View Full Version : An error has occured blah blah blah ....

Nov 15, 2003, 05:40 PM
In mid play last night i got this message on a black screen ..it told me to turn off the machine and refer to the gc book...wth?so in a panick i pulled my mem card out.....wrong move cuz i just got a good trade for some charge vulcans with good hit % and i lost them because i didnt have them equipped...wtf happened?

Nov 15, 2003, 05:54 PM
your cube stopped reading the disc, dont panic it happened to me 2 weeks ago but now my cubes fine.

simple open up the case and close it, it should then read the disc again, if you were online at the time it stopped reading then you'll disconnect if offline the game just continues i think. someone correct me if im wrong

Nov 15, 2003, 06:02 PM
On 2003-11-15 14:40, ThaRealest wrote:
in a panick i pulled my mem card out...


Nov 15, 2003, 08:36 PM
Well at least your character wass'nt deleted! Of corse that mainly happens when the systems turned off when saving!

Nov 15, 2003, 08:44 PM
It happened to me a few times. And made me lost a few items. =P As said above, if you are quick enough to open the disc cover or hit the reset button, you should be able to get the game to save and end normally. Just have to be real quick.

... But, yeah. It does suck!

Nov 15, 2003, 09:00 PM
You should hear the tell-tale "Click Click Click" of the DVD lazer trying to locate the right sector of data and failing. There's a lag of about 2-3 seconds between when you first hear the clicks, and when it'll go to a Black Screen. You'll have to try to fix it before it goes to a black screen. Best way to prevent it (that I've found) is to listen to your cube carefully when you turn it on. If you hear it click several times when starting to read the disk, chances are it might fail later in the gaming session. Simply power-off and turn it back on until the clicking stops. I've only gotten that error once in last 7 months because of that. It used to happen anywhere from once a month to twice a week before I discovered that lil trick.

If you're offline - open the disk cover. Hitting reset will take you out to the boot-up screen and you'll loose all progress you made since your last save point. If you're online, you'll want to just hit the reset button. Hitting reset online will just disconnect you, save, and return you to the PSO Title Screen. It's a bit safer and secure than opening the disk cover IMO.

Nov 15, 2003, 09:39 PM
I got that message one (or similar) and that was because my modem was not plugged in properly.

Nov 15, 2003, 10:43 PM
well i've never been online......sorry

Nov 15, 2003, 11:27 PM
something similar happened to me a few months back. if it says that an error has occured, consult ur manual, game over

put in another one of ur games(i knoow its tuff to leave pso) and play for a while. if the same message pops up again, hteirs a problem with eye on ur cube and u gotta get it replaced. if it doesnt say anything that i just said, forget this post.