View Full Version : Famous cheaters

Dec 2, 2003, 01:26 PM
I have been hearing alot of stuff about some pso characters alot and want to know why there are some people that seem to be very popular despite low levels and the fact that they hack or dupe.

Dec 2, 2003, 01:39 PM
well, if they hack or dupe, then they are prolli popular with the n00b crowd

I know someone that dupes, he gave out his card to a bunch of n00bs and they won't stop bugging him!

Dec 2, 2003, 02:06 PM
Er....hackers aren't really n00b friendly. I've been playing for a long time, and I'm still not in that inner circle... meh.

Dec 2, 2003, 05:30 PM
I think he's talking about people like Baru or SNK.

Basically, people get famous on PSO by doing something contraversial or interesting. Baru is like the father of all PSO cheating, SNK was one of the first players to lv200, and now sits in lobbies afk for days on end, etc. Ya can't get on the news for not doing anything http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 2, 2003, 05:46 PM
Aurra is correct. People talk about Baru a lot because he is the best hacker on pso. But even though he/she? is hacking the game, if you look at his posts, he has done nothing but give helpful info to this site. You may have heard of Fonewkiller, a Forest battler that is a Humar with 30 Shifta, Deband, Grants, and Megid. He is a bit vicious in battles. Also another reason that you might hear these names a lot is because they hang out in popular ships/places like antares or deneb. (except for Baru who is rarely seen)

Dec 2, 2003, 06:45 PM
one guy i particularly want to know about someone named dark link

Dec 2, 2003, 09:22 PM
Dark Link quit.

Dec 3, 2003, 03:58 AM
Riu's friend Hayato (who killed himself) would've been famous hadn't been for that red ring shit.

Dec 3, 2003, 09:39 AM
Why did he kill himself?

Dec 3, 2003, 10:11 AM
Sadness of Del was very popular in the DC times, he helped Baru alot, with aqua double sabers, and weird stuff like that. I played with him quite a few times, he's one of the nicest people I have ever met.

Dec 3, 2003, 03:53 PM
SNK was one of the first players to lv200, and now sits in lobbies afk for days on end, etc. Ya can't get on the news for not doing anything http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Aww Dammit and here I as hoping I got popular for my charming personality. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 3, 2003, 05:26 PM
Puppy Del I remember him http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 4, 2003, 02:17 AM
Dark Link wasn't no famous hacker lmao. Omg I can't believe I just heard that. I had him one day in a lobby Fsoding people. I challanged him to FSOD me and he could never do it.

I would... nope... nothing happened. He's a loser.

Ever play PC PSO? If you gave me crap on there I would corrupt your char on the spot lobby or not. You can crash the program for everyone in the lobby also. It's easy.

On DC PSO I used to go around and PK people. Remember Miranda7? That block was always full of open games until Elder Shina` or Ringo Shina` came along and noled EVERYBODY IN EVERY UNLOCKED GAME until they finally stoped making unlocked games there.

Forget Dark Link, he couldn't even touch me. xD

Do note... I'm not that mean anymore http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Now I'm the leader of NVeX (which is in the team center if you're interested) http://www.neovex.alturl.com ANYWAY... I'm a nice girl now n.n

You think Dark Link is a good hacker... Geeze that makes me look goooood. All I've done is help contribute Hacked Max, Ver2 S-Ranks, and music disks... I thought I was a weak hacker xD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shina on 2003-12-03 23:23 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 04:26 AM
This thread should be locked.

None of these shameful fools deserve any recognition at all save for a kick in the nuts.

Dec 4, 2003, 06:07 AM
I won't even dignify any of you with a sensible response.
Especialy that BZZZZZTTT Shina BZZZZTTT butthole that seems oh so proud BZZZZTTTT of ruining the game BZZZTTTT for ppl on DC....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Superguppie on 2003-12-04 03:09 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 08:48 AM
On 2003-12-04 01:26, ADE wrote:
This thread should be locked.

None of these shameful fools deserve any recognition at all save for a kick in the nuts.

*Kicks ADE in the nuts for the hell of it.

