View Full Version : Final Fantasy

Nov 5, 2003, 01:50 PM
Which Final Fantasy game for playstation or playstation 2 is your favorite? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ifrit on 2003-11-05 11:12 ]</font>

Nov 5, 2003, 02:01 PM
Tactics, whoohoo!

Tactics had a beautiful storyline (well, when you could read it...), one of the spiffiest main characters ever, adorable character designs, kick-assin Job System, death/intrigue/betrayal/deceit/politics and much much more!

Seriously, though, Tactics is one of my favourite games. They seriously upped the Job System from what it was in V, the story was far more interesting than any other Final Fantasy on the Playstation and the tactical aspect had me giddy with excitement. I'm the kind of person that grew up playing Risk, so strategy RPGs make me very happy.

I just wish it had gotten a decent translation. Though the Engrish is rather fun to poke at.

Nov 5, 2003, 02:13 PM
FF VII is the best out of all the FF games for the playstation. I think it would be very cool if they made a remake of FF VII for the PS2. I personally can't wait for the FF VII move to come out. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 5, 2003, 03:16 PM
Heres my list starting with my least liked(i will use the Roman numbers for the games)
I never played a tactics so I cant throw them into the list yet.

Nov 5, 2003, 03:25 PM
I liked FFVIII the best. I haven't played VI and down [with the exception of the first for NES] though, so my opinion is sort of null.

I really liked the characters in FFVIII, and could relate to each of them in a different way. I thought that [although it could make the game too easy] the junctioning system was unique.

Nov 5, 2003, 04:19 PM
On 2003-11-05 12:25, Eum wrote:
I liked FFVIII the best. I haven't played VI and down [with the exception of the first for NES] though, so my opinion is sort of null.

I really liked the characters in FFVIII, and could relate to each of them in a different way. I thought that [although it could make the game too easy] the junctioning system was unique.

Finally someone else who likes a diffrent 8 more than 7.

Nov 5, 2003, 05:18 PM
What do you think?

Nov 5, 2003, 05:43 PM
Final Fantasy VII > All the others.

The other games in the series (save for the horrendous VIII) are also very good, just not as good as VII.

Nov 5, 2003, 05:49 PM
Kent's Opinion= genius of a man

FF7... masterpiece making masterpieces.

Nov 5, 2003, 08:26 PM
FF8 is probably my least favourite, but like someone else has said, I also felt more in touch with the charcters in that and could relate to them a lot more than the other games.
Probably something to do with the fact that Squall was still at 'school' and had similar characteristics to me.
Probably why I didn't like it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kizaragu on 2003-11-05 17:29 ]</font>

Nov 5, 2003, 09:06 PM
Lets see:
1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I dont play alot of FF games. I like to play other non-Final Fantasy RPG titles.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett_Namevah on 2003-11-05 18:40 ]</font>

Nov 5, 2003, 09:37 PM
I've only played 7 & 8 out of all those and I think 7 is one of the best games ever, and 8 I actually didn't like. I stopped in the end of the 2nd disc.

Nov 6, 2003, 12:58 AM
I liked VIII. VII ticked me off once you escaped Midgar. Like others before I felt I could relate to the characters in 8. I liked the junction system, but I did hate having to rely on GFs to fight the baddies. Plus I liked the story too, though the link between the group was a bit too much to swallow.

Nov 6, 2003, 03:48 PM
On 2003-11-05 21:58, Nidarrock wrote:
VII ticked me off once you escaped Midgar.
...Finally getting out of Midgar ticked you off? What, did you have trouble finding Kalm or something?

Nov 6, 2003, 03:51 PM
On 2003-11-06 12:48, Kent wrote:

On 2003-11-05 21:58, Nidarrock wrote:
VII ticked me off once you escaped Midgar.
...Finally getting out of Midgar ticked you off? What, did you have trouble finding Kalm or something?


