View Full Version : FanFic: The Growl From The Digital Haze

Nov 30, 2003, 03:09 AM
Heh, this is my first ever PSO fanfic. I'm going to do a series, about my PSO chars fighting all the various bosses. I started with Gol Dragon..becase http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Oh, and this is the intro chapter, the 2nd one has the actual fight in it. A little corny, but eh. Enjoy. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
The Growl From The Digital Haze

Chapter 1: Introduction
Panting slightly, Shade leaned against the railing. He looked up into the sky, a endlessly dark blue sky. His eyes moved from the sky to the massive city in the distance.
"Heh. Hard to believe that all of this?is all just a fantasy" he said, pushing his sandy blonde hair away from his eyes. "Eihwaz, could ya spare me a Trifluid" That last room really took it out of me?"
The tall HUmar smiled, and deactivated his weapon, a Demolition Comet. Soundlessly, countless purple photon blades receded into the tips of the staff-like weapon. He buckled it to his belt, and pulled out a Trifluid health pack and waved it in front of Shade's face.
"That'll be 3600 meseta, my dear Newman." Eihwaz the HUmar chuckled.
"Oh really?" muttered Shade, conjuring a large fireball in his palm.
"Hehe...here's your Trifluid sir!" Eihwaz muttered sheepishly.
Shade opened the health pack, and drank it in 2 large gulps. He felt his magical strength restoring itself to full power.
"Eihwaz, where are Arc and Cassandra? Shouldn't they be here by now?" Shade said, a touch of worry in his voice.
"Ah, they took the other path, right? They should be here any moment now...ah! Here they are!" Eihwaz shouted. "What took you guys so long?"
From the large mechanical door emerged 2 more people. The first was a tall man wearing black and red robes. His short auburn hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, and his blue eyes glinted under his square glasses. The edges of his black robes were covered with mysterious runes. The glove on his left hand had a large runic circle etched on it. He was holding a huge scythe, a terrifying weapon known as the "Soul Banish". This was Arc.
Cassandra was behind him. She was much shorter, being a Newman. Her short hair, dyed light purple, had a wind-swept look about it. Her high black leather boots, and white mesh-backed shirt gave her the look of a someone who could take care of herself. However, her dark brown face was wearing a warm smile, and her deep brown eyes were sparkling with happiness of seeing her other friends. Her weapon, a set of gauntlet-like claws with Laconium blades (known as the Heart of Poumn), was as though asleep, the vicious blades folded behind her arms.
Arc bowed, sweeping his arm elegantly. "So sorry we took so long, my friends. The cause of our delay were those damned..." Arc began.
"Chaos Sorcerers!" Cassandra yelped, with a huge smile on her face. "Newman telepathy comes in handy, right Shade?" she said, winking at Shade, who happened to be a FOnewm. He returned the wink.
Arc had a blank look on his face. "Erm...right. Well, according to Elly, our 'operator'," he said with a touch of disdain ?we are at the warp to 'Spaceship Final'. I can only hope that some sort of huge, deformed monster is ready to savage us." He said dryly. He sheathed his Soul Banish, and pulled out an odd looking gun. It was silvery white in color, covered with artistic markings. "A few shots of my Holy Ray should suffice, right? Oh, and before we go..." He began to chant under his breath. Suddenly, a red aura engulfed all four of them. Followed swiftly by a blue aura. "Heh, Shifta and Deband never hurt either, right?"
"Right!" the others yelled simultaneously.
Eihwaz readied his Demolition Comet, Shade pulled out a rather cliche spell book, the Prophets of Motav. The sharp blades of the Heart of Poumn unfolded, and a white light began to emanate from Arc's Holy Ray.
The four of them stepped into the glowing warp...

EDIT: WTF is up with the quote marks and commas?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2003-11-30 00:13 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 04:17 PM
All your " and ' are belong to US! Mwuhahahaha!