Dec 4, 2003, 09:33 AM
Might as well enjoy this thread while its here...
*also kicks ADE in the nuts, also just for the hell of it*

Dec 4, 2003, 12:13 PM
Ya know. I can be somewhat foriving of SNK. He uses dupes sure, but he doesn't try to be an asshole nor does he enjoy ruining what's important to others. Sorry for the all-encompassing kick at the start.

The rest of you still deserve a kick in the nuts. Seriously, you ruin other people's gaming experiences. Think about how much of an ass that makes you.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:21 PM
think about how much of an azz it makes you to run around the forums with your horrible case of diarrea of the mouth..


Dec 4, 2003, 12:24 PM
Think about how I wouldn't be doing this if you people didn't cheat FIRST. This is a reactionary statement.

I don't go looking for trouble, but when it finds me, I fight back.

Its really pathetic how I can point out how much you cheaters do wrong, and the only thing you can ever say back to me is "Shut up it's jsut a game."

Here's an idea, when you're proven dead wrong, YOU SHUT UP. If you respond you obviously care that I just owned you (which I do to you stupid cheaters on a regular basis). So if you don't care, just don't dignify me with a response. It will be wrong anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:52 PM
ok check this ade.. ima chill out on you for awhile.. your obviously overly stimulated by arguing about cheating.. i honestly believe you need to seek some friends or purchase a pet or something...

Second thing I want to say to you... I agree with quite a few of your views.. i just dont agree with how u handle them.. its not your job to run around and impose your opinion on others.. Just relax a little bit and have fun instead of starting arguments.. maybe this way people would respect you more and refrain from bashing you..

No more posts from me talking about your inability to shut your mouth ade.. its already well known by active forum users lol

Dec 4, 2003, 01:00 PM
Maybe arguing is my fun.

Or maybe my life sucks and this is the only contact with humans I have, you'll never know.

Either way, anything I ever argue about, I'm the one who's right, so it's my right to point that out.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:21 PM
ADE, chill. You cannot say you are right, therefore everyone who doesn't follow your evangelical lead is therefore wrong and basely evil. Everyone has opinions. You can say you think what you believe is right, but not that what you believe is right. That is an incredibly arrogant way to think, and considerign the vast fanbase this game has, and all the varieties of people, you just cannot do that. You cannot force your views upon other people because you think the way they life their life, and play their game, that they payed for is wrong.
This is taking this a step further, but in the past their were crusades to wipe out everyone who believed differently, as they were believed to be basely wrong. So chill ADE, its not a big deal. Its not difficult to find friends to play with, and if the only way you can enjoy PSO is to shit on other people, thats sad, and you have my pity.

ADE, if you want to continue this, do it by PM, I don't want to hijack this thread...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: L_evans on 2003-12-04 11:22 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 02:29 PM
ADE is nothing like this on the game. Although I've argued with him a lot on these boards, on PSO we are more or less friends. We've had ups and downs, but overall I would give him a positive rating.

It kind of bugs me to listen to his hyper legit schpiel on these boards, just like I'm sure it bugs him to listen to my apathy, but oh well. That's life.

This is not to say I'm defending him, because for the most part I disagree with his sentiments, but you're blind if you think he's nothing but a hyper legit zealot.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:31 PM
Actually, cheating in this game is wrong so I guess that makes ADE right. It's not an opinion.

You can have an opinion about if you think doing the wrong thing is OK, tho, but can't say cheating right. It's not up to you to decide what's right and wrong. It's already decided. It's up to you to choice whether to do right or wrong.

Some people argue in favor of relative right and wrong. What's wrong for you might be right for someone else. I don't believe in this, but even if you do the TOA that we all have to agree to to play specify what you can and cannot do. It says you cannot hack and you cannot copy game code in part or in whole (covering both piracy and item duping).

Dec 4, 2003, 02:40 PM
Actually, f00l, that's far from the truth. Cheating may be wrong, but ADE is playing judge, jury and executioner. Wrong or not, we're in no position to say exactly how wrong it is, or what the punishment should be. ADE at the very foundation is correct, you're right, but everything from there on out is just his opinion.

