View Full Version : LVL 200 AR code is out

Nov 28, 2003, 01:25 AM
Hopefully it doesn't ruin online since this can be done offline only. Then again offline character can be brought online.. *sigh* My bad..

Nov 28, 2003, 03:33 AM
Damn, so no we're gonna see lvl200s that got it even easier than with recoboxing.
It might be fun though: A hacked lvl200 decides to disgrace some legits with his presence, runs into Forest 1 and gets killed by the Barbles because he never learned to dodge... I'll definitely be laughing me silly then.

Nov 28, 2003, 04:40 AM
I thought I include a pic or 2.





<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: scmfxt on 2003-11-28 12:38 ]</font>

Nov 28, 2003, 05:11 AM
On 2003-11-28 01:40, scmfxt wrote:
I thought I include a pic or 2.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: scmfxt on 2003-11-28 01:40 ]</font>

Wow, that's nifty...

Nov 28, 2003, 05:35 AM
hahahahahahahahaha and this is for the NGC?
Slowly but steady NGC is starting to look like the DC/Xbox (took 'em long enough)
Am I going to hate this? Nah
I loved seeing stupid players with high levels just like Superguppie does.
I might even try the code on one of my chars http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Just for the fun of it (and no I won't go screaming around I got a legit lv200,
did lv200 legit on DC once and will never go there again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

Nov 28, 2003, 07:55 AM
Why'd you bother releasing the code then?

Nov 28, 2003, 10:25 AM
A hacked lvl200 decides to disgrace some legits with his presence, runs into Forest 1 and gets killed by the Barbles because he never learned to dodge

o_0 I would think/hope they would have enough DFP/EVP to be Barble-proof by 200.

Eh. I don't really see how this'll change the game much. More numbers by your name, big whoop~

Nov 28, 2003, 10:36 AM
On 2003-11-28 07:25, LamerPanda wrote:
o_0 I would think/hope they would have enough DFP/EVP to be Barble-proof by 200.

You never get completely immune, even to Barbles. The damage may be less then it used to be, but it's still there. I've already seen this happen to a lvl125 with one of those messed up Pushans. I still smile when thinking about it [:)]

Eh. I don't really see how this'll change the game much. More numbers by your name, big whoop~

You'd be surprised how assholish some ppl get when they're lvl200. Just look at the jackasses running about with their hacked MAGs and picture that a few factors worse...

Nov 28, 2003, 12:06 PM
On 2003-11-28 07:36, Superguppie wrote:
You never get completely immune, even to Barbles. The damage may be less then it used to be, but it's still there. I've already seen this happen to a lvl125 with one of those messed up Pushans. I still smile when thinking about it [:)]

That's only because those hacked mags don't add any to EVP. A bartle/barble hasn't sucessfully laid a finger on me since around level 150. Tollaws somehow break through the EVP barrier though.

Nov 28, 2003, 12:12 PM
*shrugs* yet another way to tell everyone "I suck in playing games like they're supposed to be played".

Nov 28, 2003, 12:38 PM
I know the code.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: primer567 on 2003-11-28 17:12 ]</font>

Nov 28, 2003, 01:21 PM
On 2003-11-28 09:38, primer567 wrote:
I know the code, PM me if you want it.

Very nice, anyway. This isn't going to change the game that much at all. I wouldn't worry about it. And spreading the code around isn't going to help either.

Nov 28, 2003, 01:47 PM
I seriously don't see eny fun in hacked characters. It just spoils the fun. I still remember playing Neverwinter nights and I always modded my charas to max level and made them some awsome items and I never lost duels. Then I got bored within the week. After one year I started all over again and I never touched the editor and now It has entertained me for one year.
Lesson: Never hack your characters since it will actually only bring grief

Nov 28, 2003, 01:48 PM
On 2003-11-28 04:55, Jack wrote:
Why'd you bother releasing the code then?

I released the code to a few people to test them out since there are 2 version of PSO and ask them NOT to post it anywhere. The people that got the code from me comply with my request. But now, the code is being post by the forum owner in view that the forum was create for that purpose after I told him the code is not 100% test yet. There were side effect during the battle which would be return to normal if the code is not used. Like with all people, everyone can choose to cheat or not to cheat.

Nov 28, 2003, 02:51 PM
if the code adds a few lv200 newbs it will be ovious a cheated lv200 will understand less but a legit will know enough to talk to other lv200s

Nov 28, 2003, 04:48 PM
On 2003-11-28 09:38, primer567 wrote:
I know the code, PM me if you want it.

Read the forum rules, that can result in an insta-ban.

...which is the best type of -ban

Nov 28, 2003, 05:14 PM
I checked out the code. It's very glitchy (and funny) but when you do kill a Mothmant, you will hit lv 200 instantly. Truthfully, I could care less, since I'm fairly legit myself and I only play with those that I know and trust.

Nov 28, 2003, 06:42 PM
The lack of skill and game knowledge will be apparent in these cheaters.

scmfxt, it is shameful that you take pleasure in spreading cheats. Get a life.

Nov 28, 2003, 06:44 PM
Just a thought. I'm sure ST can record your level whenever you log off. If you log off and back on in an hour's time, and are level 200, they will KNOW you cheated.

Perhaps with this system they are implementing, they will be able to curb the use of this code.

Nov 28, 2003, 06:59 PM
On 2003-11-28 15:42, ADE wrote:
The lack of skill and game knowledge will be apparent in these cheaters.

scmfxt, it is shameful that you take pleasure in spreading cheats. Get a life.

I did NOT spread it. The code is posted in a forum that I don't have any control over. I wanted this be just to stay between the tester and maker(me). Then again why should you care if you don't want to cheat? I'm just proving some people wrong that AR code is NOT IMPOSSIBLE to create without Datel help. Now I proved them wrong even tho the code has side effect in which I don't know what they are yet.

If you haven't noticed there are other cheat thru glitches and stuff exist already. Why does the AR code be viewed any different? Anyways, this code can probably bore some of the cheater off your back.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: scmfxt on 2003-11-28 16:07 ]</font>

Nov 28, 2003, 09:57 PM
fuck this i hope all the cheaters get perma banned

Nov 28, 2003, 10:17 PM
Why the hell would you make such an idiotic, game-ruining code?

Nov 28, 2003, 10:41 PM
How the fuck is it game ruining!? First of all Ade, you don't play outside Deneb 9, second of all you mainly play with friends.
And it this is not a game ruining cheat, this just adds a little "E200" over the people who have already max stats on them.
God..one cheat and you go berserk, I'd sure like to see how you would react if you woke up one day and GC version was like DC version.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Riu_000 on 2003-11-28 19:42 ]</font>

Nov 29, 2003, 12:10 AM
um this wont do much at all...seeing how every one that uses it has maxed stats...now they have a 200...

Nov 29, 2003, 12:48 AM
Game ruining? How so? Does it ruin your game seeing other have level 200? No.

I play this game because of friends not because of items or level. It was a way for me to communicate and have fun with them while we're apart. So what if others have uber rare or high level. If you're so upset about it then you're spending too much time on this game. Try another activity away fromm game.

Codes for shop is on the way... happy?

Nov 29, 2003, 01:43 AM
the code is just for lazy ppl who want a big number next to their name http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
'enhance' your game to a certain lev make it more fun, but 'extreme' like lv200 in 1 kill is just too pathetic http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_mad.gif
'i pity the fool' lol http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 29, 2003, 02:36 PM
This just adds a E200 to the people who have already used the max stats glitch, this is in no way game ruining. ^ ^

Nov 29, 2003, 02:55 PM
I dont care if other people hack, dupe or use hacked MAG's on PSO. I just stay away from them and don't have enything to do with them.

Nov 29, 2003, 03:48 PM
this is sad.

this argument has been played out before- and camps will always be divided.

i cant say that it doesnt bother me a little because it takes a lot of hard work and time to actually reach lvl 200.

those who have actually reached lvl 200 the hard way know that it takes time and effort and did i say time? heh.

even though i don't approve of recoboxing, at least that takes time to actually do and requires some thinking on the players part.

but no matter- all i do is cmode for the most part and level with people i know. actually i don't really level anymore- i just help others level.

we've been here before- no matter what- some people want the easy way and some like to earn it- say what you want that its a game- it is a game- and if your idea of having fun means having max everything with little effort so be it.

at least its been blissful on gc for a long time as opposedto dc which was only blissful for about a month.

Nov 29, 2003, 04:03 PM
If anything, people will be able to take a hit from anything in Seabed now and won't fall down with 2 HP left and a resounding "loooooooool".

Nov 29, 2003, 04:11 PM
um any one who think s this ruins the game needs to be hit with a shovel...every one who uses it has maxed stats...hence forth this adds a lil 200 to their name...

Nov 29, 2003, 04:33 PM
this code is pointless...I believe what brings fun to me is separated into 3 factors: finding rares, cleverly using mats, mags, and units to try to max stats (not hacked mags or duped mats), and levelling up...you take using dupes, fine you might have some fun..you take the max stats trick then your fun will drop like a lead balloon...but getting to 200 automatically? Bah, level 200 used to be looked on as honorable and a sign of lot of hard work...

but now, I see people spamming "PSO is boring! Quit now!" in antares because they have all the mass dupes and recoboxed to 200...ugh, this world will always be full of idiots...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: hucasts_rock on 2003-11-29 13:34 ]</font>

Nov 29, 2003, 05:02 PM
the only way i can even c this ruining the game, is for using armors and shields, otherwise i c no way how this lvl 200 cheat really makes an impact on playing the game, except ppl get that E200 by their name, wow big whoop, and as ppl have said numerous times, its extermely easy 2 spot a real lvl 200, from a fake 1

Nov 29, 2003, 06:57 PM
Being lvl 200 doesn't mean the fun end. As long as you have people you can play with, the fun never end.

Cheating is part of the society. Some cheat to help them get thru a certain spot. Some cheat for the he|| of it. Anyways, PSO is unbalance when it comes to experience point. Not everybody have the time to raise their character to lvl 200. I remembered when I reached lvl 185 and was told that I'm halfway there.. *sigh* But I made it. I quit a week later after I reached lvl 200.

So, lvl 200 code is a little boost (if you ever need it) to a friend of a friend who got corrupted at lvl 199. Cheers girl friend where ever you are...

Nov 29, 2003, 07:06 PM
Well, I can handle a few extra level 200ers (just less Normal/Hard games for my FOmar), but if NOLing comes back in any way, shape, or form, you can officially count me out of the game.

Nov 29, 2003, 09:02 PM
Personally I dont think people will use the code a whole bunch. It's so self defeating that even cheaters might be left with a bad taste in their mouth after using it. The entire purpose of PSO is to get exp, gain levels, and find rares. People cut out the rare finding bit with dupes, and now the exp gaining bit is gone as well. How many times will these people be able to run ult ruins before it becomes the dullest shit to ever hit the fan?

I seriously would be surprised off my ass if people use this code as much as they use red rings.

Nov 29, 2003, 10:00 PM
the only thing that really worries me about this code is that if it is in fact a working AR code then it means that someone out there has figured out how to write AR codes. that's Bad. that might mean Baaad Things for the future...

as for having a bunch of illegit 200s running around the ghetto servers. big deal. i could care less. the only thing this really changes is that it will only take them about an hour or so instead of however many weeks of recoing. ::shrug:: i generally don't care about most people outside of the few little legit circles i traverse anyway. so let them do what they want. they won't see me smirking when they talk about how godly they are because of the E200 by their name if i ever decide to go slumming.

200 hasn't been a goal of mine for a long time. good cmode times are the only thing indicative of a truely skilled player. and i would, in terms of main game, much prefer to have all 12 class/race combos in their 150s to however many lv 200 chars that would equal since you'd learn a lot more about the nuances of pso in that time than you would just powerleveling one or two chars to 200.

in conclusion:

-::shrug:: to idiots wanting to have E200 by their name just so that they can be "1337".

-and yeep to someome having figured out how to write AR codes.

Nov 29, 2003, 10:08 PM
I went to http://www.codejunkies.com and i didnt see the code.
where is it at?

Nov 29, 2003, 10:26 PM
On 2003-11-29 19:00, bordering wrote:
-and yeep to someome having figured out how to write AR codes.

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

Nov 29, 2003, 11:02 PM
On 2003-11-29 19:26, Sounomi wrote:

On 2003-11-29 19:00, bordering wrote:
-and yeep to someome having figured out how to write AR codes.

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

As Sou pointed out, the fact that you level to 200 instantly is simply a byproduct of the code which makes the game very glitchy. Thats ok because once you hit 200 which btw only takes a few minutes not hours, the player can save and exit then restart the GC and play normally again. The level 200 is permanent as are the stats. Basically it gives you all the stats that you would have earned if you had leveled to 200 legitly.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-11-29 20:06 ]</font>

Nov 29, 2003, 11:06 PM
On 2003-11-29 19:26, Sounomi wrote:

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

That is so true... Address for shop and item box are already found. Finding the variable to produce items for the codes will be a challenge. Who know if I can make the shop to sell rare items. Only time will tell.

Nov 29, 2003, 11:08 PM
On 2003-11-28 02:35, AppieDPC wrote:
hahahahahahahahaha and this is for the NGC?
Slowly but steady NGC is starting to look like the DC/Xbox (took 'em long enough)
Am I going to hate this? Nah
I loved seeing stupid players with high levels just like Superguppie does.
I might even try the code on one of my chars http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Just for the fun of it (and no I won't go screaming around I got a legit lv200,
did lv200 legit on DC once and will never go there again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

I thought the highest level on DC was 100.

Nov 29, 2003, 11:10 PM
On 2003-11-29 20:06, scmfxt wrote:

On 2003-11-29 19:26, Sounomi wrote:

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

That is so true... Address for shop and item box are already found. Finding the variable to produce items for the codes will be a challenge. Who know if I can make the shop to sell rare items. Only time will tell.

Still scmfxt, it was one hell of a find http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I know someone else who is also working on making some codes and so far has come up with some rather interesting results http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif very entertaining to say the least http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Nov 29, 2003, 11:20 PM
On 2003-11-29 20:08, teenageriot13 wrote:

On 2003-11-28 02:35, AppieDPC wrote:
hahahahahahahahaha and this is for the NGC?
Slowly but steady NGC is starting to look like the DC/Xbox (took 'em long enough)
Am I going to hate this? Nah
I loved seeing stupid players with high levels just like Superguppie does.
I might even try the code on one of my chars http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Just for the fun of it (and no I won't go screaming around I got a legit lv200,
did lv200 legit on DC once and will never go there again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif )

I thought the highest level on DC was 100.

version 2 introduced the 200th level.

Nov 29, 2003, 11:20 PM
On 2003-11-29 19:08, Dark_Hadou wrote:
I went to http://www.codejunkies.com and i didnt see the code.
where is it at?

uh.. read the forum rules. you can get banned for aking for codes.

Nov 30, 2003, 06:18 AM
On 2003-11-29 18:02, ilr2000 wrote:
Personally I dont think people will use the code a whole bunch. It's so self defeating that even cheaters might be left with a bad taste in their mouth after using it. The entire purpose of PSO is to get exp, gain levels, and find rares. People cut out the rare finding bit with dupes, and now the exp gaining bit is gone as well. How many times will these people be able to run ult ruins before it becomes the dullest shit to ever hit the fan?

I seriously would be surprised off my ass if people use this code as much as they use red rings.

You obviously never played the DC versions of pso then. Trust me ALOT of people will be using this code, people will also go out and buy AR just to use this code.

Nov 30, 2003, 08:02 AM
Oddly enough... I think I'll try and keep my characters between 190 and 199 now...

Nov 30, 2003, 11:58 AM
Ok here's my own feelings on this.

It really doesn't change a damn thing. A lot of you guys are still living in the mindset that Level 200 on PSO still means something to the masses.

Well for those of us who hit 200 earlier when the game 1st came out it did mean something seeing as everyone knew you couldn't hack your levels.

Even when I had hit 200 in April along with Tamahome, -Jamz-, Rosora, The Greatest, Sally-X, and many others out there it didn't matter that we had hit 200 expect to our friends

More or less these days it's not even an issue with me anymore but to some of those players still going for it like DELTRON ZERO, I wish him the best and hope to see him join the ranks of us who actually worked for our levels.

Remember guys I know how some of you feel but in the end it's only you that's the most important in hitting level 200. If you have freinds supporting you all the way then that's good. To whoever thinks you hacked your levels.... well fuck them.

~S N K

Nov 30, 2003, 01:26 PM
So you tried a random value to come up with the amount of exp needed for 200. This code modifies EXP correct? So assuming it is, you could also mod exp to something lesser, like a million points an enemy. And all that would take is more random value guessing. That code would be a bit more useful as you could get yourself to like level 150, and noone would ever know that you cheated.

Nov 30, 2003, 01:53 PM
On 2003-11-29 20:06, scmfxt wrote:

On 2003-11-29 19:26, Sounomi wrote:

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

That is so true... Address for shop and item box are already found. Finding the variable to produce items for the codes will be a challenge. Who know if I can make the shop to sell rare items. Only time will tell.

Just stop doing this and make codes for some other game, you jerk! NOBODY WANTS THEM!!

Nov 30, 2003, 02:15 PM
On 2003-11-30 10:26, klepto wrote:
So you tried a random value to come up with the amount of exp needed for 200. This code modifies EXP correct? So assuming it is, you could also mod exp to something lesser, like a million points an enemy. And all that would take is more random value guessing. That code would be a bit more useful as you could get yourself to like level 150, and noone would ever know that you cheated.

The code does modify exp, but not intentionally. At this point its not something that you can easily adjust to earn a specified amount of exp. There are a few new codes that will level you fairly high (not 200) which could be useful for those that corrupted at a higher level and just want to get back to where they were. But at the moment this is still just a byproduct of a wacky glitch code lol.

Nov 30, 2003, 02:34 PM
On 2003-11-30 10:53, ADE wrote:

Just stop doing this and make codes for some other game, you jerk! NOBODY WANTS THEM!!