Nov 6, 2003, 04:17 PM
i liked 9. Because it just had a better not as predictable story line as 8/7. I like 7 too but every one puts it out as a OMFG IT IS TEH 1337EST GAME EVR

Nov 6, 2003, 04:24 PM
I kinda agree with you Shatterd. That's why in my earlier post I never botherd with a reply on my favourite (FF7).
I don't want bore people with yet another FF7 is 1337 reply. So I thought it'd be more interesting to write and read what my least favourite is. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 6, 2003, 04:35 PM
I loathe VIII to the depths of my soul.

I still, to this day, do not understand why people like FFVII so much. Am I missing something? I just...really don't get it.

On 2003-11-05 18:06, Skett_Namevah wrote:
Lets see:
1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I dont play alot of FF games. I like to play other non-Final Fantasy RPG titles.

Wild ARMs and Suikoden are two rather good franchises outside of the Final Fantasy line-up.

Nov 6, 2003, 04:48 PM
On 2003-11-06 12:48, Kent wrote:

On 2003-11-05 21:58, Nidarrock wrote:
VII ticked me off once you escaped Midgar.
...Finally getting out of Midgar ticked you off? What, did you have trouble finding Kalm or something?

Very cute. I just did not really like how the story unfolded after that. Sure there were some cool aspects: Aeris deing, the Weapons. But overall I just did not care for it. Sorry if it's not what you think.

Nov 6, 2003, 07:41 PM
I understand why some people like FF7. Aerith dieing, the super cool villion, the gameplay, ect. I just find it funny when someone talks about Aerith reviving in a magazine and how the editors say that that is still being asked. Seriously people, she is dead! Let it go! My friend says it can be done and I bet him $100 that she cant.

But I do have a way for getting Aerith back. Put it FF7. Play it for 5 minites. Take the game out. Out in Kingdom Hearts and go visit her. Vwala.

Nov 7, 2003, 01:28 AM
She sucked.. and was weak...

That's why she died.

Use GameShark and you can play with...


Nov 7, 2003, 01:50 AM
1: Played it for five minutes. Died.
2: Haven't played it.
3: Haven't played it.
4: Got to the magnetic cave place. Haven't played it since. Boring plot, boring characters, and I made the mistake of playing it after 6, so it looked like shit.
5: Haven't played it.
6: OMGWTFl337PWNZ0RZ. Everyone was cool, the plot was cool, and Kefka didn't need any damn tragic backstory or angst. He was just evil for the sake of evilness. I can't say enough about how fripping cool FFVI is.
7: Whee! Chocobo breeding! I liked FFVII a lot. Not as much as FFVI, but it was still pretty cool.
8: Ugh. How can anyone like this game? I'm sorry, but drawing stinks, junctioning is fucking annoying, and I really don't like having to use my summons for Every. Single. Fricking. Battle. I also hated the characters except for Laguna and his buddies and Selphie. And they aren't around enough. The plot bored me too. Bleh. They also forgot the 'Fantasy' part of the title. If I want sci-fi, I'll play PSO and make up a backstory for my character I'll actually give a shit about.
9: Haven't played it.
Tactics: Haven't played it.
10: Mmm, not bad. The dubbing isn't too hideously painful, the story has me interested, the Sphere Grid is cool, the battle system rocks, and it's pretty. Unfortunately it's also one of the most linear games I've ever played, which does annoy somewhat... Haven't finished it yet, will someday.
10-2: Haven't played it, costumes and such make me not -want- to play it. Yike.
11: I'd rather blow $12 a month on DDR, thanks, assuming I even -had- $12 a month.

Nov 7, 2003, 08:58 AM
On 2003-11-06 22:50, Ian-KunX wrote:
4: Got to the magnetic cave place. Haven't played it since. Boring plot, boring characters, and I made the mistake of playing it after 6, so it looked like shit.

How can you not like FF4!?
Dude, It's main Character was a manic Depressive Knight Called Cecil!
That is pure Genius.
Gotta love SquareEnix, those cheeky little minxes. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 7, 2003, 02:21 PM
On 2003-11-06 22:50, Ian-KunX wrote:
6: OMGWTFl337PWNZ0RZ. Everyone was cool, the plot was cool, and Kefka didn't need any damn tragic backstory or angst. He was just evil for the sake of evilness. I can't say enough about how fripping cool FFVI is.

