View Full Version : More AR Codes are pouring out now

Dec 5, 2003, 11:30 AM
Just noticed there's codes to change the music now, so people are handily breaking into the AR now considering we have a few others out there already. It's offline only, so no online edits http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I don't have a problem with those... just gotta hope any NOL/CK/PK etc codes don't get found and distributed like mad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif.

Dec 5, 2003, 01:49 PM
On 2003-12-05 08:30, jlkeeton wrote:
Just noticed there's codes to change the music now, so people are handily breaking into the AR now considering we have a few others out there already. It's offline only, so no online edits http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I don't have a problem with those... just gotta hope any NOL/CK/PK etc codes don't get found and distributed like mad http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif.

Don't worry about NOL/CK/PK since most of the codes so far use files swapping method. Finding the actual code that doesn't use this method will be hard. I wouldn't worry about this unless someone manage to create a memory reader.

Dec 5, 2003, 01:55 PM
p|-|34|2 the PK!!!!!

i hate it when people do that to you, especially during falz runs X.X (my first DC time playing, and got PKed)

Dec 5, 2003, 03:25 PM
Again, I say, if CK is ever created, that's the end of PSO GC.

Dec 5, 2003, 07:42 PM
What's a PK and a CK if they when on the dreamcast then I would not know so tell me what they are.

Dec 5, 2003, 07:54 PM
PK=Player Kill (your dude dies, go back to medical center, and on DC you'd lose your wep and meseta, now its just meseta)

CK=Character Kill (think corruption of char)

Dec 5, 2003, 10:09 PM
Yes and they also found out how to stream the PSO ISO to your GC so they can modify the files and play the hacked version and do everything possible on Xbox.

Well they are still working on modifying all the files but the game can be streamed.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:23 PM
On 2003-12-05 19:09, primer567 wrote:
Yes and they also found out how to stream the PSO ISO to your GC so they can modify the files and play the hacked version and do everything possible on Xbox.

Well they are still working on modifying all the files but the game can be streamed.

Indeed http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 5, 2003, 10:25 PM
Once more loaders come out GC piracy will be through the roof.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:35 PM
On 2003-12-05 19:25, primer567 wrote:
Once more loaders come out GC piracy will be through the roof.

You gotta give Nintendo credit though, it wasn't easy and if it wasn't for PSO we wouldn't have jack to hack lol.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:36 PM
On 2003-12-05 19:23, VioletSkye wrote:

On 2003-12-05 19:09, primer567 wrote:
Yes and they also found out how to stream the PSO ISO to your GC so they can modify the files and play the hacked version and do everything possible on Xbox.

Well they are still working on modifying all the files but the game can be streamed.

Indeed http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

From what I've gathered, they're not quite there yet.

Dec 5, 2003, 10:40 PM
On 2003-12-05 19:36, Sounomi wrote:

On 2003-12-05 19:23, VioletSkye wrote:

On 2003-12-05 19:09, primer567 wrote:
Yes and they also found out how to stream the PSO ISO to your GC so they can modify the files and play the hacked version and do everything possible on Xbox.

Well they are still working on modifying all the files but the game can be streamed.

Indeed http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

From what I've gathered, they're not quite there yet.

Its only a matter of time now. Its no longer a question of if but when. And really I'm not so much interested in the PSO aspect of it as the fact that it will be closer to hacking pc games which opens the gate for all kinds of things to be coded. Trainers, editors, mods etc. (like the wave race trainer for example.) It will interesting to see what people come up with.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-05 19:44 ]</font>

Dec 5, 2003, 11:17 PM
People who sit and hack online games = even less of a life than people who play online games.

First time I get PKed or anything like that I'm out. I may have to deal with cheating, but I don't pay nine dollars a month to get harassed.

Dec 5, 2003, 11:36 PM
On 2003-12-05 20:17, ADE wrote:
People who sit and hack online games = even less of a life than people who play online games.