The Terms of Service don't cover vigilante justice, I'm afraid. There's nothing backing ADE in this besides his own desires. I think that people who get or give late-pregnancy abortions should be lined up and shot, but I don't try and justify this course of action because of the fact that late-pregnancy abortions are wrong. It's my own independant want, and if I had my way it would happen, but I've got no right whatsoever to go around broadcasting this execution as a case of me being "right no matter what, so shut up."

There's such a thing as being right without trying to capitalize on it. ADE takes a fundamental truth and runs too far with it. Just because you're in the right initially doesn't mean your subsequent actions will be.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zarana on 2003-12-04 11:45 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 02:53 PM
Zarana, I don't think ADE is a hyper legit zealot. Earlier in this thread he said he didn't hate SNK even though he duped, because SNK is a nice guy. All I am saying is that this is a game, play it how you will, and give the same right to others. Before you make the knee-jerk reaction that I am a TJ wielding hacker, I'm not. I am offline. I have no dupes, simply because I have no access or need for them. Why would I dupe? Even if I could get online, I wouldn't dupe. Why? Because I found it, and unless I am sure they found whatever I am trading for, I don't want it devalued by a hack. If it is a dupe, its the copy of something, its just as real. I don't care.

Dec 4, 2003, 05:30 PM
On 2003-12-02 14:46, Demonscale wrote:
Aurra is correct. People talk about Baru a lot because he is the best hacker on pso. But even though he/she? is hacking the game, if you look at his posts, he has done nothing but give helpful info to this site. You may have heard of Fonewkiller, a Forest battler that is a Humar with 30 Shifta, Deband, Grants, and Megid. He is a bit vicious in battles. Also another reason that you might hear these names a lot is because they hang out in popular ships/places like antares or deneb. (except for Baru who is rarely seen)

Actually, I heard that Barubary got showed up on Xbox PSO. Some of the hackers on Xbox PSO were doing things that she hadn't even thought of.

Dec 4, 2003, 05:37 PM
Celisse you are taking something that is purely black and white and adding grey to it: you can't do that.

Cheating is wrong by the ToS. If I say cheating is wrong, I am making a true statement. Your own perception will not change it.

The only reason you people tell me to shut up is becuase you cannot stand to hear that you're doing wrong.

Dec 4, 2003, 05:39 PM
Great, another 1337 legit trying to force his crap on us. Look, it's a game; there is no "right" or "worng". People play the way they want to play and if that means cheating then so be it.

Dec 4, 2003, 05:47 PM
On 2003-12-04 14:37, ADE wrote:
Celisse you are taking something that is purely black and white and adding grey to it: you can't do that.

Cheating is wrong by the ToS. If I say cheating is wrong, I am making a true statement. Your own perception will not change it.

The only reason you people tell me to shut up is becuase you cannot stand to hear that you're doing wrong.

OK ADE, we are wrong.. now shut the F**K up. We don't need your pathetic excuses how bad your life is. You get off on arguing with people here because you can't do that at home. Just pathetic..

Dec 4, 2003, 06:53 PM
ADE, this may surprise you, but I agreed that cheating is wrong in the Terms of Service. What I don't agree with, though, is how you determined that cheating being wrong was grounds to treat the cheaters themselves like dogs. Two wrongs don't make a right, ADE, and although they aren't doing the right thing, they don't deserve the treatment you're giving them.

Yes, there's no justification for cheating. No, this does not give you the right to exterminate the cheater problem by any means necessary. When you call someone immoral, scheming and low, that's your opinion of them. It's not made fact just by how they play the game, period. You've got to look at all sides of a person before you pass that kind of judgement on them, if you ask me.

Eh, what do I know about this game? I've only been playing it for over two years now. Which I guess is over a year longer than you have. ... But you say you're right and it's final, so I suppose that makes you the ultimate authority.

Dec 5, 2003, 12:21 AM
People that cheat don't give a fuck if it's right or wrong. They do it, because it makes the game fun for them, or because they just have a passion to know how things work, and trying to see what they can unlock that wasn't meant to be (Baru does this same with Del). The only "cheats" I'm against are PK, and NOL and all that other BS that was on DC. Preachy little assholes like ADE piss me off. This is the only post I'm going to say on this subject so if ADE and all you other whiny little bitches have anything to say to me don't bother waisting you "time". I only accept praise.

