View Full Version : I HATE PINKAL!!!!

Nov 11, 2003, 05:40 PM
For the umpty billionth time, I killed one of those accursed Pal Rappies and the little pos didnt give me crap. Another 2000 meseta and another hour of crying. ;_; *sigh* I hate the people who made PSO for creating the Pinkal ID. I have about 100+ craptacular wands, but those don't do much good for androids. The only good thing I ever found with Pinkal was my Star Amplifier, but that doesn't do me much good, since I can't use any of the items it creates. Does anyone else have this problem with Pinkal, or does God just despise me?

Nov 11, 2003, 05:44 PM
don't have a pinkel...

Nov 11, 2003, 05:51 PM
you can get stag cutlery pretty easy on pinkal. and apparently asuka aint to hard get so just play it out pinkal can find some other decent rares for hunters, just not all that many easily.

Nov 11, 2003, 06:04 PM
Yeah, Pinkal gets the easiest Asuka, which is the best easily obtainable Twin Sword (The only one being Sange & Yasha, which at max grind is 80 ATP stronger and can easily have good %s if you pipe Sanges, but Yasha is extremely difficult to obtain).

I would suggest creating a Force character, as it sounds like you don't have one yet. Give him/her some good stuff from your other characters, and they should be in Ult in no time. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif Just make sure to create a solid Mind MAG (preferably 150+ Mind, put the rest into Def, or Dex if you plan on using Geist weapons to regain TP at later levels) to back you. Any of the MAGs that do Invincibility at >10% HP, Boss Fight, and PB=100, and Reverser at death, are ideal for FOs.

Nov 11, 2003, 06:08 PM
asuka...i want that weapon...and i aint got a pinkel

Nov 11, 2003, 09:24 PM
I have Pinkal HUcaseal, she basically only pick's up those wands.....I'm telling you, my box is full of Fire Sceptor: Agni, and Club of Laconiums. My FOnewm won't be able to use those for a VERY long time so they have no use. Back on the subject of Pinkal's, that's all I seem to find when it come's to rare items.

Nov 11, 2003, 09:45 PM
yeah. Pinkals are the best force ID. my FOmar has a Pinkal and he finds some cool stuff. Dude I would suggest maybe making a new secondary hunter with maybe a skyly and giving whatever he finds to the primary HUcast who has the pinkal. that would probably solve your little problem

Nov 11, 2003, 11:15 PM
I LOVE PINKAL =D that ID rocks ^.^

Nov 12, 2003, 12:09 AM
You'll hate Pinkal even more once you do find the Agito. You'll realize that the stupid katana is pretty much Pinkal's only bright point and slip further into depression. Haha.

Nov 12, 2003, 02:02 AM
i have and always have had a pinkal hunter, i've found

2 yamotos(v hard dragon)
red saber (ult forest)
stag cuterly (ult forest)
gale bog (ult forest)
2 inferno bazookas (ult forest)

and a billion 10+ star wands i give to my whitehll FOmar

Nov 12, 2003, 02:08 AM
I had a PINKAL FOnewm. I recreated him. I haven't ever really regretted it. I have a nice PURPLENUM RAmarl in his place now. Getting another memcard, so I might make another FOnewm, but I'm certainly not going to ever have another PINKAL unless I've got a name I can't live without that's PINKAL. >_>;

PINKAL = teh sux0rz

Nov 12, 2003, 07:51 AM
Yea I have a level 120 Hucast Pinkal. The trick is to create a force. That way I can give that force the God/mind and all those other tp enhancers, plus the weapons I find. The forcen in turn, which is a Greenill, can give my Ranger the Rares it finds. And the Ranger gives the Pinkal the rares it finds. It my sound confusing and tiresome but in the end it is worth it for some great rares.

Nov 12, 2003, 11:13 AM
Sange and Yasha's max grind is 30. Not 80...

And Skyly can be much worse on particular days. Hehe.

Nov 12, 2003, 12:03 PM
Pinkal is the worst ID. The only other one that can rival it's crappiness is Oran, but even that has better drops overall. Pinkal sucks, Agito1975 sucks, and pinkal is not a good force ID. Pinkal is good for you to give to a character you don't play and maybe take them to hard mines. By that time, you'll probably have a storm wand, ice staff, fire scepter, and the rare clubs too. Once you have them, pinkal sucks.

Stop wasting your life looking for an agito and make a new character. Not getting an agito is not something to cry about, having a pinkal is.

Nov 12, 2003, 12:21 PM
Pinkal was preferable to me back when it was the only secID to get the level 15 RA-techs. Pinkal has some moments in Ruins, but there are other secIDs that do just as good, if not better.

