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View Full Version : Attention East Tower Shoppers...

Dec 2, 2003, 04:26 PM
I've been doing east tower runs and stuff... and IMO they are taking WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. I hear from some people that they do east tower runs in the boat load before the day is over, and I gotta ask those people what their methods are. What kind of weapons/units/armors/whatever do you use?

Also, wtf you guys do about floor 6? Thats the one where it's empty until you run halfway through, and then Merikle will show up in front of you, and two Mericarols will come in behind you at the floor's entrance. So far my best bet is a mixture of luck and more luck. How do you ppls handle it?

Maybe all the East Tower runners should colaberate and make a guide or something....

(edit- btw... A red box dropped from a Gi Gue on my first run. I nearly died.. but even before I reached it I knew it was going to be a PD. Ah well.. I need PDs too, and that one is officially the coolest PD ever.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ilr2000 on 2003-12-02 13:29 ]</font>

Dec 2, 2003, 04:34 PM
I always just let the HUmar run out and take point - trigger the Merikles and die... then a bit of careful manuvering and a RA with a Frozen Shooter make short work of them.

If the HUmar can make it back to help deal out the damage.. great.. but I'm not going out there to revive him with those things still spitting super damage death balls at me.

Dec 2, 2003, 05:03 PM
If you use a Hu class, it usually takes a good 10-20 mins. Except for Hunew due to her better techs. If you cannot find a ranger to help you and you are doing it solo like I do sometimes, I use the following on my Humar, Bo, and my Huneweral, Rose. I will also include my recommeded equipment for the Ramar, Demetruis, and Ramarl,-Desperada-.

Humar (lvl 188)
Brightness Circle
Delsaber shield
3 Resist/Devil
Any mag with twins PB
Holy Ray
Charge Vulcans
Soul Banish
Hell Calibur
Meteor Cudgel
S rank Slicer with Zalure

Huneweral (lvl 102)
Attribute Plate
Delsaber Shield
Mag with Twins
Holy Ray
Black King Bar
Charge Vulcans
Zalure S rank Slicer

Ramar (lvl 117)
Luminous Field
Tripolic Shield
Mag with twins and a lot of POW
Yas 9000k
S rank Zalure Shot
Spread Needle
Frozen Shooter/or Snow Queen
Charge Vulcans

Ramarl (lvl 129)
Luminous Field
Standstill Shield
Mag with twins, Lot of POW decent DEX and some MIND
Same Weapons as Ramar

For any Hu class I recommend you carry plenty of Scape Dolls and especially for a Humar or the Hu bots, Have 10 Sol atomizers. The Gi gue has that 20 Jellen Zalure and only Hunew out of the Hu class can override it with her techs. I REALLY recommend the HOLY RAY due to the rifle range of it. The Zalure on S ranks is around lvl 35 and it helps you kill a lot faster than with 15 or 20. I hope all of that helps you. Unfortunaly for Hunters, the tower quest seem to lean toward the RA classes. My Ramar and Ramar at their lower levels can finish tower in half the time it takes my Humar. Also you might want to ask ADE, he does tons of tower runs everyday.

Dec 2, 2003, 05:10 PM
Oh I forgot about the Merikle part. You best bet is to bum rush the Merikle, use rabarta on it,(as it will stun or sometimes freeze it) and then run behind it and attack with a multi hit weapon or Charge Mechs. That way the 2 Mericols cannot reach you with the spit. After you kill Merikle, attack long range with a holy ray.

Dec 2, 2003, 05:39 PM

Yeah I do the rabarta thing on the merikle part, but its never a garantee. And the shitty part about doing tower solo is if you die from a Merikle it carries out about like this: *die* *doll revives* *dies again before you can move* *doll revives* *dies again before you can move* *doll revives* *dies again before you can move* *doll revives* *dies again before you can move* *doll revives* you get the idea...

So I guess I already got the right idea... I do need better mechs tho.. maybe when I find some twin psyco guns or something for my HUnewearl...