Dec 5, 2003, 04:06 AM
On 2003-12-03 06:39, BOmar wrote:
Why did he kill himself?

I hear from some form of emotional distress... I'm not sure myself. His friend sexyfootball1269 told everyone on AIM that he knew.

On 2003-12-03 07:11, defer wrote:
Sadness of Del was very popular in the DC times, he helped Baru alot, with aqua double sabers, and weird stuff like that. I played with him quite a few times, he's one of the nicest people I have ever met.

LOL, Del I remember him. But him being famous for just that?
No auqa double sabers were easy to make. I made one and I thought I was the only one, come to find out... 56 other people I knew thought the same thing for themselves.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:03 AM
No I didn't meame to imply that, that was all he was famouse for, it was just one of the examples that came to mind.

Dec 5, 2003, 11:34 AM
It is not a black and white issue ADE, that is stupid, arrogant and immature to think that way. You cannot simply say the way you do things is right. Sure, I agree with some of your points of view. I honestly do think PSO would be much better with out infinite TJs around and hacked %s, but thats all there is. Hacked weapons and %s. Big deal. I think if everyone was legit, rares would be rare, and thereby much more valued. But, that aint gonna happen, so I suggest you find another more tolerant way to voice your opinions. I agree with your stand on playing 'legitly', but the way you do it is appalling and infantile. Its like a fucking playground..."I am right you are wrong so nyah-nyah". Dude. Get a grip. It is not a big deal, and I don't not think its a big deal 'because I don't like hearing that I'm wrong" Bullshit. Pure and simple. Bullshit. That is a pompous and infantile way of thinking.

Dec 5, 2003, 12:06 PM
Not to meny unlimited speicl tj's around, and the people who do have them wont give them up or trade. I was one of the first people with it and got it from the person who hacked it Koji.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:59 PM
Hey quit buzzing the post its annoying

Dec 6, 2003, 06:47 AM

Dec 6, 2003, 12:38 PM
What do you mean by buzzing??

Dec 6, 2003, 03:28 PM
i feel angery right now so here it goes

you like to make argue ments for the hell of it
you r eathier completly legit and hate hackers
or you are ANTI
OR your just a bitch
*kicks ADE in the nuts for justice*

Dec 6, 2003, 10:59 PM
The rest of you still deserve a kick in the nuts. Seriously, you ruin other people's gaming experiences. Think about how much of an ass that makes you.

This has to be one of the better things I've heard you say in quite awhile. Keep this mindset ADE and you're going to be famous. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

~S N K

Dec 7, 2003, 12:51 AM
On 2003-12-05 08:34, L_evans wrote:
It is not a black and white issue ADE, that is stupid, arrogant and immature to think that way. You cannot simply say the way you do things is right. Sure, I agree with some of your points of view. I honestly do think PSO would be much better with out infinite TJs around and hacked %s, but thats all there is. Hacked weapons and %s. Big deal. I think if everyone was legit, rares would be rare, and thereby much more valued. But, that aint gonna happen, so I suggest you find another more tolerant way to voice your opinions. I agree with your stand on playing 'legitly', but the way you do it is appalling and infantile. Its like a fucking playground..."I am right you are wrong so nyah-nyah". Dude. Get a grip. It is not a big deal, and I don't not think its a big deal 'because I don't like hearing that I'm wrong" Bullshit. Pure and simple. Bullshit. That is a pompous and infantile way of thinking.

If it wasn't a big deal then you wouldn't bother defending yourself. It obviously makes you mad that I'm pointing out what you're doing, and you're trying to silence me. Guess what? You won't.

Dec 7, 2003, 09:27 AM
On 2003-12-06 21:51, ADE wrote:

On 2003-12-05 08:34, L_evans wrote:
It is not a black and white issue ADE, that is stupid, arrogant and immature to think that way. You cannot simply say the way you do things is right. Sure, I agree with some of your points of view. I honestly do think PSO would be much better with out infinite TJs around and hacked %s, but thats all there is. Hacked weapons and %s. Big deal. I think if everyone was legit, rares would be rare, and thereby much more valued. But, that aint gonna happen, so I suggest you find another more tolerant way to voice your opinions. I agree with your stand on playing 'legitly', but the way you do it is appalling and infantile. Its like a fucking playground..."I am right you are wrong so nyah-nyah". Dude. Get a grip. It is not a big deal, and I don't not think its a big deal 'because I don't like hearing that I'm wrong" Bullshit. Pure and simple. Bullshit. That is a pompous and infantile way of thinking.

