View Full Version : Mag: FOmar Mag

Oct 27, 2003, 05:49 PM
Hey... This is my first post here. I'm new to having my own character on PSO, but I've played as them all. I finally have my own game! And luckily, my name turned me to a good ID. But I have one question. What's a good mag for a FOmar? I'm not online yet, so I'll have to be able to raise it offline.

Oct 27, 2003, 06:34 PM
you should check out the guides on this website on how to make good mags.

well, early on, my FOmar had a very balanced mag to be able to melee and tech well... once you get into vh mode, you are probably going to want two separate mags, one for meleeing and one for teching... remember: FOmars have the worst ata in the game! if you are meleeing, you will definately need dex on your mag.

the best offline mags are the 4th evolution mags nidra and sato. try to make one of those.

although very general information, i really hope i helped...

Oct 27, 2003, 06:56 PM
My FOmar has a mind mag, only 165 levels on mind because i kind of went a little overboard when feeding him a certain item lol, But id personally make a mind mag and then a power one if you intend to melee with your FOmar.