View Full Version : Is it possible?

Oct 25, 2003, 07:58 AM
I was wondering if it is possible to complete challenge mode in less then 7 hours (For the S-rank) with only 3 people.. their classes being HUmar, HUcast, and FOmarl..? If so could you please give some advice as well? TY.

Oct 25, 2003, 03:35 PM
well, i know its possible (although EXTREMELY difficult) with a 2p team with HUmar and HUcast... so adding a FOmarl can't hurt, can it? FOmarl, though is the worst cmode FO, so, if you can get the person to switch to another type, you would probably be better off as a whole.

Oct 26, 2003, 06:17 AM
My friends Delusion&Joe just completed 2P Challenge Mode in about ~6:35hours.

3ppl no problem.

Oct 26, 2003, 08:35 PM
On 2003-10-26 03:17, YujiNaka wrote:
My friends Delusion&Joe just completed 2P Challenge Mode in about ~6:35hours.

3ppl no problem.

thats a nice time. They must be good. Its take me like 20 mins for the first one. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PABLOparavida on 2003-10-26 17:36 ]</font>

Oct 27, 2003, 12:45 AM
You should be able to get under 5 hours with 3ppl, it just takes a lot of TA's in order to get good times.

Oct 28, 2003, 11:27 AM
On 2003-10-25 05:58, PhoenixOfHate wrote:
I was wondering if it is possible to complete challenge mode in less then 7 hours (For the S-rank) with only 3 people.. their classes being HUmar, HUcast, and FOmarl..? If so could you please give some advice as well? TY.

I guess you are talking about completing it offline, so I will post this one as if you meant so.
Yes, it is possible with 3 people, seen the fact that I finished it with my friends, but you wont be able to complete it with a TA spirit (its advised to always keep a scape instead of giving it to the FO (except if you have an exceptional team), Garanz cyrcling while others wait outside the room in C6, no shield shortcut on C9, 1 on 1 not a must because theres no dammage cancel offline,...).

In my team there was a HUcaseal, Humar and FOmarl. My partners are good gamers but still unfamiliar with PSO, so mates were used pretty fast.
I would highly advise to take a RA for anyone trying to finish it with 3 people. A RA is a life saver because he saves up mates and is especially usefull in C5-6 (takes out Canadines and keeps Sinows on a distance)
3 people instead of 4 means a lot more enemies to deal with for the players and a FO becoming pretty useless at the end of the stages.
Therefore the FO has to cast only when its needed and rely on the HUs to do the rest.

This decription below is for a team with 2 Hus and a FO and applies to the FO (being a key-person of the team)
For C2-4: only attack Guil sharks and Nano dragons (Pan in C4). If you see large groups of enemies, then you can line up and use you barta (touching 3-4 enemies at the same time is a good barta line-up)

C5-6: focus on the canadines (Hu cant use the lockgun due to a lack of ATA)(or attack Sinow if they aim a HU) and leave the rest for the HUs. Its also advised for the FO to play the lure-trick on the Sinows (they are the ones sucking the Hus mates if they try to face him 1 on 1, no matter what, so either lure them to a HU so the HU can attack him in the back or just let 2 HUs take him on at the same time (no dammage cancel in offline and no way for the Sinow to retaliate)

C7-8: the only 2 stages where the FO can cast a lot (thx to the 2 extra dolls from each hunter, for a total of 6 burnable scapes) Priority should always be the Delsaber (try to line up your barta to touch additional enemies if possible), zonde to the So Dimenian and Belra (until HU gets a good wep) and keep the party healthy with a good support (shifta on HU and zalure on enemies) 6 burnable scapes is good but not enough to waste it with gifoie (too expensive), only stick to normal techs (foie, zonde and barta)

For C9 its advised to keep the dolls untill the end. No shield shortcut advised and best to put on the light in every dark room as a priority (if possible, because some dont give you that chance)
All HU come with a buster at beginning, so the FO should only stick to support (not enough TP to attack a lot so FO should distract the enemies if possible like Belras by exemple (leaving them alone in a corner can be fatal, so just distract them untill the HU finish off the other enemies)
A Fomarl (although less TP and MST) has the most HP out of all the FO class, so she should be able to survive DF's Heaven Punisher.(other FO classes cant guarantee that unless you do find HP mats)

Thats about the most basic I can think off when trying to complete a 3 player C-mode offline.
All stages were cleared pretty easy with my teammates (except C6 who asked us a few retries) so I hope this can help out anyone else too.
Most important is still to have fun with it, earning an Srank time is more like a bonus to me (but I love my FO's broom http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Capricornus on 2003-10-28 08:31 ]</font>

Oct 30, 2003, 06:09 AM
All good tips.

I have been through offline C a couple of times, my friends and I currently have new teams on C9, C6, C4 and C3 respectively. The C6 and C9 teams are 3-man teams, we should finish both tonight.

The two teams are:



As Capricornus states the RAcl is very useful, however on average team 2 is proving more effective IF a decent gun the HUcl can use drops. As there's a fixed gun box available in many stages, this occurs quite often. In most stages the HUcl gets all power mats and ATA boosts, including mag feeding until she can use the necessary gun. After that it obviously goes to the HUcast.

Combine that with FOnl tech range and using Scapes to 'TP die', and the HUcast is rarely without high-damage ranged backup. The lack of damage cancel offline drastically changes gunplay in C-mode.

It really is a choice thing, only one thing is set in stone...

If you don't take a decent RA and that Dim Rifle with hit% drops, you'll be very pissed off. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif