View Full Version : Requiring Hacker Help...

Dec 4, 2003, 09:42 AM
Ok...this is not asking for cheat codes, or hack methods before I get banned. In another thread, Superguppie made an excellent point. If people can createFSOD/X, surely there must be a way to prevent or undo its affects. I don't know anything about the code and how to use/abuse it, but logically there should be a way right?
C'mon, prove über legits wrong, show that hacking and manipulating code can be good...

Dec 4, 2003, 12:11 PM
No good can come of this. People will buy ARs and 90% will use it for more and abuse the system.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:15 PM
Gee whiz...fond of the stereotypes aren't we...and I thought I was overly skeptical. Give people a break. Not everyone who dupes is evil and out to get you. if someone wants to use AR codes and hacking to max their stats and hack their weapons, I honestly don't care. If they come into my game, and rape everything, ruining my game, I ask them to change weapons, most do, and if they don't, I leave. Its that simple. Show a little tolerance.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:43 PM
Show a little tolerance. Why should we? They're breaking the rules and ruining the game. You can't have this attitude. Especially not in life. Should we tolerate people that make counterfeit money? They're not out to get us, but their use of counterfeits lowers the value of your real money. We should just let them be, right?

I am fully aware that PSO is not life, but that doesn't mean that real life principles should not apply to it.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:46 PM
You are the better person for it...for showing tolerance, you are the better and more patient person. Take pride in not lowering yourself to namecalling and pathetic jabs.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:48 PM
You can keep yourself from doing that while still not tolerating such actions.

Infact you said you'd leave a game that had a jerk cheater in it. That's not tolerance.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:49 PM
I am tempted to agree with ADE and f00l when they say it will encourage more cheating. I mean, these people are spending $40 just to get their characters back. It's human nature to want more out of such a purchase than just a simple uncorruption.

I disagree, though, when they say they wouldn't want such a code released. In my opinion, this might be a nice thing to have if you can show a little restraint with it. Most people can't, but the ones who start cheating probably weren't legit in the first place. Being corrupted turns more people to cheating and duping than you could possibly imagine. They're about just as likely to come back legit if they did the code, seriously.

Dec 4, 2003, 02:56 PM
If the cheater refused to be civil and use a normal or less 1337 weapon, I would leave. I showed tolerance, I gave them a chance, they blew it. If they apologise, or use another character, I will be tolerant. Also, if when asked to bank their über weapon, they reply with the oh-so-elegant: STFU w34k n00b g.4.y!!!!!11, then I don't start a flame war, I say ok, I showed tolerance, and I leave civilly.

Dec 5, 2003, 04:34 AM
I agree with ADE that if you make something that CAN be used for bad, it WILL be used for bad. As is the case with AR.
The point with AR is, I don't really see much other use for it at the moment. The remark I made about the anti-FSOD code was motivated by some misplaced pride of some hacker over publishing those game ruining codes. It was meant as a synical remark, and it would really amaze me if the hackers would decide to pick up the glove and make themselves useful, even if only for that once.
But the cat is out of the box. AR is here, and the assholes that would us it to ruin the game are already doing it.
In some other thread I even expressed the hope I would never find a reason to buy AR. An FSOD protection would constitute such a reason. And although my hope of one being made is very small, I now have a little hope that I will actualy find a reason to buy AR.
All that's missing now is a response from those hackers I was addressing in that other thread...

Dec 5, 2003, 11:40 AM
Barubary hacks. Clara hacks. Does that make them by default sociopathical arseholes who are evil and detrimental to all society? Because they hack, doe that mean they spend all their time trying to find new ways to fuck over the rest of the PSO society? I think not. True, many people who hack do try to fuck around and pull of shit like NOLing and FSODX. That by no means means that all people who can hack do that kind of stuff. Its not black and white. On the other end of the internet line is a person. Believe it or not, they have a personality. Believe it or not, their life and beliefs are not dictated by whether or not they fucking dupe or can hack. Goddamit. You done gone made me mad...now this will probably get moved to rants....

Dec 5, 2003, 12:11 PM
I can fsodx but only used it on 1 person and i think we will all thank me for useing it on BruceleeNK.

as for foxing it there is a Ar code to dissable the 2nd save. I gotta ask the guy who made the code if it's ok to post and if he gives me the green light i'll post it.

Dec 5, 2003, 07:36 PM
I don't think you can post it. It is a cheat afterall, and could easily get you banned. You'd have to check with a mod, since its a helpful cheat, not PK/NOL/CK/etc.

Dec 6, 2003, 06:43 AM
Hmmm...it is technically a cheat code, so I would definately check with a mod, or else just give out the code in PMs upon request.

Dec 7, 2003, 08:35 PM
Still its a AR code so its still a cheat and your breaching sega's TOS. so i wont post it on here unless a mod gives me the go ahead.

Dec 8, 2003, 12:29 AM
Anyone who breaks TOS is basically breaking the rules and should be punished in every way.

Like I said months before... Cheating, Hacking...it's all bad

Think of it as life. You cheating in life affects civilians the same as a hacker playing with the PSO society.

You NOL, that's like a mad plastic surgeon who fucked up michael jackson's face more than it already is...

You FSOD, like... shooting someone in the head and freezing them in the Antartic Ocean area.

You PK, of course... what do you think?

You USE AR, in anyway... that's like credit card fraud.

You Start Fights, of course... you start fights.

ANY and EVERYTHING. Sure, you can be not fguilty of cheating, but you still cheat. You still Hack, you stole, etc.

Barubary and Clara hacking is like a contribution to Global Warfare. That's like me saying, "Thank you Myria for giving Saddam Hussein the activation code to blowing us the f*ck up".

Come on people, an AR? You got no class... go ahead ignore me. You don't wanna be in that place, and become a NOL and rearrange their face.

GameCube's verison of PSO is like Japan. You cause trouble and someone will see you. Someone will thell EVERYONE and no one, and I mean NO ONE will forgive you... sure you'll get a bunch of "punks" who will follow you for being some big time cheater... You teach them, they'll break up from you , and start DejaVu. You remember... these dumb clans going around and starting these little baby wars with other players until there is nothing left.

TOS... everyone agreed to them. But unfortunately there is no horse to help the man get places. SEGA couldn't really do anything unless someone really f*cked with the servers.
I think anyone who breaks a rule should get punished whether it's me, you, him, her, ADE, LollipopLolita, BonusKun, my mom, Barubary, I don't f*kken care... you get banned in ANY WAY (that goes to the guy who was "just testing AR") You deserved it. Yes there is going to be another bypass code someday. But guess what... we got a long way from that... and Merry F*kking Christmas. We haven't seen the GC PSO reach any bad spots yet... and when the game becomes trash... let me know, I'll be playing FFXI or watchjing Avent Children at that time.


P.S. Everyone knows if you legitly reached 200 anyways.

Dec 8, 2003, 05:03 AM
<grin> With the comments, still none from the bragging hackers I was addressing in that other thread. And I don't think Barubary6 and Clara where among those. I never saw Barubary6 brag about publishing a code, and I never even saw anything from Clara except a reference by Barubary6. Still from what I've seen, Barubary6 and friends could very well be the only ones to be able to make the anti-FSOD code, if such a code were possible at all.
And maybe the maker of that anti-double-save code would be able to come up with it...
I don't have a dislike of hackers, just of the ones that ruin the game. Especialy if they brag about it too...

Dec 8, 2003, 11:34 AM
What the fuck was all that "Hatch" shit? Did anyone else see this? Today I looked at this thread, and all my posts were messed up. Random words were put in, and were signed "hatch" instead. Who the fuck are you punk? I saw it, and its back to normal now. I saw it, my friends saw it. Don't try that again in future asshole...