Want the worst ID possible? Get a Bluefull.

Nov 12, 2003, 12:24 PM
sorry, I stand corrected. I forgot that I repressed all memories of bluefull drops. So, the worst Id's in order are:

Nov 12, 2003, 12:38 PM
pinkal isn't bad

Nov 12, 2003, 12:39 PM
Now, now, BLUEFULL has it's strong points. I just forget what they are. (I'm making a FOmarl that for the purpose of being able to hunt a Holy Ray off of Sil Bob instead of Dal Ra Lie, because I hate Dal Ra Lie, for the sake of having something different, but other than that...)

ORAN is a crappy ID. If I had no other characters, my HUmar would be using a Gladius, a Raygun, a Red Partisan, a Guard Wave and non-rare shitty units and shield. Instead he uses a Lavis Cannon, a Red Handgun, a Red Partisan, a Demolition Comet, a Guard Wave, God/Battle, God/Arm, two non-rare power units(Ogre/Power++), and a Secret Gear.
ORAN has good finds, it's just that they're few and far between, difficult to get, and a lot of them are useless for Hunters or low-level FOs. Anyone who actually thinks ORAN is a good HU ID is either an idiot or kidding themselves. It's a good -support- ID, after you already have a REDRIA, PURPLENUM and SKYLY. And I'd go for WHITILL or YELLOWBOZE or VIRIDIA before ORAN, damn near. ORAN is great for some easy to find armors(Guard Wave, Sense Plate, Aura Field), you're perhaps most likely to get a Syncesta or two from it, and it has a very easy Star Amp, and apparently it's Psycho Wand isn't that difficult to get ...That about sums up it's strong points.
(Yes, I do regret picking an ORAN name, as well as not caring enough when I made my HUmar to look up stuff like that)

Nov 12, 2003, 12:47 PM
You're right, trunks, no ID is really bad per say... Not on its own, anyway. By comparison, though, Pinkal is far and away the worst ID in PSO. Purplenum, Whitill, Redria and Yellowboze are infinitely better. Skyly, Greennill and Viridia are way better. Oran is a good deal better (in fact, I don't know why people complain about Oran so much) and Bluefull is slightly better.

Pinkal's main draws are the 1975 Agito and easy Asuka, but why bother? Whitill also gets the Agito from a rare enemy and the Asuka with an incredibly easy boss drop rate, and in addition to those two items, is actually a good ID!

Purplenum is the best Force ID, Redria and Oran fight to be a close second. Pinkal, ehhh, edges out Skyly/Greennill/Whitill for Forces. But who's going to brag about that?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zarana on 2003-11-12 09:48 ]</font>

Nov 12, 2003, 01:24 PM
Forget Pinkal's weapons. If you want lvl 30 techs you're going to want to play Pinkal Seabed/Tower/Ruins. A level 30 tech is more valuable than most 10 star weapons IMO.

Nov 12, 2003, 03:02 PM
I do believe it's been proven that Pinkal doesn't actually find L:30 disks with any more frequency than the next ID. In fact, if techniques are your main concern, pick Redria. Since it's next to impossible for one person to ever find L:30 of each Disk on their own, you're much better off just going out and finding God/Technique.

Plus, f00l, not all L:30 techniques can be found in the areas you specified. L:30 Disks of attacking techniques have very specific points of origin, you'd be surprised.

Nov 12, 2003, 05:33 PM
pinkal has been kind to me, always

Nov 12, 2003, 05:37 PM
i have a oran and i get a lot of great stuff...it is overall one of the best I.D's out there..

Nov 12, 2003, 05:46 PM
I think the fact that PINKAL finds the most crappy rares is enough to label it the worst ID. I think 17 of it's Ult drops are SW: Indra. Besides, I find it dumb that the "mage" ID can't find God/Tech.

Nov 12, 2003, 05:55 PM
i'd have to make an oran character and try it out

Nov 12, 2003, 10:00 PM
On 2003-11-12 12:02, Zarana wrote:
I do believe it's been proven that Pinkal doesn't actually find L:30 disks with any more frequency than the next ID. In fact, if techniques are your main concern, pick Redria. Since it's next to impossible for one person to ever find L:30 of each Disk on their own, you're much better off just going out and finding God/Technique.

Plus, f00l, not all L:30 techniques can be found in the areas you specified. L:30 Disks of attacking techniques have very specific points of origin, you'd be surprised.

What are the areas? I've only found 2 different lv 30 techs, and I want to find more.

