View Full Version : The new quest is...rather frustrating...

Nov 19, 2003, 09:32 AM
My girlfriend loves the spanish music. So once I played the quest after the server maintenance, I was stoked to get her to play it the next night.

So her and I go, and she's having a good time. Haha. We did the motorcycle mini-game. It took her a few tries but she got it down. So we rescued Flat. Mind you, I was my lv.40 HUcast on very hard mode. With the Yamato. I was getting knocked down like nobody's business because twin sabers are so slow...

But I managed to survive. Of course, I used half of my mates.

Then I opened up the pathway to forest 2, but when I get there, I realized my girlfriend couldn't follow me! She never got the fragment I guess, but I could have sworn we got it together. Or maybe she left early that night...


I attempted to take it on alone while she played some more games. I got to the third room and was wasted. The fire seems to be everyone's weak spot. But I was just annoyed when I was getting knocked down every single time I was hit.

It reminded me of those days when I first opened Ultimate mode. Sigh, the memories.

It adds so much more difficulty since I have to go back and grab the fragment again from the Gallon's treachery quest.

If I do that, I might as well do the Fukki Sidequest and get a Heart of Poumn. Why not, right? I'll end up giving it away since I can't use it, heheh.

The guide doesn't say anything about prizes for rescuing Slope...is there any?

[scratches head]

Yeah looks like it is time to end this post!

Rock on and Game on Hunters!

Nov 19, 2003, 10:27 AM
You really enjoyed yourself there. Unfortunatly, much like the last Quest(halloween), I'm not all that inclined to try this one at all. Donno, maybe I should(but with who heh..)

Nov 19, 2003, 01:43 PM
You get a room full of treasure boxes if you rescue them AND have an intact Rajuena Flower at the end, i.e. don't get hit by the fire AT ALL. Otherwise you get nothing http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Nov 19, 2003, 05:58 PM
Is there any use for the flower yet?

Or is it for another "future" old dc quest? ;P

Nov 19, 2003, 06:07 PM
The flower's used in the F2 part of the quest - you need a Fragment of Friendship to access F2.