View Full Version : General PSO Backstory discussion.

Nov 9, 2003, 06:52 PM
Hello all. I haven't been posting for a while since I've been expanding my spriting skills ( I haven't made a goliath sprite though, yet...), but I've been meaning to bring up a few discussion topics that I'd enjoy opinions on. Particularly because I've been thinking of using them as story topics.

1. Is there RELIGION in PSO? Is it readily apparent in quests? What sort of thing WOULD they worship/DO they worship? Is 'Darkness Force' (I think that was PS3's name for Dark Falz) the devil? What would there beliefs be?

My thought: There is religion in PSO I think, although it probably was outlawed on P2. Possibly the 'Divine Light' (I think that was the 'anti falz' personna) is 'god'. (For the last one, I have no idea really)

2. We all know there were criminals on Pioneer 2(illegally, BlackPaper I think). Would criminals be on P2 during a sentence or after a sentence? (IE: under probation)

My thoughts: Possibly, more then likely if their sentence was over before P3/after P2 launching, they would go on that ship.

3. How does light (or Photons) damage people? Wouldn't it cauterize the wounds immediately, then how do native animals bleed? Collateral damage? And wouldn't light shot from guns disapate immediately?

My thoughts: They are expressed above.

Thanks in advance. I will enjoy reading your responses.

EDIT: Clarified #2. Note to self: Don't sprite and type.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Logical2u on 2003-11-09 16:55 ]</font>

Nov 9, 2003, 07:42 PM
Hmmmm... disscussion.... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

1. I think there is religion, but Sega decided to keep it low key. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Um, really though, in the early PS, like one, two and three, there were temples and crap. That suggests like paganinstic, polythisitic, small diety worship to me. i believe there are the two all powerful entities, the good and the bad, but they are not rocognized as such.

2. Huh? Wha-? I don't get it... I suppose poineer 2 has criminals, and jails to hold such people... I didn't know anything about legally being a criminal, but if you have probation, and can do such and such, P2 is still under their jurisdiction, much like a new colony...

3. Um... yah, photons... Photons are little particles of light that go really really fast. light acts as both wave and a particle, and the photons make up light... Photons go so fast that if you were hit right now with one, you would EXPLODE! you would go everywhere, and they would have to clean you off the ceiling, and the floor, and still, you would just be blood pasted on everything, with no part of the body left to identify... But that just doesn't happen very often... Photons usually zoom right through you...

Since light is a particle and a wave though, you can force it to go where you want it, and predict where it will go. I had several diagrams depicting this, but it's been awhile since I've looked at them... And I'm not really a whiz at quantum mechanics. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif after all, what's in a name?

Sorry for putting you through several lenghty babblings, but I hope it give you a little light...

Nov 9, 2003, 07:52 PM
1. I think the religion thing is up to the player, really, because you can make your character pretty much however you want. However, the references to light and dark and stuff kinda hints at religion.

2. I don't really get what this means... But obviously, there would be people who don't abide by the rules.

3. Can it be that I am not the only one who knows anything about photons in real life? *dies* I think real photon based weapons would be sweet, but I have no idea how they would really work.

Nov 9, 2003, 07:57 PM
well, we have photon items in our house all along, since about 50 years ago. CAT scans use photons...

If you search for "photon" on msn, you get hundreds of pages selling photon lights, and such...

Now, all I need to do is modify my flash light so I can flick it on and kill things...

Nov 10, 2003, 06:10 AM
Hey, can I have one of those flashlights? It'd be so cool, especially if you give it to me "under the table" so that when the government comes to gun you down for making a new weapon, I'll still have one. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Anyway, the topic...

1. Religion: Yeah, there probably was, but considering they're not on their home planet, making cathedrals probably isn't their top priority. Besides that, the death of your planet really can put you through a crisis of faith, ya know? But realisticly, ST probably skipped those since this IS an online game. Too many religious fanatics out there...

2. I really don't understand the question, either, but I do wonder how Black Paper got there. You'd think they'd AVOID bringing criminals with them...

3. I know NOTHING about science... but I have seen alot of Star Wars stuff. You'll notice that less and less games are having realistic deaths, especially 007 games. I think Perfect Dark was pretty much the pinnicle of bleeding corpses. But one excuse used in a few games is that their weapons are lasers, and that they instantly cauterize the wounds they create. But don't you think that mabye a little blood could get through? I guess I know NOTHING about first air, either. ;P

Nov 10, 2003, 08:14 AM
1) Religion isn't a big topic in PSO and thus it's not talked about. There's just nothing happening on the religious front.

2) Criminals are punished according to the law. If their term ends before P2 lands, then they go. Otherwise, they stay in jail, and when P2 gets settled, they're transferred over to the planet jail.

