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Nov 15, 2003, 11:55 PM
This is the sequel to my surprisingly successful Fanfic, The Protectorate of Light, and upon the egging of my friends and... "fans...", I've begun my sequel!



The fall of Dark Falz at the Protectorate of Light's hand allowed not only the Pioneer 2 to begin plans to land on their destination of Ragol, but brought back the thought-to-be-lost Hunter Red Ring Rico to the living and informed world. When Hikara had walked out of the teleporter room with Red Ring Rico at his side, everyone rejoiced, and Principal Tyrell cried at the revival of his daughter. Hikara and his team, the Starlight Runners, became well known all throughout the Pioneer 2 as the heroes of the planet, and ones who were going to make it possible for the Pioneer 2 to land.

Yet, 2 years had passed, and the ship had yet to land. For some strange reason, Tyrell refused to land unless he knew it was safe, and that not a single monster could appear and destroy everything they had hoped for. Hikara reassured the Principal that not a single creature could match up to the power of Dark Falz, and that even the spirit that had created Falz, IDOLA, had been defeated as well. He knew! He happened to be the one that had killed it! And still the Principal refused...

But to put plans in action, Tyrell put Hikara in charge of the "Excavation Team" of Pioneer 2, that would select a good spot for the Pioneer 2 to land and make sure that it was safe. Unfortunately, he had created this team only after the civilians of Pioneer 2 began to complain that they hadn't landed yet. So, they had been spending the last 3 months attempting to get a landing location ready for the ship to land with great progress, but not fast enough in Hikara's eyes.

Yet, there was something that was bugging Hikara in the back of his mind. It felt like... the presence of D-Cells somewhere far, far away. It was far enough that Hikara didn't worry about it, but it just kept bugging him, making him uneasy at times...

Luckily, the site was almost ready for the landing, somewhere in the Forests, so the Pioneer 2 had been moved from Orbit into a geosyncronis hover while in the Atmosphere, so whenever Hikara looked up into the sky, he could see the huge ship hovering, waiting. This cause the entire Team to want to work faster, so as for it to land. It was almost time. Almost time...

Now if everything would just keep running as smoothly as they were...


Chapter 1- An Unwanted Presence

Garanz Mk. II, the Sub-commander of the Starlight Runners, had been put in charge of the Military when Hikara was made Commander of the Excavation Team, just as the other members of the team had either been put in important positions or became famous Hunters in the Hunter's Guild, and was assigned the duty of protecting the newly implanted Seabed Base off the remote island of Gal Da Val, off the coast of the central continent of Ragol. Something important and top-secret was being conducted in the labs that Garanz did not know much about because the scientists kept hiding it under the waters of the Ocean; he just knew that he was supposed to be protecting it from anything or anyone to invade the area. So, he stuck to his duty as Commander of the Military, and did it with great effiency, becoming well known as the greatest Commander of the military in recorded history.

Garanz walked slowly down the hallway of the Seabed Labs, glancing left and right while keeping his Final Impact in his right hand. He and his Final Impact had seen much while Garanz was a member of the Starlight Runners, and he refused to let the weapon go to anyone else, especially after Hikara had cast some kind of Grants spell that gave it extra power. It had his best friend's mark on it, so it would be his most favored weapon. But contrasting with the older weapon was Garanz' newer medallion just opposite of his Section ID tag on his chest that showed his rank in the Military. It was a 4 pointed golden star in a black circle that reflected light quite well, drawing attention to Garanz every so often with a trick of the light.

Garanz then took a right at an intersection in the hallways, his loud footsteps echoing down the empty corridor. As he reached a door, he punched in the keycode and the door opened, allowing him into the main research facility. When he entered, the scientists all gasped and spun around to face him, but when they saw it was only Garanz, they sighed a breath of relief.

"Oh," one of the scientists laughed. "Commander Garanz! It's only you! We thought you were an intruder!"

"If I were an intruder, the alarms would have gone off by now, Doctor," Garanz replied. "I just came to check that everything was alright."

"Yes, yes. Everything is fine here, thank you Commander."

"Very well. I'll just continue my patrols." He nodded to the Scientists, who nodded back in reply, then he exited out the opposite door and back into another hallway. The door slammed and locked itself behind him as Garanz took another turn towards the heart of the area.

While Garanz was walking, though, he reflected back on what had happened only 2 years ago. Vol Opt having corrupted all the bots' minds in the Mines, while a Vol Opt version 3.1, a walking version, at that, had attempted to kill the team. Then, the team finding the Sil Dragon captured in a frozen cube of ice... They're "adventures" were strange ones, including an attack by a Giant Crimson Assassin that almost led to their friend Zi'Zuku's death after he cast the world's largest Megid. The team had even managed to survive being infected by D-Cells at the hands of Hikara. Their team Commander was really something. But the Commander kept insisting during those 2 years of praise that he'd be nothing if it weren't for his team. Garanz then gripped his golden Starlight Runner's medallion hanging around his neck on a necklace; his proof that the team still exsisted, and that he was one of those amazing people.

But Garanz' thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the alarm on his BEE link went off, and he activated the Holographic image. The picture of a turquoise and silver RAcaseal appeared before Garanz.

"Commander Garanz Mk. II here," Garanz said.

"This is Lieutenant Rachelle, Commander," the RAcaseal said. "We've got some rather strange readings coming from sector 32 that we haven't been able to identify. Visual Contact would be appreciated if you could spare the time."

"I'll get on it, Lieutenant, thank you for imforming me. Get you and your squad down to Sector 32 armed and ready to go. I'll be there shortly."

"Very well Commander." The BEE link shut off.

"Finally," Garanz muttered. "Something interesting."


Hikara watched over the preparations with great enthusiasm as another tree came down and was vaporized. The Landing Location was finally clearing up. Then, Hikara pointed to the next tree that was in the way, and the Garanz Tank behind him twisted its head and unloaded a series of Rockets at the base of the tree, also blowing that one down while a second Garanz Tank fired special equipped Heat Lasers that vaporized the tree before it could hit the ground.

"Master Hikara!" a construction worker shouted from across the clearing. Hikara looked up at the worker who was kneeling on the head of a Garanz. "This wall here doesn't quite fit! It's 7 meters too far in!"

"Well, then drill it away!" Hikara shouted back. Then he activated his own BEE link, causing a female construction worker hologram appear. "Get a few more Drill Garanz down here working on this wall. It's 7 meters too far in. I want it cleared back 9 meters so to give us a little more room, understood?"

"Yes, Master Hikara. We'll get right on it."

"The Pioneer 2 needs to fit in nice and easy on its first try. Give it some leeway, so we won't have to do this again. Hikara out." He clicked off his BEE link, then looked up at the progress. They had originally planned on putting the Pioneer 2 in the area where Dark Falz had fallen, since that seemed to be the only place untouched by technology, but with Red Ring Rico's refusal, saying it could be a place of enjoyment for the civilians instead of a living place, Hikara decided to move it closer to the landing sight of the Pioneer 1. They couldn't put it right down on top of it, of course, but they could get close.

Hikara then felt a soft hand rest on his shoulder as he turned his head to see the owner. It was his girlfriend, Sabrina, now the lead Medical Assistant on Pioneer 2. No one could compare to her amazing Resta skills.

"How goes the work, Hikara?" she asked, surveying her surroundings.

"As well as could be expected," Hikara replied, taking her hand off his shoulder and into his own. "I still can't believe that I'm only 18, though, and running this project."

"Many people find it hard to believe that you were 16 when you defeated IDOLA, and that you are the Protectorate of Light. The other Protectorate of Light on Ragol was somewhere in his late twenties." Then Sabrina smiled. "I reserved us a date place, tonight. I got reservations to Akiko's cafe at 200 beats. How's that sound?"

"It sounds wonderful, Sabrina. It'll be good to get out of the work place and back to the ship." Hikara smiled at Sabrina, who smiled back, and the two kissed lightly. Hikara then looked back at the work with the Drill Garanz drilling away at the wall, causing sparks to fly every which way. "Well, I've got to get back to work. Send my regards to the team, will you? I'll be at Headquarters at 185 beats sharp, alright?"

"Alright. I'll see you later, then." Hikara waved as Sabrina walked off towards a Telepipe she had used to get down here, then hopped up onto the top of the Garanz he commanded.

"Come on, Garanz," he ordered. "Let's loosen that wall for the group, shall we?"


Garanz Mk. II finally reached Sector 32 about 5 mins. after the summon transmission he had recieved, his Final Impact armed and ready in case anything should happen unexpectantly. A group of RAcaseals, all varying different colors but bearing the same ensigna next to their Section ID Tag, were waiting at the door label Section 32.

"Commander, this is where the readings were coming from," the RAcaseal that had spoken to Garanz over the BEE said. "They were some odd reading that our computer's couldn't pin down, and when sent to Vol Opt 4 back at the Mines, he only replied that he had no idea what it might be, either."

"So, Vol Opt 4 is still himself, then?" Garanz asked. Vol Opt 4 had been created as a Central AI for the Mines and the Seabed 2 years ago, and being one of the fighters who had downed Vol Opt ver 3.1 those 2 years back, Garanz was at first a little worried. But for 2 years, Vol Opt 4 had not gone corrupt or mad, and had actually generated a wise personality for himself.

"Yes sir, he's still alright. But what are your orders?"

"Well, if we need Visual Contact for this reading to identify it, we might as well get the Visual. Keep your weapons at the ready in case this is something we need to shoot down." The RAcasaels all nodded and drew out their Hell Lasers, Rifles with the ability to destroy creatures in a single shot, then stepped aside as Garanz moved in and punched in the key code for this door. It unlocked and opened slowly, permitting the group inside. The 7 RAcasaels all flodded into the room, moving their Lasers back and forth, searching for a target, while Garanz walked in behind them, looking about. His sensors told him that something was here, it just wasn't visible...

"It's kind of hard to get a Visual on something when you can't find it," Garanz muttered. But then he heard a sound he hadn't heard for 2 years. The sound of a creature warping in. Garanz spun to his left and found a huge dog like creature in the room now, having markings that looked oddly familiar on its skin.

"Visual contact made!" a RAcasael reported. "Classification Hostile! Orders?" Garanz waited a moment, looking into the Dog's eyes, and when it charged, he shouted "FIRE!!" Everyone fired their weapons at the same time towards the advancing dog, pelting it on all sides, but it seemed to blow the shots off and continued running. Garanz, as well as the 7 RAcasaels, had to dodge out of the way in order to keep from being smashed, and when Garanz finally hit the ground again, he jumped up to his feet and fired his huge cannon at the enemy. It slammed into the monster's side, but he seemed almost immune to that as well, as it turned and charged towards Garanz again. Garanz managed to jump over the beast, causing it to slam its head into the wall, as he opened a BEE link to central command.

"Get me 2 Beam Baranz's down here now!" Garanz shouted before shutting the BEE off and firing again. The Dog now had a RAcasael in its mouth and was shaking it around madly as if trying to tear it apart. Garanz again fired at the creature, managing to distract it as it dropped the female android and turned to charge again. But as it came close and Garanz dived to the side, it got smarter and changed its course, slamming into Garanz' right arm, sending his Final Impact spiraling away from his reach. Another Hell Laser shot got the dog's attention, allowing Garanz to pull free, until the heavy sound of crashed came into the room as the two Beam Baranz Garanz had called for arrived. The four beam cannons that were attached to their sides activated, sending eight beams at the unknown monster, pinning it against the wall with a RAcasael behind it, crushing her, while the dog howled in pain. Garanz used his left hand to draw out his Varista and pointed it at the monster's head and firing, causing the golden bullet to sink into the dog's brain, killing it instantly. The Baranz then shut off their beams as the dog slid onto the ground. 3 RAcasaels ran to help their smashed friend, as Garanz inspected his arm.

"Ladies, get her to the Medical Room as soon as you can, and that's an order," Garanz said to the RAcasaels. They saluted to him and picked up the harmed android while telepiping to the Medical Area of the Seabed. Garanz, on the other hand, dropped a Telepipe to the Pioneer 2. He had to tell the Principal about this. That creature was not native to this area, or any other area around.

And if Garanz' hunch was correct, that monster may not be a good sign of what's happening in the Seabed...

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Nov 15, 2003, 11:56 PM
This is only the first chapter. We get into the REAL storyline next time.

So... how's it so far? Does it do a little bit of justice to my other fic I finished?

Nov 16, 2003, 12:07 AM
*throws down the sketch she was working on* YAY! The sequel! *does the happy-dance*

Hmm... Now that there's an altar to Navi for drawing, there needs to be an altar to you, Hikara, for writing! *g* This was excellent, very well written!!

I can't wait for the next chapter!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Eh heh... *picks up sketch* I ought to finish this...

Nov 16, 2003, 12:27 AM
It is terrible. I have never read such worthless--


I think I like this one even better than the last! It has a very different atmosphere, and almost feels like someone else wrote it... You aren't a different person, are you? o.O

Oh, well, who cares anyway... You can be whoever you want. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

When can we expect a sequel? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 16, 2003, 12:30 AM
...hikara, you really surprise me. its only been what? 2-3 days since the end of your fic? you should take like a week or so off... give the rest of us struggling writers a chance. (jk) good job, although i was kind of looking forward to a epilouge to your first one. (the "epilouge" that you made was more like a last chapter) but whatever. gOOD sHIT as always.

Nov 16, 2003, 12:38 AM
KaFKa, I couldn't create a REAL epilogue that you were expecting because then I wouldn't have room for a Prologue for this one! It's all a ploy, you see? It lured my readers in into this one!

A week off? Do you know how many people would kill me...?

But keep writing, I'll read, and I'll comment, as well! Don't let my posting stop you!

Nov 16, 2003, 12:43 AM
I for one would kill you if you didn't update... *eg* You should see how much I bug my sister when she doesn't work on her novel...

*goes back to shading in a sketch*

Nov 16, 2003, 12:53 AM
whoo! post 174 for me! (inside joke that only 3 people in the whole world would get)

lol, thanks man. i need to work on my character devlopment skills, they're lacking so bad... any tips as it were? (pm please)

Nov 16, 2003, 01:50 AM
is it time for me to post yet?
1:53 AM! time to post!

Great chapter once again, and a good start to a sure to be great story! awaiting chapter 2! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

*while getting smashed raceseal to hospital wing*
*some other raceseal falls down, shot*


"a good freind will bail you out of a situation... a best freind will be next to you saying, 'that was awesome!'. I love you guys!!!"


EDIT: *dont... sleep... O_O*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Z on 2003-11-15 22:51 ]</font>

Nov 16, 2003, 04:12 AM
cool I like the fics that take place after or when Pioneer 2 is landing their al diffrent and every one comes up with diffrent plots unlike the ones that take place during game play time probibly the reason I have stoped likeing the idea of my first fic oh well can't wait for the next chapter

Nov 16, 2003, 08:45 AM
That was great. Im going to have to read the first one now.

Awaiting the next chapter. Hurry up or I might die.

Nov 16, 2003, 09:18 AM
Look at this! I post one chapter, sleep for 8.5 hours, and then wake up to check it and... voila! It's already a HOT TOPIC!!

Welcome to the club, Spartan!

Nov 16, 2003, 10:11 AM
Of course this is a hot topic, Hikara. Your last fic was that good that everyone wants more. And talk about fast! Most writers seem to take a while to create a sequel but you only took a few days. Must have ideas still curculating through your mind.

Oh, take a week off. *Loads shoutgun*


Nov 16, 2003, 10:28 AM
Why thank you Hikara.

Im right now on chapter 7 of your first one and ive been readin for an hour . I going to sleep now.

Oh and will this one be as long.

P.S. I think youre first one is great.

Nov 16, 2003, 10:35 AM
*sigh* Oh man, I think Z's trying not to sleep again... You do realize your name is entirely contradictory to that, don't you?

Well it would be contradictory to kill Hikara if he doesn't post a new part everyday, so it will suffice saying I WILL BE VERY ANGRY!

Speaking of which, you must have been up for at least five minutes! WHERE'S OUR NEXT CHAPTER?!

Nov 16, 2003, 11:02 AM
Dont even think about killing Hikara.

He's got a story to write. YYYYAAAAAWWWWNNN!

Man I spend to much time in the Fan Works Forum.

How do you do it MQuantam how do you do it.

Ok time to move on to Dead Horse Society.

Wait a min. I think what he was trying to say was.


Is that what you were trying to say MQuantam?

i think know i'm trying to start something here

Nov 16, 2003, 06:51 PM
While Garanz was walking, though, he reflected back on what had happened only 2 years ago. Vol Opt having corrupted all the bots' minds in the Mines, while a Vol Opt version 3.1, a walking version, at that, had attempted to kill the team. Then, the team finding the Sil Dragon captured in a frozen cube of ice... They're "adventures" were strange ones, including an attack by a Giant Crimson Assassin that almost led to their friend Zi'Zuku's death after he cast the world's largest Megid. The team had even managed to survive being infected by D-Cells at the hands of Hikara. Their team Commander was really something, but the Commander kept insisting during those 2 years of praise that he'd be nothing if it weren't for his team. Garanz then gripped his golden Starlight Runner's medallion hanging around his neck on a necklace; his proof that the team still exsisted, and that he was one of those amazing people. That was a very confusing paragraph. You misused "they're" in place of "their", and the underlined sentene reads incorrectly. You misspelled "existed", and I think the bolded change would do you good. I'm only doing this because I'm an avid writer, and think I know half an ounce of what I'm saying. But Hikara's always been one to listen to those with half an ounce of intelligence(Bush, Clinton, teachers, friends, self), so I think it works out fine. All in all, it was a pretty good chapter, especially for a beginning. On a side note: Garanz with 7 RAcaseals?! He's starting a harem over there! (Nice job, Garanz. I knew you had it in you.)That was my favorite part, right there. Massive, 7 foot tall android with a equally massive gun, and 7 android females. Ah, the stuff dreams are made of.

Nov 16, 2003, 07:11 PM
heh, he's the android-pimp!! good job garanz http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 16, 2003, 08:59 PM
well mquantum, i got bored about 4:30 and decided to go to sleep... 1 and a half hours short ^_^. but now that you mention my name, -Z could also be interpreted as:
- = minus
Z = Zs or sleep
i find it quite fitting ^_^

oh right! *ahem*

In "The Matrix" Switch said:
... The digital pimp, hard at work.
Nice going garanz! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif
but then again i gotta give credit to hikara. Finally got sabrina eh? ^_^
i would feel so left out, but i'm not sure Zi'Zuku is that social yet... ~_^

awaiting chapter 2!! ^_^

and just for mquantum, i'll debate on weather to stay up past 1:00 as ussual ^_^

Zi'Zukuitis- intentional insomnia http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Nov 16, 2003, 09:47 PM
Well, Garanz, I see you've finally given up your kitchen for something better. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I have a question. When is the next part? It's been almost a day! Where are you hiding it?!

To minus ZzZzZzzzz Ha, I'm off topic... I was reffering to the time you went like 40+ hours without sleep... You were on more than me!

Nov 16, 2003, 09:56 PM
Whats with everyone YYYAAAAWWNNN trying to YYYYAAAWWWNN sleep. Its only 10:00 ET

Nov 16, 2003, 10:03 PM
On 2003-11-16 18:47, MQuantum wrote:

I have a question. When is the next part? It's been almost a day! Where are you hiding it?!

See .As I said. He is on the virge of killing.

Hurry up Hikara hell go for u next

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Spartan117 on 2003-11-16 19:04 ]</font>

Nov 16, 2003, 10:35 PM
It's coming! It's coming, no really I mean it! I just need one more important person to PM me, then I can get it up! PLEASE DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER ON THAT SHOTGUN!!! ^_^'

Nov 16, 2003, 10:42 PM
*squeezes trigger accidentally* oh shat! sorry hikara, did i blow your face off? im sorry...

lol, jk

Nov 16, 2003, 10:46 PM
"This is my... BOOMSTICK!" Rips off yet another evil dead quote.


Nov 16, 2003, 11:48 PM
There, see!? I took a week off! Cut it RIGHT out of my calendar! *laughs nervously*

Honestly, ladies and gentlemen, gentlemen mostly. You have to give me TIME to get these things up. I'm Mormon, so I had to go to church and other such meetings, hindering my ability to reach my Laptop. But, as the shotgun seems to be pointed at my head, I guess I'll get on with Chapter 2!!

Chapter 2- Kayle

Hikara's eyes grew wide with surprise and anger. Garanz Mk. II hadn't just said what he thought he did, had he? Hikara was just imagining this, correct? And Tyrell's next sentence didn't help poor Hikara, either.

"If we have another presence of D-Cells, then we must postpone the landing," Tyrell sighed, rubbing his temples.

"WHAT!?" Hikara shouted, feeling a rage build up inside him he had never felt before. He then managed to calm down, and looked directly at the Principal. "Principal Tyrell, we still have 3 weeks before the landing takes place. If this presence of D-Cells is on Gal Da Val Island, we have no reason for it to threaten our landing project! Of course it's a concern, as Military personnel are in danger, but we can't let this one tragedy halt all our progress!"

"I personally agree with Master Hikara on this, Principal," Garanz put in. "It was just one incident, and it was stopped before anything could seriously happen. Plus, it's so far away..."

"But you said it was a D-Cellular lifeform, correct?" Tyrell demanded.

"Well, yes sir. A Delbiter, it has been dubbed. It seems closely related to even the Delsaber."

"And we've found out that D-Cellular lifeforms are spawned and controlled by a source of D-Cells. They could spawn anywhere on Ragol at any moment! The Pioneer 2 is still in danger with this new source of D-Cells wandering about! It must be eradicated if we have any hopes of landing this ship. Unfortunately, Hikara, we can't send the Starlight Runners on this quest. Sending such a powerful force would frighten the civilians quite the bit, which is not something I want to have happen. We're this close, all is well, and I can't have chaos erupting on my ship! I'll have to find someone else..."

"Father, you believe you're an expert on Hunters?" Rico asked, entering the room unnoticed until that moment. "If you're going to let anyone find another team to do this, you'd better let Hikara or myself do this. You stick to your political duties."

"You're not going anywhere off this ship, Rico," Tyrell said, rather angered.

"I don't plan on going anywhere other than the construction site, Father. Besides; I'm a member of the Starlight Runners. If you're not permitting them to go, then I can't go either, now can I? Now if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to tell Hikara." Tyrell sighed.

"Very well, Rico. You are all dismissed. Oh, and Commander Garanz, you are to keep us posted on what is going on, understood? Any other suspicious activity of this kind, and I'm informed immediately." Garanz saluted the Principal, and walked off, while Hikara was escorted by Rico to the Plaza of Pioneer 2, where clouds and blue sky were now visible outside the central dome, instead of the emptiness of space. Rico then stopped Hikara and turned to look at him.

"Hikara, I've been doing some research with the Scientists up in the Lab on the whole Protectorate of Light theory, and we've discovered some rather interesting news," Rico began. "It turns out that the Protectorate had to destroy a great source of evil, much as you did, and that he had the ability to revive possessed people to their original state, but the one thing that sticks out the most to us is the discovery of this one thing. The Protectorate of Light had a follower; an apprentice of sorts. He was called the Protectorate's Shadow, and he did as his name suggests; he followed the Protectorate wherever he went, learning his most powerful spells in order to assist his master in times of need. I find it rather interesting that my father would decide that we needed to get rid of this second source of D-Cells, just as we found this out, and decided to keep the team here. I believe it's time you found your Shadow."

"Whoa, hold on just a second," Hikara said, holding up a hand. "I just got the part that I need an apprentice, but... how am I supposed to know he/she is the one who should be following my example?"

"Further research discovered that the two people happened to have the same Section ID, and there was something similar about the two; as in their cells were almost identical. Not DNA wise, but the fact that they had a strange source of Light running through their veins, much like the D-Cell, except an L-Cell, or something like that. The research also said the Protectorate just knew when he had found the right person. So, if you want to have the Pioneer 2 land on schedual, which I know you do, then I suggest you find this Shadow of yours, and send him/her to do your work. That was the purpose of the Shadow. Perhaps that's what is required now." Rico turned to leave, until she suddenly remembered something and turned back around. "I'm quite the expert on Hunter's, Hikara, and I'd say that if we found someone almost exactly like you, then we'd have a pretty good chance of surviving. Just thought I'd let you know." She then nodded to Hikara, patted him on his shoulder, then walked in the direction of the Hunter's Guild, attracting attention as she walked. Hikara stood a little bit longer, still looking at Rico, then finally took in a deep breath, and waved down a Hover Taxi so to get to his headquarters. Looked like he had a little bit of research to do...


Demi, a short, long green haired FOnewearl wearing a green and black outfit walked casually through the park of Pioneer 2, glancing around at the trees that had been taken from Coral when the Pioneer 2 had left. They were still beautiful, being perfectly kept while on the massive World Ship. She smiled again at the tree she liked most, the smallest in the park, then took her notepad up again and glanced at her latest drawing piece. It was of a HUmar and his 7 year old son playing catch with the son's Mag seeming to chase after the ball like a dog (a creature used as a pet back on Coral.). It was something she was proud of; now all she needed to do was get it colored. But she shrugged and put the pad away, continuing her stroll.

She exited the small park after 5 minutes of walking, and came towards the central city of Pioneer 2, the sky scraper buildings reaching high above her as well as far below. She watched all the Hovercars zip around at amazing speeds on the highway, while the area she was standing in was nearly abandoned. She checked her watch on her wrist for the time, and found it to be 833 beats.

"Well, that would explain the lack of people," Demi laughed slightly. "It's getting around lunch time!" She then decided that lunch sounded like a pretty good idea, and began to slowly make her way towards the walkway that would take her through the Residential Areas and finally to the Plaza. But before she could really get very far, she suddenly heard a loud engine roaring closer and closer, causing Demi to gasp and have to dive out of the way, letting out a scream, as a Hoverbike careened towards her, well out of control. The pilot of the bike was screaming in terror as well, barely managing to leap off the bike before it slammed into a wall. The green clad FOmar, with shoulder length orangish-red hair, that was piloting the vehicle lay injured at the base of the wall, his teeth and eyes clenched tightly in pain.

Demi shook off the fear she had not too long ago and stood up slowly, dusting herself off, then noticed the FOmar up against the wall. He only seemed about 15 years old, and by the look on his face, he wasn't feeling to great, either. Yet, before Demi could act to heal the boy, or anything, a group of 6 Rangers jumped down from their hoverbikes, holding large rifles in their hands that were pointed at the FOmar.

"Ha, there, see? You stupid FOrce," the obvious leader said in a mocking tone. "I told you that you FOrces were a waste of time. You can't do ANYTHING physical because you're so caught up in techs! You can't even pilot the Hoverbike correctly!"

"It's kind of hard to pilot the Hoverbike when it's engine was blown out by a stray rifle bullet," the FOmar hissed through clenched teeth, putting an emphasis on the last three words.