Dude chill for a sec...
And when you have done that, do you actually think that NOBODY wants this code? Exactly, the same people who used the Max Stats trick or Last Survivor HP trick (or both) would probably use this code. Be it for fun, be it because they are too damn lazy to get it legit (or both). Look at DC v2 loads of modded lv200 chars on there. There is definitly a "demand" for this code.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AppieDPC on 2003-11-30 11:35 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 02:54 PM
On 2003-11-30 10:53, ADE wrote:

On 2003-11-29 20:06, scmfxt wrote:

On 2003-11-29 19:26, Sounomi wrote:

Don't worry too much. He just got lucky with this code.

That is so true... Address for shop and item box are already found. Finding the variable to produce items for the codes will be a challenge. Who know if I can make the shop to sell rare items. Only time will tell.

Just stop doing this and make codes for some other game, you jerk! NOBODY WANTS THEM!!

Why do you care so much ADE? They don't affect you in any way.

Nov 30, 2003, 03:42 PM
On 2003-11-28 09:12, rena-ko wrote:
*shrugs* yet another way to tell everyone "I suck in playing games like they're supposed to be played".

"but as long as I can show off and act like I'm the SUPERIOR player, it's alllllllll good baby".

Anyhow bout the code ~ old news. It's been out forever. You just made it more known to the boards.

SNK ~ Hah...Deltron will be there next month. I got another 6 months for before I'm 200(154). I'm in no rush. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Silhouette on 2003-11-30 12:46 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 05:14 PM
The code can be modify to give a *certain* amount but finding the right address for it need some work. I modified it and got from lvl 1 to lvl 174 just killing 1 booma. Last modification raise from lvl 1 to lvl 4. So it's possible.

*The real address has NOT been found yet. The code required 2 lines code plus a verifier instead of 1 line code like the one that got released.*

Well this code doesn't harm as bad as the glitches in the game. Compare to it I'd rather see this code use instead of the multi-equip glitch with maxed stats. At least you know that they are cheating. Then again, people shouldn't use them at all. If they just starting out, play it normal way first. Then use glitches and codes to enhance gameplay since this game can boring after awhile. The good side to this game is the chat/mail. Without these feature the game don't have much of replay value beside making it to your goal.

Oh yeah, without duped items I would have quit this game 3 months after I bought it. But it last 8 months instead. Sega got more money from me than what the game is worth. Just my opinion..

Nov 30, 2003, 08:21 PM
Ethical or unethical, game ruining or not, popular or not, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that it's a violation of the network behavior guidlines if you take your hacked character online.

We reserve the right to terminate your user account, in the case of repeared offenses to other users or gameplay with cheated (falsely modified) data during the ONLINE GAME.
~PSO Ep. 1&2 instruction manual, page 17

Also, it could be a violation of the license agreement.

*Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of this Program in whole or in part.
~PSO Ep. 1&2 instruction manual, page 58

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Koushirou on 2003-11-30 17:23 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 09:20 PM
ST does not follow thier terms of agreement. When will you all figure out that unless your language marker infront of your level is a 'J', they will only care about you when they feel like it.

Nov 30, 2003, 09:42 PM
On 2003-11-30 18:20, Silhouette wrote:
ST does not follow thier terms of agreement. When will you all figure out that unless your language marker infront of your level is a 'J', they will only care about you when they feel like it.

Then why do I know people that busted for hacked items on the dreamcast versions?

Dec 1, 2003, 01:05 PM
Haha, well, anyone who uses this code is well aware of how pathetic they are. I agree with ADE. Nobody who actually matters wants this code, or any others. I'm sure it will find its fair share of users, but none of them will be competent players or people. This code is idiot-only, I'm afraid.

Another byproduct of this code, though, is even more annoying. I'm talking, of course, about serial-accusing morons who run around screaming "Action Replay" at every 200 they see. I've got concrete evidence that I didn't hack my own 200, but others aren't so lucky. Granted, these people are witless goons who will undoubtedly be crushed in the argument they're starting, but they's still a nuisance.

No matter how you look at it, the idiot population is on the rise. Poor PSO.

Dec 1, 2003, 01:29 PM
On 2003-11-30 03:18, Broken Hope wrote:
You obviously never played the DC versions of pso then. Trust me ALOT of people will be using this code, people will also go out and buy AR just to use this code.

Never use the word "obviously", because it makes you look like an idiot more often than not.

I did play the DC version of PSO. I know about all of the hacking that took place there. I witnissed a whole bunch of it and barely survived a few attacks on my own character. I was there when they had exp cheats on the DC... and ya know what? I never saw a single level 200 character until I met a legit one on the GC. I was playing v2 long after the GC's release so there was plenty of oppertunity to come across people who hacked their way to 200. But I never ever met one of these people. My only guess is that they got so damn bored with their character they just started a new one, or jumped ship to GC. God only knows.

Dec 1, 2003, 02:01 PM
illr, i saw a lv 500 player when i was on version one, and many many other lv200 players. SO there were there

Dec 1, 2003, 02:02 PM
Leveling my new 100% legit skyly Hunewearl is a blast and at the moment I'm only level 63 so no accusations have been tossed at me. The problem is there are numerous variations now of the original level 200 code that are capable of giving quite a varied range of exp.

My point is this...it won't just be the level 200's that are using AR codes. And as the codes get refined it will be nigh impossible to tell which char leveled legit and which didn't. At least for me anyway as I rarely play online and so I don't keep track (nor do I care) about most anyone else's chars.

A code that takes a new char from level 1 to level 4 in one kill can easily be used to ramp up a few levels quickly and who is gonna know. Overall the integrity of many players will soon come into question. So where does that leave us? It leaves us exactly where we were before, playing in an environment rife with all manner of players and personalities.

In the end, if you know that you play legit and that you earned your levels with hard work, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. As my char reaches level 100 and up, I fully expect people to ask me if I leveled legit or cheated. I will tell them I leveled legit and they in turn will either believe me or they won't, but I know inside that I did it legit so the hell with anyone who calls me a liar.

If/when the item shop or drop codes become reality, that will give people even more reason to denounce other players. Anyone claiming to have found an uber rare will be looked at in suspicion. Of course thats a generalization because I believe in the integrity of several members here including Sounomi, Vulpes, Flux, Guntz and many others. So the thought of them cheating would simply not enter my mind.

Regardless of whatever new cheats arise, it doesn't change much (unless its something like pk or nol.) It may have been easier to find respect through hard work before all the cheats became rampant but if you know you worked hard and did it legit then thats all that should matter.

Also, though I can understand where people may scream noob at anyone who uses the code, I have to disagree. There is a difference between curiousity and integrity. If someone tries the code on a test char to try it out, I would deem that curiousity. That person may be very skilled and may enjoy playing totally legit the rest of the time. If a palyer uses the code to level up and just breeze through the game then it may be a question of integrity (but not neccessarily of them as a person, but as a player.)

I have noticed that some people have a difficult time making the distiction between a person's playing style and their personal integrity. Just because someone cheats in a game, does NOT mean that they cheat at everything in life and are terrible people. If you can't understand that, then you have my pity. Unlike ADE (and this is not meant to be a personal attack) PSO is not a life affirming ritual to most of us. It is simply a little game to pass the time like any other game, whether it be Metroid, Zelda, Mario etc. Also remember that the game is no longer new. Its been out for awhile and for many its become boring. One way to breath new life into something old, is to introduce a new aspect to it, in this case, cheats. It may be fun for someone who has essentially already been there and done that to try something outrageous.

A valid argument for despising cheats lies in the fact the game is played online and those cheats can and do affect other players. For most games, if you cheat you only cheat yourself. In this case you can ruin the experience for others rather quickly. But before you give up on humanity and start to think that the whole world is comprised of jerks try to keep in mind that if you met some of these "jerks" in real life you may find that they are pretty cool people. Like I said not everyone takes the game seriously, and not everyone realizes that some people do take the game very seriously. They may be messing around with people and don't realize the extent to which it bothers them. Maybe they had a really bad day and are taking out frustration. The way some of you flame and name call is just as offensive, but you don't see it that way because you're not objective about it. I find the flaming that goes on here far more upsetting then some idiot spammer in a lobby.

If nothing else, this game should be an exercise in self realization. Instead of trying to analyse all the other players and their actions try looking at your personal reactions to those actions. Are you easily annoyed? Do you tend to make snap judgments? Do you lash out at things that you can't control? Are you letting other people manipulate the way you feel and control the expreience you have? Do your actions help fuel the fire? Yes there are some jerks online that try to ruin it for all but remember that they are just people too. They may have serious issues that haven't been and aren't currently being addressed. Also realize that someone who seems really nice and courteous online could be a complete jerk in real life.

So for now, whether you like it or not, cheats are here to stay. If/when ST does something about it, then great but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

Dec 1, 2003, 03:35 PM
I don't care what others say. I only play with my friends. I know they don't cheat and they know I don't cheat.

Dec 1, 2003, 03:48 PM
So for now, whether you like it or not, cheats are here to stay. If/when ST does something about it, then great but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

I cheat consistantly.. I i hv to say.. How fukin lazy do you have to be to use a lvl 200 cheat..