3) Photons "dissolve" less quickly than standard lasers. Plus, they have an explosive effect, thus the blood taken out at each shot. Photons affect the skin the most, and that's why it can make a gash in the side, and then continue through the body without visibly cutting anything.

Nov 10, 2003, 08:31 AM
1. Religion might have declined a lot. The VR Temple stage is based on a temple back on the homeworld, meaning, they definitely had that sort of thing going before. And the Photon Blast Ring things make mention of "Great Light"--if you've gone through Phantasy Star IV you know what that could refer to.

2. I think many authorities turn a blind eye towards Black Paper given the organization's extensive ties with the government ("Seat of the Heart" after doing the proper subplot, for example). They would have to be doing something blatant (like in "Waterfall Tears" or "Black Paper") in order for members to be apprehended.

3. Photons in real life science and in PSO aren't anywhere close to being one in the same, really. Somehow, photons in the game are, well, they're actually crystallized (Photon Drop's description) and compressed (Dr. Montague in "Unsealed Door" after completing "Doc's Secret Plan") into blades and bullets and what have you. I'm guessing that channel energy themselves (whether or not they're actually made of it is up to you)--

Nov 10, 2003, 05:02 PM
1.) I have absolutely no idea. For my fic I just assumed most everyone in either atheistic or some form of warped Christianity (Newer Testament?).
2.) Pass...
3.) Hmm.. Maybe the weapons barrage the local air molecules with photons, causing them to vibrate and give off heat? I don't know... http://science.howstuffworks.com/light3.htm

Nov 10, 2003, 05:21 PM
In the book of Hunters, when introducing the Force characters they have a paragraph like this:
(loose translation)
"A lot of the Forces volunteered in the religious organizations...."

So I am guessing it does exist.
AND, given the background story of PSO I'd assume that religion exist and is prolly widely practiced by the people. Since, you know given the home world crisis and now Pioneer 2 stuck in orbit. From a sociological point of view this would be the time that religion becomes the thing people turn to for comfort.

I don't know anything about the other two question so I will pass. =} But hey, I want a flashlight that can hurt people too. (and not just hurting their eyes anymore mwahahahaha)

Nov 10, 2003, 08:05 PM
dam i was plannin on making a topic like this for awhile you beat me to it!

oh well heres one of the most useless peices of information-yet interesting-if you look carefully at the "pso writing" on the wall by where the greenlady walks around you will see the area of p2(ep1) your at is called "shopping district"

i have tried reading other words but a lot are to blurry no matter how good the tv settings are all i can really make out are like check room, etc

give me a few and ill find ep2 stuff....

Nov 10, 2003, 08:22 PM
1. religion is probably there, but since im guessing its a dualistic religion that, at least in my opinion, is accepted by almost everyone, so they don't really have to talk about it all that much.

2. if the mafia and underground type operations exist, they're on pioneer 1 and 2, but again, thats my opinion.

3. photons... i remember reading something about those... oh yeah, like MQuantum said, if you were to get hit by one, BOOOOM!!!! followed by a nice red paste on everything in the general vicinity. but i think that they were going for the whole lightsaber/laser idea when they said photon. who knows, in the PSO reality photons could just be really high-density crystals that, when charged with some kind of power, make those blades and stuff. i sounded really smart there, at least for a little bit http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Nov 12, 2003, 03:07 PM
1. i believe that religions would be openly praticed on board pioneer 2. note i said religions. my point is that coral probably had many different regions, with many different religous believes, similar to our very own planet. While praticed, i wouldn't think that there are many organised religons, merely just individual believers. and the believe? there is an ultimate beign of pure light and goodness and that there is another of pure bile sucking darkness and evil. Its also important to note that dark falz is merely only a form that the ultimate darkness can take (similar to a demonic possesson a la exorcist, as df needs a host), which would suggest that his/her true form would be much more powerful. The ultimate light would probably be of equal, if not greater power (as the good guys tend to be http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif ). But there is never any mention of a 'light' falz is there? now theres an idea for a fic......

2. There is no doubt that criminal organisations such as black paper exist. It was hinted at that certain goods are restricted on board pioneer 2. Who better to get it that box of cigars that you want than the mob? Crime organisations would also justify the need for the hunters guild, as its likely that hunters would be asked to take the evil papery dudes down! It could be suggested that the government may allow crime to exist to a certain degree, to what sinister end? who knows. again good idea for a fic http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

3. photon weapons..... hmmm, think predator's shoulder cannon. when he'd shoot somebody with that thing it would cautorise the wound, but would still cause one hell of a blood bath. Personally, i prefer lead. cause if it doesn't kill ya, you survive. id say that been shot by a photon gun would hurt a hell of a lot more. oh theres another good idea for a fic, a lead character who has an old photon wound that acts up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

and thats my two cents!