First time I get PKed or anything like that I'm out. I may have to deal with cheating, but I don't pay nine dollars a month to get harassed.

i can't believe I'm saying this, but I do agree with you on that. Anything i would be interested in doing would be for offline games not relating to PSO. But unfortunately, as you mentioned before (and yes I'll have to agree again http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ) if something CAN be used for bad, eventually it WILL be used for bad. But at that point we're no longer talking about dupers or max stat users or people using codes to buy items, but truly malicious players looking to permanently ruin another persons hard work. I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would go around and trash a person's char that they have spent so much time playing. I hear about games being ruined all the time, but in truth it is more of an annoyance than anything else. Corrupting chars is a totally different breed of cat, and I hope that doesn't happen.

I should add though, that I dont agree with your statement in regards to:

People who sit and hack online games = even less of a life than people who play online games.

As I have said before, it can be more entertaining making the game do other things than actually playing. It also teaches you alot about how games are designed and how they work.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-05 20:43 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-05 20:46 ]</font>

Dec 5, 2003, 11:39 PM
"People who sit and hack online games = even less of a life than people who play online games."

Heh, cheaters use codes like item mod and level mod so they dont have to spend countless hours sitting on there ass leveling up or finding items.

Dec 5, 2003, 11:42 PM
It takes even longer to sit and hack source code than it does to play the game.

Might I add that reverse engineering copyrighted material is an offense that is bad enough to send you to "ram me in the ass" prison.

I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega. If you mention copyright issues, even a stupid company like ST would respond. He has participated in reverse engineering, which is a crime.

Dec 5, 2003, 11:45 PM
On 2003-12-05 20:42, ADE wrote:

I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega. If you mention copyright issues, even a stupid company like ST would respond.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ERS on 2004-02-08 09:44 ]</font>

Dec 5, 2003, 11:55 PM
"It takes even longer to sit and hack source code than it does to play the game."

Yeah but pretty much 1 person per console did that.

Barubary - Dreamcast
Broomop - PC
Myria - GC
NOP2K1 - Xbox

Dec 5, 2003, 11:59 PM
On 2003-12-05 20:42, ADE wrote:
It takes even longer to sit and hack source code than it does to play the game.

Might I add that reverse engineering copyrighted material is an offense that is bad enough to send you to "ram me in the ass" prison.

I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega. If you mention copyright issues, even a stupid company like ST would respond. He has participated in reverse engineering, which is a crime.

ADE try to remember that this is not Nazi Germany. That attitude is somewhat scary because it makes you sound like a dictator's wet dream. Might I remind you that without reverse engineering, many, many programs would never become better programs. They would not become more secure programs. Who cares if they are reverse engineering something. Knowledge should be freely expressed and allowed access to.

I don't think a couple of game hackers needs to go to "ram me in the ass" prison. There are enough evil people doing truly evil things to occupy that space. Try to not be so narrow-minded. Knowledge is power ADE, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be. That power may have consequences that will have to be dealt with, so it doesn't always come without a price, however in this case its nothing serious and in fact quite interesting. Instead of berating everything, why not crack open that skull alittle bit and see if something new sinks in. If you want to live in ignorance, then that is your choice, but for many people that is a sad, sorry existence. Not everyone is satisfied with just sitting nicely in the corner doing what they are told. If it wasn't for people thinking outside the box, you wouldn't even have games like PSO to play. TONS of the best game designers in the business started out learning as much as they could before going to school. And the way they learned was by hacking other peoples games. Learning how they were put together, how to manipulate them, making them do other things, or even stealing source and trying to create something new with it. Out of those experiences came knowledge, the knowledge to make great games.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-05 21:01 ]</font>

Dec 6, 2003, 12:07 AM
Taken directly from the ToS on the PSO website:

YOU SHALL NOT: Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of this Program, in whole or in part.


You can go on an endless tirade about opening my mind, but I've got a legal contract on my side. So think about that before you say some more stupid stuff.