8: Ugh. How can anyone like this game? I'm sorry, but drawing stinks, junctioning is fucking annoying, and I really don't like having to use my summons for Every. Single. Fricking. Battle. I also hated the characters except for Laguna and his buddies and Selphie. And they aren't around enough. The plot bored me too. Bleh. They also forgot the 'Fantasy' part of the title. If I want sci-fi, I'll play PSO and make up a backstory for my character I'll actually give a shit about.

10: Mmm, not bad. The dubbing isn't too hideously painful, the story has me interested, the Sphere Grid is cool, the battle system rocks, and it's pretty. Unfortunately it's also one of the most linear games I've ever played, which does annoy somewhat... Haven't finished it yet, will someday.

*huggles FFVI* Celes is so damn cool...

Am I the only person who did not use Guardian Forces when fighting in VIII? Well, other than Carbuncle, but that was only during boss fights.

...And he was adorable.

I got all the GFs (even losing Odin to Gilgamesh...), I used them each at least once to see what they were like, then didn't touch them again unless I was beseiged by Tonberries.

I do know someone that never used anything BUT GFs while fighting. He didn't even know how to time Squall's limit break, let alone ever have reached that point. And he was on disc 3.

As for FFX being really linear, yes, yes it is, but...ever play Legend of Dragoon? If not, spare yourself the torture and don't. That game is so horribly linear, but it does give you the satisfaction of walking on a world map.

Nov 7, 2003, 03:30 PM
On 2003-11-07 11:21, starhealer wrote:

On 2003-11-06 22:50, Ian-KunX wrote:
6: OMGWTFl337PWNZ0RZ. Everyone was cool, the plot was cool, and Kefka didn't need any damn tragic backstory or angst. He was just evil for the sake of evilness. I can't say enough about how fripping cool FFVI is.

8: Ugh. How can anyone like this game? I'm sorry, but drawing stinks, junctioning is fucking annoying, and I really don't like having to use my summons for Every. Single. Fricking. Battle. I also hated the characters except for Laguna and his buddies and Selphie. And they aren't around enough. The plot bored me too. Bleh. They also forgot the 'Fantasy' part of the title. If I want sci-fi, I'll play PSO and make up a backstory for my character I'll actually give a shit about.

10: Mmm, not bad. The dubbing isn't too hideously painful, the story has me interested, the Sphere Grid is cool, the battle system rocks, and it's pretty. Unfortunately it's also one of the most linear games I've ever played, which does annoy somewhat... Haven't finished it yet, will someday.

*huggles FFVI* Celes is so damn cool...

Am I the only person who did not use Guardian Forces when fighting in VIII? Well, other than Carbuncle, but that was only during boss fights.

I didnt use them that much, even though I used Ifrit alot, ALOT, hes just so god dam cool.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: The_Hero_Of_Time on 2003-11-07 12:31 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2003, 06:32 PM
I personally liked 9 on PS and 6 on SNES. I would consider the series's between system to almost be different franchises. They were just so radically different from each other. Celtic Moon (IV) also rocked.

I'm only going to say this once. Her name is NOT Aerith. Aerith can not be said in Japanese. There is no 'th' sound in Japanese. It's Aeris or Aerish. Stop calling her Aerith. Having a lisp in type makes no sense.


Nov 9, 2003, 09:07 AM
FFI: played and only got a few hours in. so far somewhat entertaining for an old game.

FFII: i liked it a lot more, it was rather fun. too bad the emulated version i downloaded froze easily and the save never worked. it's gone now.

FFIII: no play. =(

FFIV: i really like this game, but it's part of my childhood. i played it around it's release. it was really fun. unassuming good fun.

FFV: actually quite entertaining. i played a good bit of it and then just stopped. the emulation was glitching and the translation was not all that stellar. I decided to delete it and learn japanese.