Nov 12, 2003, 10:29 PM
Use this, DOG.


Also, yeah Pinkal gets a lot of SW: Indras, and a large number of Gae Bolgs, but just how many Gae Bolg drops are there for Bluefull? Also, Bluefull sort of gets shafted on the VHard Nars, Cure/Confuse? Meh...

And I'd take an Evil Curst over an Imperial Pick.
Maybe it's because I've found almost every rare Bluefull can get (excluding HP), and I'm disappointed. I mean, Seabed and Ruins has hardly anything going for it on Bluefull.

Nov 12, 2003, 10:53 PM
On 2003-11-12 19:29, Mixfortune wrote:
Use this, DOG.


Also, yeah Pinkal gets a lot of SW: Indras, and a large number of Gae Bolgs, but just how many Gae Bolg drops are there for Bluefull? Also, Bluefull sort of gets shafted on the VHard Nars, Cure/Confuse? Meh...

And I'd take an Evil Curst over an Imperial Pick.
Maybe it's because I've found almost every rare Bluefull can get (excluding HP), and I'm disappointed. I mean, Seabed and Ruins has hardly anything going for it on Bluefull.

Whoa, never saw that before! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif thanks Mixforune!

Nov 12, 2003, 10:55 PM
I've checked over the data files. All IDs have the same chances of getting any tech. Pinkal is not the only one that can find lv 30 techs, in fact, the first lv 30 tech I found, was with my Redria FOmarl. Also, Pinkal doesn't have a higher tech disk rate either.

Nov 12, 2003, 11:05 PM
On 2003-11-12 14:55, trunkszero wrote:
i'd have to make an oran character and try it out

you'll have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 13, 2003, 12:09 AM
And I'd take an Evil Curst over an Imperial Pick.

In all due fairness, the Evil Curst is not Pinkal's version of the Imperial Pick. That honor belongs to the quest prize Technical Crozier, it just so happens. Anyway, even if they were tradeoff items, I'd have to question why anyone would want an Evil Curst. It's up there with the Maser Beam, Rocket Punch and all those other joke weapons in terms of the worst weapon in the game. Without a doubt the worst at its level of rarity.

Nov 13, 2003, 01:43 AM
I'm gonna quote Zarana here for a moment...

Zarana wrote:

Pinkal is so terrible because, no matter how many Storm Wands you find, they will never turn good.

That came from another topic months ago, but it's still the best quote ever. And the best part is it's funny because it's true.

Nov 13, 2003, 08:42 AM
Pinkal ain't that bad because it can find the highest techs out of all the id's. Getting a Red saber off a Barble is fairly easy. I'd say that getting the real agito off a Pal rappy is much better then trying to get off mil lilys but I guess I can't complain about the Pal rappys since I've had the weapon off it. Getting Asuka off Barba Ray is easy knowing that the chances of getting is 1/5 and it's probably the best twin sword to get (knowing that Yasha will take time) and God minds off nar lilys. I can clearly say that getting Gae Bolg's from bluefull and cross scar's from oran is alot more common then getting storm wands from pinkal.

Nov 13, 2003, 10:21 AM
-responds to above post-
Can you read? Pinkal does not get higher tech disks or more tech disks. The only reasons to make a pinkal is to get force weapons that you probably won't use for long anyway and to get an agito, but that sucks too.

-responds to other posts-
Oran is not even almost, kind of,remotely close to one of the best ID's. ORAN SUCKS, BLUEFULL SUCKS, PINKAL SUCKS. Come on people, just because you have the ID doesn't mean you have to defend it. Anyone who can read knows that these ID's suck, because they can check the item findings on this site. I guess these IDs sound good in theory ( to some people), but then again, so does communism.

Nov 13, 2003, 11:01 AM
On 2003-11-12 21:09, Zarana wrote:

And I'd take an Evil Curst over an Imperial Pick.

In all due fairness, the Evil Curst is not Pinkal's version of the Imperial Pick. That honor belongs to the quest prize Technical Crozier, it just so happens. Anyway, even if they were tradeoff items, I'd have to question why anyone would want an Evil Curst. It's up there with the Maser Beam, Rocket Punch and all those other joke weapons in terms of the worst weapon in the game. Without a doubt the worst at its level of rarity.

I see your point, but I'd prefer the Evil Curst just for its unusual look. I'd doubt I would use either one. I'm merely comparing some of the items unique to the section ID. Imperial Pick isn't so hot considering its rarity either.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mixfortune on 2003-11-13 08:03 ]</font>

Nov 13, 2003, 12:31 PM
I like PINKAL for the fact that it can get me my Chaos Sorcerer's Arm and Caduceus. Other than that... *shrug*

I have an ORAN FOnewearl. I regret the fact that I have an ORAN FOnewearl half the time. I swear to God, if I get one more frigging Cross Scar I'm going to scream. And those damn Pal Rappies hate me. I just want a Star Amplifier, is that so much to ask?