Also, if you want to hone your skills as a developer, do it where it doesn't ruin a game that other people have to pay REAL FRICKING MONEY to play.

You all refuse to see the wrong in your actions, even when its right in front of you. Instead of turning and attacking me for pointing it out, why don't you deal with it?

Dec 6, 2003, 12:21 AM
On 2003-12-05 21:07, ADE wrote:
Taken directly from the ToS on the PSO website:

YOU SHALL NOT: Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of this Program, in whole or in part.


You can go on an endless tirade about opening my mind, but I've got a legal contract on my side. So think about that before you say some more stupid stuff.

Also, if you want to hone your skills as a developer, do it where it doesn't ruin a game that other people have to pay REAL FRICKING MONEY to play.

You all refuse to see the wrong in your actions, even when its right in front of you. Instead of turning and attacking me for pointing it out, why don't you deal with it?

Nobody cares what the TOS says. This is the reason people like you could never be a developer. You're too easily bound by rules and regulations.

Dec 6, 2003, 12:28 AM
On 2003-12-05 21:07, ADE wrote:
Taken directly from the ToS on the PSO website:

YOU SHALL NOT: Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of this Program, in whole or in part.


You can go on an endless tirade about opening my mind, but I've got a legal contract on my side. So think about that before you say some more stupid stuff.

Also, if you want to hone your skills as a developer, do it where it doesn't ruin a game that other people have to pay REAL FRICKING MONEY to play.

You all refuse to see the wrong in your actions, even when its right in front of you. Instead of turning and attacking me for pointing it out, why don't you deal with it?

I still have to say the only thing in the GC version that affected YOUR character was that double-save feature that corrupted so many people (finally taken out). The real thing to worry about is when people can actually ruin your game by killing you, deleting data, or corrupting data. I remember leaving the DC version when I couldn't go online at all without someone breaking into my game and screwing my game to hell. Just don't play with others you don't trust in the game. It's the same way as if you had someone taking all the boxes or going to a boss leaving you on the ship. You don't like the way they play, find someone else to play with.

Some of the best reverse engineering in the computer world came labelled as MS-DOS. Maybe we have the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs working on these AR projects...

Dec 6, 2003, 12:30 AM
anyboddy know any webisites with codes for pso?

Dec 6, 2003, 12:37 AM
On 2003-12-05 21:30, Cloud4498 wrote:
anyboddy know any webisites with codes for pso?

Stop spamming the forums please. Read the rules and quit asking for cheats that aren't allowed to be discussed.

Dec 6, 2003, 05:04 AM
I don't see how anyone can complain about these codes runing the pso "economy"

I started playing online about a year ago, and it was ruined well before then. These codes are harmless. And if you look on the bright side, maybe it'll stop the n00bs on vega1 from begging for dupes...

Dec 6, 2003, 07:46 PM
If they want to become a Bill Gates or a Steve Jobs, do it in a goddam offline game that doesn't affect others. Is that so hard?

You all make me sick. You say "I don't give a dam about the ToS," that's like saying "I don't give a dam that you just posted an irrefutable fact that completely destoys my argument!"

You're all stupid!!! I'm right!! It's clear as crystal! Just deal with it and get better, or go on sucking at PSO and being stupid, moronic cheaters.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ADE on 2003-12-06 16:47 ]</font>

Dec 6, 2003, 07:52 PM
On 2003-12-06 16:46, ADE wrote:
If they want to become a Bill Gates or a Steve Jobs, do it in a goddam offline game that doesn't affect others. Is that so hard?

You all make me sick. You say "I don't give a dam about the ToS," that's like saying "I don't give a dam that you just posted an irrefutable fact that completely destoys my argument!"

You're all stupid!!! I'm right!! It's clear as crystal! Just deal with it and get better, or go on sucking at PSO and being stupid, moronic cheaters.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ADE on 2003-12-06 16:47 ]</font>

The more you post, the more people realize that you have some serious issues my dear boy. Its no longer about fighting for legitness. Its become a personal vendetta you have against almost everyone here. Your inner anger is becoming more and more apparent, which is sad. I wonder if your need to try and control things here is because you feel you don't have control over other things in your life. if thats the case, then I guess I will have to learn to deal with it, but I really do hope that someday you have a chance to speak to someone about your anger and maybe get some type of counceling.

