View Full Version : Ep2 n00b Question..

Nov 18, 2003, 06:07 PM
umm...ok so i go through the vr crap....how do i get to each boss?I have played the ep2 boss's b4 online, dont remember how i got to them..While im in the area i get to a teleport that takes me to cca instead of a boss...what am i doing wrong?Is there another teleport somewhere?

Nov 18, 2003, 06:23 PM
The level 1304 mags don't help you there, do they?

If you're refering to getting to the Gryphon, you have to stop and push all the buttons after defeating each of the mini-bosses. There's a little computer terminal after you beat each mini-boss that'll open up after you activate it. Activate all three, and you're let into the meat and potatos of the CCA.

Nov 18, 2003, 06:26 PM
hahah, 1304 mags, so pathetic...

like meira said, you hit every little trminal you can and then if it still doesen't open, make sure you hit every one, if it still doesen't work, throw away your hacked mag, that might be causing the glitch http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 18, 2003, 06:33 PM
umm....hmm..i admitt the hacks in the game really ruined it, but shit lets face it..for the first week they came around almost everyone wanted them..I remember getting huge trades for my mass dupes pushnan, but the way i look at it now is if dupes are a normality in the game just go with the flow or get left behind. But about the question...I didnt notice any of the mini boss's until you mentioned it...hmm...like a giant plant thing...Then a big bull lookin thing that stomped the shit outta me...what else was there?And if i hit all 3 of the computer switches will the teleport be where the one is now that takes me to cca?

Nov 18, 2003, 06:51 PM
you know that little staging area where you teleport to after you leave the lab, that big wall in front drops down and thats the CCA. you go through there and theres a reverse boss portal. (meaning the portal thing is only above)

Nov 18, 2003, 07:31 PM
On 2003-11-18 15:33, ThaRealest wrote:
umm....hmm..i admitt the hacks in the game really ruined it, but shit lets face it..for the first week they came around almost everyone wanted them..I remember getting huge trades for my mass dupes pushnan, but the way i look at it now is if dupes are a normality in the game just go with the flow or get left behind. But about the question...I didnt notice any of the mini boss's until you mentioned it...hmm...like a giant plant thing...Then a big bull lookin thing that stomped the shit outta me...what else was there?And if i hit all 3 of the computer switches will the teleport be where the one is now that takes me to cca?

Doing things the easy way makes you weak...

Anyway. The big wall drops down, and you can carry forward.

Nov 18, 2003, 07:53 PM
Doing things the hard way while knowing the easy way makes you stupid....

Nov 18, 2003, 08:00 PM
If this is so, then riddle me this: If doing things the hard way make you stupid, then does that mean that only the smartest people on PSO persue dupes? By your theory, this would be true. Does it stand the test in a field study, however?

Nov 18, 2003, 08:04 PM
Actually, doing things the easy way makes you weak AND stupid. This is why no-one has respect for 90% of HUmars.. expecially as they stand at the edge of Falz's 3rd form helpless while everyone else pounds him with Foie and guns.

The truely strong would struggle to learn how to defeat his enemies efficently without the cheats - and then when he's good at that, go back and start using the easy way while applying what he learned by doing things the hard way. That way, if there's ever a situation in which your cheats can't help you - you have skills and knowladge to fall back on.

Someone like you probably wouldn't understand that though.. reminds of people standing in the lobbies begging for better cheats because the cheats they already have aren't good enough to keep them from being killed.


Nov 18, 2003, 08:21 PM
this thread is way off topic....but to end this discussion i would gladly battle any char you have that is within 10 lvls of one of mine....you use your lvl 200 mag and regular wep.Ill use my 100% hit bkb and my lvl 1304 robochao....
P.s Dont worry I will gladly use a few Moons on you just to enjoy murdering your weak ass.
p.s.s. Fuck you and Have a nice day!

Nov 18, 2003, 08:22 PM
Either use hacks, or don't. As long as it doesn't screw my game over, I don't care what the heck is different with it.