If it wasn't a big deal then you wouldn't bother defending yourself. It obviously makes you mad that I'm pointing out what you're doing, and you're trying to silence me. Guess what? You won't.

im sorry but that isnt logical. just cos its not a big deal doesnt mean people wont defend themselves.

Dec 7, 2003, 08:32 PM
It's a f'ing game

Dec 8, 2003, 12:45 AM
On 2003-12-03 23:17, Shina wrote:
Dark Link wasn't no famous hacker lmao. Omg I can't believe I just heard that. I had him one day in a lobby Fsoding people. I challanged him to FSOD me and he could never do it.

I would... nope... nothing happened. He's a loser.

Ever play PC PSO? If you gave me crap on there I would corrupt your char on the spot lobby or not. You can crash the program for everyone in the lobby also. It's easy.

On DC PSO I used to go around and PK people. Remember Miranda7? That block was always full of open games until Elder Shina` or Ringo Shina` came along and noled EVERYBODY IN EVERY UNLOCKED GAME until they finally stoped making unlocked games there.

Forget Dark Link, he couldn't even touch me. xD

Do note... I'm not that mean anymore http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Now I'm the leader of NVeX (which is in the team center if you're interested) http://www.neovex.alturl.com ANYWAY... I'm a nice girl now n.n

You think Dark Link is a good hacker... Geeze that makes me look goooood. All I've done is help contribute Hacked Max, Ver2 S-Ranks, and music disks... I thought I was a weak hacker xD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shina on 2003-12-03 23:23 ]</font>

I don't know who you are nor do I care. The only enemies I got on pso are the losers that got mad because I didn't help them Level or give them any rare items maybe you got the wrong Dark Link, because I don't FSOD people. Btw am no hacker either that part you got right about me I don't really care much for hacking.

Bragging about how much you can hack only proves you have no life. Shina you say you're the leader of NveX if that's true then your clan must be filled with morons
It's like IG all over again..

I quit pso about 3 months ago,but i plan on coming back really soon after i take care of business with

ok.. i'am done here if anyone else gots shit to say you can PM me my home is at Brinstar.org

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarkLink_S200 on 2003-12-07 21:47 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DarkLink_S200 on 2003-12-07 21:49 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2003, 12:56 AM
On 2003-12-06 21:51, ADE wrote:
If it wasn't a big deal then you wouldn't bother defending yourself. It obviously makes you mad that I'm pointing out what you're doing, and you're trying to silence me. Guess what? You won't.

I guess ADE is going to take over every little cheater on the PSO-World's forum board now? HAHAHA. This is no where close to cute. But it would do. Like ADE, I have bigger fish to fry. (turns to barubary)

Dec 8, 2003, 09:35 PM
the biggest fish to fry is named Koji. theres 1 more but i dont know who he is but i got hit with zonde in the lobby and N U T S A C and koji were in there. koji said he dident do it and i know for a face nut's a mean hacker.

but if you really wanna know there ppl who hack better and more than bur aka myira but only let there friends know they hack. really the only hacker's that should be stoped are koji nut and F00k ME those are the ppl who can nol pk and do stuff in the lobbys.

but there all my friend but the noob myria who cant do anything cuz ha ha she got 1/2 his stuff from koji and koji showed him how to do everything and koji even sadi he cant hurt anyone lmao.

Dec 8, 2003, 09:51 PM
Ugh it's you.
I'm willing to bet alot of stuff YOU are nutsac.
And if you're not,

Nutsac can't do crap, he used to pretend he can hack, he recoed his character up to 200. Why would you also make up a pathetic lie like that? NutSac is a RAcast, so it's not possible he could use techs, let alone in the lobby.

Also, if you don't know what you are talking about(It's rather hard to tell with your grammer.), don't talk about it. Myria, isn't exactly a hacker, he's a reverse engineer, and he probably didn't learn anything from some "kujin", if anything he learned it from Clara.

