View Full Version : GC-Item: Frozen Shooter

Nov 2, 2003, 02:34 PM
I was at my friends house yesterday, and he found a Frozen Shooter and told me I could have it... he also gave me a photon booster jus in case I wanted to change it... my first question is does the Frozen Shooter actually freeze you??? I was using Special attack for a good portion of Caves and it didn't freeze me once... My second Question is, should I change it to a Snow Queen??? I mean, if it doesn't freeze me, I should jus keep it as is right???

Nov 2, 2003, 03:00 PM
Yes it does freeze you, rarely, though. And I feel like the higher your level, the less it freezes you.

No, any weapon made from a Photon Booster highly sucks. SNOW QUEEN is not half as useful as FROZEN SHOOTER. It may pierce through monsters, but you cannot do combos that ruins the part >_<