Dec 2, 2003, 06:03 PM
Use charge Mechguns instead. At your level, check your weapons store time to time and every now and then, you will find a charge Vulcan with 45-50 on hit. For that one room I suggest putting rabarta on your shortcut instead of using it from the window. Also it sounds like the Merikle is killing you before you get close to him. Its a bit of luck at that part but try to run straight for him and dodge only when he does the attack animation of spitballs. His blue death ball is his little gimmick of the meri-variants. It travels a lot faster than the others making it harder to dodge. You might try running with the weapon screen out so you dont slow down right as you get to him. If you ever need help, just look for any of my chars in deneb 9 or antares 8-08, 8-10, 8-04.

Dec 2, 2003, 06:47 PM
If those things spit any kind of Megid, throw on some resist/devils and maybe an attribute wall if you can get one, then stay in motion. Me, I fire a quick couple of shots and then run around until I can get another opening. Enemies hate a moving target. I've done those missions with friends though, but it's still a good idea to dart back and forth between them all. I use a Ramarl but she's versatile enought to act like a Fo and Hu when I need her to. Hope that helps. Stay on the move, bring some resists and dolls and keep either rabarta or rafoie on the bar for easy access.

on a quick note, I've noticed that they can't do much to you if you get close enough to them that you're practically in them and in a blind spot.

Dec 2, 2003, 06:49 PM
On 2003-12-02 15:47, Digi-Dolphin wrote:
If those things spit any kind of Megid, throw on some resist/devils and maybe an attribute wall if you can get one, then stay in motion.

Meri-variant glob attacks (as I like to call them) are not Megid-based. They do set amounts of damage (and LOTS of it). It's easy to survive in Normal thru Very-Hard, but I've never seen anyone survive it in Ultimate.

I'm used to soloing the East Tower, and I've devised ways to avoid dying. For the 6th floor I recommend dealing with it in the following fashion. Run directly into the middle of the run (do NOT stop) to make the Meris appear. Blitz the Merikle before it has time to act with its glob attack. This will cause it to go into its time-bomb attack. Run around behind it before the time-bomb goes off, staying at a safe distance (just inside mechgun range). This will put you out of range of the Mericarols near the entrance. Merikles have rediculous EVP, so I recommend using a decent hit mechun (as mentioned previously, a 50-ish hit Charge Mechgun is a good choice) and either LLH or LLS combo just to make sure you're consitantly hitting it to keep it from using the glob attack. Once the Merikle is dealt with you can turn your attention to the two Mericarols. Situate yourself against the inside of the donut (against the wall, so to speak) and slowly work your way closer to the Mericarol next to the entrance. Using a handgun or rifle (HUmars and HUnewearls with enough MST do exceptionally well with a Holy Ray in the tower quests). Once in range, blast that sucker until it's dead. Sometimes it'll charge out into the middle of the room. If that happens, turn on it with a mechgun if it gets close enough. Once that Mericarol is dead, deal with the second one in the same fashion. To deal with the Delbiters just simply stay near the entrance and fight one at a time. If you stay on the inside of the donut the Delbiters will get stuck on the wall and you'll be free to snipe them without much trouble. Voila.

My best advice to anyone trying to play the Tower quests is to use the walls to your advantage. You can typically get any ground-based, mobile enemy stuck on them if you do it right. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-12-02 16:00 ]</font>

Dec 2, 2003, 08:23 PM
On 2003-12-02 15:49, VulpesMundi wrote:
My best advice to anyone trying to play the Tower quests is to use the walls to your advantage. You can typically get any ground-based, mobile enemy stuck on them if you do it right. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-12-02 16:00 ]</font>

Heh,that's the thing,the Meri-glob attack can't move over walls that aren't on walkable map. The room with the Mericus demonstrates it the best. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Dec 2, 2003, 09:30 PM
The easiest way to deal with ET as a HU is not to use one. *nods sagely* No, seriously, after about... Two or so runs with my HUmar, I swore to NEVER EVER DO IT AGAIN. So I started using my FOmar, and I die a lot less, and get more exp because I can tag things from lightyears away with Zonde. This requires a team with at least one SKYLY to make it, though.

