View Full Version : Yay!!

Nov 25, 2003, 05:04 PM
My Gamecube got sent back to me today, and they did indeed replace the laser drive. On top of that, I bought Smash Bros. Melee last night, which is pretty good as well.

But, the topper is this: they told me to send in any components pertaining to my Gamecube, so I sent in my GBA and Link Cable, and they replaced my GBA! It was kinda dirty on the screen, but otherwise great, ... but I'm not complaining, lol.

Anyway, I wanted to ask an opinion about what to do now in PSO: Should I drag my Lv79 FOnewearl through Ult Spaceship for a Partisan Of Lightning, or should I drag my 41 HUneweal through the rest of VHard and get her to Ult?

Oh, and one more option, should I instead just pipe for God/HPs for my HU/FOnewearls?

Nov 25, 2003, 05:06 PM
Well, what i have been doing is haveing each char reach ult...just incase one of my chars gets corrupted i will still have 1 in ult....

Nov 25, 2003, 05:08 PM
Well, if you don't have a good double saber weapon then first get the Partisan of Lightning and give it to your HU then proceed through the game.

Nov 25, 2003, 05:25 PM
Well, my HUmar already has an Asuka from my FO's travel through the Temple. And my RAmar piped my HUmar a Demo Comet, but I think it'd be nice to have the PoL as well.

However, I fear that my FO might not have enough HP to survive a battle with Gol Dragon (I'll need to confirm this in a moment), and I WILL get hit alot during said battle.

Nov 25, 2003, 05:40 PM
Why not do all the things you mentioned??? All the items you mentioned are pretty useful and getting another character to ult is very good idea! The more on ult, the better!

Nov 25, 2003, 09:05 PM
I have two chars on ULT one is pretty weak but hes useful cause hes a FOmar and the other hes strong but still kinda weak hes a HUcast witch is helping me find the Swealed J Sword. so it's better to try to get all your chars to get in Ult caus you find a lot of good weapons for your good chars and your new chars.

Nov 25, 2003, 11:40 PM
Okay, here's my scenario:

Shadow, HUmar, 114 (Purplenum) - Ultimate Ruins/Temple

Seraphin, RAmar, 96 (Redria) - Ultimate Forest/Caves/Temple

Aurora 7, FOnewearl, 79 (Pinkal) - Ultimate Caves/Spaceship

#########, HUnewearl, 42 (Skyly, name omitted due to friend's request) - VHard Caves

I'm just wondering what I should do next. I think I should get my HUnny a God/Battle, like my HUmar, but it took almost 50+ runs to get my first one. I also want to replace her Double Saber with a better weapon, but still a TwinSaber type, and PoL sounds like a good choice. I could also try getting a Twin Brand from my RAmar's BarbaRay, or have him pipe her a Demo Comet like my HUmar's using.

I guess I just want suggestions on what to do next. While I wait for some responses, I'll have my FOnewearl make an appointment with the techno Dragon.

Nov 25, 2003, 11:48 PM
Make sure to buy a 2 year warrenty just in case it dies out again. I did that ^.^

Nov 26, 2003, 03:47 PM
Alright, I went and kicked the Gol Dragon's ass, and he coughed up 2000 Meseta. Aurora 7 MAD. Next time she enters his warp, she's gonna drop 2000 Meseta and demand the PoL!

Anyway, should I keep making Redria FoS runs for another God/Battle, or should I just drag my HUnny through the Mines and Ruins?

Nov 26, 2003, 04:00 PM
Do whatever you want. Why would you ask us. Most of the people on this board are like 11 years old. They don't know what the fuck they are doing anyway.