A Syncesta would be nice, too...

Nov 13, 2003, 02:56 PM
The point is all moot. If you made a FOmar, about the best weap you can use is a pair of vulcans out of the shop with 50% hit, or more if you can find such an item. And anyone gets these. At the end of the day, I found more good rares on my Pinkal FOmar than any other char, because their chance of getting GOOD but not UBER weaps is fairly high (like Asuka and Holy Ray). I'm not interested in ubers, so I'm not gonna pipe for HP or Psycho wand. I know other IDs get the same weaps. But most the best weaps for each ID take ages to find. I'm not prepared to spend that long, so for me, Pinkal's good chance of finding a variety of perfectly decent weaps coupled with decent techs is fine. I've also had more luck with Yellowboze than Purplenum. Bluefull also finds nice techs. All these IDs have been called bad, but I'd rather, with 3 FOs, have more techs than a chance of Psycho Wand. And whitill finds more mats. Try it out, Fake in Yellow runs with Whitill can max out your char pretty sharpish.

Anyway it only takes a few hours these days to level a chara to ult, so who cares what ID you are? If you want to hunt, make a new chara. Simple as that. I don't need to though, kitted out my fave class with the 0/50/60/0/50 Vulcans that are the best weap in my inventory, Aura Field found oh-so-easily in an online Oran game and I just want to play with friends now. Yeah I gotta remake my chars, I just corrupted. I'm not so worried now though, because the USB card proved its worthfulness (finally).

Or maybe it's just because I'm drunk.

- Shimarisu

Nov 13, 2003, 10:08 PM
One of the few good things I have left to find on Pinkal is a God/Ability from a Gulgus-gue in Spaceship (I don't play that level very often).

Some of my best Pinkal stuff is:

Luminous Field
Orotiagito (used to be a 1975 Agito of course)
Rabbit Wand

I agree that PINKAL is a pretty sucky ID when you compare it to REDRIA or YELLOWBOZE, but it has its strong points.

Nov 13, 2003, 10:58 PM
Want the worst ID possible? Get a Bluefull.

I will have to disagree with you there. Bluefull is a good HUmar ID once you get into Ultimate mode. Some noteworthy rares. They are all easy to find early on. They all either drop in the caves or forest:

Imperial Pick-This is a nice partisan, and it isn't that hard to get, and can be obtained early on.

Red Partisan-Again a nice partisan. It can also be obtained pretty early into Ultimate.

Kasami Bracer-A very nice shield. Like the two above items it is found in the Caves so it can be found pretty early.

Demolition Comet-Mil Lily drops this. Pretty nice double saber

The only thing I feel that bluefull gets stiffed on is armor. If you want to find good armor, I would look elsewhere. Overall I am satified with my Bluefull Humar. I feel that bluefull is an underrated ID.

Nov 14, 2003, 12:57 AM
Christ on a bike! I leave for a day and look what happens! Sheesh... Well, after reviewing your comments, I will add that I do have several secondary characters, and yes, one of them is a force. My force whups ass, especially with level 30 Megid. =) I also have a secondary skyly HUnewarl, but she is fairly low level (I only just beat normal mode) and it will be a while before that investment pays back. And as to what someone said about the Storm Wand: Indra, that is partially true, but I did find one Storm Wand with some pretty kick-ass %s. That is 35% native, 40% dark, and 45% hit. *sigh* If only my God Hamd had those %s. About the Asuka, I'd love to get one, but I get beaten like a red-headed stepchild just in the mines, so I'm gonna stay away from the Ult. Temple for a while.

Nov 14, 2003, 11:51 AM
On 2003-11-13 19:58, Nickwillnotbe wrote:

Want the worst ID possible? Get a Bluefull.

I will have to disagree with you there. Bluefull is a good HUmar ID once you get into Ultimate mode. Some noteworthy rares. They are all easy to find early on. They all either drop in the caves or forest:

Imperial Pick-This is a nice partisan, and it isn't that hard to get, and can be obtained early on.

Red Partisan-Again a nice partisan. It can also be obtained pretty early into Ultimate.

Kasami Bracer-A very nice shield. Like the two above items it is found in the Caves so it can be found pretty early.

