am lying on the ground, begging for forgiveness, and right before the hunter slays me for my evil deeds, s/he gets shot in the back by an ob lily, and dies... The End.

thats a good one.

I would be a human humter with the body shape of a racast with armor. I detest swords so i would be able to use any saber type weapon of my choice and rifles. this would also be my dream character on pso

Oct 23, 2003, 10:53 PM
I would have to go with RAmar since that is pretty much what I am in real life. A military trained rifle and pistol expert, and a decent swordsman as well. Not to mention the fact that I can fight with a bow staff. I would be sniping things left and right with my BRINGERS RIFLE, and sometimes just for laughs I would bust out my RED SABER and put the fear of God into the beasts on Ragol. I would also hook up with one of the nurses, yes, life would be sweet.

Oct 24, 2003, 01:58 PM
I would be a Tekker, probably the Pinkal One, but in Green Robes... I woudl sit in my littlekiosk and wait for Hunters to bring uber Rares to me in which I would see a Stag Cuttlery 30/40/50/20 with 15 Hit, I would then tell the hunter bringing this to me that it is a DB Saber -15/-5/-10/0, The hunter would then give me 100 more dollars to tell him again what it is... I'll know what it is, but in order to get more money out of the sukkah I'll continually give him bad identifications. After making about 30k from a hunter I will then tell him close to what it actually is and he'll leave satisfied and happy.
Now the best part is, I'll have a deal with the other shopkeepers for a buyback plan, if hte Hunter then takes a weapon that I ID'd to be very low when it was high and sells it to the shopkeepers i would buy it from them for a low price and donate it to the children.

Oh and lets not forget, in my spare time I will walk around Pioneer 2 telling every hunter that passes by not to forget to take enough Monomates.......

Oh the life of a Tekker.......

Oct 24, 2003, 09:23 PM
I would be a Fomar. I would live in the Shadows and only come out to fight. If I ever entered the lobby when it was daylight, I would cast Grants lv 30 on anyone who gave me the EYE.

Then Olga Flow comes outta nowhere. "What the Duece, unhand me you overgrown...ah...ah...my leg".


Oct 24, 2003, 09:26 PM
In another life, I'd be a secret spy sent on a mission to kill MOME - assasination. I'd be a member from the ever daunting "Black Paper".... hahaha.

Oct 24, 2003, 09:55 PM
I'd probably be a FOmarl aiding the nurses at the hospital. In my spare time and to earn some cash, I'd probably go and hunt lower level monsters.

No reckless action and killing for me! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Oct 24, 2003, 10:12 PM
I would have to be the ever-popular HUnewm class. Yes, the HUnewm. Basically the HUmar with the newm's funny walk, less atp, defence but with TP regeneration. Hey - if they can breed newmans for forces, they can breed some hunters too! (Yeah, I know about HUnewearls)

Oct 24, 2003, 10:40 PM
Bah, I'm bored, so I'll actually come up with an answer to this.

I'd be a half-human, half-newman male Hunter or Force(I would dress like a FOmar in the latter case.) with a mysterious, tragic past.

I'd live alone in a small, crappy apartment with my Mag, who would be my best friend. I'd get involved with the investigations on Ragol, but I'd still take quests. I'd be the kind of person whose involvement didn't end when they got paid, either - If I was worried about someone, or I liked them, I'd check up on them from time to time and become friends with them. I'd always give everything my best shot, even if it seemed hopeless. I wouldn't want to be the kind of person people spoke of with awe and fear. I'd want to be the kind of person people spoke of as a friend. A good, kind person who cared about people and did their best to protect their friends. The kind of person people could look to as a hero, I guess.

Meh, what can I say? As bitter and jaded as I try to get, I'm still one of those naive idealists who believes in stupid things like love and justice and friendship and all that rot.

Oct 25, 2003, 12:56 AM
RAmar, why because I would just sit 1000 yards away with a real sniper rifle to kill things for money. Then meet a nice Fonewearl and have a great life.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Slicer238 on 2003-10-24 22:57 ]</font>