View Full Version : GC: A Tragic Mil Lily Tale (And some ebil glitchs)

Oct 30, 2003, 12:44 AM
First, I shall share my sad tale in 1st person POV of my character, Rydia.

I walked into the large room in VR. Temple Alpha. The 8 pillars and the side rooms were all too familiar. I waited the few seconds it took for the monsters to arrive. I began the method of fighting I usually engaged in.

First it was behind a pillar, ducking around and casting Jellen, then Deband on myself. There were 3 lilies, 2 Crimson Assassins, and 2 Arlans. No biggy. I switched my weapon to my Mace of Adaman, and ducked out to cast a potent Barta spell that ripped through them. Oh joy, only about 20 more Bartas to go and I'd be out of here.

Around the pillar came a megid. These lillies have really poor aim. I ducked from this pillar to the next one over and dodged another megid. This pillar was closest to the wall to the right when I entered.

But, was it my imagination, or, when I moved, was there a Mil Lily in the presence? I waited for a Megid to pass by before peeping around the edge. That sickening pale green color stood out like a sore thumb. There was a Mil Lily in here.

I ducked out again, then FWOOSH!

A Megid, ironically, from the Mil Lily, tore through me, taking all fighting spirit and life from me. As darkness swept over, the VR terminated and I was back on Pioneer 2.

Was I going to run into another again?

Okay, so I ran into a Mil, it killed me, and I went back and it was gone. Boo hoo.

Next, a list of glitchs I found while doing VR Temple.

1.) Barta can be cast through the walls.-A real handy trick for killing Obs in the maze-like rooms. Make sure that your character is facing the Ob, then cast off as many Bartas as you need, no hassle.

2.) Your FOrce will target the breakable walls.-This is a real pain. If there are breakable walls, any spell you cast will be usually directed that way. This applies to boxes too. So its best to try to get rid of them all quickly. Boxes all go down with a Rafoie, but walls will take more work.

3.) Hidelt's Zonde goes through walls.-Think you're in a position where that mean and nasty Hidelt can't kill you? WRONG! It's Zonde goes through that wall just as easy as your Barta.

4.) Ob/Mil Lily Megid doesn't stop at doors-You retreat out of the room to catch a breather, and FWOOSH! A Megid kills you instantly. BUT!? WTF?! YOU WERE IN A DIFFERENT ROOM!!! Doesn't matter, Lily Megid keeps going through that open door.

5.) Indi Belra fire doesn't stop either.-Not much different than #4, if its close to the door and you're running with an arm chasing you, it'll hit you unless you dodge to the SIDE.

Well... thats all... I could've gotten a Windmill but I didn't... so boo hoo... and I've died to that Megid going through the door thing... its horrible...

Oct 30, 2003, 10:41 AM
heheh ^-^

nothing new

shit happens

that's life i guess

i could go on, shall ì?

Oct 30, 2003, 10:43 AM
urk.. darn ... an i with accent destroyed the layout, awfully sorry

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: rena-ko on 2003-10-30 07:43 ]</font>

Oct 30, 2003, 11:41 AM
Heh. Standing in doorways doesn't mean you're out of the room, according to the PSO engine. Most times, enemies will still target you even though you can't target them back (lovely, ainnit. Area effect weapons don't hit them, so you can stand there and watch your Giguish +25 pass right through them. ^^;)

Area effect spells, however, target just fine. Single target spells get stopped by the 'door.'

Oct 30, 2003, 12:59 PM
Ouch that must bite. But what would the Mil have dropped? If it was something small then no biggy. If something nice would have dropped get back into temple and hunt another ^-^.

Oct 30, 2003, 01:37 PM
LOL I had (almost) the same thing once.
Mil Lily in Temple. I decided to stay close (so he wouldn't shoot Megid) and kill the Rappy first.
Well I wasn't close enough to the Mil Lily http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
And woosh there went her/his Megid.
Luckily for me (SKYLY) it would have been a Regenerate Gear (the same one I got from the Nar Lily in Temple on VH lol)

Oct 30, 2003, 07:06 PM
Barta can be cast through the walls.

I think Zonde worked like that in the maze rooms, too. Like Hidelt's.

Heh. Standing in doorways doesn't mean you're out of the room, according to the PSO engine. Most times, enemies will still target you even though you can't target them back

True. I've recently had problems with G/Baranz missiles because they'd go *OVER* the door through the wall, hitting me. x_o

I've had a lot of weird glitches recently, though, due to lag. I don't know if it's been bad for anyone else, but lag has been awful when I've been playing.

A few days ago I was fighting whatever Ult De Rol Le is called (I don't bother with him much, so sue me) and it would jump out of the water to shoot those purple things, only to get stuck in mid-air. It'd sit there for a few seconds and then suddenly be back in the water, and I'd have the damage as if I got hit.

Stranger than that was the fact that the lights would not go out. They'd flicker as if they were about to, but they'd stay on. De Rol Le would still follow the attack pattern as if the lights had gone off, going to the back of the raft and shooting lasers. It was particularly annoying because I had to count lasers to tell when the lights were supposed to be back on.

Stay out of caves if you're lagging. >_>

Oct 30, 2003, 10:55 PM
The Mil Lily would've dropped me a Windmill, and I think I posted that.

And as for Boss Glitchs, I fought DF on Ultimate with a bunch of people 30 levels higher. On lagged/disconnected, but her character was still there. And Dark Falz just stood in the center of his 'ring' (final form) and stayed there. We killed him and he jumped up so we couldn't hit him. Then, after waiting for about 15 minutes, it cleared up, he died, and I got my level.

We could keep hitting him and stuff so I just foied the hell out of him and they shot at him with thier S-Rank Mechs.

This happened as soon as he got into last form, so no worry about ult in that form, although I was scared as hell.

Oct 30, 2003, 11:15 PM
Stay out of caves if you're lagging. >_>

Stay out of caves unless you have an EDK better than 40% or a cure unit or two. X)