Um, it's the MS Word evilness. BOYCOTT MS WORD, AND YOUR ' AND " SHALL BE SAVED! (it's the Smart Quotes things.)

Well, interesting idea you have here, definately. Unfortunately, eight boss scenes might get a little monotonous... You might want to lower that number and consider some other situations, or plots...

Wanting to see how they stomp Goly! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 30, 2003, 07:58 PM
Oh, heh, thanks. And now, part 2! The actual battle!
2: The Legend Lives
They materialized in a massive hall. The entire room was like one huge computer. Countless monitors, flashing equations and diagrams faster than the eye could see, the very floor was a screen, divided into thousands of blue hexagons. Directly in front of them was a gigantic video screen. It took up a fourth of the wall. “Look!” Cassandra screamed shrilly.
The screen had turned on, and some sort of tunnel had appeared. Out of this digital tunnel, a massive shape was coming forward. It took up the whole screen…and then it leapt out of the screen. A huge, spiny, dragon landed with a climatic smash. It’s head had a large fin-like appendage. It’s whole body spiky, gray and yellow body sparked with electricity.

This was Gol Dragon…the growl from the digital haze.

Without missing a beat, the four Hunters dashed around the monstrosity, who was now stomping around the battlefield. Eihwaz and Cassandra viciously attacked his legs, shredding them with their sharp blades. Shade grinned insanely before pulling bright yellow goggles over his eyes. He began shooting massive, arching bolts of thunder from his hand. “HEY! It’s a computer program right? Electricity should weaken it! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!” he screamed joyfully.
With no emotion on his face, Arc too careful aim with his Holy Ray. He began firing bright blue, lance-like bolts of energy into Gol Dragon’s hide. Between the shots, he shot speeding blasts of lightning from his hand. They sparked wildly through the air, dancing all around the beast. But suddenly, with a deep noise, the beast phased out of sight…and reappeared several yards away from the fighters.
The beast roared in fury, spread his thorny wings, and took flight. The beast began to spin wildly in midair, shooting bolts of thunder, streams of fire, and blizzards of ice upon all four of them. Eihwaz and Arc were both wounded, but Shade healed them with the magic of Resta.
The beast landed with an almighty thud. There was a screeching ripping sound…and another beast just walked out of Gol Dragon.
“WHAT? IT CLONED ITSELF?!?” Eihwaz screamed, enraged. “ATTACK!!”
The beasts stood face to face…before one spouted fire, the other ice, from it’s mouth. All four of them were burned and frozen almost immediately. All of them attacked one of them…and it suddenly phased out of reality.
“GUYS! THAT’S THE REAL DRAGON! ATTACK NOW!” Cassandra screamed, charging forward. The others followed her. One final slash of her Heart of Poumn, one final shot of Arc’s Holy Ray, one final slash from the Demolition Comet, and one final bolt of Razonde from Shade ended the dragon’s life. With one final, ear-splitting roar, the beast collapsed, and faded away.
Shade and Cassandra closed their eyes. Suddenly, both of them felt stronger, smarter, faster.
Arc grinned. “Haha, leveled up, did you? Nice.” Eihwaz smiled and scratched the back of his head. “Come on, we gotta get back to the lab…”

With that, the four of them stepped into the warp, and vanished.

Nov 30, 2003, 08:03 PM
Well, that was fast, and in my opinion, much too fast.

It was short, something you might want to work on, and maybe too easy. Have you checked out Kafka's guide to Fight Scenes? That might help you.

It was a good attempt, but you still need some improvement. Keep trying though!

Here's the link:


Hope it helps! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 30, 2003, 08:20 PM
yeah, it was very fast. i second the motion that quantum says, read my guide, and that should help you out there.

good detail and all, but lacking quite a bit in the plot department (although this kinda thing is hard to tie in with a plot) but the quality factor is there, you're showing potential, all you have to do is refine and keep trying http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 30, 2003, 08:35 PM
Not bad but the other guys were right. Fights was rather fast.