Dec 2, 2003, 10:59 PM
On 2003-12-02 18:30, Ian-KunX wrote:
This requires a team with at least one SKYLY to make it, though.


Are you saying a Skyly should create the game?

Dec 2, 2003, 11:11 PM
On 2003-12-02 19:59, NKOTB wrote:
Are you saying a Skyly should create the game?

well how about this..
skyly, e.t., geegues, sealed j-sword http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 3, 2003, 04:05 PM
Actually, of the three things I'm looking for in SKYLY ET, a Sealed-J is not one of them. I don't like swords, and I have a duped Tsumikiri and I'm not that impressed with it. If I'm going to be using a sword at all, I'll use my Red Sword. It looks better, and it's legit, so meh.
(Soul Banish, Monkey King Bar and Berdysh, BTW.)
...And even the MKB I'm meh on, a legit BKB would be nice, but... It would still be a boring black stick. I'd probably just leave it as a MKB and give it to my RAmarl or something, heh.
Berdysh I want for looks, and so my baby HUcaseal can have a nice toy to play with when she grows up.
Soul Banish... Let's see, it's technically the best partisan in the game, I like partisans, and a FOmar can use it... Yeah.

But a Sealed-J is like... Meh?

Dec 3, 2003, 08:59 PM
On 2003-12-02 15:49, VulpesMundi wrote:

On 2003-12-02 15:47, Digi-Dolphin wrote:
If those things spit any kind of Megid, throw on some resist/devils and maybe an attribute wall if you can get one, then stay in motion.

Meri-variant glob attacks (as I like to call them) are not Megid-based. They do set amounts of damage (and LOTS of it). It's easy to survive in Normal thru Very-Hard, but I've never seen anyone survive it in Ultimate.

My best advice to anyone trying to play the Tower quests is to use the walls to your advantage. You can typically get any ground-based, mobile enemy stuck on them if you do it right. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-12-02 16:00 ]</font>

And all of the gibbles cant even attack you in ET, they are in such bad spots, they start behind walls, lol.

and I have seen a lvl 192 RAcast survive the mericarol attack. He had about 4 HP left with 2 god/hps on.

but the other 2 attacks still killed him.

Dec 3, 2003, 11:29 PM
well, I've done countless Skyly ET with friends and I think I've had my fill..I've gotten Yamigarusu, Yasminkov 7000, and MKB doing who knows how many runs..but yes, Skyly ET hath treated me well http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Dec 4, 2003, 04:59 AM
well, the mericarols are actually quite easy to controll with a hunter wielding mechguns.
its about firing a salve then evade to the side a few steps and then fire the next. its easy once you got it. only need is to have at least one hit per attack connect (-> hit mechs).

for the three meri-room in floor 6, yes, vulpes' maneuver sounds really good to me.

Dec 4, 2003, 08:18 AM
Yeah use the gaps when fighting the anything. I use a holy ray it has nice range to take on one enemy at a time. The gaps and walls cause all sorts of weirdness, like the mighty hump that gibbles does.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:24 PM
FROZEN SHOOTERS, Freeze traps.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:48 PM
If you're a Hunter, get a Holy Ray. If you're a Hunter android you have freeze traps so you'll be OK.