I mean u dupe stuff.. ok u max stats.. fine.. u lvl 1 to 200 in 3 seconds.. wtf.. I mean you realy have no reason to play the game now do you.. You reached the maximum lvl.. now the only thing u can do is find new rares to dupe, change your outfit, and chat.. and one of those you dont have to pay 8 somethin a month to do..

Dec 1, 2003, 06:05 PM
Where did you release the code?

Dec 1, 2003, 06:08 PM
Yet another way to bore yourself senseless. Yahoo.

So now we're starting to get 'useful' AR codes. Joy oh joy.

Is there a point to this outside of being too lazy to Recobox/max stats? Lazy androids(Can't max stat traps)? I mean, sheesh. At least put some effort into destroying your character. Or, here's a concept, actually level properly and gain your stats the way ST intended?

Shit, and people get pissy at me for using a Red Ring on my FOmar.

Dec 1, 2003, 06:19 PM
Where did they release the code?

Dec 1, 2003, 07:09 PM
The side effects sound funny. I use dupes,but my mag wus legit so I had to wait to use my stuff I wus lv95 or something before I could use anything good. Max stating and that code is way to much cheating. At least I trying to get to lv200. My uncle wants that darn code,I just hope he do not use it on his main char. At least u can tell that them people who use the code has no skill. If nols appair I will be playing offline or play a different game.

Dec 1, 2003, 07:25 PM
On 2003-12-01 12:48, Anubis_ wrote:

So for now, whether you like it or not, cheats are here to stay. If/when ST does something about it, then great but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

I cheat consistantly.. I i hv to say.. How fukin lazy do you have to be to use a lvl 200 cheat..

I mean u dupe stuff.. ok u max stats.. fine.. u lvl 1 to 200 in 3 seconds.. wtf.. I mean you realy have no reason to play the game now do you.. You reached the maximum lvl.. now the only thing u can do is find new rares to dupe, change your outfit, and chat.. and one of those you dont have to pay 8 somethin a month to do..

It's really not that big of a deal for all the people who max stats, it just adds a E200 over there already all power character.

In my opinion Max stat are just as bad, if not worse then the Level 200 AR code, simply because this is what actually makes super freakin powerful. I find it rather ironic how max stat users bash the Level 200 AR code when max stats are slightly worse then the code.

The only real difference between is Max stats and the E200 and those few extra points you get when you use the max stats code.

So if you're a Max statter, shut the hell up. ^ ^

Dec 1, 2003, 08:08 PM
Can someone PM me and tell me the code?

Dec 1, 2003, 08:11 PM
On 2003-12-01 17:08, MyShilohMy wrote:
Can someone PM me and tell me the code?

Its against forum rules to ask for cheat codes. read the forum rules again a little more closely http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Dec 1, 2003, 08:24 PM
Can someone that knows the code email me and tell me?

Dec 1, 2003, 09:18 PM
Yeah, you're gonna get banned.... anyway, I don't have an AR nor do I plan on wasting my money on one.

Also, for the people that play PSO strickly offline, this code really doesn't matter. Yeah, wow you're lv 200...big friggin whoop. Noone is there to see it, you're not ruining gameplay for anyone else. So what the fuck's the big deal? I really don't see a problem with a lv 200 code. Use it all you want, you won't want to play PSO afterwards anyway. All this code's gonna do is get the cheaters tired of playing, so let em do it. All you legit "11-14" yr olds don't see it like that. It's called reverse psychology, let em do it, and they'll get tired. Just like when a little kid is being bad to get your attention, don't pay attention, and he'll stop. Badic principles people...

Dec 1, 2003, 11:25 PM
if he wouldn't have made it, some one else would have. Maybe the other person would have spread it rapidly.

Dec 1, 2003, 11:32 PM
On 2003-12-01 17:24, MyShilohMy wrote:
Can someone that knows the code email me and tell me?


Thou shalt not ask for cheat codes!

Dec 2, 2003, 04:58 AM
VioletSkye isn't entirely right about 'the only persons opinion about me that matters is my own'.
The problem is the namecalling by others that can seriously ruin gameplay. I am well on my way to lvl200. And when I finaly reach it I can look forward to being called names for something I didn't do. And I WON'T lock myself up in locked teams for it!
Considering the stuff I still want to find, and the time that may take, I consider it highly likely I will be online with that lvl200 char. And having all kinds of morons call me names for something I didn't even do will definitely damage the fun of that. And this goes beyond namecalling and spamming in the lobby. I've had a hate-stalker that thought my Frozen Shooter was a hack. Made me play in locked games for 2 nights. How's that for "calling names doesn't hurt?"

I don't care about someones lvl, and I don't care about my own, as long as the games are nice. But others do and ruin others games over it.
Also, I was sick and tired in 2 sessions of ppl running around with those lvl1300(+) MAGs bragging about how good they were and then asking me to make a team so they could go to Ruins, where I had to heal and revive them all the time. If that is any indication of what is to come with the lvl200 n00bs. Well, I'm thinking of learning Japanese...

On the curioustity issue, I understand that. I found out how to do the shop dupe out of pure curiousity. I duped a handgun, was amazed by how the process looked, and was done. I never (knowingly) took any duped stuff online, nor do I keep any of it offline. If someone uses the lvl200 code out of curiousity, he/she won't take it online and it won't ruin legit lvl200s reputation. So, the problem is not with the curious ppl, but with the ones that buy AR just so they can have a lvl200 online presence that only makes others being called names.

On the distinction between online and IRL, I can make that very well. If a person acts like an asshole in PSO, I call that person an asshole in PSO. And that's it. Having a bad hair day is no excuse for being an asshole. All I know of most ppl I meet in PSO is what I see in PSO. The person behind the controler is of no interest in this until I meet that person IRL. Realizing that the asshole that ruined my game is a person won't help unruining the game.

And no, I don't make snap judgements, I am not easily annoyed, and I often try to keep the peace. Still there are ppl that succeed in getting to me. I always try to make the best of it, both for me and for the others. And when some asshole makes me fail, that really pisses me off. Hence the flaming, both at PSO and here.

Dec 2, 2003, 06:21 AM
On 2003-12-01 10:29, ilr2000 wrote:

On 2003-11-30 03:18, Broken Hope wrote:
You obviously never played the DC versions of pso then. Trust me ALOT of people will be using this code, people will also go out and buy AR just to use this code.

Never use the word "obviously", because it makes you look like an idiot more often than not.

I did play the DC version of PSO. I know about all of the hacking that took place there. I witnissed a whole bunch of it and barely survived a few attacks on my own character. I was there when they had exp cheats on the DC... and ya know what? I never saw a single level 200 character until I met a legit one on the GC. I was playing v2 long after the GC's release so there was plenty of oppertunity to come across people who hacked their way to 200. But I never ever met one of these people. My only guess is that they got so damn bored with their character they just started a new one, or jumped ship to GC. God only knows.

It was practically impossible to goto Miranda 7 or oberon, or practically any other populated ship without seeing at least 1 level 200, either in the lobby or in games. But if you played way after the release of GC PSO then of course you wouldn't have seen any, DC PSO was dead way before the GC release. Very few people stayed behind.

Dec 2, 2003, 07:15 AM
Someone just email at [email protected] I have a question!

Dec 2, 2003, 01:36 PM
On 2003-12-02 01:58, Superguppie wrote:
VioletSkye isn't entirely right about 'the only persons opinion about me that matters is my own'.
The problem is the namecalling by others that can seriously ruin gameplay. I am well on my way to lvl200. And when I finaly reach it I can look forward to being called names for something I didn't do. And I WON'T lock myself up in locked teams for it!
Considering the stuff I still want to find, and the time that may take, I consider it highly likely I will be online with that lvl200 char. And having all kinds of morons call me names for something I didn't even do will definitely damage the fun of that. And this goes beyond namecalling and spamming in the lobby. I've had a hate-stalker that thought my Frozen Shooter was a hack. Made me play in locked games for 2 nights. How's that for "calling names doesn't hurt?"

I don't care about someones lvl, and I don't care about my own, as long as the games are nice. But others do and ruin others games over it.
Also, I was sick and tired in 2 sessions of ppl running around with those lvl1300(+) MAGs bragging about how good they were and then asking me to make a team so they could go to Ruins, where I had to heal and revive them all the time. If that is any indication of what is to come with the lvl200 n00bs. Well, I'm thinking of learning Japanese...

On the curioustity issue, I understand that. I found out how to do the shop dupe out of pure curiousity. I duped a handgun, was amazed by how the process looked, and was done. I never (knowingly) took any duped stuff online, nor do I keep any of it offline. If someone uses the lvl200 code out of curiousity, he/she won't take it online and it won't ruin legit lvl200s reputation. So, the problem is not with the curious ppl, but with the ones that buy AR just so they can have a lvl200 online presence that only makes others being called names.

On the distinction between online and IRL, I can make that very well. If a person acts like an asshole in PSO, I call that person an asshole in PSO. And that's it. Having a bad hair day is no excuse for being an asshole. All I know of most ppl I meet in PSO is what I see in PSO. The person behind the controler is of no interest in this until I meet that person IRL. Realizing that the asshole that ruined my game is a person won't help unruining the game.