Dec 6, 2003, 07:55 PM
Maybe you should speak to someone about your lack of consideration of things that are important to other people.

My problems might involve getting mad at others, but at least they don't involve destroying something that people pay money for, like you. Who's more of an asshole here?

Dec 6, 2003, 08:09 PM
On 2003-12-06 16:55, ADE wrote:
Maybe you should speak to someone about your lack of consideration of things that are important to other people.

My problems might involve getting mad at others, but at least they don't involve destroying something that people pay money for, like you. Who's more of an asshole here?

I would say you, because i don't go around flaming people, nor do I EVER ruin any other persons games. I mainly play offline, but when I do go online I create my own game and if someone wants to join and play, thats great. I tell them if I am playing legit or not and they can decide for themselves.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-06 17:10 ]</font>

Dec 6, 2003, 08:11 PM
Same sceneario here. Nobody's forcing you to read my posts. Stop putting that goddam double standard up to me and argue like a man. Stop hiding behind lies and loopholes.

Dec 6, 2003, 08:16 PM
On 2003-12-06 17:11, ADE wrote:
Same sceneario here. Nobody's forcing you to read my posts. Stop putting that goddam double standard up to me and argue like a man. Stop hiding behind lies and loopholes.

i don't hide behind anything ADE. I'm right here in the open. I have always told you exactly what I felt and I have never lied to you. So here I am.

Dec 6, 2003, 08:23 PM
You're saying that I come here and muddle the boards with cheating, and act like I'm the only person who's doing anythign wrong, and that isn't true. I'm simply defending my right to a safe and LEGIT environment. An environment which you (and people like you) STOLE from me. You bet your ass I have every right to be angry.

Dec 6, 2003, 11:08 PM
The moment an Online Enabler Code becomes active...I'm staying in Locked Games from now on. That was the main reason PSO on Dreamcast went into the toilet so fast was kids who came into open games and harassed people.

It was at a point that I hadn't even bothered nor cared to set foot on Oberon *Oberslum to a few people* because it was nothing but little PK and attack wars.

Heck I might opt to leave Sega's server and go elsewhere where I know people are not stupid enough to try this retarded shit.

Here's to hoping the Online enabler is a long long long way off....

~S N K

Dec 7, 2003, 12:50 AM
On 2003-12-06 20:08, BonusKun wrote:
The moment an Online Enabler Code becomes active...I'm staying in Locked Games from now on. That was the main reason PSO on Dreamcast went into the toilet so fast was kids who came into open games and harassed people.

It was at a point that I hadn't even bothered nor cared to set foot on Oberon *Oberslum to a few people* because it was nothing but little PK and attack wars.

Heck I might opt to leave Sega's server and go elsewhere where I know people are not stupid enough to try this retarded shit.

Here's to hoping the Online enabler is a long long long way off....

~S N K

Yeah I agree. Fucking with people's characters is one thing. But the armor shop code and level 200 codes are completely harmless. PSO's economy was ruined long before any AR codes....

Dec 7, 2003, 12:52 AM
Yeah, so let's ruin them further.

Oh, there's lots of murder in the world, and crime. The world is ruined, so let's go commit crimes.

Though PSO is on a smaller scale, that's the same logic. Are you a man or a lemming?

Dec 7, 2003, 01:31 AM
On 2003-12-06 21:52, ADE wrote:
Yeah, so let's ruin them further.

Oh, there's lots of murder in the world, and crime. The world is ruined, so let's go commit crimes.

Though PSO is on a smaller scale, that's the same logic. Are you a man or a lemming?