For the room that you have to trigger the Merikle and the two Mericarols if you're playing solo as a non-android Hunter then run forward and trigger them and just charge the Merikle. I hope you have some dodging skills so use them. Once you get to the Merikle freeze it (RAbarta) and then kill it. Then, take on the two Mericarols one at a time. You can do that by aproaching from the right hand side to only "wake up" the one on the right and take it out with your Holy Ray.
For an Android, you're kind of in trouble. If you place a freeze trap where the two Mericarols will appear and then activate them, the trap will go off while they're invulnerable. Well it's been a long time since I did my 20 towers a day spree with my HUcast, but that's how I remember it. You could try that method, but I don't think it works. You're probably better off just running straight to the Merikle and using a freeze trap and killing it and then trying to take on the Mericarols one at a time.
If you die (I hope you set a telepipe in the previous room) here's what to do. Use a handgun or rifle, NOT mechguns, they don't stun as well. When you walk through the door it will set you right in the middle of the doorway with the two Maricarols infront of you but facing the other way. Walk to the right wall of the doorway and quickly turn and start shooting the Mericarol on the left to stun it. The attacks from the one on the right will hit the wall. Once the one on the left is dead, run out and use the same handgun method against the other one. You have to be quick and precise with the control stick to pull this off, but I've done it numerous times. Androids could just try running out and using a freeze trap that hits both, but it's a lot more risky.

For the room with 3 Del Lilies, a handgun has enough range. Lure the Gi Gue to you and take it out. Then take out the Lily on the right with your handgun. Then the one on the left and then the far away one on the right. Megid shouldn't be a problem. I've seen people tackle this, tho, by pumping up their EDK to over 100 and just mechgunning the Lilies.

Remember to use the fences and gaps in the ground to your advantage. The Meri attacks don't go through it and other enemies like Gibbles, Ill Gill, and Delbiter don't know how to go around them.

Other than that Tower isn't so difficult.

Dec 4, 2003, 12:51 PM
Oh, that was all just for Hunters. Rangers should have no problem if they use a combination of Frozen Shooter and Yas 9k. If you don't have Yas 9k any Rifle will do it will just take a bit longer.

I've never done tower as a Force.

Dec 4, 2003, 05:50 PM
On 2003-12-04 09:51, heyf00L wrote:

I've never done tower as a Force.

I... really don't recommend it. XD Not as a FOmar, anyway... You'll be burning Trifluids so fast it's not even funny, trying to kill things yourself... Hell, as a support Force with the occasional tagging and Rabartaing/Gizondeing to keep things in place, I burn though ten Trifluids in ET easily. Maybe if you're a high enough level that you can do good melee... XD
But online, your techs just don't do enough damage to be at all effective at killing things. Even with L29 Gizonde against things weak to it and his natural boost... Zero still does piss for damage. >_<

Dec 4, 2003, 10:29 PM
Forces absolutely suck solo in the tower quests (and aren't too useful for offense in a team, either). Sure they have ultra-range on their spells, but even a FOnewearl with a Summit Moon using basic techs does piss-poor damage and will burn Trifluids like a true fluid-fiend. This is a real bitch for me, as my only means of realistically hunting God/Ability units is my Purplenum FOnewearl (has anyone even ever found one on Pinkal?). Guess it's one item I'm going to have to work together with other people to get, which will make me feel obligated to help them, too. >.<

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VulpesMundi on 2003-12-04 19:32 ]</font>

Dec 4, 2003, 10:49 PM
^ God forbid... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Dec 5, 2003, 01:30 AM
I'm lucky in that my preferred method of playing Forces online is as support b!tch.
...And then another FOmar will inevitably show up who has higher-level support techs than me, making me almost but not quite entirely useless. XD

I have two SKYLY characters, but there's a slight problem - One's a L68 FOmar, and one's a L3 RAcast. Not soloing tower with either of them any time soon... Hell, the FOmar, due to boredom and the fact that I almost never use him, has maxed stats(>_<;), and he can barely handle VHard Tower. So I feel VM's pain. Got too many FOs, heh. Easiest class type to bitchslap your way to Ult with, offline. Online you're pretty much stuck with support, or if you can swing it, melee. A FOmar will eventually do better with weapons than with his techs, at least as far as dealing damage online goes. >_<;

...Assuming he hits anything, LOL.