And no, I don't make snap judgements, I am not easily annoyed, and I often try to keep the peace. Still there are ppl that succeed in getting to me. I always try to make the best of it, both for me and for the others. And when some asshole makes me fail, that really pisses me off. Hence the flaming, both at PSO and here.

Ummm I don't know if you realize this or not, but my post wasn't directed at you. Not sure why you felt it neccessary to analyze it point by point LOL. My opinion stands and what I wrote stands and I believe it to be true. If you disagree, then so be it, thats your right, but you made it sound like it was a personal afront to you which it clearly wasn't.

I FIRMLY believe that the ONLY opinion that matters should be your own. Its a game for Christ's sake so who cares? If namecalling hurts your poor little feelings then you need to work on toughening up a bit. It can be a rough world out there and a little kid bothering your online experience should be the least of your worries. Sorry but you get no sympathy from me other than to say that in a better world, people would show more respect for others.

Sorry to hear about your "stalker" but personally I wouldn't hide in locked games because some pinhead had nothing better to do than follow me around.

As for the level 1300 mags, I agree with you. I am soooooo tired of seeing them all over the place now. But I don't make a snap judgment that the person is a total noob or can't play the game without it. I've taken the time to speak to a few of them and they turned out to be PSO veterans who did know the game but were having fun (albeit obnoxiously) running around with the hacked mags mainly to see what kinds of comments they got. I won't argue that many of them are just lazy and aren't willing to take the time to enjoy the game and level, thats pretty apparent.

As for the proliferation of newly acquired level 200's, I absolutely can understand your frustration over being called a cheater by people who don't know you. I already have said many, many times that the code now CHANGES EVERYTHING in regards to what will be deemed legit. I am working on a legit char myself that I would like to see hit 200, but I also know that will mean accusations from hoards of onliners calling me a cheater. I guess the difference is, I truly don't care whereas you seem to. I don't need to accomplish anything gamewise to garner respect, I can do that IRL also where it actually matters. I couldn't care less about online esteem from my peers, meh.

Again, my previous post was not about you so I'm not sure why the defensive posturing took place, however as I said before I stand by my post. You say you don't make snap judgments, yet you jumped at my post (which had nothing to do with you) and proceeded to go off on each little point posthaste.

BTW WTF are you all doing that your games get "ruined" so damn easily? I have been playing online a bit more recently and in all that time I have yet to have my game "ruined". Of the people that join my games, obviously I like some better than others, but noone had resorted to namecalling or being obnoxious while we play. I asked a few other online friends if their games get "ruined" often and they said no. So why is it the EXACT same people complain about ruined games post after post? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with YOUR attitude could it? No....couldn't be LOL http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-02 23:00 ]</font>

Dec 2, 2003, 06:04 PM
Sorry I was asking for that code please don't ban me.

Dec 2, 2003, 08:06 PM
On 2003-12-02 10:36, VioletSkye wrote:

BTW WTF are you all doing that your games get "ruined" so damn easily? I have been playing online a bit more recently and in all that time I have yet to have my game "ruined". Of the people that join my games, obviously I like some better than others, but noone had resorted to namecalling or being obnoxious while we play. I asked a few other online friends if their games get "ruined" often and they said no. So why is it the EXACT same people complain about ruined games post after post? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with your attitude could it? No....couldn't be LOL :wink:

I'd like to know that too. The closest I've had to a game getting ruined, actually, is with -legits-. You know, the ones that over-twink like mad on Hard, or spend the entire game bitching about cheaters and spamming legits rule symbol chats and the like. These are people, BTW, who AFAIK have no idea that I use dupes when the mood strikes me. Hell, the first thing I ask if I don't know is 'Are we legit?', and if the answer is yes, you will not see a single dupe/hack in my hands or on my person. If it's 'no, LOL', sure, I'll break out the Red Ring/Rainbow Baton/etc, nobody will care. So you've got legits sitting there playing with me with no clue whatsoever that in, say, my RAmarl's bank, there's a 100% Hit Guld Milla, or a 300% Native Bringer's Rifle, or whatever other duped hacks she might have for non-legit screwing around, and the whole time they're going on about legitness and how much cheaters suck at everything and are horrible people, and I sit there thinking "'Scuse me, need to go get some stuff out of the bank to break your brain with...". But I don't, because I *gasp* am not an asshole.

Pop quiz, which ruins games more, people who sit there and unknowingly put you down the entire game, or people who don't give a shit and swing around a BKB? Not to say that there are no nice legits, because there are plenty, or that there are no asshole cheaters, because there are, lots of 'em, but at least the cheaters seem to have a better chance of being relaxed. O_o;

And if you don't like the people you're with, just... Leave. Wow. Huge mind-blowing concept, yes?

But yeah, anyone getting a game ruined is trying to have it ruined so they have something to complain about. Go have a power outage in the middle of a game that causes you to lose all the weapons you had with you, then complain. Except you won't see me complaining, I make backup dupes. Pfft.

Dec 3, 2003, 02:39 PM
The only real difference between is Max stats and the E200 and those few extra points you get when you use the max stats code.

So if you're a Max statter, shut the hell up. ^ ^

U can max ur stats and still have like 12 hp... so its realy not...

Dec 3, 2003, 05:26 PM
a lot of people talk about newbs using the code, but what about verterans that have played all the way through and they want to start a new character but don't want to level them up. of course i'v never gotten to lv200 even though with the time i played the game i could have done it more than once, i'm just thickle when it comes to characters. any ways, this comment might already be posted, i only read the first few pages of this forum.

Dec 3, 2003, 07:30 PM
On 2003-12-03 14:26, Sord wrote:
a lot of people talk about newbs using the code, but what about verterans that have played all the way through and they want to start a new character but don't want to level them up. of course i'v never gotten to lv200 even though with the time i played the game i could have done it more than once, i'm just thickle when it comes to characters. any ways, this comment might already be posted, i only read the first few pages of this forum.

That's basically a case of a veteran earning respect and then totally blowing it, returning to the state of a novice. I'm sorry, but there's no train of thought that would lead to even an iota of respect for the people who use this code. Like I said earlier, it's idiot-only. A respected veteran can become as revered as an SSJ HUmar in the blink of an eye by using this to level.

Dec 3, 2003, 09:08 PM
I'm sorry to burst your bubbles. It's just a game. Legit and cheat, who cares? It's how you fun. Just to annoy all of you legit I'm releasing the code to buy rares in shop. Have fun...

Dec 3, 2003, 11:07 PM
Thanx for a cool code. I managed to nab Ranger Field and Hunter Wall so far http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Still loooking for Blue Ring. It really strange to see stuff like Brightness Circle and Safety heart in the Armor Window LOL

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-03 20:30 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2003, 11:45 PM
On 2003-12-03 16:30, Zarana wrote:

LoLzers, so true... yet so funny

Dec 3, 2003, 11:59 PM
On 2003-12-03 18:08, scmfxt wrote:
I'm sorry to burst your bubbles. It's just a game. Legit and cheat, who cares? It's how you fun. Just to annoy all of you legit I'm releasing the code to buy rares in shop. Have fun...

It's how I fun, eh? Hmm, I guess this goes to prove what I said about your code, SCM-whatever. And as for the rares in the shop, who cares? Shop bought items have terrible stats, and only a couple below average shields haven't already been mass duped. Nobody who uses this code will be able to buy anything they don't already have, except for those subpar shields I just mentioned.

What's the matter, SCM? Can't take the heat, so you're trying to get some kind of revenge by releasing this trash? Stop taking it so personally. It's just a game, after all.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:29 AM
On 2003-12-03 20:59, Zarana wrote:

It's how I fun, eh? Hmm, I guess this goes to prove what I said about your code, SCM-whatever. And as for the rares in the shop, who cares? Shop bought items have terrible stats, and only a couple below average shields haven't already been mass duped. Nobody who uses this code will be able to buy anything they don't already have, except for those subpar shields I just mentioned.

What's the matter, SCM? Can't take the heat, so you're trying to get some kind of revenge by releasing this trash? Stop taking it so personally. It's just a game, after all.

What? I'm having fun with all of you legit since you all think this game is everything. Ever heard of life outside the window and away from the box you called TV. THIS IS A GAME after all. Play it for entertainment but don't get so wrapped up in it. Remember it's just a game.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:45 AM
You know, Samus. I am a bit dissapointed in your recent code cracking activities. I remember watching as you hit level 200 with your hunter several months ago, and thinking it was cool how you stayed online for days after your HL expired so that you could continue to play. But when you and Dark Link left for the last time, you seem to have undergone a radical change.

I don't claim to know you as well as Lotus Petal or Allie ever did, but I did observe your playing with them several times, and was even present when you were in the group that found the parasitic gene flow after beating olga in that group of all 200 level characters. Heck, it was me who ran through flowen at the end to make the thing appear.

But this code cracking you've been doing lately, and the search for the Gamecube ISO's, it makes me wonder if any of us really knew you at all.

You said you released the test code for level 200 to just a few people. Nevermind the fact that it went out to a prominant PSO cheat site on the net for everyone to see, you apparently meant it only to go to a few interested parties, and not every fricking n00b with an action replay on PSO. Now you are saying that you are purposely releasing the shop code?