It seems you can't grasp between game and real life. Don't compare game to real life. People are smart enough to know the differences unlike you ADE. Obviously you can't see that. As I said somewhere, you NEED to get outside more and away from this world we all called game.

PS I think all those Boomas beat you up too hard ADE. Time to let go. You can't beat them all by yourself.

Dec 7, 2003, 02:09 AM
I'm sorry SCMFXT, but games are part of real life. If you call someone a harmful name on the Internet, it is just as bad as saying it to his face.

If you cheat in an online game and destroy the game's economy, you are commiting a crime. You are breaking a legally binding contract, thus it is a real life crime. Just becuase it is not enforced does not make it right.

You should want to do the right thing for your own personal integrity. People who only do things wrong when they are not monitored (ie. PSO), but behave when they're being watched are the biggest bunch of posers ever.

If you cheat and hack on PSO behind the veil of the anonymity of the internet, but claim to be a good person in real life, then you are a coward. Act how you want to all the time, and stop being such a wimp. It's either all or none.

The more you post, the stupider you make yourself look. Just stop. You've already proven you're a 13-year-old code cracker that gets off on making other angry. Just stop.

Dec 7, 2003, 02:18 AM
The more you post, the stupider you make yourself look. Just stop.

That's good advice. You should follow it.

Dec 7, 2003, 02:36 AM
On 2003-12-06 23:09, ADE wrote:
I'm sorry SCMFXT, but games are part of real life. If you call someone a harmful name on the Internet, it is just as bad as saying it to his face.

yes, but on the internet, you cant knock the fucker out, and thats why shit like this has happened, hacking and reverse engineering and all that is just something that is seemingly always going to be there. just let it go. (although i do agreee with the fact that its bullshit that people can fuck around with a game that you have to actually pay money for, which is why i never had an issue with D2 hacking)

also, stop half-flaming and giving tired rants of something, that at the core, is a hopeless dream. you may need to stop paying that HL for about a month and go do something else.

Dec 7, 2003, 03:18 AM
On 2003-12-06 23:09, ADE wrote:
If you cheat and hack on PSO behind the veil of the anonymity of the internet, but claim to be a good person in real life, then you are a coward. Act how you want to all the time, and stop being such a wimp. It's either all or none.
I'm not hiding behind anything. My email and IM is out in the open unlike you. I have nothing to hide. Give me your IM and then we can talk. Or are you afraid.

On 2003-12-06 23:09, ADE wrote:
The more you post, the stupider you make yourself look. Just stop. You've already proven you're a 13-year-old code cracker that gets off on making other angry. Just stop.

Look in the mirror why don't you. A lot of people would agree. Take advice from me and others, give it up. Take a break from PSO and enjoy life. Umm.. never mind.. I forgot you have a pathetic life that you hide behind a game. If you put these great energy [hate] you use on the cheaters into perfecting your REAL life thing might not be as bad as you see it.

Dec 7, 2003, 03:18 AM
On 2003-12-06 23:09, ADE wrote:

The more you post, the stupider you make yourself look.

Stupider isn't even a word. The correct term is more stupid.

Dec 7, 2003, 06:47 AM
You completely sidestepped every issue I addressed and applied them to me.

Answer them for yourself first, then I'll respond.

Dec 7, 2003, 08:19 AM
ade, you need to seriously lighten up...

and its nto the place of the mods on this site to go and trace and then hand out scmxft's IP address to sega. surely that is a crime(invasion of privacy or whatnot) more than hacking this game.
i seriously think you are not mature enough for these boards...

at any rate, the increase in the amount of codes for pso isnt a good thing. although i have already got bored of the game, so will eveyone else eventually. its not going to change ur life if there are hacks on the game

Dec 7, 2003, 09:41 AM
Don't you just love ADE?
Our own little Psow Uber Pure Legit.
Or should I say obsessed legit?
Because my god ADE, if you find this game even more important than or as important as your real life,
then I wonder what your real life looks like.
Don't get me wrong at the core you are right:
Cheating/Hacking on PSO (or any online game) is bad, but why make it such a big deal? Because you have a legal contract on your side? Come on, if that thing had any value, ST would do their work.
And as you can see ST isn't doing much. Nor can they.
Cheaters/hackers will always be around. ST makes a patch, hacker makes a new code, patch, new code etc.
You can't stop it. Why? Because finding easier ways in a game is human behavior. Yes some people like you want to play it the "hard way/proper way", but that doesn't go for some people. People like to explore what they can and can't do. Looking for their limits. And in this case looking for the limits within the game. And sure those limits have been set in the legal contract, but like VioletSkye said: people love to think outside of the box, to go beyond their limits.
The fact that ST doesn't enforce their contract doesn't make cheating right, but while doing nothing they are allowing it to happen. They allow people to look for what can be done in the game.

You are right with legit should be the only way to play, but tell that to people who just want to explore their limits. It is useless. They (including me btw) won't listen.

You should want to do the right thing for your own personal integrity. People who only do things wrong when they are not monitored (ie. PSO), but behave when they're being watched are the biggest bunch of posers ever.

For people not to explore their (or the other person's or game) limits they need to be checked yes. Or else they will look for what they can and can't do in any type of situation; Work, friends, games etc.
It is once again human behaviour.
Why do think supermarkets have camera's?
Why do you think we have police running around town?
To waste money? No, to keep people from doing "wrong".
And seeing how you compare PSO so much to real life why didn't you make this link?

If you cheat and hack on PSO behind the veil of the anonymity of the internet, but claim to be a good person in real life, then you are a coward. Act how you want to all the time, and stop being such a wimp. It's either all or none.

*has cheat chars* (and legit chars but nvm)
So you are saying that because I cheat in PSO, I am an asshole in real life or use a "mask" in real life to not make me look an asshole? That is what you are saying? Me, who would leave a legit game instantly if asked to? I think I would rather avoid a person like you if I ever saw one walking in town. Why? Way too narrow-minded and obsessed. And yes, I don't know you, this is just based on most of your replies on this forum.
If you don't like that image I(and many others here) have of you than you should change your replies.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AppieDPC on 2003-12-07 06:45 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 05:10 PM
God I wish Phalanx was here to rid the land of 99% of the posters here.

OK, lot's of things to go over after reading those 3 pages.

You guys have to seriously come off of ADE. You have to admire a level 200 legit who manages to stick to his guns after damn-near everyone in this thread mocks him and criticizes him.

I read through ADE's post on this thread and he actually did make many valid points, most of which got thrown back in his face and countered by talking about his personal life.

You all seem to think the ST ToA is complete bullshit and isn't a valid argument when defending legits. The ToA is the ULTIMATE defense against cheating. Whether or not ST enforces what's in its ToA...does that make it right to "push it to the limits" (pretty weak excuse)?

If you can't even HONOR the company who brought you a game that you're LEARNING to reverse engineer, make mods, etc...aren't you just being an ass by not respecting ST's wishes, even though you use it as a program to help your abilities?

And don't they have fucking colleges where you can learn this stuff legally?

The fact is, when you first put in PSO, you agreed to everything listed in the ToA, and you did--and still are, diliberately disobeying it. I honestly don't care how valid your argument is against the ToA...when it all comes down to it...YOU are the one who is in violation.

Everything cheaters do has affected PSO, even though it is measured on different scales from each individual person.

Duping? Meh, wtf it's not that big of a deal!

AR Level 200 Code? Ahh shit let the dog have his bone!

Max stats? I don't see any harm...

The fact is, all of the above mentioned (and more) DOES AFFECT PSO. To this day, I hate duping as much as the Level200 AR code.

Now I would bet that 99% of the people on this board could give a damn out of any of those mentioned; but using your argument based ONLY ON YOUR PERSONAL OPINION is void and can't hold its ground in an argument---NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE DEFENDING YOU. If 21 people work on a math problem and 20 of them scream with certainty that they're right, that doesn't mean that the remaining one person has the wrong answer (hope you caught my weak sauce analogy).