Nov 13, 2003, 06:10 AM
On 2003-11-12 12:07, BOC wrote:
The ultimate light would probably be of equal, if not greater power (as the good guys tend to be http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif ). But there is never any mention of a 'light' falz is there? now theres an idea for a fic......

If it's anything like our Gods, you'll never see 'em.

Remember this from Futurama (I hope I got the exact words right):
God: "Being God is a tricky thing. If you help too much, people will grow dependant on you. If you don't help enough, people will lose their faith. You have to have a gentle touch, like a car jacker."
Bender: "Or an insurance fraud?"
God: "Yes, if you make it look like an electrical thing. Look, the point is that if you've done your job right, people won't know you've done anything at all."

My bet would be Light Falz works though the one hunter that beats Dark Falz (offline only, I guess. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif). Ya know?

Nov 13, 2003, 02:48 PM
If you were to ask me, the only Religion really obvious in the game of PSO is those stupid.... creatures of some type that sealed away Dark Falz. Just look at the titles of the music! Pray for IDOLA the unholy. Cry for IDOLA the Holy! The nearest place to heaven, even!

Nov 13, 2003, 03:35 PM
Ok, since no one understands my second question, I'll give backstory.

I'm thinking of creating a character who was not allowed on Pioneer 1, was jailed during the launch of Pioneer 2, and was released prior to the launch of Pioneer 3 (as the Photon Drop guy tells you is soon). So would they have probation officers on Pioneer? Heck is there police (besides the Door Gaurds) on P2?

Nov 13, 2003, 05:31 PM
Chances are he won't make it on P3. Usually, a criminal record is enough for anyone to turn you around and send you back home. Since the Pioneer ships could only take 30,000 people, they will of course go for the best in the west. And since a planet houses several billion people, well...

Nov 13, 2003, 08:48 PM
Yes, but 30,000 people seems like a very rough estimate. I mean, if you were glued to a dying planet, wouldn't you try to get off, even if you had to sneak off? I quite believe that if the legal tally of people recorded was 30000, there are at least +2000 more people not registered. Probably some with criminal records, at that.

Nov 13, 2003, 11:14 PM
On 2003-11-12 12:07, BOC wrote:
1. i believe that religions would be openly praticed on board pioneer 2. note i said religions. my point is that coral probably had many different regions, with many different religous believes, similar to our very own planet. While praticed, i wouldn't think that there are many organised religons, merely just individual believers. and the believe? there is an ultimate beign of pure light and goodness and that there is another of pure bile sucking darkness and evil. Its also important to note that dark falz is merely only a form that the ultimate darkness can take (similar to a demonic possesson a la exorcist, as df needs a host), which would suggest that his/her true form would be much more powerful. The ultimate light would probably be of equal, if not greater power (as the good guys tend to be http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif ). But there is never any mention of a 'light' falz is there? now theres an idea for a fic......

2. There is no doubt that criminal organisations such as black paper exist. It was hinted at that certain goods are restricted on board pioneer 2. Who better to get it that box of cigars that you want than the mob? Crime organisations would also justify the need for the hunters guild, as its likely that hunters would be asked to take the evil papery dudes down! It could be suggested that the government may allow crime to exist to a certain degree, to what sinister end? who knows. again good idea for a fic http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

3. photon weapons..... hmmm, think predator's shoulder cannon. when he'd shoot somebody with that thing it would cautorise the wound, but would still cause one hell of a blood bath. Personally, i prefer lead. cause if it doesn't kill ya, you survive. id say that been shot by a photon gun would hurt a hell of a lot more. oh theres another good idea for a fic, a lead character who has an old photon wound that acts up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

and thats my two cents!


1: My experience dealing with religion in PSO, in my fics, at least, goes back into old school PS games, using deities like the Great Light and Profound Darkness. There were probably more religions on Coral, but that's not fully explored. That's why I do love reading a good fanfic on this forum. (Something I don't get to do as often as I'd like, much to my dismay.)

2: Well, again, I'm hinting in my fics that Black Paper itself may in fact be a shadow organization within the military, which is more corrupt than the Nixon administration. There's no telling how many other criminal organizations are running amok on Pioneer 2.

3: I'm not too familiar with the science of photons, since I've not had the chance to read up on it. However, if you're shot in the head with a photon bullet, or lead bullet, you're still just as dead.