Demolition Comet-Mil Lily drops this. Pretty nice double saber

The only thing I feel that bluefull gets stiffed on is armor. If you want to find good armor, I would look elsewhere. Overall I am satified with my Bluefull Humar. I feel that bluefull is an underrated ID.

I am a HUmar.

Most of the items you listed can also be found in other section IDs that add more stuff on top of that. Yeah, they can get a Demolition Comet, but many other IDs can as well. Kasasmi Bracer is also present in a few other better IDs. Red Partisan has better drops on some of the more profound section IDs, and Imperial Pick is crap, especially for the chance drop.

So now they have crap armor, like you said, and its better weapons are on other section IDs. I don't think that's underrated at all, but whatever, I just make a character per ID, so I can get everything.

But Bluefull is near the bottom, no denying.

Nov 14, 2003, 02:22 PM
Blueful has terrible Caves and Mines drops.

And on top of that probably the worst Temple and Spaceship drops in the game.

It's only high points are Forest and CCA/Tower which aren't all that great.

Nov 14, 2003, 04:34 PM
I disagree with you about Bluefull's Caves. The Red Partisan, Kasami Bracer, Demolition Comet and Pan Arms Blades make for at least a competent Caves. Not excellent, but playable with at least one good item to give each member of a four-person team. It definitely isn't as bad as the Caves in Pinkal.

Bluefull's Mines, you're right, are utterly unplayable. Their Ruins are, hmm, not awful. Not in the league of Purplenum/Whitill/Yellowboze/Redria, but that usually goes without saying. Those four IDs are pretty dominant.

On the Episode II front, you're right, the Temple and Spaceship are simply hideous. They are for most other IDs too, but nowhere near the Bluefull standard. You're also right about the above average CCA/Tower.

I've got to majorly disagree about the Seabed, though. What's so bad about Bluefull's Seabed? The Morfos item? Because other than that I would be hard-pressed to say that Bluefull didn't have one of the best Seabeds.

Bluefull's Dolmolm drops a Fatsia. That's tied with the Spirit Garment as the second-best thing this enemy has to offer, in my opinion.

Dolmdarl's Imperial Pick is probably the best item this enemy has to offer for any ID. Only the Standstill Shield is a serious contender.

The Bluefull Recon item is at least twice as good as the next best thing you can find from him. In fact, it's the only good Recon drop period. In my opinion, Bluefull scores big points for this.

Secure Feet from Sinow Zoa is, hmm, comparable to the best items he drops. Definitely better than the Viridia, Greennill, Skyly, Purplenum, Pinkal and Whitill items. Whether it beats an Ano Rifle or Twin Chakram is not for me to say, but it very well could.

Sinow Zele's Zanba is in a massive tie for the best thing he drops. It's better than Viridia's item, but the only Zeles I wouldn't want in my Seabed are the space-wasting Pinkal and Redria ones.

A Soul Banish from Deldepth is probably the best Deldepth item without question. If you don't badly need Armor (and you shouldn't, as the IDs who do find armor from Deldepth are far from poor in that department), Soul Banish is the undisputed champion of Deldepth items.

To top it all off, Delbiter has one of the three Psycho Wands you have any hope of ever finding in your lifetime. It's nowhere near Purplenum's in terms of convenience, but it edges Oran for the second "easiest." And we're talking about the best Force weapon in the game here, it's a MAJOR plus to have this.

Yes, Bluefull has the worst Morfos item. Yes, it's not even a close competition. And yes, this garbage item is needlessly rare. But the fact is, if this is the only thing you can really complain about in the Bluefull Seabed (and it is), any negative publicity towards this area is unfounded. Every other ID has at least two garbage items in the Seabed compared to Bluefull's one. I would personally rather play this Seabed than any other.

Nov 14, 2003, 04:49 PM
Hmmmm...for my HUcast I wasn't sure whether to get a Blueful or a Skyly. Reading Zaranas post, I'm glad I chose Skyly. I had a Greenil HUmar, but his drops offended me, and now, I'm happy with the Skyly, can't wait til I'm in Ult. I thought all IDs were good for something, I wasn't aware there were general crappy IDs. For example, Skyly is probably the best for swords, but horrible for mechs and armour. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Nov 14, 2003, 11:22 PM
Ahhh Pinkal what a very neat ID. Pinkal has some very very good stuff but, it's very difficult to obtain especially in Episode 2 around about Seabed. I've managed to find a few good things in Ruins one being Bringers Right Arm. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 15, 2003, 01:25 AM
I am almost drooling over a 1975 agito, and I think that is worth the pinkal ID right there. As for hunters, Skyly all the way!