FFVI: my favorite FF by far. one of my favorite RPGs i've ever played. everything about it is just great. the story was interesting, not overly pretentious and nonsensical. the combat was FUN. the world was welcoming. the world of ruin was a bit of a downer, but overall its quality held

FF Mystic Quest: I know it's the kiddie FF game, but my friend and i gave it a go. and for a kid RPG it's really good. don't judge it as an equal in terms of audience, and then you can appreciate this game more.

FFVII: i just couldn't bother finishing it. i hate this game. my friend and i played it on the PC and with all the driver crashing, sleepy music, irritating characters, pretentious philosophical musing, piss easy (or redundant) battles, lame magic system, outright offensive mini-games and puzzles, and campy over-the-top scenes... Golden Palace was where i stopped. friends showed me the ending. still, no interest to finish.

FFVIII: utter garbage. needlessly convoluted junctioning system that is eventually so breakable that the game becomes piss easy. outside of no crashing (on PSX this time) it is FFVII times 2 in terms of annoyance. i have difficulty finding anything redeemable about this game.

FFIX: at first promising. a RARE credit towards FFVIII i'd give is that it had a card game that made more sense than FFIX. i wasn't overly insulted by some of the, now routine, quirks of Squaresoft's modern direction. but then disk 2 came. tedious and ridiculous. 3rd disk came, somewhat better in first half, then ups and loses all sense and cohesion in the latter half. disk 4 is one big display of megalomaniacal neuroses in video game format. all previous joy i had was sucked out, spat onto the floor, and crushed by the designers stiletto heel. yes stiletto heel, for they prostitute what was once a great company's reputation to sell the masses incoherent drivel.

FFX: the first 15 hours i played reaffirms my sentiment about incoherent drivel and megalomaniacal neuroses being peddled to the masses. my friends have said i am at the part where the game suddenly shifts and turns really good. i will believe them for now. have yet to continue...

FFXII: have not played.

FF Tactics: a pleasant diversion into the realm of strat RPGs. The battle system is actually quite good. the class skills min/max munchkin madness is appreciated, it gives a sense of accomplishment making your party. but this same class system makes this game obscenely easy. this game is only as challenging as you are capable of exploiting the job system. I prefer not to consider this a strategy or tactics game (as in strategy and tactics for on-field battles), but more of a munchkin party creation simulator. i loathe how the story is handled. it's actually a beautiful story with great nuance that has been placed in the hands of a producer/director/designer whatever... who has the panache and subtlety of a meat tenderizer mallet.

and there's my story.

ps: I HATED the FF movie shown in america. the FF the Spirits Within. stupid movie. pretty. but also pretty boring and pretty ridiculous and pretty campy. once in the theater is enough for me, unless some friends and I Peanut Gallery throughout the movie, a la Rocky Horror Picture Show.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: opaopajr on 2003-11-09 06:13 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: opaopajr on 2003-11-09 06:16 ]</font>

Nov 9, 2003, 07:20 PM
On 2003-11-07 15:32, Inu_Ranma wrote:
I personally liked 9 on PS and 6 on SNES. I would consider the series's between system to almost be different franchises. They were just so radically different from each other. Celtic Moon (IV) also rocked.

I'm only going to say this once. Her name is NOT Aerith. Aerith can not be said in Japanese. There is no 'th' sound in Japanese. It's Aeris or Aerish. Stop calling her Aerith. Having a lisp in type makes no sense.


FFIX was fun...until the very end. Stupid frigging nonsensical plot device...

Celtic Moon was the name of the soundtrack for FFIV, not the game itself...

Actually, her name IS Aerith, as that's how it's spelled in several official-related items, the Official Soundtrack included (and I'm talking in big, bold, Roman letters: AERITH). The 'th' works the same as if you were to say "Smith." Yes, 'th' doesn't exist in Japanese, but it doesn't mean they don't have a way around that. If "Sumisu" can equal "Smith," "Aerisu" can equal "Aerith."

