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View Full Version : XBox: Level 30 disks and Force stuff

Oct 28, 2003, 08:52 PM
i am looking for level 3o disks if any one has these either IM me or PM me.My screenname is applefuzzyfuzz
The most needed disks are:
30 grants
30 megid
20-30-resta,anti,rafoie,foie,gizonde,zonde,barta,razonde ,gibarta,rabarta,and ryuker.
Force stuff needed:
Flower cane
force wall
force field
any merges
4 god/mind++
4 slotted armor
185 mind mag
mind mats
hp mats
Striker of Chao
Sigh of God

I need these for free. Though i have had the game for a while i have no items to trade(i can tell you why on PM or aim)

I probably have no chance of getting these but if you are willing to give any of these to me i would greatly appreciate it.