"Well, if you were a good enough pilot, then you wouldn't have had to worry about that bullet, now would you?" the leader laughed. The whole group then laughed, and began shooting the FOmar with paralysis blasts, each one causing the FOmar to let out a shout of pain.

Demi knew she wasn't the greatest at fighting, but she couldn't just let an innocent boy be hurt! She steathily cast a Resta that only healed the boy, so that the huge Resta radius she could generate didn't catch the attention of the RAmars.

"Not so smart now, are you, Mister Straight A's!" the leader continued. "You can't outsmart us when it comes to fighting, can you!? And that's because you're a FORCE!! All intelligence and no ability to fight at all!"

"You leave him alone!" Demi suddenly shouted. She pulled out her Mahu cards, and threw one at the gun of the leader, causing it to explode in his hands. The whole RAmar group turned to face her, as her expression of anger suddenly turned to one of fear as the rifles were pointed at her.

"Look here, fellas!" the leader continued. "A FOnewearl has come to challenge us! How... cute." The team laughed at his snide remark as they inched closer and closer to Demi, who continued to back up, until another figure landed behind the group wearing a metallic face mask and deep black cloak. The spiked blue hair and pointy ears showed he was a FOnewm, and his actions proved he was on Demi's side.

"You guys really shouldn't pick on the ladies," the man said in a deep, meancing voice. "If you want a date, just ask her!" The team spun around and pointed their rifles at this new man, until he suddenly kicked all their rifles away with three clean motions. Then, the FOnewm produced a Caduceus, and swiped the air in front of the RAmars, causing the most minute cuts to appear on their noses. "Listen, boys. I'm a FOrce, as well, and I'm one of the best known people on Pioneer 2. Watch who you're mocking, because you never know who might be watching."

"Z-z-zi..." the leader stammered in fear. "You're... Zi'Zuku!"

"Yes, I am. Now get, before I lob your heads off with this thing." The RAmars all nodded quickly, then shot off with amazing speed on their hoverbikes. Zi'Zuku turned to face Demi, an obvious smile behind his face mask.

"Keep a sharp eye out, miss," Zi'Zuku said politely. "You never know when jerks like them might be around." He then made a motion as if tipping a hat, then leapt into the air, and seemed to vanish. Demi looked around for a few seconds at where Zi'Zuku may have gone, until she heard the moans of the FOmar that had been attacked. This caused Demi to snap back to her senses and rush towards him, asking the first question that came to mind.

"Are you okay!?" she shouted in a panic, finally kneeling next to him and casting a quick Resta, followed by an Anti.

"Yeah... yeah I'll be fine," the FOmar replied. Demi's closeness to the FOmar allowed to see he had green eyes, and a symbol on his forehead that was natural for certain FOmars. "Thank you for your help, miss."

"No problem! It's what I do! But tell me, who were those guys?"

"Uh... 'friends' from school. They've been picking on me ever since I got into the College, only because I'm a rather smart person, and they're rather jealous." He then looked up at the girl and after realizing how close they were, he blushed and looked away, causing Demi to giggle. "I'm... *ahem*... Kayle. What's... your name?" Demi giggled slightly again.

"I'm Demi. It's nice to meet you, Kayle."

"Hey... uh... I was just wondering.... I felt that Resta you cast and... well, I never really got good at those healing techniques and... You know, yours seem quite amazing to me, so... Maybe you could, like, come over some time and... I don't know... maybe train me in that kind of thing... sorta..." Kayle cursed in his mind. He was never really good with words when a pretty girl was around. He did desperately need a team because he was so tired of wandering around alone, he just didn't want to be... blunt in his request.

"Did you just ask me out?" Demi demanded, pretending to sound angry.

"What!? NO! Of course not! I... I just..." Kayle noticed his palms were getting sweaty. This only caused Demi to laugh again.

"I'll let you know what my friends think," Demi finally said. "Sorry that those guys were on your back. I'd love to train you in that kind of thing, but I just need to check my schedual. Keep yourself out of trouble, and I'll get back to you." Demi finally stood up and helped Kayle back to his feet, then began walking off, silently laughing to herself. She loved making the shy boys embarrased.

Kayle stood transfixed in his spot, and let out a sigh of disappointment. He really needed to learn to get a grip on himself. He then had to brush aside one of his two metal balls that hung on his hat, before walking back towards the college. Doctor Montague would not like it if Kayle was late, no matter what the reason.

"I just hope I can learn to keep my cool around girls," Kayle muttered. "Especially if she's going to come and help me learn Resta..." He then began a brisk walk towards the Residential area again.


Hikara sipped a little more of his drink he had in his hand, still staring at the Holo list in front of him, listing all the Skyly Hunters in the records. Not many of them were Forces, and even less looked interesting. And what really surprised Hikara was that as he narrowed down his list to skill level and Hunter's Guild Class Rank, he found that more and more Female Forces were towards the top. Yet, nothing seemed to really stick out at Hikara. He continued to scroll, his eyes beginning to feel weary. He told himself only 5 more minutes, and he'd check up tomorrow. Last night had been a rather late night with Sabrina, because after their dinner, Sabrina wanted to try a Battle Mode against a few other teams, which lasted quite the time.

"I still haven't quite recovered from that," Hikara muttered, still scrolling. Then he stopped. There was something about the next picture that seemed to just out at Hikara. A FOmar, 16, that wore all green with green eyes, and a Skyly ID tag. His name was Kayle...

"Why does that guy seem oddly familiar..." Hikara wondered out loud. Then he picked up his BEE link and punched in the key code. "Rico? This is Hikara. Tomorrow, or whenever you're free, I want you to go get the FOmar named Kayle, understood?"

"Have you been searching this whole time!?" Rico asked, astounded.

"Yeah, I do that. I have a little spare time on my hands right now. But go pick up Kayle and then tell me when you've got him, alright? Now, wait. Scratch that. I want you to pick him up in 3 days or so. I get the feeling that this one may be the one..."

"Alright, Hikara."

"Thanks Rico. Oh, and send my hellos to Sabrina, too. I'll be down on the planet all day tomorrow, so I won't be able to see her."

"Will do."

"Good night, Rico. Hikara out."

Nov 16, 2003, 11:49 PM
That chapter just lays down a little bit of background and possible Storyline things. It won't be long before some real action picks up.

Nov 17, 2003, 08:13 AM
Chibi! I see the chibi!


Ummm, yes, good chapter! With a chibi it has to be good!

Sorry, Miss jaderiver... I'll never see Demi as anything but a CHIBI...

Nov 17, 2003, 08:28 AM
Schedule. Schedule. All together, class. Schedule.
You misspelled it. Twice. That's a sign you should be going to bed a little earlier, and not working on this story so much. Scratch that. That means you should be going to bed earlier, and posting this story earlier as well.
I suppose if you're trying to lie down background and characters, then this was a fairly good chapter. Here's a question: Will we ever see a nice little picture of all the SLRunners back together. Two years is bound to bring some interesting changes.

Nov 17, 2003, 09:39 AM
Patience and Time, Rose. Patience and time...

As for the whole spelling issue, I'll get back to you on that. Yes, it was for laying background and crap, but It'll pick up sooner rather than later.

And yes, Demi is that Chibi, except.... She's not a chibi in my story, Quantum...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-11-17 06:40 ]</font>

Nov 17, 2003, 10:15 AM
Lol, Demi!! Hehe, you did a great job portraying her, just so you know. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I think it was a good development chapter. Heh, can't wait for more!!

Er, I should probably be working on my computer art project, so I bid thee adieu!

Nov 17, 2003, 12:17 PM
CRAAAAAAAAAAAAP! I've just come to the painful realization that I have Driving Range from 7:00-9:00 P.M. all this week except Friday, which may hinder my ability to post new chapters!!

But, I am determinded enough to keep myself up. I'll be up for only an hour for these next four nights, but they will be typing. Nothing new may be up tomorrow, but do know that I am trying. I'll never give up, danget!!!

ARGH! I hate it when I complicate things...

Nov 17, 2003, 03:24 PM
yes... sleep/complications r teh EVIL!!!
i wish you luck in your writings


On 2003-11-16 20:48, Hikara wrote:
Watch who you're mocking, because you never know who might be watching."

dear god, i love that phrase! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif
is ladyjaderiver making a pic for this or something? or can i just not see it... (heh, mquantum and his chibis ^_^)

Awaiting chapter 3! ^_^

Strange comment for this chapter:

On 2003-11-16 20:48, Hikara wrote:
"Yes, I am. Now get, before I lob your heads off with this thing. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_evil.gif DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!" http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_evil.gif

Nov 17, 2003, 05:39 PM
Driving range, eh. Maybe you should take some time and forget about the story for a week or two. I'm a big supporter of this fic but if you keep writing so fast, so soon you might get writers block. Good luck on the Driving Range, by the way.

Nov 17, 2003, 06:29 PM
You know, this Fic may actually go slower than my last did. I've promised my friend -Raider- that I'd write him a Fic as well, which I'm going to be switching back and forth between. If anyone wants to read that, I'll try to get something up soon. I believe I will call it "When Stars go Black," based on the Black Nova Piracy league that is mentioned in the Team Guild Page. But don't worry. Hikara, Kayle, Demi, and the whole team, will not fade away!

Nov 17, 2003, 07:02 PM
Someone please remind me to check PSOW at least once every few days now, I got a little behind thanks to me getting my dad's new computer disk. Let's just say that I got busy all weekend and I was supposed to start an assignment that is Thursday about an hr ago. Man, I also have to start a research paper but I will check here first so I don't get started late. Good start on the beginning and take your time on posting, that way I won't get behind and you won't mess up rushing for everyone. lol Go at your own pact though.

Nov 17, 2003, 09:02 PM

That was seriously my first impression of your fanfics, Hikara.

My second impression was: This was written by someone who can actually WRITE!

On the whole I was very excited when I started to read Protectorate of Light (at the suggestion of my sister, Lady Jade River). It actually took me more than one sitting to finish the first one (which says a lot for your ability to keep the reader's attention, because normally I forget to come back and finish what I start).

The characters are great (I was very happy to find that Hikara is a nice, round character) in both of these stories (though I must admit, I love your interpretation of Demi). You had a decent mix of action, backstory, and dialogue going on there, with good description alongside it, but you had a lot of minor spelling and grammar mistakes, too.

The only thing I was sort of iffy about was the plot. See, I was able to predict what would happen (to Hikara, at least) from the moment I began the story. Maybe you intended that to be the case, I don't know (a little dramatic irony, mayhap?). The little twists and the subplots kept it interesting though, and a little predictablity isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I'm really looking forward to more of this series (I hope there will be a lot to look forward to in the future, as well as at this point).

Hmm...I hope my sister warned you I'd be reading this and what I'm like when I read and comment. Oh, and if you'd like a full critique to help you improve a bit while you're working on this story, I'd be happy to oblige. However, I've realized that some people don't like all-out critiques, so I'll just refrain from doing so until/unless I hear from you in the future.

Cheers, and keep up the good work!

Nov 17, 2003, 09:13 PM
I still like the Idea of after the game time and the whole apprentice thing was kind of predictable givin the title of this part of the series anyway keep it up but don't kill yourself trying to do so ok because that means we can't get anymore

Nov 17, 2003, 09:45 PM
Heh, I told you you'd like it, Lady Red! *G* Now, go read KaFKa's fic.

Anyhoo, I am going to do drawings for this and the other one, but I haven't started yet. See, I'm hoping to finish a request tomorrow (or tonight, if I get a response from Zargata about something), and then do some sketches from the first Protectorate of Light, just to keep myself happy. I hate doing drawings that I don't enjoy *coughAPDrawingcough*. Not that I don't enjoy the requests... I love PSO art, I just want to draw my own charries for a couple of days and then get on to the stuff I own Sarunakai (did I get that right???) and KaFKa...

Nov 17, 2003, 10:13 PM
Another fic from Hikara? With all my favorate fics making come backs, as well as helping M_BlackHawk a bit on his fic, I'm not going to be on any other sites for awhile. Oh, well. Better than reading "Ceasar" in school.

Nov 17, 2003, 10:15 PM
Drawings? How about a sketch or two of yourself? I need something to fall asleep to, and that'd guarantee sweet, sweet dreams.*winkity, wink wink*
BAM! Complete stranger! Man, that feels good.
But seriously, I'd like to see the way you look from your neck down. Your avatar doesn't give much that way, and that makes me wonder. And if there's one thing you don't want to do, it's leave things to my imagination. Hikara can testify to that.

Nov 18, 2003, 12:39 AM
Yeah... don't ever leave things to Rose's mind... *shudders*

Okay, I lied. I might have enough time for a Chapter. It might be rushed, but I'll try to keep it interesting. I'm sacrificing every ounce of sleep I can in order to keep my readers happy, so... yeah. I guess your guys' wanting to read this is important to a young writer like me...

Predictability? Yeah, it's got some of that. But this one might have a slight twist you'll want to stay tuned for... heh heh... *cough* now then! Chapter 3!

Chapter 3- Virtual Unreality

Scott slowly opened his eyes, only to have them close again. He then attempted to open them, only managing to get one eye open, before he realized where he was. He then shot straight up and glanced around the Lab, noticing he had fallen asleep while at work! He looked down at his display screen, seeing his almost finished programming that he was making for a newer VR mission, then began typing in his last few strings of code. As soon as the last letter was entered, Scott stretched, yawning, then punched the save key, in order to save his progress he had been working on for the past 27 hours straight. The top scientists needed this program by today for some odd reason, so in order to make sure he made his dead line, Scott had been working well overtime.

This job was meant to be nothing more than a side job while Scott kept his hunting a priority until this side job began paying a good amount of Meseta for his skills with programming. He still got the occasional call for a quest down on the planet, but most of his time was spent in the labs nowadays.

A sudden beeping noise caused Scott to snap back to attention as a small alert popped up on the screen. It flashed "New BEE message" in small red letters over and over, until Scott told it to give him the message. Hikara's shoulders and up became visible in the Hologram in front of Scott, and it read of a message Hikara had sent.

"Hey there, Scott," it said. "It's been a while since we've last seen each other, but I've happened to stumble upon some strange information concerning my position as the Protectorate of Light. I'm supposed to have a Shadow, or an apprentice of sorts. I think I may have found the right person, and was wondering if you needed any testers for your new program I know you've been working on. If you do, send me a BEE Link, and I'll get the kid over as soon as I can. If not, then don't bother. I'll send him over anyway. Hikara out." The message then faded away, being replaced with the code. Scott twisted around in his chair to find his supervisor, then waved him down to come and speak with him.

"Yes, what is it, Scott?" the older man said.

"I just got a message from Master Hikara saying he's sending a test subject over for the new VR," Scott replied. "So you don't need to get a new tester, alright?"

"Oh! From Master Hikara himself! Very well, Scott. I'll cancel the one we have planned now and expect the tester sometime soon. Thank you for informing me. That saves me a good amount of Meseta, you now." The old man smiled, then walked off towards another coder who was having a problem, while Scott turned back to it.

"Two years," Scott muttered. "And he still remembers me. Very nice."


Kayle stood at attention in Doctor Montague's FOrce Training Acadamy, facing straight forward with a straight face, awaiting his inspection. Today was their final exam for the quarter, and Kayle had to make sure everything was right. He highly respected the Doctor in every aspect, and wanted to make his teacher proud.

Montague had just finished inspecting a rather shy, soft spoken FOmarl named Yin, giving her full points for the way she presented herself, then walked over to Kayle. Kayle almost swore he saw a glint of a smile on the Doctor's straight face, but quickly dismissed it. Montague rarely smiled during times like these. Sure, his classes were fun when they were teaching and practicing, but during exams, he was as firm as a rod.

"Very good, Kayle," Montague finally said, marking something off of his holopad. "Now then, class. The Exams are going to work a little differently, this time. Instead of testing you amoungst each other, I'm going to inspect you depending on how well you do against another class. I've asked Ms. Ricteller of the RAnger acadamy to come and have them duel against us. You will be graded on how well you can avoid their attacks, and how many attacks you can pull off on your own. Some of these Rangers are very vicious in their fighting techniques, making it nearly impossible for you to attack them. I want to see you get around that. This will be the crack force of the Class of this year. The Forces will be the best of the best, understood? We lost only to the HUnters last year, and this year, we won't lose to anyone. Not this time. I feel that there's something special about this group, so I'm counting on all of you. Go and make me proud." Everyone nodded their replied, until Ms. Ricteller entered the battle room with her students following her.

"Good morning, Doctor Montague!" the plump woman exclaimed, rushing over to him. Kayle grew wide eyed at the sight of the woman. Surely this couldn't be the one who had trained the Rangers!

"Good morning, Ms. Ricteller," Doctor Montague replied, kissing her hand. "Shall we get going?"

"Yes, yes! Of course!" The oversized RAmarl turned to her class, and then began by reading off one name, then having Doctor Montague read off another, that one being their opponent. It went by rather quickly, making its way right to Kayle. Then finally, it came.

"Ms. Heartfire, RAcaseal, Skyly section."

"Versus Kayle, FOmar, Skyly section." Kayle and Heartfire, a light purple and dark silver Android female, both bowed to each other in their small arena, then turned to face their instructors.

"This is an all out Hunter battle," Montague informed. "There are no rules. Knock out your opponent before they knock you out. Good luck to all of you. BEGIN!" A loud buzzer went off, starting the matches. The huge room was suddenly filled with the sound of Photon Guns firing and techniques being cast. Kayle quickly turned to face his opponent and went through the traditional steps of Shifta/Deband, then readying for a strike.

"You Forces are so predictable," Heartfire said, drawing out a Laser class Rifle. "You use the same techniques over and over again." She gently squeezed the trigger, causing a golden photon bullet to zip towards Kayle. He quickly dodged out of the way, and cast a Zonde spell, which Heartfire managed to dodge with grace. She then pulled the trigger again, nearly catching Kayle off guard, who dodged out of the way of the first, but the second round skinned his left shoulder. Kayle rubbed it slightly, then drew out his own weapon of choice: A Hell Striker +11. Kayle then swung the Striker with all his might, knocking the Laser from Heartfire's hands, who only laughed and drew out a pair of Gatling Mech Guns. "I want you to dance, FOrce!"

"Let's see you do that, instead," Kayle replied. With a movement of his Striker, a loud *TING* filled the area, until a huge explosion blew the RAcaseal off her feet. Then, Kayle cast Zalure and Jellen, causing the downed Android to lose both Attack and Defense points. The girl cursed as she stood, then began firing her mech guns, causing Kayle to have to dive out of the way and behind an obstacle. When he heard the Mech guns being reloaded, he popped back up and unleashed a powerful Gizonde, temporarily Shocking Heartfire. She again swore loudly when she lost feeling in her arms.

"Hey!" a RAmarl shouted from the arena next to them. "You can't do that to Heartfire! I'll show you!" She then aimed her Photon Launcher towards Kayle, only to have Yin stop the Launcher while her opponent was distracted. Another Ranger found that unfair, and all heck seemed to break loose as one Ranger after another Force began arguing on what wasn't fair or not. Spells were flying every which way, mixed in with Photon Bullets, until Montague shouted for everyone to stop. Unfortunately, no one did stop, so Montague lept into the fray, and cast a tremendously long reaching Rabarta, freezing everyone in their place. Montague sighed, then tried to give a lecture to the group. But before he could say anything, his mouth still hanging open, a BEE link came in. Montague shook his head in surprise, then opened the Link. After a few nods of his head, with a "Alright, Rico. See ya later," he finally turned to Kayle.

"Kayle, you're needed in the Plaza right about now. You're excused for the rest of the day."

"Uh... yes sir," Kayle replied, confused at why anyone would call for him. He didn't have parents on this ship; they were on the Pioneer 3. But not arguing with his tutor, he quickly walked out of the classroom, just as Montague began his lecture on what SHOULD have happened...

After a few mintues of walking, Kayle heard a familiar voice call out to him from amidst the crowd. Kayle turned to find the source of the voice, and saw Demi running up to him, waving her hand to grab his attention.

"Demi!" Kayle said nervously, feeling butterflies enter his stomach.

"Hiya there, Kayle!" Demi replied, flashing a smile. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I... well... I got called out by someone to go to the Plaza. It sounded like Red Ring Rico."

"Huh. I wonder what the legendary Hunter might want! Do you mind if I tag along?"

"Well... no! Most certainly not! Come along if you'd like!" Demi smiled again, suddenly wrapping her arm around Kayle's and began dragging him off towards the Plaza...


Hikara and Sabrina walked casually, hand in hand, around what was now known as "The Nearest Place to Heaven," admiring the amazing beauty that had returned after the defeat of IDOLA. Hikara found it rather surprising that that field of skulls could return to such a lovely state so soon, even becoming a reserved park for the people of Pioneer 2 after they landed.

Sabrina sighed a dreamy sigh and layed her head on Hikara's shoulder.

"It's so nice of you to take me out here," Sabrina whispered, closing her eyes as they continued to walk. "I've heard that this place is restricted except for authorized personnel for now."

"Yeah, it is," Hikara replied. "But I happen to be Authorized Personnel. This is where I got my official title of Protectorate of Light, you know." Sabrina gigled slightly, and nodded. Then, Hikara walked close to the rock and sat down, leaning up against it, while Sabrina lay next to him, staring up at the clouds.

"It really is a beautiful place, though," she continued, "even for being the birthplace of the most deadly being known to man in this century."

"Yeah, everything except that big hunk of metal up there," Hikara corrected, referring to the Pioneer 2 that was still visible hovering. "But that'll be down soon enough." A BEE link alarm interrupted the two's relaxing. Hikara turned on the link to see Rico again.

"Hikara, we've got the kid down here," Rico informed. "Kayle, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, that's him. I'll be there in a second." Rico nodded, then shut off the link. Hikara stood, then helped his lovely girlfriend to her feet, and a cast of Ryuker sent the two towards the Pioneer 2 again...


10 mins. later, Kayle was standing on the teleport pad to enter the newest addition to the VR's, known as VR Spaceship Gamma. Demi stood next to him only because Hikara volunteered her to be his support FOrce, which Kayle did not have a problem with, but refused to show it... Then, the teleporter activated, landing the pair in the VR.

"Alright, Kayle," the instructor said. "Master Hikara wants to see what you can do. This is VR Spaceship Gamma, and will provide you with the ability to practice your fighting skills against more powerful versions of the Monsters, alright? Keep a close eye on your HP, because we can't have you hurt TOO badly out there, alright? Remember, this is just a VR, but it hasn't been tested yet, so we don't know what to expect. You may begin." The door in front of them opened, allowing them to enter the first of 7 square rooms. Kayle activated his Double Saber while Demi drew out her Mahu. Kayle was suprised to actually see that.

"I didn't know you actually used those in real combat!" Kayle exclaimed.

"Oh yes," Demi replied. "That's how I managed to nail that one RAmar's rifle so well. I practice, you see." Without a further word, Demi cast Shifta and Deband, then began glancing around. Without warning, the first wave of monsters arrived. It was a series of... Al Rappies?

"This is different," Kayle muttered, casting a strong Gifoie. The Al Rappies didn't go down as quickly as normal Rag Rappies did, but before they could reach the pair, they had all already been knocked down. It didn't take much to do that. Their next challenge was a pack of Savage Wolves. Demi took them down quite easily by throwing her cards in such a way that each and every monster's throat was slit, killing them. They, too, faded away.

"Phase one completed," A computer said. Another door opened, allowing access into the next room.

The first thing to appear in this room was a small group Pal Sharks, which were a little more of a challenge. But Kayle told Demi to stay where she was and cast Rabarta, while ran up and showed off his amazing expertice with a Double Saber. 6 clean slashed disabled 5 Pal Sharks, but the fifth avoided the slice, sending one of his own. The slash caught Kayle on the arm, and when Demi realized what had happened, she immediatly cast a Resta, followed by Rabarta, which destroyed the rest of the group.

"You're quick with that Resta, Demi," Kayle noticed, looking at his wound that was rapidly diappearing.

"It's what I do," Demi smiled. Then, a force of Grass Assassins moved in, which didn't stand a chance against Kayle's Rafoie.

"I wish I could do that kind of thing," Demi muttered. But when she found one of the Grass Assassins was actually still alive, she cast her own Rafoie to test it out, and it proved more powerful than Kayle's was! Kayle was astounded...

"Don't underestimate yourself like that," Kayle said, staring at where the explosion had erupted. "You make me look bad..."

"Phase 2 completed. Move on to phase 3." The pair moved on.

This room was obviously the Mines room, as they were immediatly greeted by a swarm of Dubchics. Remembering her own adventures in the Mines, Demi advised Kayle to go after the yellow spiked machines that controlled them. Kayle saw what she was talking about and began to strike it down, along with a few other Dubchics in the process, with a Gizonde. The first wave was destroyed while Demi took care of the other half with a Megid that penetrated through the group. Kayle's eyes grew wide at the spell, wishing he could do that kind of thing himself, until his dreaming was interrupted by a pair of Baranz that had appeared. Demi let out a scream at the size of the Machines, them being larger than even the Garanz, but Kayle managed to keep his cool. He remembered a key item. Baranz were not smart. When the missiles were fired at the pair, Kayle grabbed Demi around the waist and dove out of the way, watching the missiles crash into the Baranz. The two machines grew angry and kept firing at one another, until they were finally destroyed. Phase 3 done, Phase 4 coming up...

But as they entered, facing their challenge of 3 Delsabers, a paniced Scott's voice came over the intercom.

"VR terminated!" he shouted. "Those Delsabers aren't part of the program!"

"What!?" Demi demanded. "So they're real!?"

"Yes, but still weak against my powers!" Hikara suddenly said, appearing next to the group. 3 Grants eliminated the Delsabers, but before anything else could happen, they were teleported out. And when they had reached the control center, everyone was in shock.

"Real Delsabers..." Rico muttered. "I thought they had been destroyed when Falz died..."

"Same here," Hikara agreed. Then he turned to the pair. "You two were quite impressive, I must admit. We're going to assess your presentation, and then we'll get back to you, alright? Thank you two for you help." And without saying another word, he turned to Scott again to help him review his code, leaving the pair to stand, looking and feeling very much confused...

Nov 18, 2003, 12:51 AM
Pretty good. I'll reread it in the morning. My new best friend, Lady Jade River, just sent me a picture of Demi. I likes.....
Pretty good chapter. I'm just distracted by the picture of Demi going through my mind. Curse you, Lady Jade River! Why must you be such a good artist? And why must I like it?

Nov 18, 2003, 03:59 AM
Alright, you got me to read it, what with using my Location as a chapter title... ^_-;

It's good. ^_^

I can't think anymore because I've been up for a good 48 hours now. O_X So I'll stop before I get incoherent. X_O

Nov 18, 2003, 06:30 AM
Interesting twist right there at the end, with the Delsabers. This leads me to some interesting suspicions, but I'll refrain from posting them here, in case I'm wrong (I don't much feel like looking like an idiot with my twisted/stupid imaginings).

