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View Full Version : Who is planing on buying PSO ver.2 ( i have a few questions)

Apr 5, 2001, 02:12 PM
First of all ignour my last post lol..( i cant think of any topics)

Second Who here is planing on buying PSO ver.2 no matter what the price??

and last here are soem questions

1. How much does it cost???
2. do u need 2 have PSO ver1 in order to play on ver.2( sort of like a mod)
3. Is there new Costumes??
4.is there new classes or types of classes??
5. Are forces able to haev new/different spells??
5. Will there be ne new guns/weaps??(not meaning rares)
6.Will we still use the same lobbys just be able to join ultimate and stuff??
7.How will lobby soccer work??( do u kick the ball , run into it , spit at it??lol)
9.Willit still have the same maps as Ver.1 and New maps 2??

Apr 5, 2001, 03:55 PM
Im definatly going to get PSO ver.2 no matter what the price. I heard it was coming out some where around May 15.

As far as i know there is like an alien spaceship area or something and some holy temple. Thats about all I know.

Apr 5, 2001, 04:12 PM
I am the PSO v2.0 master... here are your answers...

1. 47 dollars (aproximate)
2. yes you need pso 1.0 because its a mere add on. I may be wrong but i doubt it.
3.From what i hear, yes htere are new costumes, but not new classes.
5.BIG yes. 70 or more new weapons.
6.Not known yet, but most likley.
7.Simple. you play soccer! hit the ball, get a goal. Plus there are more ways to play it from what i know. we will see what kind of modes to play soccer in when more info is released.
9. you will have the same maps, but there will be more too.

btw, Ice_ do you know how to count to 10? lol man ur typing is pretty bad lol.

Apr 5, 2001, 06:07 PM
i forgot 9 lol

Apr 5, 2001, 09:51 PM
Yeah, I'll be gettin v2..
PSO certainly has been a money sucker for me. Bought a 4x, found out it sucked, thus bought a new VMU, now I want another for more characters, a keyboard, signed up for a service (that I'm charging hundreds on per month because I'm too stupid to change plans) to connect to PSO Online, now I have to buy version 2, which means I'll want another VMU for a completely new character...OI..

Apr 5, 2001, 10:44 PM
I was told it will be around the $50 range, and you WON'T need ver.1 to play it. (That was one of my first questions.) And the guys at EB and Software Etc. still don't have a release date for it. =(

Apr 5, 2001, 11:11 PM
yeah but for the new people who want to start trying to play PSO will ahev to amek a 100$ investment to beable to paly ultimate mode

Apr 6, 2001, 05:30 PM
I hope it's coming to the US. I am reading different stories. I will import the jp version just to play, but it will be nice to play.

Apr 6, 2001, 07:38 PM
heh, i work at eb and they think its NOT coming out in the US. I tell them it is, but yet they still ignore me, even though i know the MOST about video games...

btw, im prety sure u need PSO v1.0 to have 2.0 or for the full features at least.

Apr 7, 2001, 03:50 AM
who isnt getting ver.2 lol, and i read that ver.2 is the hole game of ver.1 and has added features, so i dont think you need ver.1 to play it

also, if they do include new costumes, ver.1 ppl might just see a set color and style deemed from the server, so its posible.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: purhaze on 2001-04-07 05:01 ]</font>

Apr 7, 2001, 04:09 AM
1. $40-$50 (same price as PSO is now)
2. No, it's just a updated version. Like a sequel.
3. No, With new costumes it would not be possible to be able to play with people on version 1.
4.Same as above
5. Probably
5. Yes'm
6.Yes'm. In the lobbys you will be able to talk with people on version 1. You will not be able to play soccer with them, or play the new modes
7.No Clue. I got a feeling you just run into to the ball to kick it.
9.Ultimate mode includes a Temple and Spaceship levels. The old levels will have a updated look, and new monsters. You will not be able to play ultimate mode with Version 1 players.
10. Sometime in May for Japan. If it comes out in the US, it would probably come out in June or July. There might be a silm chance of it coming out in May.

Apr 7, 2001, 08:43 AM
Okay, I have another question. For all the people that said that you would need version 1 in order to play it, how does that work? I mean would you pop in ver1 cd, then take it out and pop in ver2? I don't really understand. Its not like a computer w/ a hard drive, and lots of memory space. I really dont know anything about the specs on the DC, so if my question seems really stupid and lame, please just humor me and answer it anyway. Thanks for your time.

Apr 7, 2001, 09:59 AM
As an individual who has obtained a V.2 Demo i can say this:

You can use your PSO1 account
New weapons are sweet
The ball constantly says KICK ME

and the arena for PLAYING soccer in has several differintly colored flood pannels, the idea is the players MAKE UP THE GAME its not just TAKE THE BALL TO THE OTHER SIDE AND SCORE the game is ADJUSTABLE ya know! But be warned, its very pervy to lag, however you should be able to use the DC broadband modem with it! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif BTW: Theres more than just soccer! You can even play chess and... well i wont spoil all the neat suprises for you! JUST BUY THE GAME WHEN IT COMES OUT MAN! you people will LOVE THIS one! Its GREAT! and the soccer game ISNT just soccer like i said, its customizable cuz there's lots of things you can do with a ball ya know! AND THE ARENA FIGHTING IS EXCELLENT! YOu can even demand a fight ON THE PLANET'S SURFACE! whats even GREATER is how people in the stands, if they want, can jump in and JOIN the fight, and theres no limit to the fans http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif oh and BTW another thing about fighting, you can't get KILLED. I mean, the pioneer 2 is run by civilized individuals, ya know, and they wont allow you to get killed, and this means that when your beaten to a pulp you lose some points but aside form that yoru ITEMS arent dropped, BUT you can wager SOMETHING and the other fighter has to be in agreement with the wager or bet on who wins! ALSO! the fighting is based on PERCENTAGE of damage, so you can have a level 1 take on a level 100 and it will be a FAIR FIGHT! That's all im going to tell you for now! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_razz.gif

Apr 7, 2001, 10:05 AM
If v2 is a mod, it'll probably just work like this:

If you wanna play v1, stick the CD in, and load up your VM file.

If you wanna play v2, stick the CD in, and load up your VM file.

Basically, you're probably just given a choice, and can alternate freely between v1 and 2. And there's probably back support, too, so that you can use new weapons, spells etc. in v1 as well as v2. Oh well, let's see how it goes.


Hey Breza.....your name's kinda like mine....only not, really. Heheh. Oh well, bye.

Apr 7, 2001, 10:23 AM
Yeah.. but the thing is... we Europeans still aren't getting V2! ^_^;; Bah...

Apr 7, 2001, 02:23 PM
Hey Breezblok, thanks for the info. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif I guess well see when/if it comes out.

On 2001-04-07 08:05, Breezblok wrote:


Hey Breza.....your name's kinda like mine....only not, really. Heheh. Oh well, bye.

lol, I thought the exact same thing when I saw your name haha.

Apr 7, 2001, 02:37 PM
You won't need version1 to get version2. It's not like a MOD for a computer like counterstrike - its the WHOLE game on the cd. If it wasn't, you'd have to keep switching cds around to make/delete characters, go different places etc. I wont get it because SegaNet will be going down the drain near next year.

Apr 7, 2001, 06:27 PM

Allot of you are saying your going to import version 2 when it comes out. My question is don't they have to pay to play in Japan? I believe they still do so if they do that means your going to have to pay to play also. Just my thought