View Full Version : XB-Challenge: Looking for a C8 training partner

Nov 16, 2003, 01:21 PM

I'm looking for 1 person on PSOX with a C8 ranking for a training session.
Description of the session:
-I'll be bringing my HUcl. I'd like whomever is willing to help me bring a HU as well.

-This is more of a fight training session. The focus is getting better as a 1:1 fighter using those Gigushes.
I'm not going to be anal about time.

-Practice the "wiggle" glitch. You can wiggle behind the rocks. I personally can't do it yet and I plan to fix that. I've seen TheHNIC and FELICIA(char name not PSOworld name) do that trick numerous times.
Don't tell me it can't be done.

If this is something you're willing to do, bless you and please send me a Private Message!

Nov 16, 2003, 01:48 PM
You can practice walking thru that same wall outside c-mode. You just need to play thru the ruins till you find the same wall and try to work you way thru the wall

It is a real timesaver for c-mode

Nov 17, 2003, 09:11 PM

I'm not sure where that is. Even then, I still need to get better at my 1:1 fighting.

Nov 18, 2003, 01:12 AM
it's the same area as in C7. Near the end of ruins 1. Obviously you wouldn't be able to get to that point by yourself, as there is a 2-person switch near the beginning of area. But if you do get there, then you can practice it as much as you want. You can even practice it in the lobby, but it isn't as definite as it is in the normal game; meaning you don't have a wall as a reference point.

I'd be willing to show you around, if there is ever a chance. You can also check out Mosaik post on TAing. He and a few others had good pointers. But of course it's better to have the hands on exp.

Nov 18, 2003, 01:03 PM
Next time you're on, I'm definitely interested in seeing it!

In C6 when I was whacking a Dubchic, I found myself sliding along the wall with my HUcl when combo-ing with a brand.

I guess this is what I'm trying to do there.

I'd like to do C-mode offline and get a broom but first I need to find 1-a large enough TV 2-people I can play with!

Nov 18, 2003, 09:15 PM
how big of a screen? I think it can be harder to get 4 ppl to play cmode with; whether you got a big or small screen.

I was lucky enough to have cousins who like to play, and played cmode with me offline.

Nov 19, 2003, 02:55 AM
btw, with what yummy says... how do u be more careful when you're dying... when you die, you die

she's funny tho, and i know she doesn't even mean to be either.

Nov 19, 2003, 03:34 AM
That quote of Yumster's came in either C8 or 9.

Poor Yumster lost her Yummy Sword and wanted to re-earn it. There were 4 of us-Yumster, HNIC, me and hmm...I can't remember who else was there. Guan prehaps?

We ran through all of C-mode in 1 day. It was freakin insane.

By C8 or so, I was getting a bit tired. I was close to getting a level up, but damn, when you're in the ruins, you want full HP. You can really only take 1, possibly 2 hits from crap.

I thought I could tag this stupid Belra to get my level. I was having a lag-tastic game and I thought I had that Belra's butt.

Everyone "jumps" away and what was once that Belra's arse was that Belras belly.
That Belra caps poor Itachi(one of my HUcls) and then Yumster just spits that out: "You've got to be more careful when you're dying!"

Another rather amusing one was "How can you say I'm not fighting?" This was in C8 again. We just did the weapon drop. There were only 2 spares so I had to go bare-fisted Kung Fu style.
Yumster had some mech guns and the FO wanted some fluids or dolls. I saw Yumster stopped by the door for a while(lag I guess) and I mentioned to Yumster that she needs to keep on fighting and drop stuff later since she's lucky to be armed.
Another time in C2, she was refilling her TP with a Heart Cane saying "attack the one I'm attacking!" Dude hon, you were doing 0 damage but refilling your TP.

Yumster is quite silly at times but a good partner.
Remember, the game is always fun and exciting with her around.

Nov 19, 2003, 01:46 PM
She's definitely off on her own world. Even with her antics, she's still a good person to play cmode with. Even if it may not seem like it to some, she's actually competent on cmode. Most of all, she's almost always down to play cmode and help, and also she seems to be having fun with what she's doing.

Again, like I said last night, it might be C7 where you want to practice. There's that rock thing, which I think is the best way to practice the wiggle glitch. Unlike, H says, you don't really need to 3 hit combo w/o a weapon. You can even practice with the sword there too. You can practice on all the ruins monsters there, except the chaos bringer. Chaos bringers don't appear until C8, and usually by the time you see them you got a saber type weapon, usually.