So please, don't do things like make obvious lies, it only makes you look very stupid. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 9, 2003, 06:37 PM
On 2003-12-08 18:35, BlackThornTK wrote:
the biggest fish to fry is named Koji. theres 1 more but i dont know who he is but i got hit with zonde in the lobby and N U T S A C and koji were in there. koji said he dident do it and i know for a face nut's a mean hacker.

but if you really wanna know there ppl who hack better and more than bur aka myira but only let there friends know they hack. really the only hacker's that should be stoped are koji nut and F00k ME those are the ppl who can nol pk and do stuff in the lobbys.

but there all my friend but the noob myria who cant do anything cuz ha ha she got 1/2 his stuff from koji and koji showed him how to do everything and koji even sadi he cant hurt anyone lmao.

Myria can't really do too much. He said he can do anything similar to the DC ver. But in reality can't make a battle mod or challenge modifyer. Which is funny. Sure, you can go around and use AR as a guinnea pig and find these little glitches for many months until something comes out. I used to hear all of these names of hackers/rumored hackers... N U T S A C, Koji (who I could've sworn had something to do with the next guy), Hayato, CaNcErOuS, FOnewmkiller, Nugz, AnTiViRuS, ANTI, NK members, SHADOW, Sol X, and Myria.

All who I consider fake or weak hackers because I have seen say things like

"I can do this but not this" - N U T S A C

"C'mon I hack I don't mass!" - Hayato

"I can outhack Myria" - CaNcErOuS

"I don't know how to do that/What do you mean?/I don't understand English" - Myria

"Blahblahblah about Monkeys" - NK members

"all are just kids..." - S N K

Dec 10, 2003, 12:30 AM
Ah yes the good old days of pso when people didnt take bullshit from anyone basically what Im saying is anyone who pulled bullshit became a pile of bullshit after I was done with them

Dec 10, 2003, 08:16 AM
ehm...heres my two cents...

ok Shina...get over your self..you dont rule DC pso...nor PC...its stuff any one can do...

SNK...god of noobs...actuly here lies the biggest one...can you say....get a life? what you got now...like 5 lvl 200s?

Baru...finnaly someone that knows what they are doing in hacking...

i have spoken...

Dec 10, 2003, 12:25 PM
On 2003-12-10 05:16, Buuyon wrote:

i have spoken...

ExoZero's right about the people who is just good at picking bullshit outta their assholes.

"I like to hear people talk shit, because it shows how much full of shit they really are." - Jackie Chan from Rush Hour

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BogusKun on 2003-12-10 09:28 ]</font>

Dec 12, 2003, 12:23 AM
On 2003-12-10 09:25, BogusKun wrote:

ExoZero's right about the people who is just good at picking bullshit outta their assholes.

"I like to hear people talk shit, because it shows how much full of shit they really are." - Jackie Chan Inspector Lee from Rush Hour

Oh godd ... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif
I have to go see that again .... Memories ... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 14, 2003, 08:36 PM
"Barubary is all about corrupting straight people's minds..."

- Luis Macias Sept. 2003

Dec 15, 2003, 04:40 AM
I'm not deaf, I'm just ignoring you! (De Heideroosjes)

Dec 16, 2003, 10:44 AM

What you're doing is basically spamming. It's no opinion or thought you put into your posts. And after this I will be ignoring you because you're acting somewhat of an idiot. You had that same ass post in other topics. Read the rules.

Dec 19, 2003, 07:01 AM
I hear from some form of emotional distress... I'm not sure myself. His friend sexyfootball1269 told everyone on AIM that he knew.

Ah I know sexfootball.

Dec 19, 2003, 07:56 AM
On 2003-12-19 04:01, primer567 wrote:

Ah I know sexfootball.

I talked to him time to time. He has some good information.

By the way PC PSO servers are up from what I last heard from him.

Dec 19, 2003, 09:16 AM
SNK...god of noobs...actuly here lies the biggest one...can you say....get a life? what you got now...like 5 lvl 200s?

I'm sorry but were my testicles in your mouth again?

Dec 19, 2003, 10:58 PM
Ok, I know I been kinda nice lately, but some of the flaming here did seem to get out of control. I think it is best to let this one rest.