View Full Version : New top score on FOnewearl Damage...

Dec 2, 2003, 04:11 PM
Ok, I know this probably isn't a big deal to most people.. but I wanted to share with some of the people who may be interested. Although in doing so, the weapon she wasn't completely legit (had added %'s) but it was completely within legal game boundaries. I.E. No multiequip, no hidden 300% BS, or any of that.

Normally, I'm satisfied with my FOnewearl's ability to deal out about 2,000 to 3,200 dmg on a single combo. This is done with her P-Arm Blades and only effects a single enemy. Lately, I've been playing around with some new weapons and happened upon a Soul Eater I'd gotten off Kireek a long time ago. I used some P.Spheres and turned it into a (100/100/0/0) weapon and went down to the forest offline.

Using it as a partisan type weapon works great.. as the Normal/Hard combos have a good hit rate and generally hit for about 180 on a normal attack to 380 on a hard attack - bout 500 on a critical.. to multiple enemies. I had completely overlooked it's "Beserk" special though.. until last night. WOW.

On a group of five Bartles, she succeeded in dishing out 4,000 overall damage in a single strike (3 - 1,000's and 2 - 600's.) In a single good combo, she can dish out a grand total of about 10,000 to 12,000 damage disperesed over a 5 enemy group.

As I said though, that is with a "Good Combo". Despite FOnewearl having the best ATA in the game, the Soul Eater's special has a poor hit rate which makes using it's special as a main form of attack impracticle - expecially since it's a Quest item and not a dropped item, it doesn't have the Hit% needed to make it an effective weapon. HP stealing without sure hits to negate a counter attack is also a situation a FOnewearl may not want to put herself into.

Without hit %'s, I doubt the Soul Eater could ever be a viable weapon to use online for a FOnewearl in the way I was using it... but it may well be something to consider if you're a fairly high level (or maxed) and want to do some rare-hunting or just want to save some fluids while clearing some levels offline.

Dec 2, 2003, 05:03 PM
I remember going nuts with the HP special on my Soul Eater when I first got it. I did so with a FOmar. Think about it for a second...

FOmar's HP + HP Drain + Enemies that live through the attack = X_x

Not a feat I soon repeated, though I did find uses for the HP-drain special. I mean, it's the most replaceable of the three things you could drain for extra damage, right?

Dec 2, 2003, 05:09 PM
With my HUmar and my Flowen's Sword +85 (the one with the spirit special) and mag shifta I do around 1200 with hard hit and 1500 or so with critical which is sweet... That is a lot of damage for a FOnewearl, though.

Dec 2, 2003, 09:47 PM
The Madam's umbrella has the berserk special too. They're not that rare either, so I think you could eventually find one with hit percent.