View Full Version : Internet down, UK, WEstern Europe, and possiblly US

Nov 25, 2003, 03:04 PM
Probelms conecting?
this taken from http://www.adslguide.org.uk

A TAT-14 transatlantic cable has gone down (the northern one). Given that the southern one went down earlier this month and hasn't been fixed yet I wouldn't expect a quick fix.

We have been informed by our upstream provider that a major route across The US has failed, as well as a major transatlantic link.
And as a result customers using all dial platforms; 0845, FRIACO and ADSL may experience problems accessing certain sites in The US and possibly Oceana.

The issue may also be affecting all ISP's in The UK due to the network node that has been degraded during the outage.

The problem is totally out of our control and we do not have an ETA for a solution.

this is resulting in slow web access and pages/sites refusing to load, the problem is intermittent.