View Full Version : Mags can die?

Apr 4, 2001, 08:54 AM
Ok, so I have heard that you can kill your mag or that they have a life span, I cant believe the life span part but I have heard allot on that you feed them something wrong and it will actually kill them. Please any info on if this is true or even if you know what mags not to feed them certain items, will help allot. Thanks all

Apr 4, 2001, 10:15 AM
uh huh

yeah, if u feed them the posioned koolaid, they are goners.

don't u think if this were the case that you would have heard tons about it by now?

Apr 4, 2001, 10:20 AM

Beware The Cult of the Mag!

Someone be pullin your chain bro, a stat might go down if you feed it a certain item, but neither will it go down in level, or hurt the mag.

Apr 4, 2001, 10:43 AM
Cool, thank you for the info. I have heard some not many but some people say there mag dissappeared after feeding it something, that was the purpose of this post, I didnt want to mess up my mag in regards to this happeneing, thank you for the info.

Apr 4, 2001, 03:00 PM
The Only way i know of that they can die is if you put them on the ground and kick them arounda bit

Apr 4, 2001, 03:30 PM
No i swear MY MAG DID DIE!

Yeah true story,
and i also ...
"HaDB a DaUGHBLE SABRE Fo4 Tr4dE!!!"

hehe =]

Apr 7, 2001, 07:54 PM
MAGs? Dying? I don't think so. I pay more attention to leveling my MAG than me, and I feed it a bad diet. Very odd diet of mixed things. Or all one thing. Abnd screw around with stats. And neglect it. And drop kick it. And yet it still seems happy. Even when I try to Razonde it, it just stays there on the ground (or floating behind me).

Apr 7, 2001, 08:15 PM
LOL Drop kick the mag

Apr 7, 2001, 08:37 PM
Watch out or PETM will get you with an anti resta bomb or a lawsuit.

People for
Treatment of

*giggle* Just kidding, but the andriods seem to like the mags a bit much. Maybe they're baby androids? I like mine, but they all purr when you pet them and wait for me at my window after a day at the office or on Ragol. It's a real circus at feeding time too - all of them zipping around my legs and head.

Apr 8, 2001, 12:59 AM
it could die.....if you manage to get it to zero on all stats....mybe? @.@

Apr 8, 2001, 02:02 AM
The only way (that I know of) to make your Mag "disappear" is to sell it by accident. ^^; Feeding them the wrong items won't cause any irreparable harm; even if you lower Synchro or IQ all the way to zero, you can always raise it later.

Apr 8, 2001, 09:24 AM
I suppose if it's LVL or POW are -1 or worse...
but I thought the only way to kill a mag is by hugging the cute lil thing a bit too tight... ^_-

Apr 8, 2001, 09:41 AM
It is true,force mags can die if a certain stat drops befor you level it past the original stat,my first mag died,I think it is because its iq fell to 0.

Apr 8, 2001, 09:44 AM
Ugh,my spelling was awefull on that post,i'm sure somebody will hate over it.

Apr 9, 2001, 12:17 AM
Lol! This topic is probably already over, but I just had to say that I love the sigs you guys have!