Nov 18, 2003, 08:35 PM
On 2003-11-18 17:21, ThaRealest wrote :
this thread is way off topic....but to end this discussion i would gladly battle any char you have that is within 10 lvls of one of mine....you use your lvl 200 mag and regular wep.Ill use my 100% hit bkb and my lvl 1304 robochao....
P.s Dont worry I will gladly use a few Moons on you just to enjoy murdering your weak ass.
p.s.s. Fuck you and Have a nice day!
You would still be owned, because cheaters are awfully bad players, due to being used to the "easy way".

There is no 100% Hit BKB.

I think you are using the wrong words before "have a nice day", read the forum rules.

Nov 18, 2003, 08:40 PM
um...Who says i dont have a 100% hit bkb equipped to my humar right now? And you know i will crush you little girl..turn off the game and pick up your Barbies..

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ThaRealest on 2003-11-18 17:42 ]</font>

Nov 18, 2003, 08:56 PM
-.- What a sad sad world...can't even get along in a fricken video game forum.

Nov 18, 2003, 08:57 PM

Nov 18, 2003, 08:58 PM
Are you talking to me ? Stop drinking, man ! I think you've had too much.
What kind of girl would use "the Dude" as a title ? wait... don't tell me XD

Now try beating C-mode in 3 hours and 44 minutes, then you may address me again.

Nov 19, 2003, 03:27 AM
On 2003-11-18 17:58, Kefka wrote:

Now try beating C-mode in 3 hours and 44 minutes, then you may address me again.

That's a nice way to proof if you're really strong or no, even though when GC C-Mode is a piece of cake compared to DC C-Mode.

ThaRealest, why do you think there were so many people wishing to have your duped pushan mags? Because they're weak, both their charachters and minds are weak. Their charachters are not capable of going on without dying, and they are so stupid that cant think "I'll go back a little and lvl a bit more, while I try to find a better weapon".

In other news, your lvl whatever mag and your 100% hit bkb wont help you against techs... I knew a FOnewearl, legit, lvl 112 I think the FOne was, capable of killing a HUcast lvl 100 with a single foie, with the right equipment(Club of Laconium & Foie Merge). You must really know to fight to win.

And finally, go on that way, insulting everybody around that's against dupes and against not learning to play the way it's suppossed to, and you'll eventually get your a** banned. Learn to respect everybody, will you? After all you're a novice to this game, and you're in no position to go around calling "weak" to old school DC players and trained GC players. For christ sake, you didnt even know how to gain access to Gal Gryphon...

Nov 19, 2003, 03:52 AM

now you're funnt realest, you really are. because you may be some offensive juggernaut but look at where the stats are. all in pow and dex most likely. my LEGIT HUnewearl would just laugh as you drop dead from a rafoie. you see, relying on hacks is what you ppl call "strength" and taking "the easy way" what you dont realize is that in PSO you need to have skill in order to survive the legit battle circuit. i myself should know this. i've had hacked out people play me and get owned just like the rest of them. and also, who ever said a HUmar with a 100% hit BKB is good? i would rather have a character with some style than just the boring old HUmar. looking at your replies and how you act, i would say that you're the same kind of nub that would brag about his 40-hexed ith machine in D2, then cry when a legit necro kils you with a curse. but thats getting horribly off-topic. the truth behind what you're saying is this: even in ep2 where everything is fun and challenging, you would rather just go hack away just to beat it. i ask you: what is the point of playing it if you own on everything? if you wanna go kill shit, go to normal forest and relieve some anger. there is no fun to it, there is no challenge, there is no trying to beat everything. i believe that you're patheic if you have to rely on hacks and glitches to beat one of the easier games out there.

so, how bad did OF wreck on you when you couldn't hit him with your precious BKB?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KaFKa on 2003-11-19 00:55 ]</font>

Nov 19, 2003, 04:14 AM
On 2003-11-18 15:33, ThaRealest wrote:
...but the way i look at it now is if dupes are a normality in the game just go with the flow or get left behind...

