View Full Version : Dark weaps, and Rico seeing. Opinions?

Nov 3, 2003, 05:39 PM
Hi. I try my best to summerize what I want to ask into the topic.

Basically this is it.
Dark weapons are dupes and probably shouldn't exist because the gene isn't existing. So. Would using a dark weapon only for Rico seeing purposes as a bad thing to do?

Kinda just want the opinion from everyone here.
Personally I don't like the dark bridge. It is like a random time bomb which is so not a FO's friend. If I get to choose I won't want it or use it at all. But, just for the lovely Rico and "Rose Confession". I keep a bridge in my bank and use when needed.

... So. ... What is your opinion on this?

Nov 3, 2003, 10:47 PM
Well, the Dark Bridge is a good weapon if you play Ep2. Otherwise if that's the only weapon you like, go for it. Wow, it randomly puts a random effect on you...use a sol atomizer. nub.

Nov 4, 2003, 01:47 PM
On 2003-11-03 14:39, navi wrote:

Personally I don't like the dark bridge. It is like a random time bomb which is so not a FO's friend. If I get to choose I won't want it or use it at all. But, just for the lovely Rico and "Rose Confession".

Lol, silly polished. She dosent like the Bridge cept for that lovely piece of music..and well seeing rico >.>'
I myself say its A'OK to use it cause well its just for like 3 minutes of your gaming time that you use it so no ones being hurt by it.

Nov 4, 2003, 01:50 PM
I think the question was if it was okay to use the Dark Bridge for the sake of seen Red Ring Rico. Since the Dark Bridge isn't legit and not used in casual play. Just used to see Red Rin Rico. I would have to say that, then yes it is a good thing to have (by any means) to see the famed Red Ring Rico. Otherwise it would be a cold day in hell by the time one is found by normal means.

Btw, thank you Navi for letting me see Red Ring Rico...it was an awesome experience. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 4, 2003, 01:51 PM
If the Dark Bridge freezes you, you die and I have to use a Moon Atomizer on you, I would really rather you didn't bring it. If it doesn't cost me anything, go ahead and see your precious Rico.

Dark Flow and Meteor are different, though, because you'll be dragging down the team for the entire fight if you use them. Eww.

Nov 4, 2003, 10:12 PM
Dark Flow and Meteor are different, though, because you'll be dragging down the team for the entire fight if you use them. Eww.

Just cuz this is mentioned. What does Dark Meteor do?