I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Nov 18, 2003, 08:30 AM
That saves me a good amount of Meseta, you now."
Misspelled "know." It's a good thing when that's the biggest error I can pull from thin air.
After rereading it, I decided your attempt at a love scene could use some help. That's also a good thing, considering those aren't your forte.
As a story, it wasn't too bad. I've read better, and worse, anyway.
Of course, putting in a character named "Heartfire" is bound to draw some attention. Can we expect something from her, or did you create such an obvious implication of a name for no reason?
I think this chapter does a good job of leading into the next one. Can't wait for four.

Nov 18, 2003, 09:40 AM
But I SWORE I fixed that typo!! Ah well... I happened to be typing that at 11:00 p.m., so.... I'll get that checked.

I really need to get my storyline going here, so I can actually get into the interesting part of the story. These first three chapters aren't quite doing as well as I had hoped...

Nov 18, 2003, 10:29 AM
Again, your portrayal of Demi was excellent... And I like how this fic is going! Very nicely written. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oh, and if anyone else wants to see the pic of Demi, I can post it here... I just never did because it's rather old.

Nov 18, 2003, 12:41 PM
Post it! I don't see why not! It pertains to the story! Besides. Old or not, it's a very nice pic!

Nov 18, 2003, 03:05 PM
I... forgot what I was going to say.
Anyways, another good chapter.

Now what did I want to say...

Nov 18, 2003, 03:45 PM
hmm... in my opinion deband/jellen works better than shifta/deband. but thats just me (i love just walking through monster's attacks, hardly doing any damage ^_^).

but all else i can say is this: dun, dun, DUUUUN! ^_^

Awaiting chapter 4! (best of luck at the driving range! ^_^)

strange comment for this chapter:

Montague: Kayle is vicrorious over heartfire!

Ricteller: WHAT!? GRRRR, Next match! Kayle VS ME!!!
*jumps high into air, initiates a swan dive body slam*

Kayle: mommy...

Nov 18, 2003, 04:51 PM
Okay, everyone. The following is necessary, understood? I need the following people to answer the following question. The people who must answer are listed below:

Now the question. What would you have your character represent? Each spot only has so many spaces, so first come first serve!!
Foie (1 slots)- Garanz Mk. II, Scott
Barta (0 slots)- Gnarled Rose, Zi'Zuku
Zonde (2 slots)- Yang Ishii, YamiShi
Resta (0 slots)- Demi

Either PM me or reply here!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-11-18 14:41 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-11-19 09:43 ]</font>

Nov 18, 2003, 05:13 PM
tough choice. although he can be a bit explosive, its either barta or zonde. in other fics Zi'Zuku is quick as lightning, striking without warning, and paralyzing the unexpecting with fear. but then again he can be one cold person at times, as if he had a heart of ice, and always keeping his cool.
personality- barta
fighting style- zonde

but i guess when you say what your character would best represent, i'm asuming you mean personality. put me down for barta (plus i juts seem to be so much more immune to the cold than so many people i know ^_^). yeah, definitely put me down for barta (barta rules! ^_^)

in the chilling veil of darkness, there is one who's sympathy is like of bitter arctic.

(resta is my only lvl 30 tech as of now. ironic isnt it? ^_^)

Nov 18, 2003, 05:42 PM
Post it! I don't see why not! It pertains to the story! Besides. Old or not, it's a very nice pic!

You forgot the obligatory underline of very. Like this: VERY
Capise? Too bad, I'm not going over it again. Get Garanz to explain it to you, if you don't quite get it. After two years, a conversation could be good for you two.

This goes to all you of you: Check out Lady Jade River's work on Deviant! It's awesome!
(To Lady Jade River)Sorry, but I like what I see and I've gotta advertise. If you're blushing, press one. If you'd like to blush, press two. If you'd like to do what the second option suggests, press two. If you've got a better idea, press star.

Nov 18, 2003, 06:19 PM
I'm going to have nightmares...

I thought a fat Ramarl was the worst that could ever happen... But when my little chibi friend got all evil... I'm going to go cry!

Nov 18, 2003, 06:54 PM
I'm not sure why Jade's character's element thing pertains to me, so I'll just say that whatever she decides is fine with me.

Nov 18, 2003, 09:10 PM
you need dark as an option but seeing as Shi's name means Dark Death that's to be expected anyway please don't kill yourself posting this (speaking as a truly conserned person)

Nov 18, 2003, 10:35 PM
lol, good chapter. Hopefully, I can get someone to draw Yang and/or Yin, and since you used Yin Hikara, ignore my mails about other characters because I didn't know that you were gonna use her. I'm still gonna make Yin, but now I have a new RAcaseal to get some lvls on first. At this rate, 200 is a dream but I'm having so much fun with characters I don't care much. I can't believe I got to read this today.

Nov 19, 2003, 12:44 PM
My writing abilities are going to be rather hindered as of late because my parents think I'm spending too much time on the internet. I'll post whenever I get the chance, and I'll hope it's fast, but when I don't, you know why...

I got the representations listed above, in order that they came to me. Hope everyone likes where they are.

Nov 19, 2003, 11:16 PM
Just so everyone following this story knows, I'm almost done with my first sketch of Hikara... *dances*

Nov 20, 2003, 09:53 AM
Well, on the up side, all this time not writing gives Hikara time to clear up everything he needs to say. He can rewrite a whole bunch of times until he's absolutely sure he has it just how he wants it.
P.S. Sore throats aren't fun. Makin' me miss dancing. But when I return to school, I shall dance with A VENGEANCE! Sorry. I just love that class. All the girls......http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 20, 2003, 12:45 PM
Just an update, so you all know, I'm writing out this next chapter... by hand.... *shakes hand in pain*, and am making sure everything works out well. I'll type it up and get it on here as soon as I get a chance! I haven't forgotten! It's too important!!!

Now then... I need to get back to what I was doing...

*starts writing vigorously*


Nov 20, 2003, 05:09 PM
Cant wait 4 nxt chapter.

But dont type too much on your computer.

Carpal tunnel may be a problem.

Especcialy for long chapters like yours.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Spartan117 on 2003-11-20 14:10 ]</font>

Nov 20, 2003, 08:10 PM
really I get little spits if I play my GBA to much and Rose I relize your lonly I was there once myself and still am kind of but please keep it gentelmanly and decent

Nov 20, 2003, 08:32 PM
What, you don't write out your chapters before hand?! Wow, I always do, just so I have a basic idea to improve when I type...

And BEWARE the EVIL CARPEL TUNNEL! I have self diagnosed myself with it, and I doubt I'll be able to sue for malpractice... So dissapointed...

Nov 21, 2003, 08:03 PM
Wow. It's only been four days since the last chapter. Feels much longer. Like a week.
Then again, I've been sick for the past two days, and haven't left the house since Wednesday night.
If Hikara's chapters can be that good with only one day's difference, imagine how good this next one should be.
Here's hopin'!*crosses fingers*

Nov 23, 2003, 08:03 PM
65 posts total, ladies and gentlemen (I can actually say that, too, with the whole ladies part!), and I've only got.... 4 chapters up. Man, that's awesome!!

Thank you much to Lady Jade for creating the amazing pic of Hikara. It looked wonderful inked. Can't wait to see it colored!!

To inform you, I've written, rewritten, completely erased, written, rewritten, torn into tiny shreds, and finally written the next chapter.

And finally, thanks to all of you for you patience in my lack of ability to post my new chapter. Now, chapter 4.

Chapter 4- A Shadow's Purpose

Yin slowly gimped out of the FOrce training arena, her entire body sore from the impending events. She dragged her cane behind her from lack of energy to carry it, and her body begged her for sleep. A shadow fell over her wary form, causing her to jump to attention and look up at her opponent, only to sigh and see it was her older brother Yang Ishii.

"Thank goodness it's only you, Yang," Yin chuckled. "I thought you were another Ranger for a second."

"Another RAnger!?" Yang shouted, aghast. "How could you confuse me for a RAnger!? Rangers don't wear robes, sis." Then he paused for a moment. "What's wrong? You look very tired."

"I am. We were supposed to have our combat test today with Ms. Ricteller's Ranger class, and this one kid named Kayle fired a Rafoie at soem RAcaseal, and her buddy freaked out and tried to fire at Kayle, which only caused another Force to freak out, and a fight insued between who was cheating and who wasn't. Doctor Montague and Ms. Ricteller even got into a fight! It was... just... madness." A loud crashing sound came from the room behind Yin, causing her to jump and run to her brother's side as Doctor Montague came running out of the room, looking back and forth for an escape route, before running down the corridor, and enraged plump RAmarl chasing after him with a cry of rage, a Rifle waving above her head. "See? I told you."

"That's just kind of... disturbing," Yang finished, staring as the Doctor turned down another corridor. "Let's just hope he's alright, yeah?" Yin nodded, until the two of them heard another shout coming from behind them. The Ishii's turned to see someone Yang hadn't seen in a long time.

"YamiShi!" Yang shouted, returning his friend's frantic wave. "What brings you out to this sector of Pioneer 2?" Shi stopped and caught his breath before he began. He pulled out a small electronic screen, and handed it to Yang, who turned it on and studied it carefully.

"It's Hikara," Shi informed. "He wants to gather the entire team again after 2 long years because of something he, Scott, and Sabrina found in a new VR Scott had programmed."

"In a VR? I thought everything there was just fake."

"It was, except for this thing they found. Hikara says it's urgent, and wants us to meet him as soon as we can down at the Lab."

"Well, I'm free right now!" Yang then turned to his sister. "Yin, how's about you return to our quarters and get yourself healed. I really shouldn't be long."

"Sure thing, Yang," Yin simply said. "Come back soon, alright?" Yang nodded, and Yin walked off towards their quarters. Yang then stood up and faced Shi again. "Alright. Let's go."


Demi clapped excitedly again as Kayle tried once more to cast Resta. They had been spending the past 12 hours, the time from the Delsaber incident to now, attempting to teach Kayle how to correctly cast Resta. So far, he could cause the most splendid looking Resta to erupt on his own body, but he had yet to get it to cast to Demi. Somehow this discouraged Kayle, but it made Demi all the more happy.

"That's excellent, Kayle!" Demi shouted as the light surrounded his body again. "You're doing so well for just 12 hours! In no time we'll have you casting mutual Restas! Now come on, watch me again, and..."

"No, Demi," Kayle sighed. "It's just not working like it should. I already told you I was no good with healing Techs. By this time, I should already be able to cause my spell to heal you, too, but I can't get it off my body. It... It just isn't working. We need to take a rest." Demi's smile faded as she looked Kayle over, noticing how saddened he looked. Why was he so sad!? He had been making amazing advances in his spells and yet he just couldn't get over the fact that his spell didn't explode off his body like Demi's could. Demi sighed, then nodded to Kayle, who sat down on his couch. Demi walked to a wall and leaned casually against it, brooding over why his spells didn't erupt. There was the fact that Demi had been practicing this spell for quite some time, but even Kayle should be doing a mutual spell by this time, at least.

"Did your parents know Resta?" Demi asked, trying to form out how he was having so much trouble.

"Both my parents were Rangers," Kayle said. "They got left on the planet when Pioneer 2 left. They never cared much for Forces or Techs until I decided I was going to be a FOmar. So, no. They didn't ever learn it."

"Well, that wouldn't explain anything. You'd only have problems through your parents if they knew but completely shunned the spell. Huh. It just doesn't make sense right now..." Demi began drumming her fingers on her chin, until Kayle suddenly muttered something. Demi looked up at him to see if he was speaking to her. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"They're.... they're speaking to me...." Kayle muttered, his eyes wide with fear.

"They? Kayle, what's wrong?"

"The.... I can't tell who, but someone is trying to speak to me! Come on, Demi. We need to find out who's in trouble!"

"In troub... whoa!" Demi didn't have much time to think before she was dragged out the door.


Hikara stared angrily at the three Delsabers who were restrained in the same room as he. These Delsabers shouldn't be here, he thought. They should have disappeared when Dark Falz was destroyed, just like the rest of them. Hikara's teeth clentched as he felt rage build up inside him. He wanted to destroy every hint of Dark Falz' exsistence, and he'd have these three destroyed if it weren't for the doctors wanting to test them. But Hikara realized how like IDOLA his thoughts were at the moment, and let out a sigh. He then turned to the doctors who were behind glass with the rest of the team that was gathering, and spoke loudly so they could hear him.

"So, doctors," Hikara asked. "What have you managed to gather?"

"They're Delsabers, alright," the lead doctor replied. "They've got the D-Cells and everything. They just... seem to be a new strain. They didn't die instantly on contact with Grants like normal Delsabers did, but they were still prone to it. Something is slightly different about these ones, but we can't quite pin it down." Hikara only shook his head, then walked out of the room to his team. He then smiled and looked at the 7 that had gathered.

"Hey, guys. It's been a while, hasn't it." Everyone nodded in reply, smiling back at his warm demeanor that had remained. But Hikara's smile faded quickly. "Alright, everyone. I've gathered you here today to inform you of what we found in the VR's, as I'm sure you all know. I was supposed to be looking for a 'Shadow.' An apprentice of sorts. When I thought I had found the right person for the job, we went to get him tested. While he was testing, though, we stumbled across these 3 Delsabers that were quite alive and well; not simulated like the rest of the creatures were. I managed to stun them with Grants and we brought them in to be tested. As you all heard, they were real, but not from Dark Falz; the information we have to compare these Dels by is the information gathered on Falz Dels. They don't match exactly like they should. Garanz, who is now the Commander of the military, also stumbled on something I think you should here. Garanz?" Garanz stood from his chair, and took in a long breath, before letting it out.

"While I was in the Seabed labs, we came across some odd creature, dubbed the Delbiter, that had the same genetic composition of the Delsaber, but instead of being based of a Hunter, it was based off a dog of some sort. The presence of D-Cells said that it couldn't have just formed out of nothing, which suggests that a new source of D-Cells is present." Everyone gasped and look aghast at the suggestion. "We looked further into the idea that there was another source and found.... that the scientists in the Seabed labs had been experimenting with a test subject that had been infected with D-Cells, picking up where Dr. Osto had left off. This test subject was what was left of Heathcliff Flowen, and they've now dubbed the creation Olga Flow. They let the creation get out of hand, and it's begun to do exactly what Falz did: build its own army of D-Celled creatures and sick them on the intruders of the planet. Portions of the Seabed labratories have been sealed off and restricted due to the presence of these creatures, and the Military that was left down in the Seabed have been given the mission to guard the restricted gates so as to make sure nothing could happen. Of course, Master Hikara came up with the idea that we needed to go and destroy this source, just as we should, but he prinicpal has restricted us from doing so, saying it would cause the people to become uncomfortable, frightened, and maybe even start a rebellion against the landing."

"We need to get this thing destroyed," Hikara continued, "but since we can't do it ourselves, I'm attempting to find my Shadow so as to send him down there to do the job for us. We land in only a matter of weeks, and we can't let this new presence jeopardize the landing. We've all worked too hard."

"Alrigth, I agree," YamiShi added. "But if we plan on taking out this source of D-Cells, but we can't get down there ourselves, who are we going to send, exactly? Most certainly the Protectorate's Shadow alone couldn't do this. They alone couldn't take down Olga Flow. It took the entire team to take down Dark Falz!"

"But only Hikara to destroy IDOLA," Sabrina reminded.

"But that was only IDOLA," Rico interrupted, walking in. "IDOLA was just a spirit inhabiting my body. Shi's right; it's going to take much more than just one person to take down Olga Flow." But just as Rico finished, Kayle burst into the room, Demi following him. Everyone was surprised at their sudden entrance, but Kayle only gasped when he spotted the Delsabers.

"They... were talking to me?" Kayle whispered.

"Kayle!" Hikara shouted. "What are you doing here!?"

"The Delsabers were talking to me!" Kayle replied. "I could hear them! They kept asking what we've done to their master!"

"What!?" Sabrina asked. "Delsabers can't talk!"

"They did, though..." Something about the tone in Kayle's voice caused Hikara to stare long and hard at his yet-to-be-pronounced Apprentice, thinking at how this boy could honestly think that these monsters could think. Sure, they could be intelligent; their ability to slaughter even the greatest of Hunters showed that. But to talk?

"If they're talking, what are they saying," Rose demanded. There was an icy sense of hatred in his voice for some odd reason.

"They keep asking what we've done with their master. They're confused, lost. Vindictive, even. They seem to have a bone to pick with you, Hikara." Hikara turned to face the Delsabers, his face changing into a scowl. Then something clicked in his mind. His scowl was replaced with a look of wonder as he turned to face Kayle. There was a certain air about Kayle that was different from what he had felt when he first saw his name on the Holo, and he hadn't noticed it until just now. It was an eerie air of.... darkness? The Light inside Hikara kept clashing with this feeling he was getting, telling him that something was different, and possibly threatening, about this boy. But when he turned to Demi, the feeling subsided and was replaced with what felt like... an attraction. Not an attraction like Hikara felt towards Sabrina, but like the Light inside of him that he had because of his Protectorate position was telling him something important.

"Hikara?" Scott asked. "You alright?"

"No... No I'm not," Hikara muttered. He looked back at Kayle and felt the sinking feeling again. A feeling of agression. "I think I may have just figured out what I've been searching for for a while... Doctor, unrestrain the Dels."


"You heard me. Unrestrain them." The doctor hesitantly hit the button to release the Delsabers, and they only stood in place, looking directly at Kayle. "Now, Kayle. I want you to tell them to raise their Buster. By any means. Preferably the first that comes to mind." Kayle nodded, and ordered the Dels to raise their Busters with a thought, not speaking a word. The Delsabers obeyed his thought. Kayle suddenly became afraid of what he could do, looking back at Hikara with a look of absolute fear. Hikara only nodded, having what he had pondered be confirmed. But Kayle suddenly collapsed to the floor with a scream, holding his ears, causing everyone to jump and panic. Demi rushed to his side, shouting to him, attempting to get him to calm down.

"Kayle!" Demi screamed. "Kayle, what's going on!?"

"The Sabers!" Kayle cried in pain. "They're... attacking my mind!!" Hikara looked from Kayle to the Delsabers, and with a thought of concentration, he outstretched his hand and attacked the Dels with what he thought was going to be Grants, but 3 pillars of light crashed down on top of them instead, destroying them instantaneously. Kayle finally stopped shouting in pain as Hikara stared at what he had done. Everyone else was aghast as well, but Hikara was the one to break the dead silence.

"Return when I give the order," Hikara muttered, still staring. "I've got a lot to think about." Everyone nodded and began to leave, until Hikara stopped Kayle and Demi. He turned to the two, his face rather pale when he broke them the news.

"Kayle, I was mistaken," he began. "You're not the Protectorate's Shadow as I suspected. You have great potential, but it lies elsewhere. The person who IS my Shadow is actually Demi, and your purpose is to defeat Olga Flow while I get the Pioneer 2 down. Now wait, Demi. We'll explain this to you later. As for now, go home, get some rest. A lot of things have happened today, and I need to think about them. So... I'll give you both a call when things get settled down." Hikara then turned away from them, putting his hands over his face and sighing. Demi, still astonished at the news, slowly walked out of the room, holding Kayle up as he weakly followed...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-11-24 14:11 ]</font>

Nov 23, 2003, 08:18 PM
You're probably extremely rushed for time, but when you get the chance, proofread this. There's a small number of minute errors, none of which are important enough to mention or remember. It's just nice to see you're alive. Kind of.

Nov 23, 2003, 08:35 PM
wow, hikara lives.

gOOD sHIT as always hikara http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 23, 2003, 08:40 PM
Ah! at last a new chapter! great to hear that you've got some things under wraps...
awwwww, gnarled rose beat me to the first reply http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

awaiting the next chapter! ^_^
strange comment for this chapter:

*Kayle walkes up to delsaber and says...*

Nov 23, 2003, 08:52 PM
New chapter! New chapter! *dances* And excellent as always. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

*goes back to furiously colouring the pic of Hikara*

Nov 23, 2003, 08:59 PM
Ah, the whole team reunited. A good chapter as well, Hikara. I eagerly anticipate your next chapter, Protectorate (your new nickname).

Nov 23, 2003, 09:29 PM
Awesome first part of chapter. Cant wait for the rest.

Nov 23, 2003, 10:04 PM
I've been slacking a bit these past few days, and now I have all off this STUFF to read! ARGGH!

No, really, this was great! I want a pet Delsaber! Then he could walk around wispering mental commands to people, and I could laugh while they went searching for whoever was in their heads! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 23, 2003, 10:18 PM
On 2003-11-23 19:04, MQuantum wrote:
I want a pet Delsaber! Then he could walk around wispering mental commands to people, and I could laugh while they went searching for whoever was in their heads! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

I do already. It scares my teachers into giving no homework. Ok, I lied, we still get homework. That would be cool.

Anyways, I have been tracking this (as well as your first) fic on my friends PC and now I have finally gotten a new username since I have left (bit after Davion finished his fic, I left).

I believe my friend PMed you, Hikara, about joining your team, did he not? He said he did but felt that he shouldn't have afterwords. Hope he didn't do anything wrong.

Nov 24, 2003, 04:06 PM
i hate cliffhangers, sooooo Post the next chapter now or somehow i'll hurt you!(jk, but you get the point)

Nov 24, 2003, 04:16 PM
Yay, nice to see Hikara's alive! That's only the first half of the chapter? If you're not kidding, I'm gonna follow MQuantum's example and sit staring at fanworks pressing refresh over and over. well, not really, cuz I got school, but it's a nice thought.

Nov 24, 2003, 05:06 PM
Aw, you finally posted and I still want to know what happens next. Though I suppose that's technically a good thing. Keep up the good work!

Note: your writing process sounds suspiciously like mine....write, rewrite, erase...write, rewrite, rip into tiny pieces...write, rewrite...

Nov 24, 2003, 05:12 PM
Finished the chapter. GO back and read.

Nov 24, 2003, 05:16 PM
*gasp of shock* WHOA! PLOT TWIST! Very interesting development, there. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 24, 2003, 05:38 PM
very good, not near as predictable as your last fic. Now i'm out of fics to read. any suggestions pm me please

Nov 24, 2003, 05:41 PM
For those who wish to know, My last story, Protectorate of Light, was finally copied, pasted, and is actually being read by my mother (That's a shock for me and Rose). It was 60 Pages long, 11 point font, single spaced. And as soon as I get it to the point where it's actually finished (double spaced, 12 point in a nifty font,) I'll let you know how long it is THEN.

Nov 24, 2003, 06:00 PM
Only 60? Well, I can't remember our personal bests, but I recall something like 120.
Then again, for a first draft, off the top of your head type thing, it was probably the best fic either one of us has finished.
Keep it up, and nice job on the recent chapter.

Nov 24, 2003, 07:47 PM
Ooh, Demi is the shadow? Interesting... *g* I'm almost done with the pic of Hikara... A few details, the background and the grants thingie and I'm done. *g*

Nov 25, 2003, 07:56 AM
Huh. I almost didn't realize the last half was posted. I've been slacking lately, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. I've got to go for Thanksgiving, making Fanficcing nearly impossible for me.

Well, anyway, great chapter! But i think Kayle is going to be OLGA FLOW! MWhahahahahaha!

"And one shall come to lead them, not a grand warrior, but a chibi shall stand tall among men, and defeat the greatest evil..."

Nov 25, 2003, 08:13 PM
The last bit of this fic was very unpredictable in my head. I felt that Demi had a bigger role than to help Keyle with his techs. And Keyle! Wonder if he will become good or evil. I also noticed something about the character Hikara but its not my place to say so I will stay quiet...

Nov 25, 2003, 10:39 PM
Well, it's obvious Kayle will turn evil, then turn back to good only after realizing that his actions will hurt his "secret" love Demi. It should be a very climactic moment. Kayle's going to play a majorly villan part in this story. How do I know this? It's Hikara, and when you've known him as long as I have *shudder* some things become obvious. Painfully obvious.
Hope to see another chapter soon, buddy. Or I'll be jones'n' bad. That's "experiencing withdrawls" for all those who.....just me, then. Dang, I hate being the stuffy one.

Nov 26, 2003, 10:30 PM
and what would you say if he doesn't become a villain. heck, they could have him order a ton of d-cell creatures into one spot and then...KABLOOIE, that shortens the enemy side by about 50 monsters. and if it's to hard for Kayle to do it, than have Hikara get inside his head (or whatever voodoo he doos) and help

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sord on 2003-11-26 19:30 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sord on 2003-11-26 19:32 ]</font>

Nov 29, 2003, 04:59 PM
Alrighty, ladies and gentlemen. This is your turn. Seeing as how these things I have called Parents have restricted my amount of time on the computer, I get to post this one thing, and it's pretty simple. Everyone who has a character in my fic, take your character and write a little about what they're doing. I don't care if it's with another character, just as long as the two stories FIT. No one can do Hikara, because I have my own plans, but post them here, I'll take them and put them into the next chapter. I'm writing by hand again, and I'll post ASAP, alright?

Nov 29, 2003, 08:01 PM
So you want each of us to write what our character's been doing between fic one and two? Just to clarify. If not, that's too bad because that's what I'm doing.

Nov 30, 2003, 03:58 PM
Woah. you have faith. This is going to go all group ficcy, and most of us know how those go...

Dec 1, 2003, 09:41 AM
Well, never mind then! I'm gonna post the Chapter ASAP! Just.. give me some time!

Rose, I need to get over there soon!!

Dec 1, 2003, 02:45 PM
Okay, I changed my mind again. Anyone who has a character in my fic, if you'd like to, may create a history of your character from YOUR eyes. This is, again, only to keep someone interested in things as I struggle to reach a computer to type on... Chapter the-next-one is currently 9 written pages long, and has a rather interesting twist to it, so stay tuned!!

Dec 1, 2003, 02:45 PM
From what I can sense, thou art truly a talented artist (with words). Keep up the good work, Hikara. I hope to hear more from you ^_^

Dec 1, 2003, 03:58 PM
Cant wait.

*Starts shuddering and twitching violently like that guy from South Park*

Awesome chapter none the less. Could not post cause in Fl.

Dec 2, 2003, 12:56 PM
Cool. If I have any background information, I'll mail it to you. I haven't been here in a week because I got busy away from the computer and I didn't make it here when I did get on. I was kind of surprised to see that I wasn't far behind or behind at all in reading the story.

Dec 2, 2003, 04:35 PM
need, new, chapter, NOWWWWW!!!! It's been like a week or something, can you post a due date???

EDIT: spell fix, sorry i had a kind of lame day that day (more lame then most of the others) and i went kind of ga ga. So when's the due date?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sord on 2003-12-03 10:30 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2003, 09:38 AM
Not to be rude, sord, but if you are trying to sound coherent, spell everything right! Week, is not spelled weak. Try and spell everything correctly next time you post here ^_^

Dec 4, 2003, 09:40 AM
Alright, everyone. Here's the update.


After 4 days, I get access to my home computer. Then, I'll get my 17 page chapter up!! WHOO HOO!!

Hold out just a little bit longer...

Dec 4, 2003, 10:10 PM
no problim I can hold outand Z you never finished your strange comment

Dec 4, 2003, 10:15 PM
ok, why access in four days, are you typing your posts from school?

Dec 4, 2003, 10:55 PM
thats great! ^_^ awaiting your next chapter...

umm... strange comment for...... stuff:

"... <_<
so how 'bout that airline food?"

Dec 4, 2003, 11:33 PM
...what? no spamming >_< !

Dec 8, 2003, 12:42 PM
Chapter 5- A Legacy Fallen

Garanz was once again marching through the corridors of the Seabed labs, keeping his sensors open to any kind of warning that may come from any officer guarding a gate of which the D-Cell monsters were being held behind. But as he marched, he had many different things on his mind, from the Delsabers to Hikara's sudden ability to cast what seemed to be Heaven's Punisher. And this whole new Kayle predicament; who in the world had the ability to command Delsabers other than Dark Falz himself!? Could Kayle actually be possessed by IDOLA? But Garanz quickly shook off the idea. How could he be? Garanz and the rest of the Starlight Runners did get a glance at what Rico looked like while possessed, and Kayle didn't look at all like that. Besides, Hikara destroyed IDOLA 2 years ago! Enough Hunters had been wandering around the Nearest Place to Heaven long enough that if IDOLA still did exsist, most certainly one of them would have been infected by now.

Garanz was so enveloped in his thoughts that he hadn't realized that he had finished his patrol route. While he thought and pondered, his CPU just did its normal routine without him even noticing! A RAmar walked up to Garanz and saluted him, standing at attention. He stated his name and declared he would be taking Garanz' route for the time being. Garanz nodded and dismissed him before walking towards the Command Deck where he could rest and brood over many different matters that required the Commanding RAcast's attention. Upon entering the Command Deck, everyone inside quickly jumped up and saluted him, which Garanz only waved off. Everyone then returned to what they were doing, acting as if their commander was not present; just as Garanz wanted it.

Garanz found a small place to sit and pulled out his BEE link to check the status reports and Ragol News to see what may need Military Investigation, what DID need Military Investigation, and what already had recieved it, just to make sure the Media was getting the facts straight. The first of reports that came up was an alert informing all the members of the military that security was being taken up to Level 4, second to highest, and all officers were to be readied for combat at any given time; Garanz knew this already, of course, as he had given the command, but he couldn't exclude himself from the Mass PM's that surged through the Military. But the second of Headlines caught the Commander's attention immediatly. The headline read "Protectorate gone mad?" Garanz opened the article with mixed emotions of curiosity and somewhat anger.

"The great Protectorate of Light, Master Hikara," the article began, "and leader of the Pioneer 2's landing operation is rumored by a few Hunters as having gone mad. An interview with an anonymous reader led to this conclusion after strange activities were discovered and confirmed only 3 days ago.

'Our so called Protectorate,' the reader states, 'was caught having 3 Delsabers in custody, being tested. Everyone knows Delsabers disappeared with Falz, so we have reason to believe these Dels were actually created by Hikara fro the purpose of scaring Pioneer 2. And now he claims that these D-Celled creatures actually speak with one another through thought. Someone needs to limit the Protectorate's Fluid intake, as I suspect it's doing things to his mind.'

Others believe this is absolute nonsense, saying Hikara 'Is quite sane.' One reader agrees that Hikara couldn't conjure up a D-Cell if his life depended on it, let alone an entire Delsaber. The Majority of the Pioneer 2 population are on the Protectorate's side in the matter, although an actual interview with Master Hikara has become nearly impossible as he has spent these last 3 days preparing for the landing of Pioneer 2."

Garanz stared at the article in disbelief and chuckled at the "anonymous Reader's" insolence; Hikara insane? Of course not! How could someone of his great skill with techs be insane? Besides, Garanz had never heard of a FOrce gone mad; they were all HUnters or RAngers. Garanz decided that FOrces were far too smart to go insane, and sometimes far too smart for their own good...

A loud, blaring alarm suddenly awoke Garanz from his deep thinking and caused his battle instincts to activate, causing him to draw his Final Impact. Finally, the cause of the alarm blared in Garanz' ears as his BEE link suddenly reactivated.

"Commander!" a RAmar screamed. "We've got D-Cell activity in Sector 7 again! It seems the monsters are trying to breach the line and barriers! We're awaiting your orders!"

"Bring security to Level 5 and form a line on Sector 7's border!" Garanz ordered. "Mechguns in front, Cannons in middle, Rifles and pistols in back, and heavy bot artillary in the flanks! I want at least 6 Beam Baranz down there when I arrive, understood?"

"Yes sir!" the RAmar replied. The BEE link then shut off, the alarms still blaring.

"Opt. 4!" Garanz shouted into the air, transmitting the signal directly to Vol Opt 4. "Get me 3 Sinow Zoas as an escort! Activate all automated defenses in Sectors 4-8, and if any D-Cell creature breaches another Sector, activate automated defenses in that sector and all immediate Sectors surrounding it!"

"Will do, Commander," came Vol Opt 4's reply. As soon as the link was closed, 3 Sinow Zoas materialized next to Garanz, and the four of them began to run towards Sector 7 iun a hurry, Garanz shouting for everyone to get armed along the way.


Scott heard the BEE link warning come from Garanz and he immediately abaondoned his programming post to run to the bank and withdraw his old Delsaber's Buster and Shield that he had tucked away after half a year of no longer hunting. But as soon as he put the sleek weapon into his hands, he remembered everything about it. It felt exactly as if he had been using it all his life; he hadn't forgotten a single thing about combat, fortunately. But as he re-equipped all his old equipment and prepared himself for battle, he heard the voice of his long trusted comrad, Zi'Zuku, with his teammates YamiShi and Yang Ishii.

"It's been a while since I've seen you looking like that, Scott," Zi'Zuku said, nodding in approvement.

"What, he called you too?" Scott asked.

"When someone on our team is in trouble, the whole team knows about it," Zi'Zuku replied sternly. "Besides; why would we let you have all the fun?" The four smiled.

"Rose is already on his way, and I"m sure Sabrina will be there soon, as well," Shi informed.

"And Hikara?"

"I'm sure the Protectorate is headed there now. So, let's go join the battle, no? 2 years of lack of combat with each other is 2 years too many!!" The four let out a cheer and rushed for the labs.


Hikara stared at his target once again, raised his arms and fired Grants again, once again damaging the dummy. Hikara let out a cry of frustratoin before casting Grants over and over, until he finally stopped, breathing heavy.

"How in all of Ragol did I... ARGH!!!" He once more cast Grants, before letting out a shout of pain and gripping his right arm. THat last Grants he cast took the last of his TP, and the final one didn't have enough to be cast, causing Hikara pain in his casting arm. Hikara only sighed in disappointment and used a Trifluid. "I'm the Protectorate of Light, and I can't even find out how I accidently cast one of the most powerful spells known to FOrces..." He then heard the doors behind him slide open, causing him to spin around and face the intruder. But he sighed when he saw it was only Kayle and Demi.

"Protectorate," Kayle said, sounding rather surprised. "I didn't think someone of your skill ever had to come to the training grounds."

"I'm not training," Hikara replied. "I'm testing something. But I haven't figured it out, so I'll just move on to my next idea. Tell me, what brings you two down here?"

"We're trying to see if Kayle can get his Resta to cast outside his own body yet," Demi replied. "We've been working ever since the Delsaber Incident, but so far the only thing we've managed to do is get himself completely healed; no one else around him, though."

"So, you've been trying to cast Resta for 4 days with little or no luck in the whole mutual aspect of the spell? But... you're a FOmar; you should be pretty competent in every spell. How can you be lacking in just one spell?"

"It's more than just one spell, Hikara. It's the entire healing area of spells that I have trouble with. And to answer your question, we don't know." Kayle sounded bitter as he said his last statement. He obviously didn't like not being able to cast something correctly.

"Well, at least let me see what you can do." Kayle obligued and cast Resta as best he could for the Protectorate, only having it give him the same results as last time. But, Hikara had apparently seen something Kayle and Demi had overlooked, as his eyes lit up with an idea.

"Kayle, this is going to hurt," Hikara apologized. Then, without moving, he threw his hands forward, casting Foie, which blew Kayle backwards. Just as Hikara said, it hurt. Yet when Kayle opened his mouth to demand an explanation, Hikara ordered him to cast Resta once more. Kayle, still glaring at Hikara, did so, then suddenly stopped when Demi screamed out in pain and collapsed to her knees. The three had seen the large ring that had erupted off Kayle's body, but it wasn't the Resta everyone had expected; instead of the huge blast being a normal whitish-gold color, it was actually black! Kayle dropped to his own hands and knees beside Demi to check and make sure she was alright. Hikara only nodded, a smile on his face.

"That's just as I thought," Hikara muttered. He then cast Resta and helped the two to their feet. "Kayle, you have the odd ability to cast a Resta that seems to help you only at the expense of other life forms nearby."

"Wait, what?" Kayle demanded. "Are you telling me that my Resta heals me by sucking life out of other things nearby?" Demi's confused expression seemed to demand the exact same question.

"Yes, Kayle, that's exactly what I'm saying," Hikara replied. "And I need to do a little more study, but I'm pretty sure I know why." He drifted off into a whisper...


Garank Mk. II and his three Sinow Zoa escorts burst into Sector 7 armed and ready, only to come skidding to a halt at what they saw. It seemed that every single D-Celled monster from Bulclaws to Chaos Bringers had broken loose in the huge square entry room of Sector 7; and were advancing in mass quantities towards the military line that Garanz had just become apart of. A quick sensor sweep of the area told Garanz that the number of monsters in the room was 500+, and for every monster destroyed, another somehow materialized in the back of the enemy lines. Fortunately, the massive amount of Military Personnel was enough to hold the monsters off; for the moment, at least.

Garanz was just about to issue the command to charge at the enemy, until he heard the familiar call of his teammates; Scott, Shi, Yang, Zi?Zuku, and Gnarled Rose came running up to him, weapons drawn and prepared fofr battle.

"We got your message, Garanz," Shi shouted, "and we decided to come help you out!" Garanz looked the five over and shook his head in disappointment.

"We're going to need a lot more thant just 6 Starlight Runners to hold these D-Cells off! I appreciate the care, and everything, but if you five are the only newcomers, it might be better if you just got to saftey!" Rose only laughed at the thought.

"Who ever said we were the only ones coming?" Rose demanded. He then pointed over his shoulder at a huge number of armed Hunters of all classes, all lead by Red Ring Rico, who was holding her Red Saber.

"Apparently," Zi'Zuku explained. "A number of Hunters found it an honor to be involved in the same fight as the tremendously skilled Rico, so we've got an army to match the Military!" Everyone could tell that if Garanz could have smiled, he would have then and there. Two armies under his command now; one the military and the other the same size. Now that's an army! Garanz then turned to face the enemy force again, and finally raised his hand in the air.

"Everyone!" he shouted. "ATTACK!!" There was a tremendous shout of war as Photon Bullets were unleashed in waves, being chased by a flood of spells cast by Forces, and a literal sea of HUnters rushing towards their enemy. Photon Blade after the Photon Blade slashed through the air and their enemies; Photon Shot after Photon Shot found their target; spell after deadly spell scorched, electrified, or froze their opponent with fatal accuracy; yet, they continued to swarm.

Rose found himself in the midst of the fight, swinging his Brionac in random patterns that closely resembled a Ninja with his fluid, quick, and never-ending patterns. It seemed that every time a monster neared Rose, he?d pause his current attack to counter the attack, continue his previous assault, then return to his attacker. It was a continuous onslaught on the HUmar, but even the most spontaneous of attacks could not surprise him in the least, thus giving everyone the illusion that he was invincilbe; a random Belra?s flying arm proved otherwise? Yet, even as Rose slowly stood from the atack, he continued to block and counter attack after attack. Or, he did, until the enemies surrounding Rose thinned out. It left Rose confused for only a moment, until his question was answered; a D-Cell Dog leapt in to challenge Rose. Rose accepted the challenge by taking a fighter?s stance and awaiting the Del-Biter?s first move. The Dog opened its assault by rushing directly at Rose, who only dove to the side and lobbed its head off. Proud of his victory, he didn?t notice another of the creature jump behind him. Fortunately, though, a HUnewearl did notice and blasted the creature out of the air with a Rafoie. Rose turned to face his savior, and found himself short winded by the HUnewearl?s excellent beauty. The HUnewearl was about 18 or 19 and wore blue and black clothes, shin-high boots, and shorter, light blue hair. For the moment, Rose forgot what was happening around him and slowly walked towards the girl. When he finally reached her, he stared into her green eyes.

"Hey," he began. "My name is Gnarled Rose. Would you care to join me?" The girl smiled.

"I'm Quin Saerin," she replied. "I'd be gald to help." But a sudden warning cry interrupted the two's introduction. Garanz' void bellowed his warning.

"NEW ENEMIES ON THE APPROACH!" he screamed. "FALL BACK!!" Everyone finished off their current opponents, then turned to face the end of the room. It had appeared that they had very nearly finished off the first wave, until out of the far reaches of the darkness, a new class of enemy came rushing out towards the army. THey looked very close to a Delsaber, except for the fact that they were twice as tall and had four arms; three carried Busters while the fourth had a barrier on it.

"What the heck are those things!?" Rico demanded, standing ready to attack.

"I'm not exactly sure of that," Garanz replied. "But let's just hope that what they aren't is invincible!" Then, on Garanz' signal, the RAngers began to fire again, hoping to slow the targets down. But as Garanz was firing, he saw the medical team run to another fallen body, in front of the retreating line. Sabrina was with them, and the new Dels were fast approaching...

"Those idiots are going to get themselves killed!" Garanz noted. "Rico, keep the line right where they are and mkae sure they keep firing! I'm going to go help them!" Rico nodded and began shouting orders as Garanz rushed towards the Medical Team. Scott also realized the same thing and chased after Garanz. Fortunately, it didn't take them long to reach the team, but it wouldn't be too long before the enemies arrived as well.

"What are you guys doing!?" Garanz shouted over the noise of his Final Impact.

"No man left behind, Garanz," Sabrina replied. "That's our motto."

"But it's going to get you killed!"

"Garanz, look out!!" Garanz turned to face a del that was directly on top of him, weapon poised to strike. Garanz couldn't breathe another breath before the monster lobbed off his right arm and knocked him away. The words "Damage Critical" flashed before Garanz' eyes.

"That's unfortunate," he muttered, as the Buster was stabbed through his head...

Zi'Zuku watched his gargantuan RAcast friend suddenly become disabled, then glanced over at Scott, realiziing Scott alone couldn't protect the Medics. So, Zi'Zuku slid his metal face mask over his face, gripped his Caduceus firmly, and rushed with amazing speed towards the new Dels. Scott had one preoccupied, but the army kept pressing towards the Pioneer 2 force. And just as one reached for a Medic, Zi'Zuku slashed it in half. With another twist of his wrist, he disabled another, then avoid another slash. The new Dels wanted to attack this new threat now, instead of the Medics, who seemed to be ignoring them. Zi'Zuku knew he'd be incredibly out numbered incredibly fast at the rate they were coming, but he refused to be beaten; he'd just keep slashing until he couldn't slash anymore. Unfortunately, as he kept slashing and hacking, he sensed a Del leap into the air towards him. A number of dilemmas ran through Zi'Zuku's mind as he evaluated the threat; if he didn't stop slashing, the flying Del would slay him; if he were to stop slashing, the he'd get stabbed in the back. He glanced towards Scott and realized Scott was surrounded, as well, until Zi'Zuku's view was once again blocked by Dels. He gave himself maybe 3 seconds to live.


What are you doing!? Get out of there! It's your only chance!


-If I leave, the Medics will be slain.-


No, I'm serious, Zi. Get out of the way.

Zi'Zuku looked up over the Dels to see why he should run, then realized the voice inside his head was not the one he'd had in his head for so long, but in fact Hikara's! Zi'Zuku's eyes rested on Hikara, who had leapt into the air, surrounded by white flame with his robes their grey and white color instead of Blue and White. Zi'Zuku smiled behind his mask and leapt out of the way as 3 columns of bright white energies slammed on the Dels that had been attacking Zi'Zuku. Hikara landed squarely on the ground next to Zi'Zuku, his fire fading away from around him, but his clothes staying their altered colors.

"Nice of you to join us, Protectorate," Zi'Zuku said, taking another fighter's stance.

"Did you see that!?" Hikara shouted. "I cast the freaking spell again! How did I do that!?"

"No idea. But do you have any idea what these things are?"

"Kayle said they're called 'Delslayers,' an advanced version of the Delsaber. He attempted to give them commands, but another voice was there. Another Master."

"So we're going to have to find this Master, right?"

"No need," Rose suddenly said, walking up next to the two. "He's right there." Hikara and Zi'Zuku looked away from Rose to where he pointed, then felt their hearts skip a beat. A huge monster that looked similar to a Chaos Bringer, but 100 times a Bringer's size and wielding a 30 foot long sword, had burst into the room, letting out a terrible roar and drawing frightened screams from most of the girls.

"Well now," Hikara said, his expression slowly fading to one of doubt. "I think we've found ourselves their master..."

"I think we've found more than that," Zi'Zuku muttered. "That's Olga Flow..." Hikara didn't respond, but Zi'Zuku could feel him tense up beside him. And when he looked at the Protectorate of Light, the same person who defeated IDOLA single handedly, he watched the color drain away from his face.

"Th... That's Olga Flow?" Hikara stammered. "Where's Garanz? We need to order a hasty retreat." Rose and Zi'Zuku looked at their team leader.

"I am not one to retreat," Rose snarled to his friend, pulling his Brionac off his shoulder and readying for combat. "Besides. Garanz is out of commition. They're... taking his pieces back to the hospital." It was Hikara's turn to look astonished. The same Garanz he had been a Support FOrce for? But his thoughts were once more broken by Rico, who came running up.

"We're attacking," Rico shouted, causing Hikara to again lok frightened. "We're an immense army; we can easily take him on!"

"He's freaking OLGA FLOW!!" Hikara screamed.

"Exactly, I know him..." Rico stared into Hikara's eyes, seeming to peirce into his heart. "Just trust me..." Simply because Rico had once resided in Hikara's soul for a moment as he battled IDOLA, he had seemed to trust Rico a lot more than he normally would; therefore, when Rico said "Just trust me...", it caused Hikara to stop and think. But a Photon Bullet whizzing past his head reminded him he didn't have all the time in the world, as he desired.

"Fine," Hikara finally said. "Just... fine. Attack. Slaughter them. Just... don't get killed in the process." Rico smiled, then gave the order, causing the army to swarm like Mothmants to fire. The rest of the Starlight Runners rushed in to join the fight, allowing Hikara to remember what he was really doing before Olga Flow arrived. He... was supposed to be protecting the medics. Now... where were they...

"HIKARA!!" Sabrina screamed. Hikara turned to face the shout of the most important person in his life and found her with a Delslayer poised to strike again. Sabrina had been lucky to block the first onslaught, but these monsters learned, so she knew she wouldn't be so lucky this time around. Then, the Delslayer began its second attack.

Hikara pushed and shoved his way through the battling people of Pioneer 2, struggling to reach Sabrina, who stood ahead of the line. They were so close together, and not paying attention that it made it difficult for him to get through. But once he was free, a Delslayer lept in front of him to seemingly stop his progress. Hikara wasn't about to stand for it. He clenched his left fist and held out his right, his hand now outstretched. His expression became calm as he muttered "Come, let me destroy you." His hand was suddenly engulfed in white flames as he shouted "for I am the Master of Grants!!" The Grants spell quite literally exploded on the Delslayer, causing it to fade away as Hikara finished "I am the Protectorate of Ligth..." BUt the next moment, a heart-renching, soul-shattering scream filled his ears, causing him to spin around.

Hikara's heart stopped. He was staring into the cold, dead eyes of his love.

The Delslayer withdrew the three swords from Sabrina's chest, shoulder, and side, then faded away, letting out a menacing chuckle.

Sabrina managed to utter one last word as she slowly fell backwards.

"Hikara..." she whispered. Her body then hit the ground, blood oozing from the wounds, as Hikara just stared, his breathing becoming shallow and labored.

Hikara felt himself at a loss of words as rage began to fill his body, yet a distant, desperate cry awakened him from his rage. It was Scott, shouting for Hikara to look out. Hikara looked for the attacker and only saw Olga Flow's sword flying at him. He quickly put up his Grants Merge, thinking the light in the Merge would counteract the dark energies. He was partially right; the merge counteracted the damage that would have been done. To the force of the blow, it did nothing...

The sword knocked Hikara through the ari like some rag doll until his head slammed into the wal, knocking him out immediately. The energies that made his clothes their grey color were no longer focused, causing the Protectorate to return to normal. Now, he was just a FOmar sprawled out on the ground, unconcious...


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-17 08:53 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2003, 02:34 PM
Excellent work, my friend. I await the conclusion ^_^

Dec 8, 2003, 06:29 PM
Good chapter. I'm glad I found the few minutes to come and read it.

Dec 8, 2003, 06:42 PM
good chapter, so when is the due date for number 6. don't rush though. (you better rush or i'll...dunno yet, just give me a few days, but in the mean time rush!)

Dec 8, 2003, 06:56 PM
Oooh, when can we look forward to more? I wanna know why the Resta was all black and other such fun things.


Dec 8, 2003, 06:56 PM
Good new chapter, Hikara. The story seems to finally be gaining velocity. I await the next chapter.

Dec 8, 2003, 07:33 PM
ok that sounds familiar HIkara do you match Carnival on HBO or something anyway that is my opinion and when ever you get the next chapter will be fine

Dec 8, 2003, 07:48 PM
Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I just barely started caring.

"It's been a while since I've seen you looking like that, Scott," Zi'Zuku said, nodding in approvement.
I'd suggest "approval" there, but I'm no writer.http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif
Anyway.... I guess that's it. I'm almost looking forward to chapter 6, but with Christmas coming up (secret reasons), I have very good reason to have my mind focused on other things. More....feminine things. Like feminine curves, and that sweet, sweet feminine voice, accompanined with the--I'm sure you get it by now. Needless, both Hikara and I are VERY psyched for the good ole Xmas.

Dec 8, 2003, 09:00 PM
I suspected something evil like that... That could be a very useful technique for an evil villain:

Get the crap beat out of you, then Resta the enemy to DEATH! Bwahahahaha!

I feel so sorry for you... It's taking forever to post these and you've probably got twenty more pages you still need to get up! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 8, 2003, 09:00 PM
Ooh, spiffy so far... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Argh, I'm too braindead (not because of your fic!) to think of anything else to say.

Dec 8, 2003, 09:04 PM
great! awaiting the next chapter! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

Hikara: the media hates me -_-

Harry Potter: tell me about it -_-

Dec 8, 2003, 09:36 PM
OOOhhhh Mesa like it Mesa like it!!

Dec 9, 2003, 09:40 AM
On 2003-12-08 18:04, -Z wrote:
great! awaiting the next chapter! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

Hikara: the media hates me -_-

Harry Potter: tell me about it -_-


That's great!

More on the chapter (yes, THIS chapter) to be up soon!

Dec 9, 2003, 11:26 AM
WOW, looking foward to the next chapter ^_^ !!

Dec 9, 2003, 04:50 PM
you might want to change the thread name now...

Dec 10, 2003, 02:40 PM
This just in... something new from Hikara is on its way... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_8ball.gif

Dec 10, 2003, 02:44 PM
moved to CHapter 5 first post.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-17 08:51 ]</font>

Dec 10, 2003, 05:09 PM
*inserts Zi'Zuku's "BRING IT ON!!!" warcry here* ^_^

umm... wow, that had to hurt. awaiting the continuation of the chapter! (i love suspense ^_^)

strange comment for this chapter:

wise man: quit while your still ahead

garanz: **** that! ^_^

Dec 10, 2003, 05:09 PM
Yeah, all your " are ?. Although, I still liked it. Boy, I can see the fight right now (I need to get my eyes checked). Um, good job.

Dec 10, 2003, 05:28 PM
Oooh, good action there. I hope from your comment at the end that there will be more to come for this chapter.

Dec 10, 2003, 06:34 PM
Heh, nice! Can't wait for more. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 10, 2003, 06:42 PM
Great battle scene Hikara http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif !! I could actually imagine the whole thing !! poor garanz http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 10, 2003, 06:42 PM
I was in awe at the end of that portion. Can't wait to see how it comes out. My PSO days are dwindling because I've been busy. I hate to say it but it looks like I may leave for good next month (for reasons I could say in private), but I'll still come here to check things out and I still want to be a part of the story.

Dec 10, 2003, 06:46 PM
Rose turned to face his savior, and found himself short winded by the HUnewearl?s excellent beauty. The HUnewearl was about 18 or 19 and wore blue and black clothes, shin-high boots, and shorter, light blue hair. For the moment, Rose forgot what was happening around him and slowly walked towards the girl. When he finally reached her, he stared into her green eyes.
Hikara, I don't think I've said this before, but.....I love you. Anyway, good chapter. Excellent, matter of fact. Battle scene, advances the story, pretty girl....It's got everything! Everything I need, anyway. Which isn't much. A hug every once in a while.... Enough about me. Good chapter. It's gotten me back into PSOW. I'll desperately await both the next chapter and http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/santacookie.gif Christmas http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/santacookie.gif , now. P.S. 10 days!

Dec 10, 2003, 06:59 PM
Good chapter but you had about 5 typos, and oh, whats that? A question mark where something else should be! *somehow manages to kick the posting system fo PSOW*

And the school administration, i feel like this...
http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rant.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_bash.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/eviltongue.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/twak.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_ak.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_argh.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_chuck-ball.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_quickdraw.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wet-trout.gif

Dec 10, 2003, 08:49 PM
oh fun mass monster kill Yami Ryu Senis all that comes to mind (don't worry if you don't know what that's about you will soon hopefully) *gives a glare to hikara* anyway can't wait for more

Dec 11, 2003, 09:36 AM
Glare all you want, White_Knight. Patience, bud. I'll fit it in.

Dec 11, 2003, 02:49 PM
Moved to chapter 5 first post on page 7!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-17 08:52 ]</font>

Dec 11, 2003, 03:41 PM
Ow. Poor me. My beautiful face...

Anywho, WOW! nice chapter and it's not even done! That fight scene simply oozes quality from every possible orifice. ewww, sticky...

Dec 11, 2003, 04:46 PM
umm... although i can tend to be a little overzealous and overenthuseastic about battles, i think i might not be so sure about this one. my first time facing olga flow on ultimate was... unpleasurable.

but who cares. i showed him after that, and i'll show him again!

bring on the next segment! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

olga flow: "hey, this isnt garanz's december ritual day party!"

Dec 11, 2003, 05:11 PM
okay chapter, just okay...(your losing your touch [I think] like you did with the first one)

Dec 11, 2003, 08:04 PM
Aw, Sord. Take your hot-pink sword and stick it where the hot-pink sun don't shine!
The only conventional error I picked up was you misspelled "look" on Rico's first line. Other than that, it was short for my taste. But good for what it was. Feel free to expand on it at any time, though.

Dec 11, 2003, 08:08 PM
yeah, sure, whatever rose. Any ways your story seems to be lacking the, how should you put it, air I guess, that most of your prequal had. I don't know why, it just does.

Dec 11, 2003, 08:18 PM
I think that this story is doing great and dispite what others say, you are not losing any kind of touch. As it stands, this is one of the best fics on the boards. Let me say, bring up the next chapter!

Dec 11, 2003, 08:56 PM
I think it's good the reason it seams to be loseing it is he has limeted time to put this stuff up (boy do I know that feeling) anyway can't wait for more

Dec 11, 2003, 09:01 PM
yeah, that's probably it, it makes it seem slow and fast at the same time, or at least to me (i don't care if you don't understand that.) Hikara, when your finished with this chapter can you edit one post and make it all one big thing. Just a question, you don't have to do it of course.

Dec 12, 2003, 09:40 AM
I plan on deleting the others after I copy them down. I'll post them all on the same post for you s'all.

Uh, as for the whole "losing an air" kind of thing... wait for the next chapter. It has... some interesting details in it. Like what Hikara keeps hinting towards with Demi and Kayle. And something else, that I can't spoil for you.... heh heh.

Dec 12, 2003, 09:40 AM
Despite what you say sord, the story is quite good indeed. I, reluctantly, have to agree with Rose this time ^_^ Personally, I can't wait for the next chapter.

Dec 12, 2003, 10:45 AM
I want more! *cries* I need something to make it worth while to come to school and check the forums. *G* Just kidding of course, as I check the forums from home to, but whatever. I don't care what other people have said, I think it's great. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 12, 2003, 01:10 PM
Very good.

I await the next part.

Dec 16, 2003, 12:49 PM
Moved to chapter 5, just like the rest of them...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-17 08:53 ]</font>

Dec 16, 2003, 12:52 PM
WHOO-HOO!! hikara got wrecked http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

jk man, good last chapter, although there isnt much closure =/

Dec 16, 2003, 03:25 PM
I wanna know what happened to Olga Flow! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif poor Sabrina and Hikara

Dec 16, 2003, 05:06 PM
Whee, battle scenes are so fun. *G* Feel kinda bad for Hikara and Sabrina, though...

Dec 16, 2003, 06:35 PM
umm... ouch. yeah, definately ouch.
awaiting the next chapter! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

strange comment for this chapter:

hikara: *sniff*... d-do you know what this means guys?

rose: your girl's dead?

scott: we have another spot to fill?

zi'zuku: we get to kill stuff?

hikara: no... no you guys... what this means is... *sniff*... I'VE FINALLY GOT THE BEST RESTA! WOOHOO!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 16, 2003, 08:01 PM
*falls to one knee and puts Sange's blade tip into the ground eyes closed an wispering* let her body someday reunite with her soul for the sake off all that is good and by the great power of the white dragon of life and rebirth let her soul make it through its journy.

That was sad you need a new ending.

Dec 17, 2003, 11:55 AM
Now, by popular demand (okay, it was one post...) I moved ALL of chapter 5 back to its first post on Page 7 of this forum. If you didn't get a chance to finish reading before everything was edited, better hurry, because chapter 6 will be up soon, too!

P.S.- I love watching you all argue over how my story is! It makes me feel happy!

Dec 17, 2003, 12:26 PM
This is first time i've posted anything.... that was exciting. I just want to tell Hikara, Great Story! I have read the first one and am reading the second one and they are great!

Dec 17, 2003, 12:49 PM
Chapter 6- The Other Side of the Falz...

-Memory recovery system activated.
Source: Vol Opt ver. 4
Location: Mines RAcast memory back-up files.
File: Garanz Mk. II memory file.
-Uploading............ Complete.
-Restarting Reactor Core.
-Restarting Personality Program.
-System Recovery complete. All systems active.

Garanz' vision that had been black with green letters finally returned to normal, showing the white RAcast that he was lying on the hospital bed, staring at a bright light above him. As his memories kicked in, he recalled what had caused everything to go black and attempted to move his right arm; the Delslayer had lobbed it off, after all. But he found his arm moved just as it was supposed to.

-The Medics must have replaced it,- Garanz thought. Even though his memory of the battle stopped at the Delslayer stabbing its sword through his head, he could put two and two together; landing in a Hospital Bed and waking up to the view of a System Reset Protocol meant he was healed from... "Android Death" by the Medics.

Garanz slowly sat up, glancing around the hospital room to find out how many medics were present, and attempt to find out really where his team was. Garanz found the room abandoned except for 2 younger medics, who were sitting next to each other with red, teary eyes, causing Garanz to begin to wonder...

"Excuse me, girls," Garanz said politely. "Is there... any particular reason why you're crying?" The two medics, who didn't look any older than maybe 16, looked up at Garanz, one beginning to sob silently while the other attempted to gatehr herself in order to explain the situation.

"Well, you see, sir," she began, standing up quickly and wiping the tears from her eyes. "You have to understand that my friend and I are Newbie Medics, so we've been taking classes for quite some time. And... the teacher... was..." she began to choke up, but took a deep breath. "The teacher was a good friend of ours. But unfortunately, she got called to the fight you were involved in and... she was... killed by a Delslayer. We were the first to reach her position, because she... she suggested we follow her so we could see what happens on active calls. We did all we could but... Commander, she had 3 gashes, pierces in her body that pierced all the way through; one through the side of her stomach, one through her left shoulder, and one directly through her heart. She..." This time when the girl stopped, she couldn't hold it any longer. "Sabrina's dead!" she sobbed uncontrollably. Garanz stopped at the comment and stared at the Medic who was doubled over on the ground on her knees, crying, while her friend tried to comfort her. Garanz was in shock for a moment, but then thought of the rest of the team; how were they handling this situation? The whole rest of the team were human, so it must have been harder on their REAL feelings verses an Android's ARTIFICIAL feelings...

"How long have I been out?" Garanz asked.

"2 days, sir," the second girl said, finally getting a grip on herself. "The Funeral was yesterday, while the Techs were trying to put you back together. The team is awaiting your arrival, Commander. I'd suggest returning to them." Garanz nodded, then began walking towards the door, stopping to pat the first medic on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry you felt so helpless back there," Garanz finally said, before fully exiting the hospital. From there, he went to go find his long-time friend and once Support FOrce to check if he was alright. Not as a member of the team, but as a close friend.


Demi crossed the last 't' on her drawing that she had just finished, sighing a rather depressed sigh as she looked at her tremendously skilled art; it was a drawing of Sabrina with a smile on her face, Hikara behind her with his hands on her shoulders. On the bottom left, she had written the phrase "Far from us... yet always with us." She then tucked the photo away in her... wherever your items go, then stood up from her sittnig position on a hill overlooking the Central Dome. The standing caused a very serious amount of pain to surge through her sore legs, but when the pain passed, she lightly brushed herself off, then stopped when her hand brushed against something metal. It was a pendant hanging around her neck, bearing the symbol of Grants surrounded by the finest silver available on Pioneer 2. Where had she recieved this fine pendant? Hikara had bought it for her to cheer her up from the loss of Sabrina. The only things wrong with this gift was one, Hikara had been hit hardest by Sabrina's death, and two...

"He bought it with the Meseta he had saved up for Sabrina's Engagement Ring..." Demi whispered. Hikara had done the same for Garanz, paying for his repairs with the set aside money. Hikara was so worried about the rest of the team that he was forgetting that he had been the one who had dated Sabrina for two years; he was Sabrina's closest friend. Yet, nothing the team said made a difference to the Protectorate.

"Demi!" a voice called from behind her. the young FOnewearl turned to face the newcomer and found Rico coming up the hill.

"Hello, Rico," Demi replied. "What brings you out here?"

"You do, Demi. I was searching for you to congragulate you on your performance against Olga Flow. If it weren't for your sudden casting of.... whatever level of Grants that was, we all would have been slaughtered."

"Uh, well, thanks. I've never seen a Grants that continuously exploded, either. I just got lucky, I guess."

"No, it's the fact that you're the Protectorate's Shadow that allows you to do that. But, that aside, I had something else, too. I'm sure you still recall the Delsaber incident back at the labs. Well, Scott's created another VR he wants you to try, in order to test your Grants against them, alrigth?"

"Um, yeah! Sure!"

"It'll help you with your skills; you know, build you up some confidence in battle. So, come on. They're waiting for you." Rico dropped a telepipe, and the two were once again whisked away to the hovering Pioneer 2.


"No, no, it's more like THIS!" Quin said, swinging her double saber about in a pattern as Kayle blocked the attacks. "Remember, you want 2 attacks on the first, one on the second, and 3 on the third." Kayle nodded, tightened his grip on his Stag Cutlery, and tried once more, this time Quin blocking the attacks.

Gnarled Rose just leaned back on the wall, watching in admiration his new girl-friend's graceful movements. She was so swift and fluid in her movements, yet there was a threat behind each attack. he had skill most HUnters dreamed of having, and she was only 18 years of age; her skills could surpass even a 30 year old HUmar.

During their little training session, Kayle ended up stumbling over something while walking backwards, causing Quin to chuckle slightly before helping him up. She then pulled out her elastic in her hair and began to put it up into a pony tail again.

"You've got a while to go with the Stag Cutlery," Quin said, pulling her ponytail tight. "But you've made some good progress. I wouldn't suggest charging through the VR's with that skill, but it's coming."

"I appreciate your help, Ms. Saerin," Kayle replied, dusting off his robes. "I promise it won't be long before my skills are acceptable. I'll just be sure to practice more often."

"After you practice something else," Yang interrupted, entering the room. "It turns out Hikara learned something rather interesting while doing a little research not too long ago. It's news the whole team needs to hear, but before we can get into much detail, he needs you, Rose, to get him something from the surface he has waiting for him." Rose stood up off the wall and looked rather interested at Yang.

"What does he need me to do?" Rose asked.

"He's got a high order of Amplifiers in... Mines 2, if I remember correctly. They should be with Vol Opt 4."

"So, tell me again; why isn't he just hiring a delivery boy to bring them to him?"

"Hikara said something about you 'enjoying' the trip." Rose's face cracked into a smile.

"The boy knows my mind..." he muttered, looking at Quin.

"You, Kayle, need to report to the VR's for a test the Protectorate created in order to double check something, so you'll need to head down there as soon as you can. I'll accompany you, so let's get moving. Rose, Hikara expects you back in two hours, understood?" Rose nodded, then faced Quin, a coy smile on his face.

"Well now, my dear Quin," Rose began, walking towards the Hunewearl. "I assume you've been down to the Mines many times; I don't see how a Hunter of your skill could not have gone down there. But have you ever seen MY side of the Mines?"

"I didn't know people had their own side of the Mines," Quin replied, smiling slightly.

"Well, when you have the kind of connections I have, you could have your own 'side' of the Ruins, as well. But I chose the Mines. It'll get us to our final destination much faster than any conventional way, I assure you. Besides; my way has many interesting features I can tweak to your liking. But what's bragging when I can just show you?" He hooked his right arm. "Shall we proceed?" Quin smiled and wrapped her arms around Rose's, then walked out along side him.


Hikara stared wearily at the landing reports that were coming through his BEE link concerning the final days of preparation, and moaned at the list; check to ensure the ground is level, check to ensure the dimensions are correct, check to ensure the Civilian Needs list is met. All these nit-picky little details Hikara knew were done, but had to get rechecked by order of the Principal. It wasn't what Hikara wanted to do with his own time, right now, as he felt he needed to be helping Demi train, but since the stinking ship needed to land so freaking bad... Hikara just sighed and looked up at his loyal team of Elite Engineers slaving away at the operation. The Garanz Tanks slowly rolled along the area to ensure it was flat while Candines flew at incredible speeds along the sides, sending measurements and computations at even faster speeds to Vol Opt 4, who compared them with the required numbers, sending an alert to Hikara whenever something was out of place. Hikara watched in admiration as they drew close to success.


Hikara looked around for the source of the voice he had just heard, but found no one. He just shrugged it off, thinking it was probably someone who needed his help, but figured it out. It happened from time to time.


The voice was louder this time, but it didn't come from anyone else; it sounded as if the voice were... in his head...

Hikara grabbed a passing RAnger by the arm and told him to alert the Sub-commander that he'd be right back, and when the RAnger nodded and walked off, Hikara materialized his latest weapon, a DB's Saber, and gripped it tightly as he walked down the carved path towards the deeper parts of the Forest, where a second colonization spot was being prepared. He walked slowly and cautiously, his senses alert.

"Where are you," Hikara demanded, glancing around.

Looking for you. Follow your senses, Hikara. I'm not moving.

Hikara, who was confused, simply stood still and tried to feel where the voice was coming from, but didn't feel anything different; just a slight mind that blew through his hair. A wind that... wasn't there before. Hikara felt this odd wind move towards the edge of the road, which led deep into the unchartec area of the Forest.

"Why are you looking for me? Who are you?" Hikara's grip tightened on his DB's Saber, as he continued to stare into the Forest that the wind blew into.

Someone who is eager to meet someone of your reputation. You are far too catious, Protectorate. I have no intention of harming you. Hikara still didn't move, until a soft, soothing voice called his name. It sounded almost like...

"Sabrina?" Hikara whispered.

I can show her to you if you hurry.

Hikara suddenly ran at full speed in the direction the wind blew, driven by the thought of seeing Sabrina again. The branches of the Forest seemed to bend out of his way as he rushed with all his might, but if a moss-laden branch was in his way, a flash of Photon cut it in half, allowing Hikara to move foward. The soft voice whispered Hikara's name again, causing Hikara to force himself into a tremendous sprint. In his earlier, pre-Protectorate years, he was noted to be one of the fastest FOmars around, so he covered a rather large distance in very little time. But just as he reached the end of the Forest stretch, he found a large amount of vines twisted and coiled around each other. Hikara, unable to slow himself, put his arms up protectively and... crashed throug the vines. Hikara ended up tripping and rolling on the ground due to the crash, but as he slowly got up, his jaw dropped. There, in a huge claring, was a large Temple/Shrine that was carved completely out of Marble; a great feat and amazing site to someone who was used to seeing hard metal surfaces everywhere he turned. Hikara quickly dusted himself off, then entered the temple slowly, hesitantly, almost respectfully.

The inside of the temple was even more amazing than its exterior, with a huge, rectangular reflecting pool in the center, stretching down to the opposite wall than the entrance, where two other doors stood. The ceiling looked much higher inside than on the out, with a balcony along the higher walls. The Shrine showed signs of use, telling Hikara that this place was once visited often, but hadn't been used very recently. Hikara then began to walk through the temple with a reverence, admiring the beauty of the place.

Hikara walked into the back room of the place, glancing here and there at his surroundings, enjoying the serenity, until the lights in the area were activated, causing a golden statue to glisten in the light. The sudden appearance of the statue startled Hikara, but he came very close to falling over as he scrambled backwards, realizing the statue was one of Dark Falz. Yet, the frightening was not finished, as a masculine voice behind him spoke.

"Not a pleasant sight to see, is it," the voice said. Hikara jumped and spun around, his DB's Saber at the ready, until he saw a FOmar standing there. Hikara slowly lowered his weapon, looking the FOmar over, realizing he looked very close to Hikara's age. He wore black and dark grey robes with a dark grey head band under his longer brown hair. His outfit clashed greatly with Hikara's normal blue and white, but it was almost eerie to see how closely this FOmar resembled the Protectorate; same green eyes, same shade of hair, same skin color, even the same height/build! Really, the only difference between the two were their clothes and hair style.

"Who are you?" Hikara demanded, ready to strike at any time if this man was a threat.

"I am no enemy, Hikara," the FOmar replied softly, calmly. "I am the one who called you here; the voice in your head, the wind that guided you. You've seen me before, Protectorate, but I did not look as I do now, and I was not myself, either. We've fought in a nasty duel, upon which you came out the victor. In fact, your entire team was in the fight"

"What? No, my team has never been in the same Battle Arena at the same time; it's against the rules, as we don't have Team Fights. In fact, the ONLY time my entire team was in the same arena was our recent fight with Olga Flow." The FOmar smiled slightly.

"If I remember correctly, Demi and Kayle were not there, Hikara. Keep thinking back. Back 2 years."

"2 years? I had barely even become the Protectorate! We were barely even the Starlight Runners! The only real accomplishment we had was..." Hikara suddenly stopped, then spun around and stared at the gold statue, before looking back at the FOmar.

"You're Dark Falz..." Hikara muttered.

"It's a long story, Protectorate; I hope you're not in a hurry..."


The Mahu struck the Evil Shark square between the eyes, blowing him completely over as he evaporated into VR data, while Demi quickly grabbed another card and threw it forcefully into the forehead of an advancing So Dimenian, and with one last twist and a throw, three Mahu cards struck into a Dubchic control disc, destroy the remainder of the enemies. Demi grabbed a towel that Scott had generated near the door and wiped her forehead clean of sweat while her heart beat returned to normal.

"That was very impressive, Demi," Rico's voice said over the intercom. "I've never seen anyone able to kill monsters in a single hit with just a Mahu. Okay, I think you've done enough training for today, so step through the teleporter in the next room." Demi nodded to no one in particular while she caught her breath, and walked wearily into the next room where a blue teleporter was located. The teleporter was a welcome sight, but only a few hours ago, when Demi started her training, she would have demanded to keep going; she was getting so good! But now, she just wanted to get home, take a shower, and get some rest. Demi slowly walked into the teleporter, then felt herself whisked back to the labs of the Pioneer 2, thinking of how nice it would be to finally lay down, but when she finally reached the labs, she realized she probably wouldn't get a chance to; not with Hikara standing in the doorway.

"Aren't you supposed to be down on the planet?" Demi asked. "I mean, the Ship's supposed to land very soon, isn't it? And... hey, why'd you change your outfit?" It had taken Demi a little while to notice this, but Hikara was no longer in his vibrant blue and white outfit; instead, the tall slender FOmar was dressed in black and red. Demi thought they were rather odd colors for a Protectorate of LIGHT to be wearing.

"I found something on the surface everyone must know about," Hikara replied simply. "Rico, Scott, if you'd be so kind as to round up the rest of the team, I'd much appreciate it. No, Kayle. You need to stay here." Rico and Scott nodded and quickly rushed out of the room to find the rest of the team, while Demi and Kayle took a seat. Hikara took a deep breath, then faced the two, looking as if what he was trying to say was difficult. Then, he finally began.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-18 06:38 ]</font>

Dec 17, 2003, 01:29 PM
Ohhh, vines.

Excellent as always Hikara! Looking forward to the next part! Sorry to hear about Sabrina though. That must have hurt like hell.

Dec 17, 2003, 02:05 PM
What the----?
Why did it end there?
You're holding out!
Deceiver! Heathen! Uh....not-nice guy I got nuttin'.

The whole rest of the team were human, so it must have been harder on their REAL feelings verses an Android's ARTIFICIAL feelings...
It's versus. V-E-R-S-U-S. I would've caught that one last night if your writing wasn't so frickin' small!
But, yeah. You already know what I think of it. Like it. But you didn't get to the----.*Transmission cut off by anonymous third party.*
Rose:What the frick? Hey, gimme my internet back, you d*** dirty ape!(shakes computer violently)
Anonymous third party:Hey-a, quit-a shakin' and a-bakin'! You're-a messin' up the RISK game. I've-a almost gotta upper Canada!
Rose:Canada?! CANADA?! WHO, I say WHO in their right mind takes over CANADA?!
ATP:Well, it's not my right mind, it's my left; I left the right one at home. Always yakkin' and yakkin'....
Rose:What happened to your ridiculous accent?
ATP:We thought it was offensive to the Italian-Americans, the White supremacists, and those freaky dudes in the white that covers their faces
ATP:No, doctors.
Rose:Aahh......So, uh.......You have anything to do?*PSO Episodes 3, 4, 5, & 6 pop up upon computer screen. Rose kisses computer screen.*
ATP:Hey, I'm all for free-love and stuff, but....GET YOUR HANDS OFFA THERE!*Rose removes hand from top of tower*
Rose:Sorry, I just get a little affectionate when it comes to non-existant video games.
ATP:Hey, whatever, you users are all the same. It's always gimme what I want, then shut you off. Well, I have feelings, too! And another thin--.
Rose:Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I can just hold your mouse and we can stroll down virtualbeach.com; Then we can download a movie, get to know each other more; we can just talk for a while. Marriage, kids, why I'm about to date my computer....

Dec 17, 2003, 02:20 PM
It's.... people like you I wonder about, Rose... But that's okay. I've gotten used to it.

So much for YOUR editing skills. I ended it there because the bell rang. Now if you don't mind, I need to post on my OTHER story before I continue here, okay? Patience, Rose. You've read it already anyway!

Dec 17, 2003, 02:39 PM
Rose, there's definately something in your head (or maybe the absence thereof...) that makes people think 'hmm, that dude is kind of off...'. Oh, well. At least you speak your true blue feelings, even though they are a bit odd.

Dec 17, 2003, 04:59 PM
great, we're dropping like flies! our team leader starts hearing voices, rose is just... yeah, garanz fell apart on us and sabrina's dead!
or is she?
*ques x files music*

awaiting the next chapter! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:
i think rose beat me to it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 17, 2003, 05:28 PM
Nice chapter! Hope there's more to it, though... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 17, 2003, 07:17 PM
ah I've droped off the face of the planet oh well I like being un noticed for the most part and I recomened that you see a shrink rose

Dec 17, 2003, 09:03 PM
Yayz! Hey Hikara, yous gonna get a PM soon

Dec 17, 2003, 09:40 PM
Interesting chapter. Yep, thats all. Its late at night and I had to shut my brain off for the night.

This post is rated T for Thanks to Rose who sounds like me when my friends are over and I'm drunk on Coka Cola.

Dec 18, 2003, 09:38 AM
Really skett? drunk on Coca Cola? You know, whatever floats your boat I suppose.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chaos_Phoenix on 2003-12-18 06:39 ]</font>

Dec 18, 2003, 09:39 AM
More of the chapter up, more to be up soon! Go check the CHapter post, because it's there.

Dec 18, 2003, 10:01 AM
Ooh, more was added! *happy dance* It's very good, of course. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 18, 2003, 03:02 PM
Interesting. I sence an imposter. Or not. I don't know. Nice addition. When can we expect the next chapter?

Chaos_Phoenix: Yes, drunk. You drink Coka Cola for a month than have a bottle of water and see how you react.

This post was rated B for Booya baby!

Dec 18, 2003, 04:59 PM
Oooh! Damn cliffie! *g* You better post more soon! I wanna know what happens next. And who this Hikara-esque guy is. And what he has to tell them. And...

I'll shut up now.

Dec 18, 2003, 10:09 PM
Damn! I should have asked Hikara to use Arch! My darkness FOmar! Ahh crap! If I didn't think that it was a dumb idea until I read that! Damn! Hikara makes my dumn ideas sound cool!

Ya' know, strangely Hikara described Arch perfectly except for the eye part...

Dec 19, 2003, 09:39 AM
Robo, if you're really that desperate, I'm still trying to fit in your character. Just send me the details on Arch, and I'll use him instead.

In fact, do so immediately. I just got an idea....

Dec 19, 2003, 05:44 PM
Aw, crap! Another idea! Shame on you, Hikara. Those never lead anywhere good. Well, whatever.....
When can we expect the next chapter? Especially since I've already read it.

Dec 19, 2003, 07:45 PM
On 2003-12-19 06:39, Hikara wrote:
Robo, if you're really that desperate, I'm still trying to fit in your character. Just send me the details on Arch, and I'll use him instead.

In fact, do so immediately. I just got an idea....

I'm deeply sorry for annoyin you...

Dec 19, 2003, 11:47 PM
Cool Chapter. The end of it is kinda creepy and I'm anticipating the next chapter.

Dec 31, 2003, 08:55 PM
AAHH! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_argh.gif
Well, in case anyone's wondering, Hikara's still alive(by my reckoning), he's just majorly busted for the stupidest reason. Who knew blue ferrets were illegal in Tiajuana?
Anyway, I just wanted to save this thread from utter extinction. PAGE THREE! It's on PAGE THREE!
Well, not anymore, because I've just renewed it.
And I'm sorry if anyone thought Hikara might've posted more. Let's just pray he gets internet privelages in 2004!

Jan 1, 2004, 01:09 AM
He cant go on the internet? Is that why he has to post at school? And where is Tiajuana? Never heard of the place.

Jan 3, 2004, 10:34 PM
To Skett:
Hikara cannot type at home for a couple reasons:
1. His laptop, until recently, was unusable.
2. His parents are what you would call overprotective.
3. Maybe he just doesn't like talking to you ^_^ j/k

Jan 3, 2004, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the info Hikara's secretary.

Jan 4, 2004, 03:04 PM
Oooh, creepy bad Fomarness...

Kill him! So what if he looks like Hikara!

He's taking Sabrina's death very well... Hmmm...

Jan 4, 2004, 08:58 PM
well this is intresting I was hoping fornew over these couple of weeks but I guess not what the bloodly hell did he do anyway?

Jan 4, 2004, 09:07 PM
Is he dead? ;_;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Robo47 on 2004-01-04 18:07 ]</font>

Jan 4, 2004, 09:08 PM
On 2004-01-04 17:58, White_Knight wrote:
well this is intresting I was hoping fornew over these couple of weeks but I guess not what the bloodly hell did he do anyway?

Who knows. Doesn't he have a public library near him that lets him go online? Well, school should start soon for most people so hope he can typeup the next chapter soon. Patience, White Knight Leo.

Jan 4, 2004, 09:14 PM
2. His parents are what you would call overprotective.
And the emmy for the understatment of the year 2003 goes too....
Chao's Fenix!!
Big surprise.
Seriously, though, Hikara's parents tend to get EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY, BEYOND-ALL-REASON DEFENSIVE about certains things. One thing.Members of the opposite sex
Give to them to shield his eyes when a commercial for anything remotely feminine appears. Like bubble gum.
Honestly, though, I'm sure he'll be posting sometime soon. If we don't get anything by the end of this week, I'm staging a hostile takeover of the Rocky Mountains, and then we'll find him.

Jan 4, 2004, 09:17 PM
Holy Shit! I have an Uncle in the Rockys! Maybe he knows Hikara!

Jan 4, 2004, 09:30 PM
On 2004-01-04 18:14, Gnarled_rose wrote:
If we don't get anything by the end of this week, I'm staging a hostile takeover of the Rocky Mountains, and then we'll find him.

Count me in. I havent been part of a takeover in awhile. So if you know him than do you know when school starts so he can post another chapter, Thorny?

Jan 4, 2004, 11:21 PM
And the emmy for the understatment of the year 2003 goes too....
Chao's Fenix!!
I'd like to thank my all of you who voted for me and...... blah blah blah

Yes, Hikara's parents are VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY (to the 15th power) OVERPROTECTIVE. Sadly, there is nothing we can do about it.

PS-Hikara is currently doing many a thing, so an update may be delayed, so just SIT TIGHT!

Jan 5, 2004, 11:59 AM
Screw Many a thing. I'm finally back....

Public Library? Yeah, sure, but when you can't even get out the FREAKING DOOR.... you have a little bit of a problem.

For full details, PM Rose. He still gets a kick out of it every time he thinks about it....

Thanks for all your concenr, ladies and gentlemen. But I'm back. Sorry for the delay!

And Phoenix.... I don't need a secretary, so lay off.

Now! For the Important Stuff!!

Jan 5, 2004, 12:00 PM
"As I'm sure you both remember, I believed Kayle was my Shadow because of what the history books had said about it being the same class, same Section ID, blah blah blah. Well, I soon found Demi was my Shadow, but Kayle had something important, as well. That Resta you cast, Kayle, confirmed to me what I was thinking, and the tests solidified it. You, my young friend, are the Protectorate of Shadows, a friend of the Protectorate of Light, but specializing instead in the element of Darkness; Megid, for example. Every time I looked at you, Kayle, I had a feeling sweep over me from the energies I control as the Protectorate of Light; they told me there was something dark about you; this was it. You're my opposite, but one of the most important people to the team the Protectorate of Light commanded." It was just at that moment that everyone else entered the room, eager looks on their faces. They had overheard the entire conversation. Rose had even returned with the Amplifiers, but this time, he and Quin were holding each others' hands...

"The team's all here," Rico needlessly reported. "And right on time."

"Good. Everyone, take your seats, if you would." Hikara waited patiently for everyone to sit down, but Demi noticed he was nervously drumming something with his fingers. It was a turquoise crystal on the top of his right hand... "Okay now. I know you all heard whatt I just told Kayle, as your impecable timing showed, but there's more you need to hear."

"Hikara, why'd you change your outfit?" Demi finally demanded, unable to hold it in any longer. Hikara looked over at Demi with a look that said 'I'm getting there! Be patient!'

"Yeah, those are some rather dark colors for the Protectorate of Light," Garanz put in. Hikara rolled his eyes.

"Your patience just astounds me," Hikara muttered. He finally took a deep breath, sighed, and looked at his team. "When I was back on the surface, double checking everything for the landing, I heard a voice calling my name. No, I wasn't delusional. This voice told me it was looking for me, for someone of my reputation. I was lead through a goose chase before I ended up finding an immensly beautiful shrine, designed to pay homage no one would ever expect. This turquoise crystal I wear on the back of my hand contains the essence of that deity, causing my spells to be tremendously powerful, and the energies it gives off changes my clothes this color, much like my Protectorate Energies did. Then... this person showed me Sabrina's Spirit, and how to see her. You guys, this is going to blow you away, but you must know. Everyone... I'd like you to meet the REAL Dark Falz." At the mention of seeing Sabrina, a murmur had erupted from the group, but a silence swept through the room as a Black and Grey clad FOmar entered, smiling to the group, until his eyes fell on Rico, causing his smile to fade.

"Hello, Falz," Rico whispered.

"Ms. Tyrell," Falz whispered back, nodding slightly. "It's good to see you alive and well..."

"You're Dark Falz!?" Yang shouted in disbelief. "You look NOTHING like that... that... THING we fought! How can you be Falz!?" Falz' smile returned as he looked towards Yang.

"It's a rather long story, as the Protectorate can testify," Falz replied with a rather dark, mysterious voice, "but I'll run through it again... This is my History.

"Long ago, here on Ragol, I was a God of a vast people who would come to my Shrine and worship me freely. All was well with the people and I, until they discovered space travel, and theywished to move to different lands. To make a REAL long story short, they left, I stayed. Decades went past with the planet recovering from the presence of the people, and nothing really changed. The native animals on the planet flourished and began to sweep over all of Ragol, so I used a little of my power here and there to stop them from spreading too quickly. Soon, after decades of what seemed like absolutely nothing, a strange alien craft came and crashed full into the planet, destroying a good portion of the continent, the ship still remaining intact. I was hopeful to find another people searching for a place to live that I could be a just God for, but the vessel was empty; all except for a single life form. This single cell life form, which you call a D-Cell, began to split and search for things to infect, causing a few of Ragol's native life forms to change and mutate. I watched with interest as this Parasetic cel made things interesting, until I realized there was something else on that Ship. Another God ha followed this D-Cell, and overpowered me.

"Soon the Pioneer 1 came and landed on the planet, causing this other God, IDOLA, to take interest in your people and seek to destroy them for entertainment. Ms. Tyrell stumbled upon the obelisk I had forced myself into to keep IDOLA from overthrowing me completely, but IDOLA destroyed it, and forced me into slavery. I was forced to inhabit Rico's body and slaughter the Pioneer 1..." Falz trailed off, then began again. "But, young Hikara and your team came along, destroyed me body and released my essence. IDOLA found me a waste of time and went straight into Rico, allowingme to live once again. I glanced to the person who saved meand created myself a body to closely resemble his, but I found ou later that when IDOLA left me, he stole my ranking as the God of Ragol, leaving me practically powerless. So, for 2 years in my shrine, I trained to be much like your FOmars so that I could blend in with this new people. I'll never recieve my powers again, as IDOLA has been destroyed, but I can live amoungst you now that I am just like a FOmar. I did managed, however, to capture my deitic essence and place it inside that Crystal in order to give the bearer the ability to completely max out his spells. So... that's how I am Dark Falz."

"You're the one I saw attempting to shelter me, when you inhabited my body," Rico muttered. "Attempting to keep my soul alive."

"Dark Falz never really had an intention to harm anyone," Hikara informed. "It's kind of hard to control yourself, though, when you... can't control your body."

"And we can trust this how?" Garanz demanded, his hand on his Varista, where it had been this whole time.

"I've had it confirmed you guys. Close your eyes and clear your minds; I've got something to show you." Everyone reluctantly did so, all ready to draw their weapons at a moment's notice, but when Hikara told them to open their eyes, they found themselves in a totally different area. It looked similar to the Nearest Place to Heaven, ut Hikara elaborated.

"I've gained the ability to move into my own soul and anyone else I want. It turns out that someone important happens to reside here." Upon the comment, another spirit appeared before the group, drawing gasps from everyone but Falz and Hikara.

Sabrina resided in Hikara's soul!?

Jan 5, 2004, 12:29 PM
Oh, and Shi.... It's this chapter, so stay calm. It is coming!

Uh, is anyone following my Episode III story, any? I just posted the remainder of the Prologue, and I just got an AMAZING idea for the story concerning Sil'fer, thanks to a little inspiration from Sonic, which I recieved for Christmas, along with PSO.

Rose, I need to get over to your house. Saebra needs to sit on MY memory card, now.

Jan 5, 2004, 05:11 PM
Very good, slightly creepy when you think of Falzy being a good guy... (Can I still beat him to death? Please....)

In answer to you other question... No.

I haven't been following anything for a while, and have no clue what episode 3 is about. To make is worse, I have it listed on my to-do list, which never gets done...

I would really like to read it, and am definately going to. even if it is on my to do list...

Jan 5, 2004, 05:46 PM
hooray for a chapter! (i know its a bit early to say this but,)
awaiting your next chapter! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

Hikara: kayle is the protectorate of shadows!

Zi'Zuku: *gets jealous* ... (comon idola, we dont need him, OR falz! we could still do our own dark stuff, right?)

Jan 5, 2004, 06:18 PM
just finished reading where i left off, great stuff! It would pe pretty cool if you made all of the series (depending on how many books there will be) and make them into one big book, before publishing it.

Jan 5, 2004, 06:27 PM
OOh, I was kinda wondering just what Kayle was... Hehe. Very good, as always. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oh, btw, if it's okay with Robo47, you can use the not-so-great pic of DS however you want.

Jan 5, 2004, 07:48 PM
He still gets a kick out of it every time he thinks about it....
HA http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif HA http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif HA! It's funny because it's true!!Seriously though, I like the new nickname: Thorny. It fits with a new quote I found.

A thorn defends a rose, harming only those who would damage the blossom! And I have earned a rep as a gentleman around these parts, so it all comes together.
Hikara, it's nice to see you're back. I thought you'd never return from the Land of Close-Mindedness and Despair. Alternately known as the LCMD. Or not.
I wanna get in on this, too!
Strange comment for this chapter:
Falz:Hey, let's turn this into a real party! Who wants to see me turn me boxers into a thong?!*Jumps on on table*
Ahh, yeah..Good times, good times.
Nice work as usual, Hikara. But soon enough, you'll be getting to the part I haven't read, and THEN it gets interesting.
Shi, the good parts comin', too. Awesome, if I may say so.
Once more: HIKARA! BACK!*Hikara turns around*AND FRONT! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo*Pant, pant, pant*ooooooooOoOoOoooo

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gnarled_rose on 2004-01-05 16:51 ]</font>

Jan 5, 2004, 08:18 PM
On 2004-01-05 16:48, Gnarled_rose wrote:
[quote]He still gets a kick out of it every time he thinks about it....
HA http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif HA http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif HA! It's funny because it's true!!
Then expect a PM in the near future. I will never pass up an chance to laugh at others experiances

Seriously though, I like the new nickname: Thorny. It fits with a new quote I found.

A thorn defends a rose, harming only those who would damage the blossom!
Thats the first nickname I gave someone that reacted positive to it. Thorny.

More on topic: Great chapter Hikara. Some new and interesting ideas. Dark Flaz good. A Protectorate of Shadows. Sabrina in Hikara's soul(?). Its good that you havent disposed completely of my favorate character. This is getting better. And slightly confusing. I better get a can of Coka Cola.

Jan 5, 2004, 09:52 PM
well thats great to know but I did say that I usually don't mind being unnoticed seeing as I have been most of my life oh well I feel sorry for you I know someonewhos parents are really over protected

Jan 6, 2004, 02:29 PM
Alright everyone, help is needed here!

We have a Protectorate of Light, of Shadows, and the Protectorate's Shadow.

What sounds good as an opposite of Protectorate?


Jan 6, 2004, 02:31 PM
Disbanner of Darkness? Unholy Guardian? How about Shadow Stalker?

---For every Ying, there is a Yang. For every good, there is an evil...

Jan 6, 2004, 03:54 PM
Well, the good guy who wants to protect is called the Protecterate. So why not call the bad guy who wants to destroy the light any of these:
-Destroyer of Light
-Destructerate of Light
-Destruction of Light

Or even better. My character is called the Oracle of Destruction, so lets borrow a page from that and use these:
-Oracle of Darkness
-Oracle of Evil
-Oracle of Death

Well, you get the idea.

Jan 6, 2004, 04:02 PM
Protectorate of Neutrality. Booyah bitches!!

Jan 6, 2004, 05:49 PM
Umm, destroyer? Or to bring the dead back, DESCENDER!!!
Oblitorator?(Misspelled, I know.)

Jan 6, 2004, 05:53 PM
OOOOO! I have a good one! How about the Progenitor of Cataclism...

Jan 6, 2004, 06:11 PM
how about, Bringer of the Requiems.

Since a requim is a type of musical form played for the dead at funeral mass, you have to have dead people for a requiem. So he kills, and thus requiems are written.

Although i probably didn't need to explain that, oh well

Jan 6, 2004, 06:46 PM
I like the requiem idea, though not precisely worded like that...it sounds cooler than shadows and darkness and blah-blah-blah.


Jan 6, 2004, 06:50 PM
how about *gasp* the scourge?

no, just think up your own titles, that what i've been doing...

Jan 6, 2004, 08:00 PM
the hunters of darkness and light one for each protectorite

Jan 7, 2004, 12:40 PM
On 2004-01-06 17:00, White_Knight wrote:
the hunters of darkness and light one for each protectorite

Hmm..... Good idea. A Hunter of Light and Hunter of Shadows...

how about, Bringer of the Requiems.

Since a requim is a type of musical form played for the dead at funeral mass, you have to have dead people for a requiem. So he kills, and thus requiems are written.

And the Bringer of Requiems being the Shadow of the Hunter of Light! It all fits together! Thanks for the ideas, everyone! Meh heh heh...

Oh, and Robo, I hope you don't mind Arch being a very severe villian as of late. Shi's gonna try to kick his butt... Only White Knight really knows what that means, so stay tuned!!

Jan 7, 2004, 03:16 PM
Perfectly okay. And I have two ideas on what'll happen...

Jan 7, 2004, 06:00 PM
Okay so let me get this straight

Protectorate of Light & Protectorate's Shadow

Protectorate of Shadow & What?

Hunter of Light & Bringer of Requiems

fill in any gaps or wrongness please.

Jan 7, 2004, 08:03 PM
yeay I was wondering when that would show up anyway if any of you have spare time would you try and help me figure out how to get a L and R on a star with a peice off string domo origato in advance

Jan 8, 2004, 12:41 PM
Let me clear it up for everyone, characters and all.

Hikara- Protectorate of Light, and central character. Has a rather amazing ability to cast Grants, and due to a new Essence of Falz item, all his spells are tremendously powerful. Cannot cast Megid due to his "Light" nature.

Demi- Protectorate's Shadow, and Hikara's apprentice. Central character in this book. Is also great at Grants, as well as recovery spells. Hikara claims she will kill Olga Flow.

Kayle- Protectorate of Shadows. Good at Megid and other dark spells, and was originally supposed to be Hikara's Shadow, until certain events. Is very important at end of this book.

Diagram for Light Characters
Protectorate of Light --> Protectorate's Shadow (Apprentice)

Protectorate of Shadows --> Nothing. He doesn't have anyone that follows him.

Hunter of Light- the exact opposite of Hikara, and hunts down the Protectorate in hopes of killing him. Has yet to be introduced.

Bringer of Requiems- Equivilant of the Protectorate's Shadow. Follows the Hunter of Light around and hopes to destroy the Protectorate, as well.

Hunter of Shadows- still an evil character, but hunts down the Protectorate of Shadows, with the same intent.

Hope that clears up any questions you may have.

Jan 8, 2004, 01:05 PM
i figured the aprentice of the Hunter of Light would try and kill he aprentice of the Protectorate (i think i spelled that wrong)

Jan 9, 2004, 09:39 AM
Here's a request for the following people:


...I think that's it...

You guys need to find rivals for yourselves. I'm leaving this up to you, because you know your characters best.

Lady Jade, I've already got one for you, so don't worry too much about it.

And... Oh yeah. Rose, get one for Quinn, too.

This would complete my chapter as soon as I get the info, so post quick!

Jan 9, 2004, 03:53 PM
Its in second chap of rebirth and it makes sence given what he is supposed to be

Jan 9, 2004, 04:40 PM
PMed it to ya ^_^

Jan 9, 2004, 11:04 PM
I'm glad you're back too Hikara. I don't play PSO anymore (I dare not say why on this board), but I enjoy reading your story. I've been really busy lately so I need to find the time to read more of what's here.

Jan 9, 2004, 11:30 PM
Well, Hikara, that diagram didn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe when you incorporate it into your story and set everything out, it will.

And Yang_Ishill, why don't you play anymore? I'm only wondering if you got as bored as I did. PM me the story, if you don't mind.

Jan 12, 2004, 09:33 AM
Chapter 7- The Unwelcoming Commitee

Elly sat at her lab computer, watching the lights next to names turn from red to green as the person reported in. Then, finally, the only name that was not lit up with green was that of Hikara.

"Alright, Hikara," Elly said into her mike. "Everyoneelse has reported 'go' forthe procedure. The only thing we need now is the Landing Operations Master's good-to-go signal."

"That's me, isn't it..." Hikara replied over the comm. He sounded slightly nervouse, drawing a smile from Elly.

"We're all gonna die, aren't we?" the voice of Calus said to Elly.

"Yes, Hikara, that's you. And you have Calus' confidence, too. We're all waiting on you."


Hikara looked over the landing sector that they had finally cleared out and sighed. He then put on his comm. unit of a mike and headphone, much like Elly's, and read over the list he had been given of all the stations around the landing sector.

"Alright, everyone," Hikara said into the comm. "We're going to get the all clear, and then begin the procedure. Say 'go' if you're clear, understood?" Hikara quickly read down the list that included Inner Security, Creature Control, External Automated and Manual Defense, and Impact resistor Fields, plus many others, which all replied "GO" to his call, and when the list all replied, butterflies quickly filled his stomach. "Okay, Elly. We're clear."

"Excellent!" Elly finished. "I'm patching you through to the Computer pilot. Calus should be able to help, too..."

"NO! Elly, put Vol Opt in command, instead. I'll speak to him, seeing as how Calu and I... well, we don't get along the best..."

"What? Oh... okay then. I'll put Vol Opt in." Elly sounded kind of surprised that anyone couldn't get along with Calus, but Hikara sighed a sigh of relief that Elly did as he said. He had had one too many experiances with that Computer, all of which led to nasty arguments and a series of viruses being spread around... He just knew that if Calus were in charge, something bad was going to happen, just so Hikara would be at blame.

You seem somewhat uptight, Hikara, Sabrina's calm tone said.

-It's a real good thing you decided to reside in my soul, Sabrina- Hikara thought to her, -or I'd be in ruins right now.-

But what are you so worried about?

-I happen to be in the process of landing the Pioneer 2, which is slightly stressful!-

I can see that, but you're not even piloting the thing! You're telling a computer to do it!

-A computer's only as smart as its user...-

Just relax, Hikara. I can help you through this. Hikara suddenly felt as if someone was holding his right hand, allowing him to relax a great deal, his hand closing shut tight as Sabrina calmed him down from the inside out, until the robotic voice of Vol Opt 4 echoed through his comm.

"Vol Opt 4 connected to Pioneer 2 command mainstream. Piloting systems accessed and activated. System on standby. Main Command of Vol Opt 4 has been moved to Master Hikara, leader of Landing Operations. Awaiting orders." Hikara glanced up at the Pioneer 2 and noticed a series of Anti-Grav jets begin to glow beneath the gargantuan ship. He then crossed his fingers, before muttering "Ignitiate sequence..."


"So you have a choice, then?" YamiShi asked, sitting high on the top of the Dome. He held his Sange, blade-tip down, and slowly ran a stone over the edge, sharpening the steel blade, while Zi'Zuku, wearing his face mask and cloak, stood next to him, watching the Pioneer 2 slowly sink towards the ground a little ways off. "After you die, you get a choice as to where you want to go?"

"That's what Falz said," Zi'Zuku replied. "You have a choice to just pass on, or to wait for someone to come with you."

"That's why Sabrina resides in Hikara's soul, right?"


"It's a rather interesting concept," Shi muttered, continuing to run the stone down his Sange as he glanced up at the top of the Pioneer 2, slowly sinking towards the ground, and smiled. A low rumble shook through the ground as the Anti-Grav pads and Impact Resistor Fields pushed against each other, until a loud cheer echoed through the empty forest. The Pioneer 2 had finally landed.

"That'll take a load off Hikara," Zi'Zuku said, smiling behind his mask. "But I just don't get why it took over 3 years for 30 seconds of landing. We got all worked up for nothing. That's rather disappointing, isn't it." Then Zi'Zuku drew his Caduceus. "I've been elected Chief of the Pioneer City Police Force, which was created to loosen the Military's grip on the Pioneer 2. I better get going to get everything organized." Shi nodded and stood, sheathing his sword.

"So why didn't I get elected for some important job?" Shi askehd, chuckling slightly.

"Becuase they have yet to get around to all of them. Patience, YamiShi. I'm sure you'll land some rich job." Zi'Zuku then leapt off the dome and began running towards the Pioneer City Gates, leavining Shi to watch the fireworks going off above the Pioneer City. He could just imagine Hikara breathing a huge sigh of relief as everyone lifted him up on their shoulders... unless he was directly below Shi...? Shi noticed the black and red clad Protectorate on the Dome walkway, causing Shi to want to shout to his team leader and congradulate him, but he resisted the temptation when he noticed that he had an incredibally enraged look on his face, and was dragging a saddened looking FOnewearl behind him. YamiShi, astounded by Hikara's behavior, leapt swiftly but silently behind one of the walls, and watched closely.

"I knew that Dark Falz Essence was no good," he whispered, his hand on his Sange Hilt. At that moment, Hikara released the struggling girl and pointed his hand at her.

"I'll show you to dump someone like me for this YamiShi character," Hikara muttered. "I'll give you three seconds to change your mind, Kori." The girl, obviously Kori, gave no response, which was answered by Hikara zapping the girl with a Gizonde. Kori let out a scream of pain as the electricity surged through her body, but when the attack stopped, Kori still refused.

"He's some punk celebrity!" Hikara pressed. "Every other girl on the Pioneer 2 probably wants him. What does he have that I don't!?"

"A kind heart, for one," Kori muttered timidly, but still bravely. Hikara's face screwed up in anger, but before he could fire again, Shi leapt out, Sange drawn.

"Hikara, what do you think you're doing!?" Shi demanded. Hikara spun around suddenly, a Megid clasped in his hands, glancing at Shi with... RED eyes!? Shi's eyes slowly moved over to the Merge on his left arm, then realized the mistake he had made; Hikara couldn't cast Megid, didn't have red eyes, and didn't use a Megid Merge, which this "Hikara" was doing right now.

"What did you just call me?" the Hikara-esque FOmar hissed. Then his eyes widened. "You're.... you're that YamiShi guy!.... The one I now despise with every fiber of my being..."

"Arch, don't!" Kori screamed. "Leave Shi out of this!"

"Arch?" Shi muttered. Then he snapped to his senses again. "Whether you're Hikara or not, I can't let you treat a girl like this!"

"I've always had something against you freaking Starlight Runners, especially as of late! I'm tired of being mistaken for that upstart FOmar who thinks he has something special when it comes to Grants! This fake "Protectorate" everyone keeps praising is really getting on my nerves, and his freaking team has lost me my girl-friend! Well you know what!?" He turned towards Kori. "If I can't have her, NO ONE CAN!" Arch threw the Megid ball towards Kori, and the energy coming off it gave the indication that is was probably maxed out. Shi knew he had to do something, but it had to be fast. He couldn't out run a Lvl. 30 Megid, as it moved rougly the speed of DEATH, but he did know something that could. He quickly raised his own hand and cast Rafoie on Kori, blowing her out of the way, yet also unconcious. Still, she was out of the way. Arch glared angrily at Shi, before readying another Megid.

"If you so desperately wish to get in the way," Arch hissed, "then I'll remove you!!" He fired the Megid towards Shi, who leapt out of the way and readied his Sange for battle, but was suddenly discouraged when he saw the smoldering crater on the wall that the spell had made. Arch threw Megid after deadly Megid, YamiShi leaping from one place to another, avoiding the purple balls of Death, until a Zonde was suddenly cast at his chest, causing his whole body to go numb. He slumped slowly to the ground against the wall as Arch began to smile wickedly, yet another Megid in his hand. Arch raised his arm above him, before throwing it with great force, but a sudden Grants engulfed the spell and quickly disappated it, followed closely by a huge blast radius, returning the feeling in Shi's body. Arch had been surprised by the sudden appearance of the Grants spell and was currently starin up at the person who had stormed in on them, giving Shi just enough time to recover his Sange, leap to his feet, and slash the metal Katana across Arch's body. The blow drained all of Arch's HP, causing him to disapear as he was teleported back to the Pioneer City, giving Shi the ability to finally relax. Shi then looked up at his teammate and saw Falz standing atop the dome, until Falz waved and disappeared through a telepipe. Shi smiled slightly, before turning to Kori, the wounded FOnewearl, and started to revive her.


Rose and Quinn teleported down directly to the Mines. Quinn entered the first room, and was approached by a dubchic. She prepared her Blade Dance, but Rose waved both it and the dubchic away.

"No, we’re fine. Just seal off section JX off to all other hunters, rangers, or forces. Even if Hikara demands to be let in, or he’ll take the whole place down with him, you keep section JX sealed after we enter. Compute?" The dubchic nodded dully. Ever since Vol Opt 4 had taken over, the Mines had resumed normal function and even started to excavate away more of the Ruined alien ship/tomb. But it was hunters like Quinn Saerin who remembered losing friends in the Mines, and may never become fully relaxed underground.

Rose was here to change this.

"Oh, right. Forgot." She said shyly. She put away her weapons slowly, and looked back up to Rose. He had a slight smile and shook his head even slighter.

"Stay close." He warned, and extended his hand. She took it, and said "I thought the mines were safe now."

"Oh, they are." His smile had extended at this point as they walked hand in hand.

"Then, why--?" She laughed as she figured out the answer. She reminded herself she wasn’t with a thick-headed RAmar, or a socially defunct FOmar. Then again, she never had much faith in men, and maybe she had simply underestimated this one.

"So, what’s your story?" She asked him when he said nothing. He glanced over at her before muttering "The only thing stopping me from standing still is the image of your face when we get there." Her long ears perked up, but he moved back to her question before she could protest.

"Well, I was getting lonely, so I decided to come down to Ragol to live. Yeah, it didn’t make sense to me, either. But I had to come back because of Hikara. He’s a good guy and everything, but he doesn’t know his left foot from his right hand when it comes to love, so I had to....instruct him. Except, now that Sabrina’s gone...." He set his jaw forward, determined not to talk more. But he never was good at saying "no", so relented when she innocently asked "Who’s Sabrina?"

"Hikara’s late girlfriend. I didn’t know her too well, and I don’t think anyone but Hikara did." Before he continued with this uncomfortable topic, he stopped in front of a door flanked on either side by a Sinow Gold.

"Oh, you mean the spirit that was... in that one field Hikara called his... soul...?" Quin stammered.

"Yeah, her. Section JX." The Sinow Gold nodded, but Rose knew this one.

"No, I’m serious. JX, or the lady looks the other way, and....." He waved the business end of his Brionac in front of its face. It grumbled, and entered the correct coordinates. The door opened up to reveal a teleporter, customized to section JX. Both Quinn and he entered, and she turned to ask him about--

--and was amazed at what she saw. The room had obvious walls, a floor, and a magnificent view. Flowers sprouted up to mark off a winding path, and Quinn heard water splashing somewhere near.

"How did you-? What is-? Uh...." She was speechless. Rose stepped off the dirt path onto lush grass and a pile of objects. Then he unfolded a sheet, and Quinn saw a picnic basket. She gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. She ran over to him and eagerly sat down on the blanket. Rose took out some food, and Quinn looked over the edge to a seascape at least 70 feet below. She looked back over to Rose, and saw he was gone. She spun her head around, and saw him on the other side of her, and a little closer.

"It’s so beautiful, but how did it get here?" She whispered to him.

"You save Vol Opt and Pioneer 2 once or twice, they start to feel a little obligated. The others all got what they wanted or needed; I got personal space."

"How personal?" She asked suggestively, leaning in closer and closer. He chuckled, and froze.

"Hold still." He warned with anger in his eyes. She looked confused, and said "But we’re so close." Rose’s jaw quivered with rage, and he stood up. Then she looked flustered, and looked where he was. She saw a black figure in the distance suddenly getting closer. She barely made out it’s Del Saber features before it was upon her and grabbed her. It leapt backward, and landed unevenly. She looked at Rose for help, and saw he had already fired a shot from his Custom Ray, and hit the Del in the right ankle. She managed to get away before Rose fired more shots while walking toward them.

"Learn this, D-Celled slave! Never, ever mess with anything that touches my lips. Food, water, and HER!" He tried to slice through it, but it vaporized before he got his Brionac all the way through. When he was sure they were alone, walking back to the blanket, he grunted in pain.

"What’s wrong?" She asked. He shook his head, but she persisted. He waved his hand, and the scene changed to the beach below at sunset, with the waves lapping toward them.

"Holograms! That’s how you do it!" She said before sitting him down on the beach. "Come on, what’s wrong? Here?" She pressed on his chest, "Or here?" She touched his ankle. She wasn’t sure where he hurt, but felt him limping. He laughed, and said "Keep touching and I’ll tell you ‘when’." She laughed and pushed him away. He grunted again, and said "It’s my back. Not used to whipping out the gun so quickly." So she slid her hand underneath his jacket. He gave her verbal clues until she found it, next to his spine. She pressed on it, and he moaned.

"Ah, that’s the spot." He took a deep breath, and sat up. He saw her looking out toward the holographic ocean, and asked "What is it?" She blinked, and denied anything.

"I know it’s something. You’d better tell me, or I’ll beat it out of you with my lips." He kissed the tip of her ear, then started to move down the back of it before she said "It’s just that I haven’t been on a beach or near an ocean since we left. I just want to feel the sand between my toes again."

"So why don’t you?" She considered it a moment, then said aloud "Yeah, why not? I think I’ve earned a good frolic." She said perkily, then asked "Can you help me with this?" gesturing to her left boot. Rose reached down and fingered for the zipper before taking it down to her ankle. She sighed and tossed her foot onto the sand.

"Ah, yeah." She sighed again. She leaned back, and found herself on a bed of flowers. She took a deep breath, wiggled the flower petals between her toes, and drew Rose’s arm over her before falling asleep. Rose recalled their last visit to the Mines to attain the "Amplifiers" for Hikara, having taken Quinn through a calm jungle full of little creatures he kept referring to as "Chao." He then began to imagine where he would take her next, before slowly drifting off into slumber, as well.


The celebration of the Pioneer 2 becoming the Pioneer City had been going on for hours on end, and was beginning to draw deep into the Ragol Night, the sun dipping behind the horizon, turning the sky deep orange and purple colors. The celebration didn't seem to slow any, even as the light faded, but Rico decided it was time for her to call it a day; She had, after all, been at the landing of the Pioneer 1 only 9 years back. She looked over to Yang-Ishii and told him she'd be heading out so he could inform anyone if they asked. Yang bid her goodbye and returned to the food tables, so Rico headed towards the Central Dome, which stood towering over the rest of the city in the Center of civilization.

"Ms. Tyrell!" one of the guards said. "The party's still going strong!"

"I'm kinda tired," Rico explained, "and I have something I need to get done, anyway. You two can head out and join the festivities if you'd like. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself if anyone comes in." The guards nodded and walked towards the party, as Rico typed in the code for the door. A small beep acknowledged the correct code as the door slowly opened, allowing her inside and showing the room was empty. She slowly walked down the walkway to her father's desk and slumped down in the comfortable chair, looking over the maps of the city; it had been designed just like the Pioneer 1, using the Dome of the ship to cover the Central City while residential areas, created by the escort ships, were spread out close to the city, connected by monorail lines. But unlike the Pioneer 1, the Dome was transparent, allowing the civilians to see the sky. It was a rather great feat of technology, if you were to ask her.

Unfortunately, Rico did not have long to stare at the maps; she had work to do. She quickly accessed her father's computer and, using her "Principal" privilages, hacked into the Lab Research Mainframe. She had been here only a few days ago and had requested she recieve the codes to a certain file, and the lab had replied just today with her access code. She quickly tried to call up the file, then punched in the code, finally opening the database. It was the research file on Olga Flow...

Rico had noticed durng the Sealabs battle that Olga Flow had used a fighting technique she had not seen for 9 years, which made her curious as to where Flow originated. This file told her, surprising her quite thoroughly.

"Heathcliff, my old teacher," Rico muttered. Her thoughts were interrupted when a beep echoed through the office. Someone was at the door... "Come in." Rico stood at first, then smiled and relaxed to see Falz.

"Yang told me you'd call it a night, but I knew what you were up to," Falz informed, walking over. "Tell me, Ms. Tyrell..."

"Please, Falz; call me Rico."

"Uh... right. Rico. Why suddenly so interested in Flow?"

"Well, as I'm sure you recall just as clearly as I do, as it's kind of hard to forget, you possessed my body, and mutated it into a powerful form. Well, when my old teacher, Heathcliff Flowen, came along, you... no WE utterly wiped out his force, but left Flowen only wounded. Olga Flow happens to fight in a way that I remember being taught, so I searched to find where he came from. Flow is Flowen, Falz, just as 'Dark Falz' was really you and me. He was infected with D-Cells, then had an AI implanted in his mind that made him go berserk. It just makes me wonder if we could do the same to Flowen as Hikara did to you and I, and bring him back, somehow..."

"Well..." Falz began, thinking. "It might be slightly difficult for him to do so, because Hikara seperated and destroyed a God, not an AI. I've heard he can seperate D-Cells, too, but a computer sounds like it would take a virus to get rid of..." Rico's shoulders slumped as she heard the news, but agreed. They could still try, though.

"A virus, huh.." Rico muttered. "Perhaps if we..." But before she could say another word, the computer suddenly chirped a series of high-pitched noises before projecting a huge hologram over the entire central platform of the office. The hologram showed a number of view screens that read off information that Rico really didn't understand, until one big screen appeared at the front of the office, drawing the attention of Falz and Rico. Then, an audio file began to echo through the empty office as the view hologram typed up the words that were being said.

The following database, the masculine voice said, is the personal diary of myself, Dr. Osto, and will be the last entry I ever write. This entry will cover the information of test subject Olga Flow, including status, process of creation, and results. Contained within this file, I have placed other research files concerning this project that may be accessed for future use.

The Pioneer 1 had landed 7 years ago, and we have recieved the message from the Pioneer 2 that they've almost arrived. Unfortunately, a few events have led to disaster, as of late. 6 months ago, our beloved Princiapl, Red Ring Rico Tyrell, had disappeared. Our military leader, Heathcliff Flowen, as well as a huge army, charged after Ms. Tyrell in hopes of finding her, but our army stumbled upon a fierce creature dubbed Dark Falz, and were utterly destroyed. Flowen, on the other and, returned alive, but mortally wounded. Flowen soon came to the labs, reporting he had an odd feeling in his arm, and when we pulled back his sleeve, we found a hideous black mutation. The mutatoin was forming around any wound Flowen had sustained, causing us to become highly curious.

Rigorous scans, analysises, and tests proved this mutation was being caused by a new substance we had never seen before. A FOrce Doctor told us he could feel a rather dark energy eminating from the new substance, so we called it the Class A Parasitic Cell D (for Dark), a.k.a. D-Cell. We ranked it Class A, because the cell was not only parasitic, but also hostile in its take over; it demanded absolute control of every cell of the body, acting as if it had a mind of its own. And when the immune system tried to counter-act its affects, the D-Cell literally killed it. We were facinated by this new life form, and requested tests be taken on this new Cell, and General Flowen agreed whole heartedly, hoping for a cure for others that may be infected later. Unfortunately, it was on the basis that he didn't have long to live...

This new discovery reawakened an old project, Project Olga, that was an Artifical Intelligence we had designed and got to wor, but because it seemed to demand so much energy, we couldn't power it. This new D-Cell gave off huge power readings, so we believed Olga could be powered by the cell. The implanting surgery on Flowen went well, and battle tests showed he became smarter, faster, more aware. Olga was finally a success, and because the AI was drawing its energy from the D-Cells, their corrosive nature and tendencies were slowed; Flowen's life span grew, because the D-Cells weren't destroying him as quickly anymore. Yet, we did notice one thing; as the D-Cells slowed, the body of Flowen, after 4 months, began to hunger for the D-cells. We came to the painful realization that D-Cells don't last forever. Olga was drawing so much energy that it was killing the Class A parasites, and therefore slowly killing Heathcliff, as well. We then decided to start a new project, ranked as Top Priority, we simply referred to as Project Flow, after Flowen. The project was urgent and Top Secret, with the objective to create a Class A Parasite Cell that would accelerate the D-Cells. It took us 2 months, but we completed the Parasitic Gene Flow, which we implanted directly into the D-Cells' DNA. This gene lived off the D-Cell and excited it so it would generate more energy faster. It seemed to be a success, until we realized what we had created.

The gene took over Flowen's mind, driving him mad, and on top of all that, it ad accelerated the D-Cells so much that the mutations returned. But they hadn't returned at their normal rate. Flowen began to become unrecognizable as his entire body was covered by the strange substance, and his behavior became aggressive. We were forced to put Flowen in a cell, until this incident... The hologram around Rico and Falz shifted around until it showed a large room, and holographic people appeared all around them, each armed with a weapon.

"My gosh," Rico whispered. "It's like an interactive hologram."

"And real time video, too," Falz added, watching each person shift around nervously.

"Commander," a person whispered.


"The wall's going to buckle soon, sir. It's hard to believe one man can do all this..."

"Shhh. It's coming..." A deep slamming sound echoed off the holographic wall, causing everyone to jump slightly, aiming their weapons, until the huge form of Olga Flow came through, causing everyone to scream in terror, until the huge sword swung across the ground, terminating the hologram. The view screens returned, as well as the larger one, continueing to type the spoken words. Dr. Osto's voice than started again.

Flowen was no longer exsisting. We simply called this new creature Olga Flow, after the AI and cell that took over the body. We retreated from him and locked Flow away in an abandoned section of the Sealabs, specifically the Testing Disposal Area, in hopes he wouldn't harm the Pioneer 1, or even 2.

But we did learn one last thing before we exited the labs. There were three names etched into the wall by Flowen before we lost him.



Falz... The hologram then deactivated itself, leaving Rico and Falz astounded.

"Your presence is in all D-Cells, Falz?" Rico asked, glancing over to him.

"It was, until I lost my ranking as God," Falz replied. "Or, it was more IDOLA, but yes."

"This new gene... Flow... It's really the thing we're after isn't it? We can eliminate D-Cells thanks to Hikara, and we can remove AI's thanks to Viruses, but how in the world are we going to remove a Gene? Ah well. I should get some rest. I'll think on it. 'Night, Falz."

"Oh, Rico! One last thing. I've only been Human for a short amount of time, and you've been human your whole life. I... get an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach from time to time when I'm near Demi. Do you have an explination?" Rico smiled wide.

"I'll tell ya later, Falz. I'll tell ya later."


Hikara slumped down onto his bed, weary after the hard day of celebrating, when he got another BEE Link alert. He rolled his eyes and pulled out the device, before activating it. A small window opened that said "Private Message for the Protectorate of Light." This confused Hikara, as not many people sent him a PM with his title as the reciepiant. He opened the letter and read slowly, before his eyes grew wide. It read as follows:

"You've been Protecting the Light by hunting and destroying the darkness that would harm what you defend. Well, Protectorate, what if that were to be changed? How's it feel to be the hunted?

The Hunter of Light is coming for you, Protectorate. And there's no where you can run..."

"Someone's trying to kill me..." Hikara whispered to Sabrina, continuing to stare at the hologram...

Jan 12, 2004, 09:34 AM
Okay, there. THere's chapter 7. Chapter 8'll be up a little bit later, after I get everything I need.... and.... Yeah. later.

Jan 12, 2004, 09:59 AM
Ooh, very good! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Spent most of computer art reading it, I did. Probably shouldn't have, but I did.

But... *gasp* How can a FOmar be evil like Arch?! FOmars are too pretty to be evil! *cries*

Jan 12, 2004, 03:26 PM
On 2004-01-12 06:59, ladyjaderiver wrote:
Ooh, very good! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif Spent most of computer art reading it, I did. Probably shouldn't have, but I did.

But... *gasp* How can a FOmar be evil like Arch?! FOmars are too pretty to be evil! *cries*

Ask Robo47, he created Arch.

As usual, great story!

Jan 12, 2004, 04:00 PM
I think that some of there apperances look evil at the least. can't wait for chapter 8.

Jan 12, 2004, 08:34 PM
Not bad of a chapter. Except, your ' became ?.

Hope you know what your doing Hikara. You are setting up alot of things. You better do this right or else the story could take a turn for the worse.

Jan 12, 2004, 10:28 PM
Hooray for more chapters! let them come, LET THEM COME!! ^_^

strange comment for this chapter:

*falz walks into section JX*

Falz: umm... rose?

Rose: yeah?

Falz:... i was wondering if you could... give me some advice?

Jan 12, 2004, 10:52 PM
great chapter! I want lessons from rose. Your really taking this thing full blast. As (i think it was Skett) Skett said, screw this up and it's going to plumet. Do this right, and you might acend to the throne of al ficers, or some nonsense like that. Thay might have been intentional, but i caught at least three mistakes in Dr. Osto's report thing.

Jan 13, 2004, 09:34 AM
Oh, and just so everyone knows, I... didn't write the part between Quinn and Rose. That was Rose. I just posted it up there. ^_^'...

Yeah, I'm really hoping I don't screw this over, so Skett, if you see anything that I might need to remember, PM me, so that I can keep it in mind.

As for everything else.... This might take a rather odd turn. Heh heh.

Jan 13, 2004, 03:01 PM
One thing I found weird was that Zi is in charge of police I mean his soul intent is to break rules right so now he is in charge of keeping them oh well

Jan 13, 2004, 04:30 PM

you have the right to remain silent. anything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law. you have the right to an attourney, if you cannot provide one the court will provide one for you- ah screw it *click click*

heh, that sort of does phaze me too. but then again, the best who think like criminals are crimnals themselves... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jan 13, 2004, 04:39 PM
Wow, I guess we're tied somehow now White Knight.

Jan 13, 2004, 05:42 PM
On 2004-01-13 12:01, White_Knight wrote:
One thing I found weird was that Zi is in charge of police I mean his soul intent is to break rules right so now he is in charge of keeping them oh well

He must have agreed so that he can loosen the rule...underage drinking! Serously though, that sounds more like what he would do. Make the police more relaxed with rules. Better do fight from the inside out then the outside in.

Jan 13, 2004, 07:24 PM
I guess so damn your megid using abilities I miss DC

Jan 13, 2004, 07:30 PM
One thing I found weird was that Zi is in charge of police I mean his sole intent is to break rules right so now he is in charge of keeping them oh well

You forget that this is Zi. Now he has an entire police force to break rules with!!
And, dang it, Hikara! Send me notifications when you post a new chapter. I didn't think you had until just recently, and was shocked and appalled to find out 7 other people posted before me.
Well, slightly surprized to say the least.
But nice job, and I'm glad you kept what I wrote, even adding a Chao reference. As far as the chapter goes, you missed a space here, and forgot a letter there, but it was fairly good. I'm just not sure where you're going with all this, so I can't give you a full critique unless I know what you're alluding to.

Jan 14, 2004, 09:39 AM
You spell surprised wrong! Ha ha ha, Rose


Jan 14, 2004, 11:04 AM
Haha, we're all so nice to each other. *G*

*goes back to working on a drawing*

Jan 14, 2004, 12:31 PM
On 2004-01-14 08:04, ladyjaderiver wrote:
Haha, we're all so nice to each other. *G*

*goes back to working on a drawing*

Was that sarcasum? Whetever, just continue with your drawing.

Anyways, Hikara, when will the next chapter be up?

Jan 14, 2004, 02:27 PM
Uh... I'm currently working on it, so give me a little time. I'm still waiting for a certain reply from a few other people, but otherwise, I've almost got the whole thing set up. SET up, not written.

Jan 14, 2004, 02:37 PM
Was that sarcasum?

Don't mean to correct everyone, but it's just a habit of mine. The word 'sarcasum' is actually spelled sarcasm. Just so you know, Skett. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_chuck-ball.gif

Jan 14, 2004, 02:41 PM
You know what, Phoenix?


Yeah, that's right. STOP CORRECTING MY READERS!!

Jan 14, 2004, 02:43 PM
There are only two people who can tell me what to do, Hikara.
1) Myself
2) Chaos

Since you are neither me nor Chaos, you can just mind your own posts http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif j/k

Jan 14, 2004, 06:17 PM
Nice Chapter. I'm confident that things will work out for Hikara however he decides to develop the story.

Jan 14, 2004, 06:55 PM
On 2004-01-14 11:43, Chaos_Phoenix wrote:
There are only two people who can tell me what to do, Hikara.
1) Myself
2) Chaos

Since you are neither me nor Chaos, you can just mind your own posts http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif j/k

now stop spamming, spelling only need to be talked about if it's in the story so the writer can corect it. Otherwise leave it alone, same for grammar and punctuation.

Jan 15, 2004, 12:42 PM
Just to inform everyone, Robert_Wolf (a fanfic writer who has included Hikara in his story, very good, I suggest you read it.) has started a little Fanfic Trailer thread, where you can read trailers that others may post, and even post reviews for it *coughSkettcough*. Because Wolf's a good guy, I decided to advertise the thread in my sig, and even post one there. Please check this thread out, post your review's/trailers, and support Wolf.

Oh, and now that I have all the materials I need, I'm finishing the chapter. Hope everyone likes a good Guild Battle. heh heh. ^_^

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to Ian for the confidence. I really hope you're right...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2004-01-15 09:45 ]</font>

Jan 15, 2004, 02:49 PM
That was a very good chapter. Can't wait to read the next one.



Jan 15, 2004, 07:25 PM
On 2004-01-15 09:42, Hikara wrote:
even post reviews for it *coughSkettcough*.

Its like your trying to tell me something.
Thanks for the advice. I have really gotten behind on reviews since I wrote one for Do Hucast 3 (Y'know, mid-terms). I will check it out.

And good luck writing the next chapter Hikara. FIGHT!

Jan 15, 2004, 08:15 PM

This is not going to end soon, and I really hope that it doesn't get too long... Because somethings are better in parts. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I think I mean something here, but I'm not sure...

Glad to see a new chapter up and another one in planning, keep up the good work.

Jan 15, 2004, 08:31 PM
As long as this doesn't end up like Final Fantasy 10 & 10-2 I'm cool with the length.

Jan 19, 2004, 01:10 PM
so can hikara not get on the comp at home or what?

Jan 26, 2004, 09:38 AM
Alright, everyone. I have FINALLY finished writing, rewriting, tearing up, writing, erasing... etc. etc. this chapter, and am now posting typing it up in order to post. It seems a little rushed, but that's okay.

News for the day....

We've got a Chibi Hikara!!!


Provided graciously by Shake, and Hikara has won his first battle in the Mortal Kombat tourney hosted by Garanz!!

THe chapter'll be up soon enough.I hope...

Jan 28, 2004, 02:31 PM
Chapter 8- The Black Novas

"Do you, Garanz Mk. II, accept the duties and responsibilities that are part of the title and position of General of the Pioneer City Military?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. I, Principal Tyrell of the Pioneer City, hereby relieve you of your ranking of Commander and promote you to the position and rank of Major General of the Pioneer City Military. Congratulations, General." Garanz saluted the Principal, then turned to the gathered Military which he was now in complete command of. He was probably the most well known android in all of the Pioneer City now, being the General AND a Starlight Runner, which were known well for their defeat of Dark Falz anyway...

Everyone standing in the room was expecting some huge speech like all the other Generals on why they thought they were better, and what great accomplishments they'd make in their Senior Ranking, thus causing everyone to go rigid, but they all let out a cheer after hearing Garanz simply say "Sorry, guys; I don't have a speech and with good reason. You are dismissed." Tyrell was thoroughly astonished at Garanz' actions, but said nothing as he walked off. YamiShi laughed at Tyrell's reaction as Shi walked up next to the new General.

"You're probably the only person in all of Pioneer 2 history to not give a speech," Shi said, still smiling. "And I've never seen Tyrell look that way before! That was hilarious!"

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tell me, Commander, how's it feel to be the new Commander of Special Ops?" Shi's smile faded.

"Oh, right. That reminds me; I've only been in this job for a few days, right? Well... I've already landed a huge mission that was supposed to be led by the General. Seeing as how that's now you, I guess I should give you these." Shi handed Garanz a data disc, which activated itself, displaying holos. "Our mission is to seek out these Delslayers and destroy the entire force of them. If it means fighting Olga Flow, then we have to go to that extent. Being the Commander of Special Ops, I've ordered my scientists to begin a creation of an Anti D-Cell weapon to counteract the D-Cells. It'll take them a few days, during whic period we need you to formulate a plan. If we must, we've got the entire Military at our disposal, thanks to Zi'Zuku's police force keeping the city safe."

"That's a rather harsh mission... I'll let you know what's going on after I work with it a bit. Until that time, enjoy your days off."

"Thanks, Garanz. I do have something I need to look into. I'll talk to ya later!"


Hikara watched the hologram search bar slowly creep up to 100%, before flashing the words "Search failed. 'Hunter of Light' has no matches in entire database. Please enter another search criteria."

"Stil not there!?" Hikara shouted. "How can it not be there!? Surely there must have been some Hunter of Light the Protectorate had to face!"

"Hey Hikara!"

The sudden presence of another voice, even though it WAS friendly in its greeting, scared the living daylights out of Hikara, causing him to spin around and fire Foie just as hard as he could at the intruder, only to see a startled Demi with a large burnt spot on the wall just above her head. The top of Demi's hat was slightly charred, but otherwise, she was unharmed.

"Demi!!" Hikara gasped. "It's... good to see you! How are you?" He had a rather embarrased tone in his voice. Demi laughed nervously, before casting a spell on her hat to return the stitches to their normal jade color.

"Your aim was off, fortunately," Demi replied, "so I'm okay for now. But why did you attempt to burn me? You seem very... jumpy to say the least." Hikara removed his hat and ran a hand through his hair, sighing deeply, then replaced his hat.

"I'm really sorry about that, Demi. I'm just... yeah, I'm jumpy. 3 days ago, you know after all the parties were done, I recieved a threat BEE link from someone called 'The Hunter of Light.' He kept referring to me as the Protectorate, which makes me wonder if he's really... I don't know. Some heir to a past Hunter of Light. But I haven't found anything. But that aside, he said I had been protecting by hunting and destroying anything threatening, but that he was going to switch that around. I was going to be the Hunted. That could mean he's trying to kill me. That's why I'm so nervous. I really didn't mean to fire at you; it was just self-defense."

"Okay, I can understand why you'd cast a spell, but... Why would someone be trying to kill you?" She then paused a moment, before getting a bugged look on her face. "Hikara, you were threatened and tried to find this Hunter of Light by researching!? Honestly, Protectorate, you very much need to get your nose out of the books! When you're faced with a problem like this, you should really call out your team! You're a leader of a registered Guild Team, not an Acadamy Study group. Listen. I'll go into the area where the signal was transmitted..."

"The Forest..."

"... and start from there. I'll go it alone because Garanz and Shi are busy, Rose and Quinn have yet to get back from wherever they are, Zi'Zuku's on duty, Rico and Falz are figuring out a plan for our fight against Olga Flow, Yang's resting, and Kayle went down to the Ruins. Though, he looked rather angry at something when he left. You, on the other hand, need to stay here. If you're being hunted, we can't have you out and about, now can we?" She smiled, then turned to leave, until Hikara stopped her.



"That's why you're the Protectorate's Shadow. It's a defensive attitude like that. Thanks a lot." Hikara smiled weakly.

"Yeah, no problem!"

"Just... don't get yourself killed, alright?"

"Are you kidding?" She laughed as she drew out her Mahu cards. "With these things, and spells like these?" Hikara's eyes, though, suggested he was serious. "Alright, I'll be careful." Demi then exited the room and out into the hallway.

The Starlight Runners' quarters had been moved to the smaller city of Antares, south of the Pioneer City, so they didn't have the walking distance to the teleport anymore. Instead, Demi was required to ride the newly made Monorail System into the City's Central Dome.

As Demi glanced over the landscape passing beneath the monorail, she suddenly had a nagging feeling in her stomach as Hikara's words echoed in her head. She was the Protectorate's Shadow, and even knowing the Protectorate personally could lead to something tragic happening to her in order to draw Hikara out into the open. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...

Demi unloaded into the Pioneer City Transport Plaza to see people moving around busily, trying to get from one sector to another; there were never this many people allowed in the Transport Plaza when the Pioneer 2 was still in orbit, but Demi managed to make her way to the Guild. Unforutnately, as soon as she got her lisence renewed and she stepped out of the Guild, someone stepped out in front of her. On the up side, the person who had appeared was one that drew a smile.

"Red!" Demi shouted, smiling wide. "I haven't seen you in a long time!"

"Sorry, Jade, but we can't use our sisterly nicknames anymore," Demi's sister, Aerin muttered. The HUnewearl which Demi hadn't seen for about 2 years was not returning her kind smile. Instead, Aerin looked rather angered; she didn't snarl, but she did have a scowl. "Demi, I'm afraid we're not on the best of terms anymore. As of late, I've..." But Aerin was interrupted by Quinn and Rose's presence.

"Hey, Demi!" Quinn said. "Who's your friend there?"

"Ah, you must be Quinn Saerin and Gnarled Rose," Aerin continued, getting a fake smile on her face. "Yes, I believe I have some friends you should meet, as well." Two more poeple stepped out from behind Aerin, one not publically known, but the other rather surprising.

"Scott!?" Rose shouted. Scott only nodded, a sneer on his face.

"Sorry, Rose. Money talks," Scott replied. The other was a HUnewearl, but the only person who seemed angered at her presence was Quinn. And when Quinn was angry, Rose usually went berserk...

"It's been a very long time, Quinn," the HUnewearl said.

"I was hoping it would stay that way," Quinn muttered back. Rose had never seen Quinn this way, so her tense feeling of discomfort only made Rose angry, as well.

"Who's your boyfriend there? He's kinda cute..." the HUnewearl flashed a teasing smile to Rose, whose expression remained cold and empty.

"This is Gnarled Rose." MINE, Quinn thought. "Rose, this is Erica... my cousin."

"And also a member of another team," Aerin put in. "Now if you'll forgive us, we need you to come with us." Aerin quickly whipped out a powder bomb and threw it at the three Starlight Runners, causing them to cough and wheeze, before going unconcious. Aerin laughed. "It's an old, crude trick, but surprisingly effective! Now let's get them to the Arena."


