View Full Version : Is it worth it!!??

Apr 4, 2001, 12:22 AM
Ever since my DC Busted I haven't been able to play PSO for awhile. But now i have a chance at getting a new one but I want you guys to tell me if its worth it. I have a cable modem and i have never been able to play online (which i REALLY want to do) But if by some chance (Free Isp or something) I can get online i will definetly buy a new DC. If i can't I will have to wait for some time (does anybody know if Ver. 2 will support Broad band?)

Ok thats basically it, so if you think its worth shelling out another 100 bucks for a new dc with only a slim chance of getting PSO online go ahead and post.

Oh yea one more thing, Has anyone tried Bluelight.com's free ISP i heard it works.

Apr 4, 2001, 12:29 AM
You can get version 1 online, I have no clue how though. Version 2 should have full broadband support. You can also set-up Netzero and juno on your dreamcast.

Apr 4, 2001, 12:46 AM
You use the Japanese passport browser for the broadband. I think you can download the image off of this site. E-mail me at [email protected] and I will write a walk-through for you. I use Roadrunner at home with the broadband adapter. It runs smoothly, with no problems whatsoever.

Apr 4, 2001, 11:14 AM
Check out:


It shows how to get online with PSO by connecting your DC's modem directly to your PC's modem (which is connected to the Internet by broadband or another modem). The DC is fooled into thinking it's dialing into the Internet by a normal modem connection, but it's actually not "dialing" at all.


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: MechDan on 2001-04-04 09:19 ]</font>