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View Full Version : This will piss you off

Nov 8, 2003, 08:44 AM
My friend has just gotten online and now hes got acsess to every item of the game. Problem is, ALMOST EVERYTHING HE'S GOT IS DUPED!!! Just yesterday he was trying to prove to me that their was a Mag kit that lowered one stat when you used, thats why he had a LVL 200 MIND AND LVL 195 POWER SATO!!! Plus he has the thinking of, "If your traded something and they say its legit it is," or, "If i dont know its hacked/duped, then its legit to me." 90% hit? Yeah right. But do any of you know know people who are like this, having all these super rare weapons and saying there legit, or something like that?

Nov 8, 2003, 09:04 AM
your friend is a moron, lying to himself.
but then again, whats the use of this post anyway? go find yourself another friend or ignore what he does and play like you want. have an own opinion about things.

have fun

Nov 8, 2003, 09:13 AM
Well, i would play by myself, but a)i cant get online, and b)he's my only pso playing friend. So i cant forget him. But i do wish he would stop lying to himself.

Nov 8, 2003, 09:21 AM
Aw, the poor fool. Heh, I was like that a long time ago when I first got online...I still use dupes, but that's only till I can find the items I want to use with my own characters. Then I "free" the dupes on the deck of P2 and quit. Hehe....

Nov 8, 2003, 09:23 AM
I'd have to say over 75% of pso is like that unfortunately...using dupes,hacks,etc...really sad

Nov 8, 2003, 09:57 AM
On 2003-11-08 06:23, hucasts_rock wrote:
I'd have to say over 75% of pso is like that unfortunately...using dupes,hacks,etc...really sad

... and denying it !!

Nov 8, 2003, 01:34 PM
"If your traded something and they say its legit it is," or, "If i dont know its hacked/duped, then its legit to me." 90% hit? Yeah right. But do any of you know know people who are like this, having all these super rare weapons and saying there legit, or something like that?

lol, he's got it backwards. everything is duped unless you found it yourself, nothing is legit.

but ive found weapons with 90% hit before. i use my Gatling gun with 90% every time i play. ill prob never find a better mech.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Deus-Irae on 2003-11-08 10:37 ]</font>

Nov 8, 2003, 03:16 PM
I had an experience like that once, I guy walked into a legits only game (I think I was playing with Jeff86) and had a Tsumikiri J-Sword and a Double Cannon. We told him that he wasnt legit, cuz of the Tsumikiri J-Sword, and he told us it was legit, so we asked him how he unsealed it, he said he killed 3000 enemies... We told him that wasnt the real method to unsealing it and he got really mad... Go play with other dupers but dont come into a legits only game.

Nov 9, 2003, 04:00 AM
Yeah, most 90%+ hit weapons probably hacked or something.

But, I am happy to say that I am a proud owner of a 95% hit Dragon Slayer, which is an excellent beginning weapon.

Nov 9, 2003, 04:26 AM
just wait til he says he has a legit dark flow. I remember trading away a rati and for a double cannon 80/0/0/0 that a guy said was legit. I keep it in my box to remind me of my n00bishnes....
miss that rati

Nov 9, 2003, 04:42 AM
On 2003-11-08 06:13, chantez131313 wrote:
Well, i would play by myself, but a)i cant get online, and b)he's my only pso playing friend. So i cant forget him. But i do wish he would stop lying to himself.

Ignorance is no excuse. I'd say ask your friend to just be honest with you and himself. Remember the old saying, "honesty is the best policy." Personally, I'd rather play with someone who's honest instead of someone who's dishonest. Whether or not a person cheats is not as important as their personality and playing style.

Nov 23, 2003, 09:28 PM
How can you tell if an item is legit or duped?

Nov 23, 2003, 09:37 PM
Just kill him.

Nov 23, 2003, 09:52 PM
On 2003-11-23 18:37, Kefka wrote:
Just kill him.

And be left with no one to play with? How inconvenient.

Nov 23, 2003, 10:02 PM
yah every1 thats online pretty much any trade u make online is with dupes, depends if u find things with psycho stats or %'s uh yah its a dupe, usually a good way 2 tell is if the hit % is over 50, as i've found 1 blizzard vulcan 45% hit, and thats the best i've ever found, lol

Nov 23, 2003, 11:48 PM
On 2003-11-23 18:28, DragonHeart wrote:
How can you tell if an item is legit or duped?

There are many ways. One is to find the item yourself. >_<

Nov 24, 2003, 06:59 AM
NOL him or PK him http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ***joke***


Nov 25, 2003, 01:44 PM
Uh, shouldn't this be in the cheaters forum?

Also, why do you care? If you are both having fun, does it matter if he's legit? If you aren't having fun then you are better off playing alone. I agree that duping/hacking isn't fair, but I also see a positive side to it. It allows people who normally wouldn't have the patience required to play PSO to do so. Maybe after a while, they will see how fun it is and try playing legit. I really dislike hacking, but don't have too much of a problem with duping. I myself convenience dupe (F/E- I have found 2 God/Arms, and I duped a bunch of them so all of my characters can use them without going into multi every time I play with a different character). Many people probably call that cheating, but I don't think it is. I could get the same results by going into multi every timr I want to play with another character, and that would be legit. This just saves time. If your friend has fun being a duper, then let him. If you like playing legit, then do that.

Nov 25, 2003, 09:35 PM
Its not that i dont like playing with him, its just that i have a guard wave, he has luminous field (best stats). I have Red Sword 0/20/0/0 and he has TJ Sword 0/100/100/100. I have 2 god arms/bodys/hp/minds (yay!) and he has god battle/power/mind/hp/body/arm/etc. Thats what makes me mad. While i go up to a Rappy and start to swing, he swings once/twice and kills before i even get a hit off. Plus he had a pair of L&K14 with 0/100/100/100/55 while i got a pair of gush vulcans with 0/0/30/40/35. He's doing uber damage while i, well you get it. Plus, my best barrier is a Secret Gear while hes running around with Standstill Shields, Kasami Bracer, and A RED RING!!! But now that im online, maybe things will get better... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

PS: Let's end this topic now please. If a mod see it, please lock, delete, etc. for my friendship with him.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: chantez131313 on 2003-11-25 18:37 ]</font>

Nov 26, 2003, 12:38 PM
What can make some one up set is doing 9 addicted food runs and NOT FINDING A FRINGGING SINGLE CHAIN SAWD!!!

Nov 26, 2003, 05:26 PM
I'd have to say over 75% of pso is like that unfortunately...using dupes,hacks,etc...really sad

... and denying it !!

I'd have to agree with this! The thing that pisses me off is not whether or not someone cheats (as long as they don't hog experience, or enter a game clearly marked as legit), but when they are obviously cheating and try to claim that they aren't, such as those who claim that Al Rappy's can be found, and are therefore legit!

All I ask, is that you be honest about what you are doing! I've played with some really cool cheaters who were completely open about the fact that they were cheating, but were there just to play, and not to try and convince people that they are something they are not!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rogue100 on 2003-11-26 14:28 ]</font>

Nov 27, 2003, 06:50 PM
I am legit but I have no-legit stuff.But I want to say sothing nothing really is not legit on a game....

Nov 28, 2003, 01:46 AM
The Mags are probly Dupped but they were made legitly, as for 90% to hit weapons that is nothing I found a 100% to hit Raygun and then turned it into an EggBlaster that is completely legit. But yeh most Items online now are either Dupped or Hacked, but hey who cares (expect for maybe Sonic Team) they are items aren't they!