View Full Version : Item: The Dragon Slayer

Nov 12, 2003, 02:56 AM
I got the guide when it came out here after the game had ben out for six months. Now when i got Home my brother in law looked it over and asked "How did the dragon get the dragon slayer?"
At the time i said that the last guy to use it was an Idiot. After several months of thinking this over I figured I'd ask that same question here.

Nov 12, 2003, 03:03 AM
Are you talking about the BradyGames DC guide?

Anyways, it doesn't slay Dragons any better than anything else, so I would think it was more of a title of you defeating it and the other Hunters naming the sword it carried after it, rather than there being "a legendary sword called Dragon Slayer" that already existed. Does that make sense?

Nov 12, 2003, 03:18 AM
The Dragon got the Dragon Slayer because Sonic Team likes to rip off Skyly. It happens all the time, they've got it in for Skyly. One look at the Forest, Mines, Ruins, Temple and Spaceship will tell you that. Stupid biased Sonic Team...

Nov 12, 2003, 06:13 AM
Personally, I'm really wondering how ANY enemies get weapons on them if they don't use them.

Nov 12, 2003, 09:57 AM
On 2003-11-12 00:18, Zarana wrote :
The Dragon got the Dragon Slayer because Sonic Team likes to rip off Skyly. It happens all the time, they've got it in for Skyly. One look at the Forest, Mines, Ruins, Temple and Spaceship will tell you that. Stupid biased Sonic Team...
I think he's talking about DC, the NGC/Xbox SKYLY Dragon drops his claw.

Nov 12, 2003, 10:43 AM
On 2003-11-12 00:18, Zarana wrote:
The Dragon got the Dragon Slayer because Sonic Team likes to rip off Skyly.

I had 2 drop in 30 seconds last night in the Ult. Ruins with my Skyly HUnewearl.

Nov 12, 2003, 03:14 PM
Wait more then the dragon drop it? It must be a cheap weapon then.

Nov 12, 2003, 03:18 PM
The Dragon doesn't drop it at all anymore. He did in V1 and V2, though, which devalued Skyly as an ID back then. Any old ID could find what should have been a Skyly exclusive, while the Combat, Justy, Gae Bolg, Indra and Final Impact never strayed from the IDs they were bound to.

Now you can find tons of them from various enemies in Skyly, Oran and Yellowboze. Your guide is out of date, but I just assumed you knew that.

And Sonic Team's passion for toying with Skyly? Oh, its origin is far from recent.