Nov 9, 2003, 07:33 PM
On 2003-11-06 22:50, Ian-KunX wrote:
6: OMGWTFl337PWNZ0RZ. Everyone was cool, the plot was cool, and Ultros didn't need any backstory. He was just retarded for the sake of hilarity. I can't say enough about how fripping cool Ultros is.

just a little spelling mistake

Nov 9, 2003, 08:44 PM
On 2003-11-05 12:16, The_Hero_Of_Time wrote:
Heres my list starting with my least liked(i will use the Roman numbers for the games)
I never played a tactics so I cant throw them into the list yet.

woah, that is exactly the same for me. Dont know why so many people liked FFVII the best.

Nov 9, 2003, 09:59 PM
It's pretty odvios I'd like FF8 (hence the name Squal and yes I know i spelt it wrong) Selfie is like my sister, Zell is like my anoying friend, Quistis is like... lets move on,Irving is like that pathetic boy who can't get any(don't get me wrong I think Irving is awsome) and Ranoha is like that anoying bitch that you want to snap in two. I'm like Squall... Without the cool powers.[b]I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY. CLOUD IS NOTHING COMPARED TO SQUAL!!!!

Nov 11, 2003, 01:10 AM
I vote for another FF,
Final Fantasy Crystal
Chronicles . . that's
ok right??

Nov 11, 2003, 05:31 AM
FFT hands down. Deepest storyline out of all FF games. Deepest Customization of characters. Bitchin' (cool) hero.

Nov 11, 2003, 07:53 AM
Are you talking about FFT for the playstation? I've never been able to play that as it never came out over here. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
FFT advance is great though, but far from the best.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kizaragu on 2003-11-11 04:54 ]</font>

Nov 11, 2003, 07:53 AM
why the big hate for ff8? YOU DOONT NEED TO USE GF EVERY BATTLE UNLESS YOU SUCK ASS!!!!!and if you couldnt be bothered to junction properley. it was a really good game

Nov 11, 2003, 11:26 AM
Crystal Chronicals isn't out yet, Silmarwen. How are you supposed to think it's the best FF game if you've not played it?

Nov 11, 2003, 02:28 PM
Japanese import, maybe?

Nov 11, 2003, 05:10 PM
On 2003-11-05 10:50, Ifrit wrote:
Which Final Fantasy game for playstation or playstation 2 is your favorite? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ifrit on 2003-11-05 11:12 ]</font>
I would have to say i like 7 the best i have only played 7 and 8 and not that much but from what i have played 7 is the best. Sephiroth rocks and Tifa with the big...um...boots. Yes...boots *shifty eyes*

Nov 12, 2003, 03:23 PM
All I know is...Final Fantasy IX is probably my least favorite RPG...

Nov 12, 2003, 03:54 PM
Neither of those. The remake of FFVI (only the original SNES version is better...since it had no load times). The Playstation versions were the annoying movie style downfall of the series. VII kept it good, VIII battles and gameplay was too muddled, and IX was too much of same thing given to us before. X featured a nice new system that was fun to try out, but the linearness of it was kinda bleh (X-2 is really supposed to fix that problem).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2003-11-12 12:54 ]</font>

Nov 12, 2003, 03:58 PM
FF7 is the best, mainly because i payed attention to what they were saying, unlike most people that say it sucks. that and the battle system was the closest to real-time battle you could come across in a RPG (at least from what was available to me) oh yeah, storyline... it got pretty trounced near the end, which is why i beat the game so damn quick. didn't want the stryline to just make a hard-ass right and go somewhere that nobody could predict. (which is what happened, if you watch the final CG movie)

thoughts on FF8... decent game... until you throw the whole GF and drawing system in. then its just crap.

FFT was a nice game to pass the time, nothing more. *grabs flame-proof shield* a nice time waster game.

hated FF9...FF10...and still hating FFXI to this day...

Nov 13, 2003, 12:16 AM
Ever played Seiken Densetsu, Kafka? It had real-time battle. Alundra did too, as did the Wonder Boy series, as did Strider...

Nov 14, 2003, 03:20 AM
Finaly Fantasy VII

Didn't beat the game, but it was the only one I enjoyed. I mean what is more fun than playing as Cloud and Tifa.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarthFomar on 2003-11-14 00:21 ]</font>

Nov 14, 2003, 04:00 AM
What's more fun than playing as Cloud and Tifa? Playing as Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent.