View Full Version : Crossover fanfic : PSOZ - Epilogue is up

Nov 7, 2003, 09:02 PM
Alright I'm no good with stories I just wanted to
give it a shot. Please don't hate my work.
BTW it is in two parts, the 2nd part isn't a sequel more like a continuing episode.

PSO belongs to SEGA & (I'm not telling now) belongs to CAPCOM.

I'm no good with describing in a story so I'll do it now.
The Crimson Hunters
Jackson, Greenil, HUmar, white ponytail, red and white costume (15) Claymore
Robo 47, Pinkal, RAcast, RAcast head 1, red and black paintjob (1) Inferno Bazooka
Stacy, Yellowboze, FOneweral, pink hair (style 4), Red and blue costume (1) Striker
Dex, Whitill, FOnewm, Slick-black hair w/sunglasses, red black cosume (10) Game Magazine
Garet, Greenil, HUmar, (default hair), blue-white costume (17) Kaladbolg
Leon Scrye, Yellowboze, HUmar, (black default), Black costume, Gungir

Alright, now that the intros are done the story can start.

Forest 12:45 PM :
A group of hunters are fighting a squad of Booma. Stacy, wielding a Striker
is busy casting Rafoie, Jackson slices through one with his Claymore, while
Robo 47 takes aim and fires his Inferno Bazooka, Garet, being only 12, cuts
one with a Kaladbolg his parents gave him, and Dex smacks one with his
Game Magazine then finishes it off with Gizonde. After the fight the group
rests. "So I heard that Pioneer 2 is carrying more than what the hunters think"Stacy said. "If it's about that part man-part machine sis, you're crazy!"Dex responded. "I believe the stories," Robo47 added "how can't there be a link between man and machine?" Jackson then asked, "Whats the story hun?" "They say there is a person stored on P2 that wields a Saber that no hunter can use, it can strike many enemies like a Sword-type. He once destroyed many evils before he was shut off." Stacy explained. "Whadya mean shut off?", Dex asked. "He went into 'hybernation' and when our planet died the scientists didn't want to leave him so they had him put in a crate and loaded onto Pioneer 2." Stacy added some more. "Ahh well" Jackson said "It's time to go now." with that said Stacy cast Ryuker and everyone went through.

Pioneer 2, Oran warehouse district 1:10PM :
Jackson walks by a warehouse building when an old 'friend' steps out. "Hey
Jackson, where do you think you're going? Ya' know I've always wanted
revenge from when you beat me in the Hunter Tournament." "Just drop it Leon
it was a tournament not life." "Well I still want to fight you again. And my
friend here would love to meet you." A large robot stepped out from the
building. Then the three lunge into battle, Jackson deals a blow to Leon and
Leon returns the hit. Right when Jackson is about to strike once more the
robot punches him with it's huge fist. Jackson is launched toward a crate and
it breaks open with a loud crunch.Among the debris Jackson notices
something in the packaging foam. "Could it be?", he wonders. Next with
a burst of light the object jumps up activates a Saber and dashes at the large
robot. "Oh my God!" were Leons words as he witnessed the strange person
slice though the mechanoid so easily. Then he hit again and the robot blew
up with an intense explosion. "Umm uh sorry Jackson no hard feelings
right?" Then Jackson picked up his Claymore and asked "Who are you?"
".... I'm Zero", it said in response "What is this place?" "This is Pioneer 2.
Do you need a place to stay?" ".... Yes" "Then come with me you can stay
with me, my family and friends."

Pioneer 2, Redria district apartment 1:35PM :
"Hey Stacy! I'm back now!", Jackson announced as he opened the door.
"Hello dear." Stacy said ,"wha! Who's that!" "This is Zero he was in a crate
at the Oran warehouse.", Jackson explained "Wheres Garet?".Stacy then
said, "He's in the den playing video games with my brother" "Well let's
show our guest where he'll be sleeping" "He's staying here?" "Yes, there's
no where else for him to go." "Alright then"

Pioneer 2, Hunters Guild 4:53PM :
Jackson and Stacy are taking Zero to be registered as a Hunter. "So now
that you'll be a Hunter you won't get bored just standing on P2 all day!"
Stacy said to Zero. Jackson then added, "You will be able to go to Ragol
and fight creatures. I bet you'd like the mines." "...Hmm, I guess.", Zero
replied. Zero approaches the counter. "Welcome to the Hunters Guild!
Would you like to apply to be a Hunter?", the HG woman asked."I guess"
"Okay then, please fill out this paper.Oh. by the way, here's your starter
Saber" "I want to use my own Saber." "Alright" Zero completes each
Question on the form and hands it in. "Okay lets see , Zero, Redria, Z-Saber,
HUmar, okay, now please pick a battle armor suit." "Why?" "It's required
that all Hunters wear a battle suit." "Can't I use my own?" "You're a picky
one... heres your Hunters License." "...Thanks" Zero now walks back toward
Jackson and Stacy. "Ya' want to see Ragol now?", Jackson asks. "Let's go"
was Zero's answer.

At the teleporter a soldier stops the three, "Where are you going?" In
response Jackson said, "Me and my wife are just taking a friend to the
Mines." "Are you sure? He's only level 1!" "Trust me" "Fine"
Then they step into the teleporter.

Mines 5:10PM :
"Okay Zero, we'll stand here and you can go ahead.", Stacy said. "... See
you later." ,Zero responded. Then he dashed into the next room.

"I'll go get the others" Jackson mentioned. "Okay" ,said Stacy. Then a few
explosions are heard and when Jackson and Stacy went to see what it was
Zero was standing among a pile of Baranz and Gillchich parts and he was
not even touched by them. "Wow Zero!" Stacy said, "You are what the
legends say!" "Thanks I guess" "How'd you do that?" "I just cut them, but
geez I've fought Metalls stronger than these." "Whats a Metall?" "Its a small
robot with a hardhat." "Well we should go back now, seeing that there are
no enemies left, Ryuker!"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2003-11-09 13:17 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2003-11-12 19:29 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2003, 11:17 PM
It's not bad, not bad.

Um, your dialogue strikes me as jumbled, and hard to follow. I think that's a pretty weak point...

But I like it. Keep it up!

BTW, it this going to be PSO meets another game? Cause that's a new idea...

Nov 8, 2003, 12:36 AM
Get with the Program, Quantum! It's PSO meets Megaman X!

Very well done, except for the dialogue. Work that out.

Nov 8, 2003, 10:15 AM
Yes, Megaman is what I thought...

You know, that would be pretty cool introdicing charaters and weapons to a toattally foreign game...

I could use Link's butterfly net! WHOOSH, WHOOSH, THAWACK! "Owie!"

Nov 8, 2003, 01:54 PM
Yep PSO and Megaman X. Sorry about the dialog, I'm
working on that.

Nov 8, 2003, 02:57 PM
Wow Zero in Phantasy Star Online... original...
Too bad SonicTeam wouldn't actually do that.
It would be cool to team up with X and Zero in a

That more creative than some of my WACN stories.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jaks on 2003-11-08 14:10 ]</font>

Nov 9, 2003, 04:16 PM
Okay here is the final part. I changed the writing
style so the dialog is easier to follow. Enjoy!

Pioneer 2 Redria district apartment 6:02PM :
Stacy:What kinds of enemies are you used to fighting?
Zero: Large robots called Maveriks.
Garet: How big are they?
Zero: Sometimes they are about your size and sometimes bigger than what
you call Garanz.
Garet:(Imagines how big that is) Wow.
Jackson: Does it ever get lonely fighting all those robots?
Zero: No not at all, I have many friends. Like X and Alia. But there are
sometimes I feel alone, like when I fight Sigma.
Dex: Whose Sigma?
Zero: Sigma was a Reploid that became a Maverik.
(Principle Tyrell's voice comes over loud speakers) All hunters please go
Ragol. There is a special mission for all there.
Zero:I don't like the way he sounded.
Jackson:Yeah, his voice is annoying at times.
Zero. No, I mean it sounded like he was scared.
(a different voice is on) No hunters go to Ragol, only Zero and the
Crimson Hunters have clearance.
Dex: Should we get the others?
Stacy: Yes we should.