I guess I'm just trying to figure out why you are acting all bad ass now, instead of nice like you used to. I know you think that the game is too boring without cheat codes, and that's all great that you have been using them for a long time to keep your interest in the game, as well as creating a few of them yourself, such as raising a hunters HP higher than it's normal limit. That's not really the point though. You really don't need to be doing this crap, man, and a lot of your old pals are a bit more than dissapointed in you doing so.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2003-12-03 21:48 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 01:03 AM
I have to say I agree with trypticon on this one...

Even though I don't know you SCM, releasing codes is not a good thing....

People on the cube have had it pretty good, better than xbox and DC from what I've heard. In all due respect, I think you're ruining the game. Once you and whoever else creates these codes all hell will break loose in PSO and there will be nothing left.

Oh well, I guess we can plan out weekend gamecube excursions between all us legits and play together at some nice log cabin in the mountains some where.... boy that would be fun.

Dec 4, 2003, 01:10 AM
On 2003-12-03 21:45, trypticon wrote:
You know, Samus. I am a bit dissapointed in your recent code cracking activities. I remember watching as you hit level 200 with your hunter several months ago, and thinking it was cool how you stayed online for days after your HL expired so that you could continue to play. But when you and Dark Link left for the last time, you seem to have undergone a radical change.

I don't claim to know you as well as Lotus Petal or Allie ever did, but I did observe your playing with them several times, and was even present when you were in the group that found the parasitic gene flow after beating olga in that group of all 200 level characters. Heck, it was me who ran through flowen at the end to make the thing appear.

But this code cracking you've been doing lately, and the search for the Gamecube ISO's, it makes me wonder if any of us really knew you at all.

You said you released the test code for level 200 to just a few people. Nevermind the fact that it went out to a prominant PSO cheat site on the net for everyone to see, you apparently meant it only to go to a few interested parties, and not every fricking n00b with an action replay on PSO. Now you are saying that you are purposely releasing the shop code?

I guess I'm just trying to figure out why you are acting all bad ass now, instead of nice like you used to. I know you think that the game is too boring without cheat codes, and that's all great that you have been using them for a long time to keep your interest in the game, as well as creating a few of them yourself, such as raising a hunters HP higher than it's normal limit. That's not really the point though. You really don't need to be doing this crap, man, and a lot of your old pals are a bit more than dissapointed in you doing so.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2003-12-03 21:48 ]</font>

I can't speak for scmfxt, but I can say from my own experience coding cheats and creating mods for D2 that after awhile, a game does become boring and yet you still would like to be doing something with it. I played and beat D2 numerous times with each class before I started editting things. After I started to get good at it, it took on new meaning. It was fun and exciting to try and make the game do what I wanted it to. I had done things the games way for along time and now it was time to start doing things my way. Its exhilirating to succeed in doing something like this. Its not about being bad ass or trying to be cool, its about enjoyment. ask any hacker why they do what they do, and the majority will tell you that they do it for enjoyment. It has always seemed to me that people either get that concept and understand it or they don't get it at all.

Don't come down so hard on him or try the guilt trip thing, he is having a ball figuring these things out and he is also learning alot I'm sure. When I successfully created my first mod, I was on cloud nine for awhile basking in my success lol. Now of course its old hat, but at the time it was as exciting if not more so then playing the game straight.

As for the game being ruined, it doesn't really change too much. Most of the items can be acquired from your local Vega duper and most everything is already mass duped, so its not like this will destroy the "economy" any more than it already is. The reality is that for all intents trading has been obsolete for awhile now. The funny thing is, often times its the legits complaining about the economy yet they REFUSE to trade for anything because it might be duped (tainted lol.) If legits aren't going to utilize the trade system, the dupers sure as hell won't. So that leaves us with this scenario....the dupers have no need to trade, they can just copy items, and the legits refuse to trade because something might not be legit. So why even bring up an economy that no longer exists for the most part.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-03 22:18 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 01:19 AM
I'm not one to say I'm holy or anything, but I do understand the concept of making things exciting believe me... I've created some hacks and what not, one of my prides was a trainer I made for D2 actually and I'll admit that I got a feeling of exhiliration from doing it.

It's true that you learn a lot in the process of hacking a game, you learn a lot about the inner workings of the game, how things are stored, where they are stored, every little detail on how everything works. It truly is a great feeling... but when you do things like this, you have to take into consideration other people's feelings. If not every single person that plays PSO wants these codes to be released, then don't do it! In my honest opinion, you are just being selfish in releasing them anyway.

Dec 4, 2003, 01:23 AM
On 2003-12-03 21:45, trypticon wrote:
Now you are saying that you are purposely releasing the shop code?

Nope.. I planned to release the item code sometime after PSO3 is released in the US but Soul released the code for PSO version 1.1. So, I released version 1.0 after his.

Yeah, I totally changed since I quit.. NOT!!! I learned a few thing about online people thou. I'm still the same when it comes to finding cheat codes for game. I have been doing that since Game Genie day. I'm not going to stop now because of people belly-aching over it. Play the game your way and I'll play mine. You don't see me pointing finger and flaming others. I expect the same thing from them no matter if they are legits or cheaters.

Dec 4, 2003, 01:29 AM
On 2003-12-03 22:19, dark_agenda wrote:
I'm not one to say I'm holy or anything, but I do understand the concept of making things exciting believe me... I've created some hacks and what not, one of my prides was a trainer I made for D2 actually and I'll admit that I got a feeling of exhiliration from doing it.

It's true that you learn a lot in the process of hacking a game, you learn a lot about the inner workings of the game, how things are stored, where they are stored, every little detail on how everything works. It truly is a great feeling... but when you do things like this, you have to take into consideration other people's feelings. If not every single person that plays PSO wants these codes to be released, then don't do it! In my honest opinion, you are just being selfish in releasing them anyway.

I see your point, but I also think that in this case, the information should be freely available to those who wish to try it. It doesn't work online so its not like someone can start up an armor code game for others to join. If someone chooses to use it, it doesn't really affect much, even online. As you well know, most everything that would be considered uber rare is already freely available. If the game were newer than I would support your stance, but at this point, its just a fun little thing to try.

Dec 4, 2003, 01:31 AM
Well that's true. I got bored with the game after a while, and if I knew even how to begin moding, I would likely have tried something like that offline in order to keep the excitement up for me. I would have more than liked to have caused all of Nol's lines in those quests to have been rants of cursing, instead of actual mission explanations.

After thinking on the matter a bit more, I figured that the armor shop code wasn't really going to hurt anything anyway. If anything, it will only allow players to get armors that ST has been too lazy to release after more than a year of the game being out.

It's the level 200 code that still bothers me, even if a high level means nothing anymore. I was all legit until I hit level 200, and then I figured I didn't care anymore. I had a lot more fun not being legit than I did being legit and leveling up two hundred times, so I'm not at all interested in partaking in the legit vs unlegit stupid ass war that rages on here constantly. I'm just a bit curiouse as to why Samus would release the codes for an online community that he left already. You know, it's all great that he's moved on and stuff, but leave the game the way it should be for the people still online. He's not there to see what is going on, which is a shame, because it was nice having him on a team sometimes.

The thing that I hate the most about this game are these high level legit players who unexplainably don't know how to play the game worth a damn, and these new players that hack themselves to a high level, are on my team, and again don't know how to play worth a damn. It's just like the towards the future quest. It's great experience, yes, but when I'm the only one that is ever surviving out of all the members of the team, I get a bit annoyed by it. But, as just about everyone would suggest, I usually just end up leaving when that starts happening.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2003-12-03 22:34 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 01:32 AM
all I want to say is have fun with it....

The only time I ever hack anything is for learning purposes only nowadays

I'm more interested in learning than the exhiliration of being the one who released a code first

Dec 4, 2003, 01:37 AM
On 2003-12-03 22:23, scmfxt wrote:

On 2003-12-03 21:45, trypticon wrote:
Now you are saying that you are purposely releasing the shop code?

Nope.. I planned to release the item code sometime after PSO3 is released in the US but Soul released the code for PSO version 1.1. So, I released version 1.0 after his.

Yeah, I totally changed since I quit.. NOT!!! I learned a few thing about online people thou. I'm still the same when it comes to finding cheat codes for game. I have been doing that since Game Genie day. I'm not going to stop now because of people belly-aching over it. Play the game your way and I'll play mine. You don't see me pointing finger and flaming others. I expect the same thing from them no matter if they are legits or cheaters.

That's cool. I'm glad to read that you haven't changed at all. You need to get back online man, everyone who remembers you on there misses you.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2003-12-03 22:38 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 05:50 AM
On 2003-12-02 10:36, VioletSkye wrote:
Ummm I don't know if you realize this or not, but my post wasn't directed at you. Not sure why you felt it neccessary to analyze it point by point LOL. My opinion stands and what I wrote stands and I believe it to be true. If you disagree, then so be it, thats your right, but you made it sound like it was a personal afront to you which it clearly wasn't.