And the name Arc? Good choice. I say that because I created a character in my fic named Arc and its kinda neat to know someone else is using it, too.

This post is rated AR for Arc Rules

Nov 30, 2003, 09:18 PM
On 2003-11-30 17:35, Skett wrote:
Not bad but the other guys were right. Fights was rather fast.

And the name Arc? Good choice. I say that because I created a character in my fic named Arc and its kinda neat to know someone else is using it, too.

This post is rated AR for Arc Rules

XD Heh, you may have already checked my profile (yeah right http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif) but these characters are my own characters...With a few differences...

Cassandra doesn't have a HoP, nor can she use one...yet
Arc is my FOmar, got Yellowboze, etc
Also, I don't have a Soul Banish YET, and Arc can't use either Holy Ray or Soul Banish...yet. I do have the Holy Ray, at least.

Um, okay. Maybe the fight would be better if it only includes 2 of the chars? Maybe Matt/Eihwaz and Shade? Or maybe both the Newmans?

EDIT: Okay, I'm going to try writing it with just one character...and if that's too boring, I'll try 2 characters. Off I go. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2003-11-30 18:22 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 09:25 PM
no, keep all of the characters there, but make the fights last longer. you don't have to base your fic on how the game would actually go. if you make it so that, gol dragon is powerful period, instead of: oh, he's only in Vhard mode. type deal. a fight with a dragon is going to take awile. also, you aren't stuck to the things attack patterns. it could have started off with the mirror image instead of coming down and spinning and the rest. this is YOUR fic, make it your own, not just a cookie-cutter world with a sideplot.

Nov 30, 2003, 09:36 PM
On 2003-11-30 18:25, KaFKa wrote:
no, keep all of the characters there, but make the fights last longer. you don't have to base your fic on how the game would actually go. if you make it so that, gol dragon is powerful period, instead of: oh, he's only in Vhard mode. type deal. a fight with a dragon is going to take awile. also, you aren't stuck to the things attack patterns. it could have started off with the mirror image instead of coming down and spinning and the rest. this is YOUR fic, make it your own, not just a cookie-cutter world with a sideplot.

Hmm, okay. You're right, of course. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I'll throw in some major injuries, Reverser usage, more freaky stuff from the Dragon, and a few other twists.

Nov 30, 2003, 10:37 PM
Okay, here it is, the uncut, uncensored much longer and more violent Chapter 2 of Growl from the Digital Haze. Enjoy, and tell me if it's better/worse than the first one.

Chapter 2: The Legend Lives
The four warriors landed with weapons ready. Shade pulled his bright yellow goggles over his eyes. The whole room was like one huge computer. In front of them was a huge screen, with some sort of tunnel depicted on it.
"Look!" Cassandra screamed, pointing at the screen. "There's something coming through!"
Indeed, a huge spiky shape was coming through. It was coming closer and closer?and then, it flew right through the screen. It flapped it?s thorny wings twice, and landed with a climatic smash. It howled in fury.

This was the Gol Dragon of legend?the growl from the digital haze.

Immediately, the four were upon the beast. Eihwaz charged forward, slashing Gol Dragon?s legs with vicious slashes of his Demolition Comet, black blood and chunks of scales flying. Cassandra took great swipes at the beast's wing, mauling the taught skin and sinuous muscle. Meanwhile, Shade, laughing insanely, shoot bolt after bolt of Razonde into the beast's chest. The skin there was smoldering, and the flesh was cooking with a sizzling and a putrid smell. Arc interspaced shots of his Holy Ray to the beast's chest with Gizonde bolts which further fried the flesh of the dragon.

Suddenly, the beast simply disappeared, phased out of reality.
"What happened?" Shade asked. "It just went...POOF! Maybe we killed it?"
"I don't think so! LOOK!" Eihwaz yelled.