OH, and on that idea of an old photon injury acting up, BOC? Just give me time, and think back to "Shadows of the Past". ^_^



Nov 14, 2003, 12:56 AM
You know, there's an NPC in Central Dome Fire Swirl that thanks God after you rescue him from the fires. He's a short little HUmar in a white costume named "Hase". He carries around a frying pan, heh.

Nov 14, 2003, 05:48 AM
Awww, that's yet another online only quest, isn't it? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Nov 14, 2003, 07:37 AM
On 2003-11-13 17:48, MQuantum wrote:
Yes, but 30,000 people seems like a very rough estimate. I mean, if you were glued to a dying planet, wouldn't you try to get off, even if you had to sneak off? I quite believe that if the legal tally of people recorded was 30000, there are at least +2000 more people not registered. Probably some with criminal records, at that.

Yeah, and if you read Rico's messages, in one she says "The consumption rate was higher than then registered passenger list, so there must have been a lot of unregistered passengers."

As for question 3, remember, lasers can cut diamonds, lasers are made of light particles, and human (or animal) flesh is a lot softer than diamonds. Lasers are also made with rubies, so it's possible that there's a certain crystal that creates the explosive energy when hit with light (possibly what those bars are on the guns). So in essance, all the weapons are flashlights with a crystal inside.

Nov 14, 2003, 10:42 AM
1. Religion is a huge topic so their are some people who worship a religion and some who don't like myself

2. Criminals caught and jailed before the launch of a Pioneer will probibly be on the next one after the get out and criminals already on board like black paper use such names to avoid being caught and jailed

3. Light is a weird thing as said by Quantum it is both a wave and a particle but such a thing cannot exist it is eiter a wave or a partical and in the event that one could make it into a weapon like a bullet it would indeed completely distroy whatever it was shot at andteh acctual blat radius of the body parts and inner tisssue would depend on the wave lengths meaning what color the light is hensce forth the purple would bethe strongest and likewise push body peices fartehr apart than the others

yes I really enjoy science and if I confused you I'm sorry

Nov 15, 2003, 09:39 AM
OH, and on that idea of an old photon injury acting up, BOC? Just give me time, and think back to "Shadows of the Past". ^_^

http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif indeed!

Nov 16, 2003, 05:19 PM
On 2003-11-14 07:42, White_Knight wrote:
teh acctual blat radius of the body parts and inner tisssue would depend on the wave lengths meaning what color the light is hensce forth the purple would bethe strongest and likewise push body peices fartehr apart than the others

Of course purple is the strongest. Was there ever any doubt? ;P

Nov 16, 2003, 07:19 PM
Wait a second... Would android be counted among the 30,000? It seems to me that they would be the last to leave the planet, because, hey, they don't need to eat anyway! or breath, or drink, or relieve themselves, or anything!

But then again, why would androids be counted in peoples? Why woul they have to limit the amount that came? Is it because they would emit exhaust, and pollute the air, forcing the purifiers to work harder? Or because they weigh so much?

WHY?! I don't get it! Are androids counted human or not?

Nov 17, 2003, 05:46 AM
Well, they could limit it because they still take up some space (even though they could sleep in drawers), and don't forget that they need to recharge their energy. Still, they wouldn't be counted in the consumption rate, I would think.

Nov 17, 2003, 07:46 AM
Hmmm... Maybe... But isn't there always a limited amout of energy to everything? Maybe that's why they all couldn't come along.

Nov 17, 2003, 04:17 PM
Or they're descriminated against. Remember that guard that didn't want you to talk to Elenor? I can't think of too many reasons for him doing that... By the way, whay would discrimination against being organic or robotic be? Organacism?

Nov 17, 2003, 10:56 PM
Here's my cent's worth.

1)I do believe that there are a few religions on the P2, but in most cases they aren't talked about, and in others it just leads to Dark Falz and "Light Falz". Another thing to aid the front in saying there is a religion is the name of the Colonization ships (Pioneer).

2)I agree with the "stowaway principle" that has been brought up, but I believe that if a citizen of a P-class colonization ship commits a crime while onboard, he would be subject to the penalties given (i.e. death, 5 years with possible parole, etc.). However, if a crime is committed before the launching of the P-class ship, then he is not permitted aboard the ship unless he stows away. The existence of crime onboard the P2, however, could be proof that the military is corrupt, or it could prove that the military is simply too weak to take these organizations down, hence the Hunter's Guild.

3)I'm not sure, but a flashlight that can kill sounds kinda cool right now.

That's my cent's worth. I'm too poor for another one. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 19, 2003, 07:00 PM
I've been playing/watching too much Star Wars lately, and it's beginning to make me think that mebbe the weapons use crystals like the lightsabers do, albeit slight weaker. Does that help any?