I would rather be left behind having some fun, than be bored to death by my own stupidity.
Hey, w8. My IGNORE/ASSHOLE just fired.
I'm not deaf, I'm just ignoring you.

Nov 19, 2003, 04:22 AM
On 2003-11-19 01:14, Superguppie wrote:
Hey, w8. My IGNORE/ASSHOLE just fired.
I'm not deaf, I'm just ignoring you.

o_O IGNORE/ASSHOLE!!! Where did you get it? I want one!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 19, 2003, 04:52 AM
On 2003-11-19 01:14, Superguppie wrote:

I would rather be left behind having some fun, than be bored to death by my own stupidity.

Er..I had some hella fun today while playing with my new Srank needle with kings special. A group of 3 did a HS run doing nothing but the special the whole time. Yeah, it took about 40 minutes, but we got like 300k each.....then I got offline.

Nov 19, 2003, 06:34 AM
Actually, RFB, my C-mode's time is on DC. GC C-mode is fun, but it's just not the same... I still beat it 6 times http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 19, 2003, 06:41 AM
Ehhh I only used that as an example... just to say that it's a nice way to learn how to play.

But yes, it's not the same... DC C-Mode was the best: Fun, Challenguing, you didnt lose anything if you died or failed... but in GC it's muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch easier....

Nov 19, 2003, 07:44 AM
On 2003-11-19 01:22, RFB wrote:
o_O IGNORE/ASSHOLE!!! Where did you get it? I want one!!! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Homemade. Had to hack my brain to do it. But it works nicely most of the time.
Still looking for IMMUNE/ASSHOLE though.

Nov 19, 2003, 01:14 PM
I think it's funny that wonderboy here thinks he can win a battle with a 100% hit BKB. Dude, you'd get so owned from a distance that it isn't even funny. A FOnewearl with the right equipment (which happens to be mostly 9 star rares - very common) would drop you like a sack a rotten mean before you even knew what hit you.

Hell, a HUcast with a good set of hit% mechs would 0wn your ass like a pimp owns his $5 whores.

That is a typical cheater mentality which gives cheaters the image of having no skills. You'd just blindly rush your opponent and die multiple times trying vainly to get close enough to use your cheats.

Maybe you should go ahead and battle some of the people here - get owned... and then let me introduce you to a friend of mine who both cheats AND knows exactly what in the hell he's doing. I'd be funny to watch you loose your BKB to a magless HUcast with a Dark Flow.

Nov 19, 2003, 07:20 PM
I hear it....but yet...no one has taken the offer ...Oh and this is pretty damn funny how i got all you girl's panties in a knot ...from a discussion that started yesterday...Oh and did you think the bkb was the only wep i have for you punks?hehe...God i love it...i bet you guys are so pissed you wanna cry ....Oh and the def. part...plz man ...i start off with 326 def just from my mag..a A few perfect resist equipped for you punk ass HoMar..and a few Bitch slaps later and ill be On my way back to p2 to get more moons to scrap you off the Ragol surface..

Nov 19, 2003, 07:22 PM
Oh and the C-mode crap...Thats a sack-o-shit if i ever heard it...any one can do that with all of these damn c-mode guides on the net..What a joke man..

Nov 19, 2003, 07:34 PM
So now im a Novice @ pso?heh...Oh yea..thats right...i didnt start playing pso on ver1 for the dc..Im sorry ...can u plz stfu about what you dont know..

Nov 19, 2003, 07:38 PM
Are you guys scared to respond....... or did my Resist Dumbass ++ start workin?
Hahah Na but for real..I agree that the game would be much better without hacks..And the game would be much funner if i had to earn everything ....Just wanted to get a few laughs being an internet A-hole..thanks for the laughs guys..Plz hold the Flaming remarks..hahah

Nov 20, 2003, 03:23 AM
oh yeah, you're a mill lilly. Pretty damn annoying. Are we lucky it's rare...

Or in plain English: dude, 1 post will do....

Nov 20, 2003, 04:12 AM
ThaRealest, stop being an ass