The beast had reappeared. Rather, two Gol Dragons. One at the north of the arena, and the other at the south.
Quickly, Eihwaz took charge. "Cassandra, Shade! Attack the north one. Arc, you and I will take the south one. GO!"

The Newmen continued their attack on the southern "dragon?", whilst the Humans went to the North one. Suddenly, the beast turned towards Arc and blasted him with icy breath. A huge crystal of ice engulfed him. Then the beast smashed him full in the chest. The others heard the sickening snap of breaking bones. Arc flew gracefully through the air, landing with a horrible crunch.

"ARC!" Shade screamed. Behind his goggles, his blue eyes were sparked with tears, like ice.
An enraged grimace covered the normally grinning FOnewm.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, YOU BASTARD!" he screamed, tears now running openly down his face. He summoned all the magical power he had, and a blazing tempest of thunder surrounded the Newman.

"DIE BASTARD DRAGON!" The whole raging storm raced directly at Gol Dragon's heart. So powerful this bolt was, it dimmed the rest of the entire room. With a resounding snap of thunder, the bolt connected. In a massive explosion, the dragon's chest was fried. Huge bloody chunks of flesh splattered high into the air. A fine spray of blood covered Shade, giving him a slightly demonic look.

Silently, he marched over to Arc's crushed body. Several ribs were poking through the chest plate of his elegant black robes. Blood squirted from the numerous injuries.

He collapsed to his knees, and began chanting, holding his hands over the mangled body of Arc. A white light began to shine from his hand, beaming down on Arc. Suddenly, the worse of the wounds began to heal. The bones slowly retracted into Arc?s chest, and the gushing blood began to flow more slowly...but if Shade didn't finish soon, Arc would be permanently dead.

He choked back a sob, and placed his hands directly on Arc's chest. With a blinding flash, the wounds were healed. Arc was still wounded, pretty badly, but he would survive. He was still unconscious, of course.

Heh...my friend. I thought I had lost you this time. We've been friends since we joined the Hunter. Guild...

Eihwaz stepped forward, and hefted Arc's limp body over his shoulder. "Good job with Reverser just now, Shade. You really did save Arc's life." he said seriously.

"Oh Shade! GET OVER HERE!" Cassandra said, leaping at Shade and showering his face with kisses. Suddenly, she jumped back. "Yuck, all that blood. PTOOO!"

Shade smirked. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!" He leapt at her, and hugged her. She smiled viciously, before slapping him across the face.
"BAD SHADE! BAD! No touching!" she said.

"Come on, you lovebirds! We gotta get back to Pioneer 2 before Arc kinda dies on us?? Eihwaz said exasperatedly. "Sheesh..."

And with that, the 3 of them (Eihwaz carrying Arc) head over to the glowing warp...

EDIT: Apparently, "all your ", ', and ... are belong to us!!1" >_< Also, I have nothing against FOmars! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2003-11-30 19:44 ]</font>

Nov 30, 2003, 10:51 PM
...well, thats a little better, but kinda redundant. im unsure what to say...

Nov 30, 2003, 10:56 PM
On 2003-11-30 19:51, KaFKa wrote:
...well, thats a little better, but kinda redundant. im unsure what to say...

Um, what do you mean "redundant"? It doesn't feature the same attack over and over...please explain.

Nov 30, 2003, 11:23 PM
...its kinda the whole "gore" thing. yes, the graphicness is good, but like i said in the guide, too much can be a bad thing. you halfway romanticized the gore. i think that you also missed the other points: where is the reason? where is the detail past the blood n' gutz? where is the technique? i don't see anything other than more violence and less of everything else in it. ...read chapter 9 of my fic, im sure it would be a decent example of how to do a battle. im not being conceded or anything, but its just the best example i can think of at the moment...

Dec 1, 2003, 12:29 AM
O.O By golly, I think you are right...too much gore...>.>

Hmm, I need some sort of reason for them fighting the Gol Dragon, then, right? But which reason to choose? Revenge? Pride? Honor? The list goes on and on and on...