Pioneer 2 Teleporter 6:37PM :
(Zero is waiting near the teleporter.)
Zero: Hn?
Jackson: We had to get the rest of our team.
Zero: (Looks up and sees three other hunters.)
(Grand Finale is a gold HUcast with a samurai helmet and a Gungir.
V.I.P. is a RAmar that only uses a Frost Sniper and Barta series techs.
You now Robo47 but Zero hasn't met him yet.)
Robo 47:That the human-machine?
V.I.P.: Looks cool.
Jackson: C'mon people we have to go to Ragol today!
(Everyone steps in the teleporter)
Dex: What is this?
Grand Finale: Whats the hold up?
Dex: The only option is unknown.
Jackson: Lets just go already!
Dex: Fine, fine.(activates teleporter)
(they arrive in a place that is totally destoyed, its only a black crater
with a medium size ship in the middle)
V.I.P.: Holy crap!
Zero: ...Whoever wants to see us must be in there.
Stacy:Then hurry up!(starts running)
Garet: Wait up mom!(also starts running)
(Everyone runs toward the spaceship)
Jackson:The door wont open...
Zero: Stand Back!!! (slices door into small sections with his Saber)
Robo 47: (shoots the rest away with his Inferno Bazooka)
(everyone walks in)
Dex: What is this place?
Zero: It looks familiar...
Stacy: It's ancient.
Garet: Cool!
(loud voice): Welcome Zero and friends!
(loud voice): Zero I'm suprised you don't remember me!
Jackson: Come out you coward!
(loud voice): Coward?
(a figure appears in the darkness)
Zero:Sigma you bastard! Why won't you stay dead?
Sigma: Bingo (steps out, he is with Dr.Wily's robots)
Grand Finale: Look bud I don't know who you are but you and your
friends are going down!
Heatman: Strong words from such an inferior android.
Grand Finale: Thats it! I'm going to kill you ya' ancient scrap metal!
(The two groups charge into battle)
Jackson slices Cutman and Woodman in half.
Stacy fires Rafoie at Turboman and Quickman.
Dex shoots Gizonde at Skullman Airman and Gasman.
Garet uses a haymaker combo on Topman.
Grand Finale cuts up Heatman Metalman and Bubbleman.
V.I.P. shoots at Iceman.
Robo 47 is firing away at Hardman Fireman and Crashman.
Zero just dashes around the rest, destroying them with quick slashes.

Sigma: Good job Hunters I didn't know of such human strength.
(Sigma charges at them)
Stacy: (Screams)
(Zero dashes and cuts Sigma at the last second)
Zero: Run!
Sigma: None of you shall get away! (activates door closing button,
the engines and the self destruct.)
Jackson: Everyone out now!!!
(They get through the door and it closes)
Dex: No! Zero is still in there!
(the ship takes off)
Jackson: Farewell, Zero...
Everyone: (looks as the ship gets farther into the sky)
(It blows up)
Stacy and Garet: ZERO!!!
Grand Finale: ...I didn't know him much, but the way he fought was amazing.
Robo 47: The link between man and machine, gone...
Everyone else: (salutes)
V.I.P.: Lets go home.
Stacy: Ryuker.
(everybody goes through)


Nov 9, 2003, 06:47 PM
Hmm. The 2nd part just wasn't as good.
Still okay though.
Meh, atleast he decided to use my characters.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jaks on 2003-11-09 15:49 ]</font>

Nov 12, 2003, 10:28 PM
I wouldn't let Zero die folks! He still has a GBA game to be in!


In space you can see a small spaceship slowly moving away from Pioneer 2. Zero is inside of it thinking about the escape.

Sigma:Looks like your friends left Zero.
Zero: You better stay dead this time. (runs toward escape pods)
Sigma: Zero! You shall not escape! (lunges at Zero)
(Zero cuts Sigma with his Z-Saber)
Sigma: No....
Computer: 5...4...3...2.. escape pod launch.

Zero watches as the bigger ship explodes.

"... I would have liked to see my friends once more."

Pioneer 2, Hunters Guild 8:21PM :
V.I.P.: So, you think he is still alive?
Dex: There's no way someone with that much skill and power would go out like that.
V.I.P.:True, true.
Stacy:(looks out window)
Jackson: Whats up hun?
Stacy: Just looking at the debris of that ship.
Garet: I don't see a red guy.
Robo 47: He must be alive.
Grand Finale: Hey guys! The Guild has a new request up!
Everyone:(gets up to go see)

The true end.

Nov 12, 2003, 10:36 PM
Good story Robo47!

Nov 12, 2003, 10:51 PM
Wha? I forgot to read the second half! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif


Yes, it is quite a touching short story, and I'm glad it had a nice end!

Nov 13, 2003, 02:56 PM
Glad you liked it!(I feel special now http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 14, 2003, 08:30 PM
wow that made me want to play X5 & X6 I need to buy X7 I've beat eveyr one I own (1, 5, 6) *snif* oh well Zero will live on forever even if he has to take the sigma virus to do so

don't know what I am talking about buy and play X5 on the playstation

and sega team can't use X and Zero because they belong to capcom

Nov 14, 2003, 09:08 PM
He gave credits.

BTW Zero has a GBA game. It's a long long time after the X series.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jaks on 2003-11-14 18:09 ]</font>

Nov 14, 2003, 10:12 PM
Yeah, about 100 years after, when X is a legend.

It was pretty, good, for a short story. Maybe it's just me and the fact that I write Novels, but I thought it was kinda short... Kept me wanting more, until it ended... I STILL WANT MORE!

Nov 15, 2003, 01:27 PM
Damn! I knew someone would be left for more!
I'll make a sequel then...