View Full Version : lilly megid range/level boost

Oct 24, 2003, 06:59 AM
there i was, in ult caves, piping for mils in one of the long rooms (the common ones with the red hot "magma" coming down the sides), two ob lillys standing on the raised bit, two in front of them, when eventually a mil appears. now, fearing the instant death, i was standing out of range of the obs megid, and i started shooting the mil with my trusty red handgun, still well out of the obs megid range. the mil is being shot at, it does not fire off a megid. the three obs however, are free to shoot as many at me as they want, cos i know im out of range. but, and this is the killer, the ob lillys megid range is apparently boosted when there is a mil lilly in the room, i didnt know this, so all of a sudden
*SHHH* megid hits! no effect
*SHHH* megid hits! no effect
*SHHH* megid hits! oh dear *BUH* i die

i feel so stupid, like a n00b comin on here sayin "omg i saw a big rappy".....

Oct 24, 2003, 07:05 AM
I dont think you should feel stupid. I didnt know that happened, until I read your post, and I've been playing PSO since DC V1!.
It's just something that whether by fortune or misfortune never happened to you, so it's new for you. End of the story. You dont have to feel like a n00b.

P.S.:Good luck hunting Mil Lilys.

Oct 24, 2003, 07:49 AM
Actually, Ob Lilies have Lv 17 Megid, yet Mil Lilies have Random Lv Megid, and when a Mil Lily's in the room, the Ob Lilies will have the Mil Lily's Megid.
I have personally confirmed this in Temple, not in caves.

And I only learned about that recently, so don't feel bad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Oct 24, 2003, 10:07 AM
Heh, thats why whenever I venture into Caves in Ultimate, I make sure to equip one or two Resist/Devils just to bring my dark resistance to like 60 or so.

Just to make sure!

Oct 24, 2003, 11:51 AM
in my case it wasnt about resistance, it was range. my dark reistance was 60+, thats just enough to not really have to worry about ob lillys megid. itll maybe get me once about every 100 megids, and that second or third one just happened to be 1 in 100.
stupid mil lilly megid boost thing.
anyway, i know better for next time now, and so does everyone else who reads this.
learn from my mistake people!

Oct 24, 2003, 12:49 PM
That is why you don't stand and take megid in the ass! YOU MOVE AROUND IN A BIG CIRCLE!

Oct 24, 2003, 01:02 PM
Wow. Now I know not to just stand there whenever there's a mil in the room.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SuperDK on 2003-10-24 11:04 ]</font>

Oct 24, 2003, 01:49 PM
It also works for caves. The mil lily seems to have a greater megid lvl and it also boosts the megid power of the ob lilys in that room. like they said some of the resist/devils are good. I recommend delsaber sheild, brightness circle, and 3 devil resist for ob hunting or solo caves

Oct 24, 2003, 02:23 PM
gotta hate those mil lillies..

Oct 24, 2003, 02:50 PM
That's why I always bring a scape doll when telepiping for rare monsters.

Oct 24, 2003, 03:40 PM
Same thing happened to me. My first Mil, stand where i always stand out of range, BAM!!! im dead. Luckily i found one 10 min later. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 24, 2003, 03:48 PM
Light Relief has an equivalent Dark Resistance, if you don't have a Shield of Delsaber lying around.

Oct 24, 2003, 04:32 PM
here is a great newbe question for you... What do you mean by telepiping for monsters?(im a newbe)

Oct 24, 2003, 05:56 PM
On 2003-10-24 14:32, WGPOrical wrote:
here is a great newbe question for you... What do you mean by telepiping for monsters?(im a newbe)

Episode 1 Trick (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=723)
Episode 2 Trick (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=839)

Oct 24, 2003, 10:07 PM
Yeah, Milly Megid is random. I've had it be scary crap as big as I was, and I've had it be sub-Ob. *shrug* Keeps you on your toes, I guess, since you never know...