"Help!" a lady screamed, pointing at a fleeing man. "That man just stole my Meseta! Please, someone stop him!" The HUmar laughed as he ran around the corner, the woman's voice trailing away. But his smile only grew when he heard the screams of sirens above him as the Police Force began a pursuit. He reached for something on his belt, then flipped a switch on the capsule. The HUmar continued to run, until Zi'Zuku dropped down from the ceiling, a handgun pointed at the HUmar's forehead.

"You have the right to remain silent," Zi'Zuku recited. "Anything you... Wolf Nasca?"

"Hello there, old friend," Wolf replied with a sneer. He whipped out the small capsule and pressed a button, causing a small cloud of sleeping gas to cover Zi'Zuku's mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head before he collapsed to the ground. Wolf ran back to the lady and returned her Meseta, then picked up Zi'Zuku and began to drag him off...


Garanz scanned over the papers that had the floor plans of the Seabed Labs, running ideas through his head, then transmitting them to Vol Opt. 4 to be run through a battle simulator. Unfortunately, Vol Opt usually replied with a negative signal, saying the plan was bound to fail; in fact, every plan Garanz had suggested failed.

"This is balogna," Garanz said to Vol Opt. "How can everything I suggest fail? Certainly one of them would have worked!"

"Sorry, General," Vol Opt. replied in his casual tone only Androids could hear. "Every idea has failed so far. I've even sent them to Calus, and he agreed with me."

"Well do YOU have any suggestions?"

"Hey, I'm built to operate the mines, not to think up military strategy. I'll run them through the sims, but I won't build anything." Garanz only sighed, until a beep emitted from his door.

"Come in!" The door slid open and Yang Ishii entered, an odd looking holo in his hand. "Yang! What brings you out here?"

"This thing," Yang replied, signifying the holo. "It's an invitation to a battle in the newest Arena today. It doesn't say who sent it, but it was addressed to you and I; it says it's a Team Match, and our team is already waiting for us. It just recently showed up, too." Garanz looked over the shoulder of his FOmar friend to read the invitation, only to have the facts confirmed.

"That's odd..." Garanz muttered. "An invitation without a sender? Well, if you were to ask me, if someone's going to invite their defeat, we should give it to them! We're the Starlight Runners and unbeatable, aren't we? Then, I say let's go!" Yang nodded in agreement, a smile growing on his face. Thus, the two were off.


YamiShi finally finished the last of his duties as Special Ops Commander, set all his appointments and training hours, then lastly excused himself. After a quick visit to his private quarters in the Military section of the main city in order to get himself changed from his Military uniform to his HUmar outfit, he rushed to the hospital. Not the hospital of the Transport Plaza, but the residential hospital, where his new found friend was being cared for. Unforunately, the thing she was being cared for was 3rd Degree Burns at the hands of a Rafoie: HIS Rafoie. Of course, he knew since he wasn't a FOrce, the spell couldn't have done TOO much damage, but he felt horrible none the less. Luckily for him, the medics could fix almost any problem, including 3rd degree burns.

Shi entered the lobby of the hospital and walked up to the receptionist. After being pointed to Kori's room, he stopped in front of the door, made sure his hair was alright, his outfit straight, etc., then knocked and entered. Shi was at first glad to see Kori back on her feet, now unscathed, but when he noticed that there were scientists there as well, he couldn't help but be concerned. He quickly glanced to Kori, whose eyes simply seemed to say "please help..."

"Um... am I interrupting something important?" Shi asked.

"Well, if you inhibit our ability to reclaim our test subject, yes you are," one of the scientists replied. "This FOnewearl was sold to us by a FOmar named Arch for 400,000 Meseta. She's ours by contract, and if you do not allow us to pass, we can call the Police on you."

"Sold? Isn't that against the law!? ... Well, what can I do to stop this?"

"Do you have 400,000 Meseta to pay this off?" Kori again got a depressed look on her face as she realized that not many people had 400,000 Meseta lying around in case of an emergency; but then again, Shi wasn't just some ordinary person, either: He was the member of a team that seemed to work miracles. Maybe Master Hikara had another one up his sleeve.

"Well, don't go anywhere just yet," Shi ordered. He then quickly pulled out his BEE link and dialed up Hikara.

"This is Hikara. Go ahead."

"Hey! It's Shi. Listen, I've got a serious problem on my hands and I was hoping you could help..." Shi then went on to describe the details, glancing up at the scientists every so often to check if his facts were straight, and his spirits lifted when he saw that Hikara was rather interested. But as soon as Shi reached the 400 grand, the color ran from the Protectorate's face.

"400,000 Meseta," Hikara whispered, seeming to stare at nothing. He just simply shook his head, causing Shi to lose hope, until Hikara said "Tell them it's paid. I was saving that for newer headquarters in the Celeste city, but this is more important. I'd hate to see a poor girl experimented on against her will..." The BEE Link then shut off. Shi faced the Doctors and said "You've got your money, now get out." They nodded and quickly left the room, Kori staring in astonishment.

"You guys would do that for me?" Kori whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

"Would? We just did. Hey, we're the Starlight Runners; we do a lot of good stuff like that. And, we've got an added bonus by knowing the Protectorate of Light, who happens to be amassing some serious cash thanks to investing tips from Rose, who also happened to strike it rich when he began investing in MAG cells... But that's another tale for another day. So, Arch just sold you out to the lab with no explanation, or anything? No wonder you ended up dumping him. That would probably explain why he was so angry too; he knew he was losing a lot of cash that way..."

"Wait, you're a Starlight Runner!? Shi, you need to come with me quickly! Your team is in great danger! Come on, I'll explain on the way!"

"Whoa, cool your jets just a sec! My team can't get themselves in a fix they can't get out of. You do remember what the Starlight Runners did to Dark Falz, right?"

"And someone has every intention to kill them! Now COME ON!!"


Hikara suddenly materialized in the "Battle Arena", which was nothing more than Under the Pioneer 1's Dome, his DB's Saber drawn and ready for combat. He stormed forward, an enraged look on his face, until a voice called to him from the center of the room.

"Ah, Master Hikara! How nice of you to join us." Hikara continued to march forward, his mouth beginning to twitch with anger as he saw his team being held captive, until he noticed who happened to be calling him. His pace slowed as he looked at the black and red FOmar, before muttering "It's like I'm staring into a mirror..." The group felt the same way as they turned from Hikara to Arch, and back again. Demi was the first to speak audibly.

"Is this some... long lost relation, Hikara?" Demi asked innocently, not realizing what her question was doing to Arch. Arch simply winced before breathing slowly out through his nose in order to calm himself. He then opened his eyes and faced Hikara.

"No, we're not related in the least," Arch replied for Hikara. "My name is Arch, and I am the leader of the newly created Black Novas, who happen to be the rivals of the Starlight Runners as of right now. Your team has been captured, invited, and lured to this arena in order to have a team battle without the rules and regulations for one reason; I want to kill you, Hikara. Yes, I am the Hunter of Light, and you seem to be the source of all my problems; my losing my girl-friend, my being mistaken for you time and time again, my inability to actually find anyone who likes me because when they realize I'm not YOU, they're disappointed. You're just some upstart FOmar, just like me, and you'll fall like some upstart FOmar, and then everything will return to normal for me. But, because we ARE a rival team, I needed to find people who would make suitable rivals, so that your team doesn't interfere with our little battle. Hikara, I'd like you to meet Aerin, sister of Demi, and my apprentice the Bringer of Requiems. I believe she'll be writting another Requiem today." Arch smiled wickedly. "FOR YOU!!" Arch quickly brought his hand up and cast Megid as fast as Zonde, and Hikara didn't even have enough time to think before the Megid was on him, but someone else did. Hikara felt someone grab his wrist and move his Grants Merge in front of him, deflecting the Megid away harmlessly. Hikara then heard Sabrina say "You're welcome. Now get with it!!" This caused the Protectorate to snap awake.

"If you really want your team to fall in defeat, I'm sure the Starlight Runners would be glad to help you fulfill that desire!" Hikara shouted. The Starlight Runners all agreed, stepping beside Hikara.

"We'll just see who falls to whom, Protectorate!" Arch shouted back. "Black Novas! ATTACK!!" Hikara got a sneer on his face.

"Starlight Runners... Do your thing."


Garanz soon found himself up against another HUcast android who was surprisingly friendly his build and look. Unfortunately, the Flowen's Sword in his hand took away from the kind demeanor of the HUcast...

"General Garanz Mk. II!" the HUcast said. "I'm Ragnarok! Nice to meet you!" Ragnarok then swung his Flowen's Sword, forcing Garanz to back up as he drew out his Guilty Light.

"Yes, I wish I could say the same about you," Garanz replied, firing his cannon at his opponent. Ragnarok rolled easily out of the way, but while he was rolling, his weapon changed to a Blade Dance. The two photon blades ignited and the Ragnarok charged the RAcast General, but Garanz had enough time to whip out a Stag Cutlery and attack back. Ragnarok used his Blade Dance to block the attacks before leaping backwards away from Garanz and tossing a confuse trap at Garanz. Garanz watched the trap attach to his chest, before erupting, causing his vision sensors to scatter and be filled with static as they went haywire. Garanz let out a shout of surprise, stepping around at random, before reaching into his inventory and laying a confuse trap of his own, which a charging Ragnarok happened to slam into, causing the same fate to fall Ragnarok. He also began to step around, attempting to find his opponent.

"That was sly, Garanz," Ragnarok complimented. "Very good."

"I'm just getting started," Garanz replied. Because Garanz had been hit with the trap first, his senses cleared faster than Ragnarok's had, and when Ragnarok's did clear up, he realized that Garanz had another trap in his hand. Garanz threw it, and as it erupted, Ragnarok felt every joint on his metallic body freeze up, immobilizing him. Garanz breathed a sigh of relief, before changing his weapons to a pair of Yaksminov 9000Ms, and opened fire on the helpless Android, pouring Photon bullet after Photon bullet into his body. And when the ice shattered, Ragnarok found his health running just as low as it could, but Garanz had graciously stopped for some unknown reason. Garanz then quickly explained himself, though his weapons were still pointed at his enemy.

"Listen, Ragnarok. I could easily tear you into 6000 pieces if it's what I have to do, and I could do it right now, but because I find your skills are something to be reckoned with, I am planning on letting you join the military. It's sudden, yes, but the more Androids we had in the army, the better."

"You mean, you're going to forgive my rude approach and actually let me fulfill my childhood dream?"

"You had a childhood?"

"No, but it sounds pretty cool. Anyway, yeah General, that sounds like something that might interest me, but there's just one thing I have to settle before we leave." Ragnarok suddenly slashed Garanz across the chest, causing the RAcast to stumble backwards slowly, but Garanz responded by drawing his Varista and shooting at Ragnarok, blowing the Android's head clean off. Ragnarok laughed and said "alright, you win." Garanz just shook his head before bending to pick up the head of his new found friend.


Yang-Ishii was rather surprised to see his sister Yin up against him as his rival, and it almost made him laugh, but when he saw the seriousness in her angered face, it stopped him.

"Um... Yin?" Yang stammered. "What are you doing?"

"So... Arch tells me YOU'RE the source of my problems!" Yin shouted. "Everytime some guy shows interest in me, YOU come and tell them that I'm not worth it? And then you just blow me off like some little kid when I submit a resume to Hikara to join the team? What kind of brother are you!?"

"What!? Yin, I've been so busy with the team that I haven't been anywhere near the acadamy for weeks, and I never recieved a message from you! What are you talking about!? I'm sure Hikara would have agreed to let you into the team in a heartbeat! Can't we just sit and talk about this for a moment?"

"No, I'm not going to hear it! If you think you're so right, and Arch is lying to me, then you'll have to get me to believe me!" Yin then fired a Foie spell at Yang, but there was something Yin didn't seem to realize; she was still in her acadamy years, so her spells were not nearly as powerful or fast as Yang's so he simply dodged out of the way, easily avoiding the slow moving technique. Yin then cast Zonde at him, and since Zonde was incredibly difficult to avoid, Yang took the hit; it did hardly anything to him, though. He didn't want to hurt his little sister, he decided, as he leapt over a Barta, but he'd have to do something to get his sister to calm down without hurting her too much. He tried to simply get her to listen, but she wouldn't have it. So, Yang threw caution to the wind and cast a quick Rabarta, freezing Yin in place from the waist down. Yin still didn't give up, casting spell after spell to try and melt the ice, then to attack Yang, but it was not long before Yin ran out of TP, and her pockets being frozen shut kept her from getting any fluids to fill it back up again.

"That's so not fair, Yang!" Yin screamed. "You cheated!!"

"You knew full well that I was much more powerful than you. This is your fault."

"This is proof that you DID do all those things that Arch said you had! I know it for certain, this time!" Yang rolled his eyes before shouting over his sister's voice.

"Now LISTEN!" Yin's mouth suddenly closed as she cowered in intimidation, on the brink of tears. "Yin... I wouldn't do any of those things to you, simply because you're my sister. Now while I've got you stuck to the floor, how's about we talk this out for a minute, alright? Explain to me what's been happening lately."


Scott and Rose continued to swing at one another, Scott with his old Delsaber's Buster and Rose with his newer Last Survivor while Quinn and Erica, locked in fierce combat with Bloody Artes, passed by them. Rose took a quick glance at Quinn and found she was the one being backed up, giving Rose a feeling of concern in the pit of his stomach. But he couldn't do much about it as he had to put up his Kasami Bracer to block against Scott's attack. Rose countered by swinging his Last Survivor just as hard as he could, which Scott attempte to block, but the force of the blow knocked him back slightly. Rose then let the gigantic sword down a moment, breathing slightly quicker than usual.

"So," Rose said. "You sold yourself out agaisnt your team, did you? How much did you get, and was it worth it, to lose your friends?"

"I got more than what I was getting," Scott replied. He then tore off his SLRunners pendant from around his neck and tossed it to Rose. "Yes, it was worth it, Rose. I hereby retire from the Starlight Runners. And if I manage to kill you, I even get a bonus! I'll be rollin' in Meseta, which was something I could never do as a Starlight Runner. We did missions for free, danget. We never got any pay. We just got serious recognition and the honor of knowig some Protectorate which is probably fake, anyway! What kind of pay is THAT!?"

"That's just sick, Scott. You'd kill your team for money? I'm ashamed to know you were even one of us. Unfortunately, you can cancel that bonus of yours, because I'm not going to die today. You can just kiss every ounce of Meseta you have, because what you were getting will be better than stupid bonuses. You had FRIENDS back then, but now, I can't say that for your team." Rose changed his Last Survivor into his trademark Brionac and charged Scott, who believe Rose was about to run him through, until Rose slammed the blunt end of his Brionac into the ground and used it to pole vault over Scott's head. Rose flew gracefully through the air before landind between Erica and Quinn. He then swung powerfully at Erica, causing her to double over and let out a shout of pain as the Photons went right through her stomac. Rose quickly wrapped his right arm around Quinn's waist, pulled her close, kissed her lips light, then said "stay close." He then raised his free arm up into the air and cast Razonde, the spiral of electricity surging right past Quinn's legs as it arced around. Had she not been so close, she would have been electricuted as well as Erica and Scott. Erica fell limply to the ground paralyzied, but Scott managed to resist the effects of the lightening spell. He then drew out his Flowen's Sword and bull-rushed the lovers, but Quinn stepped forward, this time unarmed. A quick punch to Scott's chest stopped his movement while a kick to the face stunned him a moment, and a roundhouse kick to the head threw Scott to the ground, now unconcious.

"Down for the count," Quinn smiled. She then turned to Rose and said "Let's celebrate." This statement was followed by Rose "hitting Quinn in the mouth with his face..."


"Heh, I find this funny," Zi'Zuku muttered. "Fate has conspired against us; we've been rivals for the longest time, and now we are forced to fight each other as our teams have declared a rivalry against each other. You'd think this was supposed to happen."

"Yeah, odd," Nasca said, smiling. "So, if fate wants to keep us fighting, then let's not disappoint it!" Zi'Zuku nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off of his old nemesis, then he tossed his cape open and drew out his Caduceus before spinning it aroud a few times and finally pointing it at Nasca, who stood impressed by his rival's increase in skill. But Nasca did not remain surprised for long as he drew a Red Partisan and spun it around in a similar fashion, before taking a fighter's stance. The two stared each other down for a moment, before they ran directly at each other, weapon's poised to strike each other down. And as they began to fight, the sparks began to fly.

Nasca started the attack with a powerful slash downward, which Zi'Zuku avoided and countered with a horizontal slash that Nasca ducked under. He attempted to hack at Zi'Zuku's ankles, focing Zi'Zuku to leap up and back to avoid it, thus allowing him to cast Barta. Nasca, not expecting the spell, did make a move to avoid it, but the stream of ice encased his right leg, freezing him to the floor. Zi'Zuku noticed he suddenly had the upper hand and ran to attack Nasca, but the HUmar put his Partisan up sideways to block the downward strike of the Caduceus, then pushed it forcefully away, causing Zi'Zuku to stumble backwards. Nasca shattered the ice around his leg and rushed at Zi'Zuku before jumping into the air and kicking his opponent down to the floor. Zi'Zuku realized he was in trouble and rolled away from the descending Red Partisan, before swinging his leg out to trip up Nasca. Nasca also landed on his back, but he quickly jumped to his feet again before Zi'Zuku could attack, then changed his weapon to a Blade Dance. Zi'Zuku began to back away cautiously, searching his inventory for something as fast as a Hunter's Daggers, but he realized he didn't have much chance. Nasca then rushed towards his disadvantaged friend and began to swing with exceptional speed, but somehow Zi'Zuku managed to spin his Caduceus around fast enough to block the blades. Yet while Nasca was astounded, Zi'Zuku took a swing, causing Nasca's reflexes to kick in and swing as well, both weapons lodging themselves in the other's stomach. The two stood a moment, staring at the other with looks of hatred, before Zi'Zuku found it hard to breathe.

"Well played," Zi'Zuku managed to put out to Nasca. Nasca nodded to him, before both passed out.


YamiShi and Kori stared at their opponents, one a RAmar and the other a FOmar, neither looking like a member of a REAL team, but more like... Pirates?

"I'll take the HUmar, Zerix," the RAmar said. "You can take the FOnewearl if you'd like."

"Gladly, Raider," Zerix replied, before drawing out a Lock Gun. Shi stepped out in front of Kori, his Sange drawn and prepared for battle.

"You will not harm her," Shi muttered angrily, but Kori only put her hand on his shoulder and said she could handle it, before approaching Zerix. Shi was at first astounded, but then realized that he was being far too overprotective; Kori was a FOnewearl, not some civilian, after all, and could handle herself. Maybe he just didn't want the same fate to fall her that did his late girlfriend, but then again, the FOmar was barely 5'5", and didn't look all that threatening anyway. Shi then turned back to Raider and was getting ready for combat, until he noticed that Raider already had a Guilty Light mounted on his shoulder, aimed and ready to fire. Shi was forced to jump to the side as the swirling glob of light blue photons raced at him, until it slammed into the wall, leaving a large scorch mark. Expecting a rather large reload time, Shi began to run towards Raider, but when he saw Raider's gun blast again, once again hurling a glob of photons at him, Shi attempted to stop, only to have his foot slide out from underneath him. Fortunately, as Shi slid across the ground, the Guiltly Light shot barely flew over his head. Shi then attempted to get up, Raider firing again, but this time around Shi knew he didn't have enough time to run, so he decided to take a chance and swing at the bolt, and it somehow split the blow in half. Raider somehow knew something like this was going to happen, so he instead whipped out a pair of Combat Mechguns and held the triggers, chasing Shi with the rapid fire weapons. Shi, running around in a circle about Raider, glanced out of the corner of his eye and when he noticed a slight movement in Raider's arm to lead Shi, Shi stepped sideways on his right foot and pushed off towards Raider, all before Raider got a chance to realize he had made a mistake. And by the time Raider even got a chance to even THINK to draw out his Kaladblog, Shi was already on top of him. He leapt into the air and kicked Raider down, before landing on the ground, his Sange tip pointed at the RAmar's throat. Raider stared a moment at the blade, before smiling and putting his hands up.

"Aright, you win," Raider said. Shi was surprised to see him give up...

"What, you quit?"

"Yes. I don't really like this line of work, anyway. I have other things to do to earn Meseta. Thank you for the worthy fight, but if you'll excuse me, I must be going." Raider stuck his hand out, which Shi took to help him up, then Raider walked past a frozen Zerix, and held onto him as he transported through a Telepipe. Kori walked over, a smile on her face as she said "I'm really good with ice spells." Shi laughed, understanding that SHE was the cause of Zerix's freezing, then simply said "I'm pretty sure that won't be the last we see of them, so keep a sharp eye out. But from now on, I won't underestimate you so much, anymore."

"That's right you won't. Now come on; let's see how everyone else has done..."


Hikara and Arch continued to swing at each other with their own Caduceuses, both about ready to slay the other. Hikara and Arch were pulling off complex acrobatic manuevers, pushing the other back a moment before his rival would push him back with his own set of movements, looks of hatred flashing in their eyes. It was the angriest the Protectorate had ever felt...

Hikara cast a sideways glance at Demi and Aerin, who had resulted to clawing at each other, then concentrated back on Arch, realizing that Demi would be fine. Hikara had been fighting the same pattern over and over again, making it easy to counter, but he suddenly noticed a slight change in Arch's movements that he was not ready for, and the Caduceus slashed across Hikara's stomach. He let out a quick cry of pain as he moved backwards, before casting Resta, then holding up his hand and firing Grants. Arch put up his Megid Merge, absorbing the attack and firing a Megid of his own, which Hikara blocked with his merge. Arch stood, panting, while staring at Hikara.

"Your skills surprise me, Protectorate," Arch admitted, still out of breath. "I didn't think this would be so hard, but I guess I underestimated you. Unfortunately, you're beginning to wear down, and it won't be much longer before I have you in the palm of my hand; right where I can KILL you!" Hikara was too out of breath for words, only confirming Arch's claim, and in the back of his mind, he knew Arch was right. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to rest before Arch was swinging again, forcing Hikara to begin his own counters. A top-down swing here, a horizontal slash there, a upwards swing from the bottom... Hikara was barely managing to block these, forcing himself to continue swinging. It was pretty obvious that Arch was much more fit than Hikara was physically... Then another change in Arch's pattern caught Hikara off guard. Arch switched his weapon to a DB's Saber, swinging forcefully 3 times, then switching to a Double Saber, swinging another 6, all of which Hikara got lucky in blocking with his Merge, until Arch made one more switch by unequipping his weapon and kicking Hikara firmly in the chest, blowing the exhausted Protectorate backwards onto the ground. Hikara only lay there, breathing heavy, his Caduceus not out of reach. He rolled over to reach for it, but Arch stepped down on his hand and kicked the cane well out of the way. Arch sneered down at his rival, and pointed his Varista, until Hikara managed to lift his foot and kick Arch backwards. He then rolled back onto his back while Arch stumbled over himself, Hikara beginning to think to Sabrina.

-Sabrina, I'm never going to make it out of this alive... Prepare yourself, because I'm coming to join you...-

No, you're not, Sabrina replied. You've still got some energy left! You've got Falz with you on your hand! You've got the power of the Protectorate inside of you! You have yet to be beaten! Get up and fight him!! Hikara's eyes opened slightly as he listened to Sabrina, before they shot open to see Arch standing over Hikara, his DB's Saber pointed at Hikara's heart.

"Farewell, Protectorate of Light," Arch hissed. "The Hunter has won!" He then stabbed straight down, the tip approaching Hikara's chest, until it suddenly stopped, pressed up against some white barrier that had enveloped Hikara. Arch looked over Hikara's body, astonished and confused, until he found that Hikara's clothes had changed. He wasn't black and red anymore; oh no. He was grey and white now. Hikara quickly jumped up to his feet and faced Arch, Demi suddenly running up next to him in similarly colored clothing, a white aura surrounding her as well. Aerin was collapsed on the ground behind her, exhausted...

"Hunter of Light, you've made a terrible mistake," Hikara said, sounding as if another voice was echoing with his. "You've underestimated your enemy, and have forgotten who I really am. I am the Master of Grants! The Protectorate of Light! And you threaten the light I protect! You shall pay for you insolence!! Behold the power of the Protectorate's Shadow..." Hikara stepped back a step as Demi stood in his place, her eyes beginning to glow white. She then raised her hand and pointed it at Arch, an updraft blowing from beneath Demi, causing her hair to blow freely. She then seemed to tense, before casting a huge white beam of energy at her opponent, Arch putting up his Megid Merge to block it, only to have himself pushed back 7 feet, then blown over by the power of the spell. The spell continued to blow for another few seconds, before it finally wore off, Arch left exhausted on the ground. He then slowly stood up and pointed at Hikara.

"This is far from over!" Arch shouted, before opening a telepipe, Scott, Erica, and Nasca stepping through, the only loyal members of the Black Novas. Demi and Hikara's colors returned to normal again, followed by Demi letting out an exasperated sigh and falling backwards into Hikara's outstrecthed arms. Her eyes were barely open, and her breathing had slowed, but she only felt drained.

"Don't worry, Demi," Hikara whispered. "That kind of thing happens in a job like this." He then turned back to his victorious team. "Alright, everyone. Let's head home, shall we?" The team all agreed once again, before warping away through a different Telepipe; first stop, the hospital...


Elly continued to stare blankly at her "sexy" computer, Calus talking to her over the headset, until an alarm slowly began to blare on another computer. Elly absentmindedly looked over at the computer, before scooting over to it and reading the text. Her eyes then grew with fear, before she shouted to the Lab attendant. "Get me the Military! Someone's deactivating the security fields on the Seabed Labs!!"

Jan 28, 2004, 03:58 PM
Great work Hikara ^_^ !! I really love how you made all the battles (My fave was Nasca's and Zi'Zuku's battle ^_^ ). I was on the edge of my seat the whole time !! Cant wait to see what happens next ^_^ !!

Jan 28, 2004, 04:04 PM
OOOOH! New chapter!

Now that I'm done rejoicing, I should probably review, shouldn't I...?

I thought it was really good, even though my sister calls it "cookie cutter" and says it was too predictable. I really liked the little action-y sequences. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

...I wanna draw stuff from this chapter! *cries* But I have too much to do...Hmmm... Methinks I'll draw stuff from this chapter anyway...

Jan 28, 2004, 04:28 PM
MORE FANART!!! wOOT!!! *slaps himself* I did NOT just say that.

Predictable? Well, yeah, because I had PM'd her about putting her in my story, and not you, so it was predictable to HER, but that's life, right? ^_^

Can't wait to see some fanart, but really, Lady Jade, don't rush yourself. Finish the IMPORTANT parts first. Mine can come later.

Jan 28, 2004, 04:44 PM
Garanz and Ragnaroks battle was hilarious!

"nice to meet you *attack*"

"you win!"