View Full Version : The most important and Oprah-fied Poll of all time: Videogam

Nov 9, 2003, 02:19 AM
Now don't give me any smart-ass "You play videogames on a TV" remark (some will anyways)...this is a nitty-gritty poll.

Have you ever thought about which is better...

Which one is the ultimate form of electronic-entertainment (didn't want to include music)???

So which is it?

All the beloved TV shows you watch, or those games you feel you can't live without.

Nov 9, 2003, 02:25 AM
Video games. 99% of TV is shit.

Friends, or Chrono Trigger?
Rosanne, or Phantasy Star Online?
Survivor, or Duck Hunt?

Yeah, I thought so. :3

Nov 9, 2003, 02:58 AM
On 2003-11-08 23:25, Ian-KunX wrote:
Video games. 99% of TV is shit.

except pr0n......

Nov 9, 2003, 04:05 AM
Over the years, my TV watching has been cut down to three things. Animal Planet 70%, Comedy Central 20% and Sci-Fi Channel 9%. And for that one remaining percent, it goes down to movies on AMC and some shows on Fox that I watch every so often if I come across them. Recently it was Shawshank Redemption.

I watch TV while I'm on the comp, and of course for variety I'm not going to neglect any of my systems that I've bought if I have something worth playing.

So yes, it's a sin to compare the two. They go together. They break the tedium of each other. You get tired of just watching TV, you play a game, you get tired of playing games, you see whats on TV. And when you get sick of them both, you get on the computer....or go outside...maybe.

Nov 9, 2003, 07:14 AM
I will watch tv rarely through my own choice.

However I will be made to watch it when at friends houses. No-one I know can sit and play as long as me.

Video games win by far.

Nov 9, 2003, 08:07 AM
ima going with abdur on this, in the begining there waas TV, and then there were videogames. TV is good for relaxing, because it require little of your attention and that about it. but games push your mind that bit more. i find both enjoyable. the simpsons is great TV imo, and sometimes there are some good films to watch. but when that gets boring i can just move onto my gaming. and vice versa.

but at the end of the day, i usually end up on my pc anyway, either looking at this site of a few other sites i frequent. its all much of a muchness and is all good in my opinion.

Nov 9, 2003, 11:41 AM
I don't watch TV much anymore. Want to know the reason: Every show that tries to appeal to me as a teenager it's either a fad show (Yu-Gi-Oh, reality series shows, court shows), reruned programming from 2 years ago (Disney Channel, Nick), or bores me half to death (PBS).

But most teenagers like me that don't play video games much don't have a choice. They're like TV zombies. If they're allowed a choice watch a movie that's more suited to them, I can promise you 90% of them will take that choice and leave TV.

About that movie comment, my film rating reform project is done. All I need to send it to the 8 movie companies and that's it.

Any comments?

Nov 9, 2003, 12:19 PM
I actually read far more than i watch (dedicate my full attention to) TV. I am almost finished book eight of a ten book series (each between 800-1100 pages), and i could not imagine life without books.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bradicus on 2003-11-09 10:59 ]</font>

Nov 9, 2003, 01:14 PM
Heh, did you guys notice that you stated games, you meant 'good games?' I rented two games one night, one called "Black Stone: Magic and Steel" and another called "Mojo!", and within 30 minutes of popping in the first game into my X-Box, I was back playing PSO with my friend.

I'd much would have rather rented a movie for half the price then rent those two pieces of shit.

Nov 9, 2003, 05:38 PM
its kind of a toss up with me. i play a lot of games when i can and if i could, id play all day. but when im not its TV. in school, the only good channels we have are espn, hbo, history channel, comedy central, scifi channel, and cartoon network. but the only times i really watch, is at night when theres nothing to do(and trust me there is really nothing to do here).

Nov 9, 2003, 07:09 PM
On 2003-11-09 09:19, Bradicus wrote:
I actually read far more than i watch (dedicate my full attention to) TV. I am almost finished book eight of a ten book series (each between 800-1100 pages), and i could not imagine life without books.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bradicus on 2003-11-09 10:59 ]</font>

Might I ask which series that is?

And TV had its good shows that I love to watch (Taken, anyone?) and I'm a huge movie buff (AMV is one of the best channels...ever...along with BRAVO!), but you can't deny the absolute appeal of a good video game. So, it's a little too hard to compare them.

Nov 9, 2003, 07:24 PM
On 2003-11-09 16:09, starhealer wrote:

On 2003-11-09 09:19, Bradicus wrote:
I actually read far more than i watch (dedicate my full attention to) TV. I am almost finished book eight of a ten book series (each between 800-1100 pages), and i could not imagine life without books.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bradicus on 2003-11-09 10:59 ]</font>

Might I ask which series that is?

And TV had its good shows that I love to watch (Taken, anyone?) and I'm a huge movie buff (AMV is one of the best channels...ever...along with BRAVO!), but you can't deny the absolute appeal of a good video game. So, it's a little too hard to compare them.

Wheel of time or something... not really my bag, but i got hooked >_<

I usually go for King/Bachman(sp?) and occasionaly Koontz novels, but those were getting a bit tired.

Nov 10, 2003, 01:50 PM
I THOUGHT so. I love the Wheel of Time series--own all ten books, though I've yet to read the latest installment. *shakes fist* Damn you college and your evil ways, damn you!

I quite enjoy Robert Jordan's narrative. He's a rather thorough writer and his characters are super fun. *huggles Ninaeve*

Nov 10, 2003, 02:27 PM
On 2003-11-09 01:05, ABDUR101 wrote:
So yes, it's a sin to compare the two. They go together. They break the tedium of each other. You get tired of just watching TV, you play a game, you get tired of playing games, you see whats on TV. And when you get sick of them both, you get on the computer....or go outside...maybe.

Well said, well said.

My only TV watching anymore is The Simpsons, Conan on Comedy Central, South Park, Music Videos (on either MTV2 or Fuse), Comicview, occasionally Cartoon Network, and any good movie on the movie channels.

I play way fewer games then I watch TV stations, but games definately have a better longeviety (sp).

I couldn't watch TV for 8 hours like I could play PSO for 8 hours (if I had the time).

Nov 10, 2003, 03:19 PM
I do both at the same time. Play a PC game or video game (via capture card) on my nice, large PC monitor, and have Cartoon Network on my TV, which is still in my field of view... Usually while talking on the phone.

Multitasking is fun.

Nov 10, 2003, 03:34 PM
On 2003-11-10 10:50, starhealer wrote:

I quite enjoy Robert Jordan's narrative. He's a rather thorough writer and his characters are super fun. *huggles Ninaeve*

I was highly skeptical of the series' originality in the first book (three friends leave their quaint home because of a magician, and are chased by eyeless guys in cloaks...) but it bacame clealy supirior to Token's books because of its character driven plot. After the second book, it bared no similarity to LOTR at all (i sighed with relief when i realized that Jordan would not gon on for pages about what a medow looks like).

Nyneave is the biggest hypocrite i have ever had the pleasure of reading about ^_^

Nov 10, 2003, 05:07 PM
She rocks your socks.

And I like Tolkien's narrative...meadows are pretty...^-^x

But yes, the move from High Fantasy around Book Three or Four was welcome, since most fantasy writers fall into that trap. And his characters are just so super fun. Mat and Nynaeve, all the way. Well, and Lan, too. w00t!

Nov 10, 2003, 05:33 PM
Videogames. TV is pathetic crap..

..except for Family Guy, but look what happened to that.