I knew it wasn't directed at me. I'm not even sure it was directed at anyone in particular. Still I saw what I thought of as a flaw in your reasoning and felt compulsed to respond. One of the habits of which I'm not sure whether to call good or bad. (Just like my habit of writing lengthy posts. <grin>)
Indeed I disagree, and indeed so be it. I didn't take it as a personal affront, although I may have gotten a little carried away here and there. I get that when using personal experiences as examples...

I FIRMLY believe that the ONLY opinion that matters should be your own. Its a game for Christ's sake so who cares? If namecalling hurts your poor little feelings then you need to work on toughening up a bit. It can be a rough world out there and a little kid bothering your online experience should be the least of your worries. Sorry but you get no sympathy from me other than to say that in a better world, people would show more respect for others.

Sorry to hear about your "stalker" but personally I wouldn't hide in locked games because some pinhead had nothing better to do than follow me around.

Not asking for sympathy, just giving my opinion, just like you.
Namecalling by itself means nothing to me, but having all normal conversation made impossible for 10 minutes straigh by it does. Being almost unable to see what is going on (with my good hardworking teammates, and the monsters trying to kick my ass...) because of all the hate-bubbles on my screen also severely pisses me off and makes me move to locked games.
And if I were religious, I would be praying for that better world...

As for the level 1300 mags, I agree with you. I am soooooo tired of seeing them all over the place now. But I don't make a snap judgment that the person is a total noob or can't play the game without it. I've taken the time to speak to a few of them and they turned out to be PSO veterans who did know the game but were having fun (albeit obnoxiously) running around with the hacked mags mainly to see what kinds of comments they got. I won't argue that many of them are just lazy and aren't willing to take the time to enjoy the game and level, thats pretty apparent.

I don't make snap judgements either. But after having several nights with annoying incompetent dupids, I really got synical of anyone with such moronic behavior, including the use of hacks... If it were only the veterans messing about it wouldn't be a problem.
Plus, last night I was in a good mood and played with a lvl1300 Pushan user. He talked like a humble newby, (note that I am using the old, more polite term here) and politely asked for help. And despite his self-declared newby-ness he could hold his own in battle. We actualy had a pretty fun game.
I noticed I take pleasure in playing with ppl that show good skills. Preferably skills better than mine, for wich I often recieve praise, even though I don't think I'm that good.
And I can get pretty bored (= fun gone) when all I am doing is healing incompetent teammates without getting a chance to even fire a single shot myself. Sadly, incompetence and hacks often go together, and often go paired with an unjustified big mouth attitude.

As for the proliferation of newly acquired level 200's, I absolutely can understand your frustration over being called a cheater by people who don't know you. I already have said many, many times that the code now CHANGES EVERYTHING in regards to what will be deemed legit. I am working on a legit char myself that I would like to see hit 200, but I also know that will mean accusations from hoards of onliners calling me a cheater. I guess the difference is, I truly don't care whereas you seem to. I don't need to accomplish anything gamewise to garner respect, I can do that IRL also where it actually matters. I couldn't care less about online esteem from my peers, meh.

I don't really care what ppl think of me either. But if their behavior towards me is such that it becomes a bother, I do definitely care about that. And that's the whole point here...

Again, my previous post was not about you so I'm not sure why the defensive posturing took place, however as I said before I stand by my post. You say you don't make snap judgments, yet you jumped at my post (which had nothing to do with you) and proceeded to go off on each little point posthaste.

If my post struck you as defensive, I am sorry. Just like I don't think of yours as offensive, mine wasn't meant as defensive. I was merely showing my view, in which there were some holes in yours. Ofcourse, these are my holes, not yours.

BTW WTF are you all doing that your games get "ruined" so damn easily? I have been playing online a bit more recently and in all that time I have yet to have my game "ruined". Of the people that join my games, obviously I like some better than others, but noone had resorted to namecalling or being obnoxious while we play. I asked a few other online friends if their games get "ruined" often and they said no. So why is it the EXACT same people complain about ruined games post after post? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with YOUR attitude could it? No....couldn't be LOL http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I think I already gave the answer to the question how my games can be ruined. You are lucky not to have had any games ruined like I have and I hope it will remain that way for you. And I do care for my attitude. I try to be nice, and that often works. But when someone ruins things for me, I get pissed and I complain.

Dec 4, 2003, 07:49 PM
On 2003-12-03 16:30, Zarana wrote:

On 2003-12-03 14:26, Sord wrote:
a lot of people talk about newbs using the code, but what about verterans that have played all the way through and they want to start a new character but don't want to level them up. of course i'v never gotten to lv200 even though with the time i played the game i could have done it more than once, i'm just thickle when it comes to characters. any ways, this comment might already be posted, i only read the first few pages of this forum.

That's basically a case of a veteran earning respect and then totally blowing it, returning to the state of a novice. I'm sorry, but there's no train of thought that would lead to even an iota of respect for the people who use this code. Like I said earlier, it's idiot-only. A respected veteran can become as revered as an SSJ HUmar in the blink of an eye by using this to level.

okay, what you said brings another point up, respect. what if a verteran had no respect in the first place because he couldn't get online. now thanks to the post before mine that is way to long to qoute then edit i know that people are talking about verteran using the code. Now what about the people who are offline, noobs or not?

Dec 5, 2003, 02:45 AM
People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices. They don't know how to function in a team environment, and there's no worse teammate than someone who plays like they're by themselves offline.

There are two sides of the game, playing solo and playing in a team. If you're not good at both, you're still a beginner.

Dec 5, 2003, 02:58 AM
I may get flamed for this, but in my opinion, who cares about the code coming to light?! Codes like this come up all the time for other games. I remember when I got codes for 52000+ AP after every battle on FFVII, I was excited at first, used it a few times, and only used it after I built up everything legit. No one forced me to use the code, and I didn't ruin anyone's experience with it when I finally did use the code.
I myself won't use the code if I manage to get my hands on it and an AR (unless I was just curious and used it offline to see what happens) and if others can do so and do, it's their file, let them play how they want to. If this will get some people who've been bored with the game back into it, that's cool. annoying n00bs aren't that bad. When I first talked with my gf I thought she was an annoying little n00b...*shifts eyes* I hope she isn't reading this... I haven't played online yet, but will soon, and I'm not gonna let something like this ruin my experience, and other people shouldn't either. And people have a choice on wether or not to use this code when it finally is perfected.
So my stance on the code is netural. Personally I respect those that can go into a game's code and find stuff like that and find it fasinating when one can mess around with certain aspects of a game or program. Heck, I spent three hours messing around with the music track code for Castlevania S.O.T.N. But at the same time, I do feel as if levels are something to be gained legit if you have the time. I admit to using dupes off a memory card a friend (and vivid offline PSOer) has and it didn't ruin the experience for me one bit, it made actually want to get those rares. And when I did get it on my own, it was quite rewarding. Anywho...I've sounded my opinion, I'll get off the soapbox now.
~Ronin out~ <(@.@<)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AngelofVNVNation on 2003-12-05 00:04 ]</font>

Dec 5, 2003, 04:26 PM
On 2003-12-04 23:45, Zarana wrote:
People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices. They don't know how to function in a team environment, and there's no worse teammate than someone who plays like they're by themselves offline.

There are two sides of the game, playing solo and playing in a team. If you're not good at both, you're still a beginner.

your wrong, and once again i challende you with another statement. what about those who play multiplayer offline. it's no diffrent really, except the games faster. even though you could always play online, you can always play offline to. Unless your some hick in the middle of no where (and from your type you are, i wonder if you got kicked out of a bigger town for being a snot...oh well i don't care)either way, you don't need an online cable to play multiplayer, and in realty respect is worthless. it's not going to get you anywhere in life. there are people that hate the president but vote for him because they prefer what he wants to do with the government, and second, respect is just a feeling, a group of chemicals released in your brain so that you feel and think in a certain way. so what about people who play offline multiplayer, and just for more info, some towns have areas where up to 50 people can meet and play what they want (there called LAN parties if you don't know) and yes they do make them for gamcube, you just have to use your memory card and go from system to system and play with the people you want. So what's your awnser in this debate. It's kind of fun arguing about this. Oh well, your turn.

Dec 5, 2003, 05:18 PM
On 2003-12-05 13:26, Sord wrote:

On 2003-12-04 23:45, Zarana wrote:
People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices. They don't know how to function in a team environment, and there's no worse teammate than someone who plays like they're by themselves offline.

There are two sides of the game, playing solo and playing in a team. If you're not good at both, you're still a beginner.

your wrong, and once again i challende you with another statement. what about those who play multiplayer offline. it's no diffrent really, except the games faster. even though you could always play online, you can always play offline to. Unless your some hick in the middle of no where (and from your type you are, i wonder if you got kicked out of a bigger town for being a snot...oh well i don't care)

Didn't you even read her post? She said, "People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices." If you play offline multiplayer, you're not going to be unfamiliar with paying in a team environment. If you're going to go off and accuse her of "being kicked out of a larger town for being a snot," at least try and comprehend what she wrote beforehand.

Dec 5, 2003, 06:26 PM
Yes, what Aurra said. I stated in the very first sentence of my post basically the same thing you did about multiplayer, only not so long-winded. There's no argument to be made, since you basically agree with me.

Your turn. ... Oh wait, no, never mind. It's actually over, because I was right initially and you agreed with me. Whoops on your behalf, huh? Hahaha!

Also, in youre ever-so-witty little "insult" about me being a small-town hick, make up your mind. Small-town hicks grow up in their town and become that way, yet you accuse me of leaving a bigger town to be there. Which is it? Or are you just opening your mouth before you comprehend exactly what you're saying? I'm leaning towards the latter, but let's see if you can't clear it up for me.

Oh, and before you reply without reading my post again, let me refute your future argument right now--you're full of it. An argument basically consists of reading your opponent's points and responding to them, not glancing over the post, assuming you know what they said, and making things up.

But I'm glad you agree with me about multiplayer. Good day.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zarana on 2003-12-05 15:34 ]</font>

Dec 6, 2003, 03:52 PM
i know where peeps can get the code
however i would let pmers ask me where if it iz allright wit the rules

Dec 6, 2003, 10:33 PM
I don't care about this code. I ust to be on DC and their were codes out like crazy. I ust to seeing codes and seeing people cheat like crazy. At least their no PK code or any other bad code. I think anybody who use this code to just to get to lv200,but they are not a verteran or a expert at this game is a noob. At least it is not bad as DC.

Dec 7, 2003, 11:34 PM
On 2003-12-05 15:26, Zarana wrote:
Yes, what Aurra said. I stated in the very first sentence of my post basically the same thing you did about multiplayer, only not so long-winded. There's no argument to be made, since you basically agree with me.

Your turn. ... Oh wait, no, never mind. It's actually over, because I was right initially and you agreed with me. Whoops on your behalf, huh? Hahaha!

Also, in youre ever-so-witty little "insult" about me being a small-town hick, make up your mind. Small-town hicks grow up in their town and become that way, yet you accuse me of leaving a bigger town to be there. Which is it? Or are you just opening your mouth before you comprehend exactly what you're saying? I'm leaning towards the latter, but let's see if you can't clear it up for me.

Oh, and before you reply without reading my post again, let me refute your future argument right now--you're full of it. An argument basically consists of reading your opponent's points and responding to them, not glancing over the post, assuming you know what they said, and making things up.

But I'm glad you agree with me about multiplayer. Good day.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zarana on 2003-12-05 15:34 ]</font>

Your right that i agreed with you (in a way), but your wrong in the fact that i scanned your post. I read it over several times. The way I understood it you ment extensive online multiplayer and not offline multiplayer, apprently i was wrong. And you can't get on my case about using comas because the way you wrote it, "People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices." the part, "don't play mutltiplayer extenisivly" can be interpreted as an afterthought concerning people offline. But you made a reading mistake to. When i said "Unless your some hick in the middle of no where (and from your type you are, i wonder if you got kicked out of a bigger town for being a snot...oh well i don't care)," i never said you acted like a hick or grew up in a hick town, i meant you lived in a hick town because you where kicked out of the city for being rude to an uneeded degree, and since they won't have a LAN center in a hick towns and places are so spread apart it's rediculous to go from one house to another. So to make it more clear for you I meant. Two other things, one, you're just as full of it, two, you never responded to a key point i made, respect is worthless, and if verterans are respected more then n00bs, or in your asumption a verteran as low as a n00b, so what. Just because the verterans have more respect doesn't mean the n00bs get kicked offline. So if this is all about respect as you made it out to be, then what's the point of doing it or not. (Reading back, ever since this argument, you have never made a statement about cheating ruining the fun, just ruining respeect, so you cannot give that as a good awnser to this post) So this debate is still on. I'v explained my mistakes and why i made my mistakes. Now it's your turn to talk about the respect part, since this entire time the whole debate was about having respect based how you play a game.

p.s. just on the off key you diss me about spelling to go along with how i didn't understand your post right. I'll already admit that there are probably spelling mistakes in this post.

Jan 5, 2004, 07:40 PM
does the lv 200 cheat mess up ur game?

Jan 5, 2004, 10:38 PM
On 2003-12-04 23:45, Zarana wrote:
People offline, who don't play multiplayer extensively, definitely are novices. They don't know how to function in a team environment, and there's no worse teammate than someone who plays like they're by themselves offline.

There are two sides of the game, playing solo and playing in a team. If you're not good at both, you're still a beginner.

Those be harsh words, Zarana. Not everyone who plays strictly offline are novices. Take my friend for example: He can't get online, but he is still lvl 184, and can whoop darn near anyone's ass who challenges him. Don't go assuming something that you do not fully understand.

On a different note: Cheating should be left up to the matter at hand. The person playing should look inside their heart and decide whether or not they want to take the entirity of the game by cheating. Me, personally, I make it a rule not to AR until the game has been 100% complete. For me, the reason for cheating is just to get MORE out of the game, adding replay value. If you can't live with cheaters, you best move to another planet. As long as there are non-cheaters, there will be cheaters. There is no Ying without Yang, there is no good, without evil.

Jan 6, 2004, 02:23 AM
OK now this is nothing new! For those who (like me)got an AR and began looking for PSO codes would know that this code was one of the first to be out! About a month after AR was releases probly. The only problem was you could only kill sertian monsters and others would kill you instantly or others you just couldn't get close enough to attack. Now you can kill almost everything with this code and get LV 200 EXP! There are others that might make all you other Legit and non-cheaters mad! Like: LV200 in C-Mod, Last C-Mod stage, Buy rares at the Armor shop and Weapon shop, Heat Sword Quest for Offline and in Offline Multi-Mod, Online EXP and enemy stats offline, more enemies Offline + you can go back to town after fighting Olga Flow and Dark Falz, play as NCP's, Christmas/ Holloween/ Easter Mod Offline and my favorite buy the Entire Ring Set all Colors from the Armor shop! They are trying to make more all the time! So get over it they are here to stay. The cheaters and hackers on all verson will keep doing this no matter what happens and they will keep making more codes for AR. All I can tell you is just try and play the way you want! So if you don't want to cheat don't! And if you want to cheat go ahead! The door does swing both ways and there is nothing Sonic Team or Nintendo can do to stop cheating! Besides from banning everyone with dupes or hacked items which about 2/3 of Online people do(I guess).

Jan 6, 2004, 02:26 AM
On 2004-01-05 16:40, BAMGUY wrote:
does the lv 200 cheat mess up ur game?

No it doesn't! Your game goes on like normal! Bu if you do use the LV200 take it off after you have gotten your characters to LV200 or else you wont find it fun to play that way.

Jan 16, 2004, 12:02 AM
I used to play the DC v1, and when i started playing online it was fun. Then one day BAM i got noled, i was like "what the heck!". so i make a new char, a few days later i get noled agian. so i made another new cher then enter a room with 1guy in it we talk, the he says "your cool i won't nol you." i didn't know he could. i didn't play online a few days for fear of of getting noled, and as far as this lv 200 cheat gos soo what let cheaters have there fun and try to annoy you. as long as nothing like noling happens agian.

Jun 21, 2004, 07:39 PM
o_0 I would think/hope they would have enough DFP/EVP to be Barble-proof by 200.

Eh. I don't really see how this'll change the game much. More numbers by your name, big whoop~

All you gotta do is the max stats glitch (I Have personally tested it and it works) and the lvl 200 AR code and bam You got lvl 200 and max stats. Then beat a couple levels and get a rare item...... and people will think your an authentic lvl 200.[center]

Jun 21, 2004, 07:51 PM
On 2004-06-21 17:39, LostSage540 wrote:

o_0 I would think/hope they would have enough DFP/EVP to be Barble-proof by 200.

Eh. I don't really see how this'll change the game much. More numbers by your name, big whoop~

All you gotta do is the max stats glitch (I Have personally tested it and it works) and the lvl 200 AR code and bam You got lvl 200 and max stats. Then beat a couple levels and get a rare item...... and people will think your an authentic lvl 200.[center]

BS Anyone who is legit knows who else in the game has a legit 200 character. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif So you'll be fooling no one except spamming 10 y/o. Enjoy! And why is this topic from 8 months ago bumped? @@

Jun 21, 2004, 08:46 PM
Siris Speaks thy truth. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jun 22, 2004, 12:34 AM
On 2004-06-21 17:51, Siris wrote:

On 2004-06-21 17:39, LostSage540 wrote:

All you gotta do is the max stats glitch (I Have personally tested it and it works) and the lvl 200 AR code and bam You got lvl 200 and max stats. Then beat a couple levels and get a rare item...... and people will think your an authentic lvl 200.[center]

BS Anyone who is legit knows who else in the game has a legit 200 character. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif So you'll be fooling no one except spamming 10 y/o. Enjoy! And why is this topic from 8 months ago bumped? @@

Actually, I know a guy who's been fooling people into beliving he was a legit 200. It's rather funny. I watched him running around in a legit game with 2 legit people, a 4th person stepped in and was accused for cheating when he had a Pink Sato.

If they know how to use the character and have played for a long enough time to have some skill, it's actually difficult to tell.

Why was this topic bumped?

Jun 22, 2004, 02:38 AM
And this was bumped because why now?