Just because cheats are AVAILABLE for use, doesn't mean you should exploit them and use them.

The actual cheats/glitches in the game aren't what causes cheating in PSO---it's gamers like you and me. The point being: Even if PSO has available cheats and glitches, that doesn't make the game flawed (I bet you love that statement).

The only thing that makes PSO flawed is the people who play it.

Dec 7, 2003, 05:21 PM
the probelm with ADE isnt his opinion, but the seirousness with which he takes it and the way he expresses it. Flaming and violence is rampant.

Dec 7, 2003, 05:23 PM
It's true that ADE has a lot of valid points, but his presentation is all wrong. He hasn't, and is probably not going to convert any cheaters by yelling at them. I whole-heartedly agree with ADE that cheating is wrong and that PSO would be a much better place if there never had been any duping or hacking, but he's going about changing things in the wrong way. Hell, if I were a hacker, I would be more inclined to cheat and hack the game after a rude legit flamed me for "ruining his paradise."

I knew ADE from PSO long before he signed up at PSOw, so I know what he's like when he's calm. We've had disagreements, but we are more or less friends. ADE's a good guy, but he does let his emotions get the best of him.

Dec 7, 2003, 06:32 PM
On 2003-12-07 14:21, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
the probelm with ADE isnt his opinion, but the seirousness with which he takes it and the way he expresses it. Flaming and violence is rampant.

I honestly can't consider anything he's posted as being "flaming"; it's natural to reply in an angry manner when nobody listens to what you have to say.

And obviously if ADE takes something like this so seriously, don't you think he cares more about the game then you do?

I would get mad (and I do) too if someone was making a joke out of things I cared about.

Dec 7, 2003, 06:35 PM
On 2003-12-07 15:32, AUTO_ wrote:

On 2003-12-07 14:21, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
the probelm with ADE isnt his opinion, but the seirousness with which he takes it and the way he expresses it. Flaming and violence is rampant.

I honestly can't consider anything he's posted as being "flaming"; it's natural to reply in an angry manner when nobody listens to what you have to say.

And obviously if ADE takes something like this so seriously, don't you think he cares more about the game then you do?

I would get mad (and I do) too if someone was making a joke out of things I cared about.

I can understand that too, but point is that it's just a game!!! If he were getting upset aobut a more serious issue, then it wouldn't be so bad.

Dec 7, 2003, 06:46 PM
On 2003-12-07 14:10, AUTO_ wrote:

You guys have to seriously come off of ADE. You have to admire a level 200 legit who manages to stick to his guns after damn-near everyone in this thread mocks him and criticizes him.

Cna you prove that he is a legit lvl200? For all you know he might hv been the one who started the Ar code. alot of people want proof on many things and I want proof that he got to lvl200 the legit way.

Dec 7, 2003, 06:51 PM

There's your proof. See the date on that thread. It came MONTHS before the AR code.


Also, thank you Auto, for defending me. You are all more blinded by hate than I am. You are obviously bothered by your cheating becuase you react in such a violent manner when I point it out.

Why not try turning legit? I promise you it is a much more satisfying experience. Unfortunately I won't be around to see it.

Dec 7, 2003, 07:14 PM
ADE I got a legit lv 189 RAcast and yes it has felt better to play the game that way but I not telling you off for you being legit which is great I'm telling you off cause you say the same thing over and over again.

Dec 7, 2003, 07:28 PM
Well, it's funny. I'm noticing some repetition in the responses of my naysayers as well. Except they continue to show how wrong and off base they are.

It's amazing how a group of people with a wrong idea will fight against one person who is right. Strength of numbers does not apply to the logic of debate.

Dec 7, 2003, 07:37 PM
Plz do me one thing don't talk bout math words.

Dec 8, 2003, 01:03 AM
From what I heard from an interviewer. Even the world's Greatest or can I say... ***est hacker (heh) can find a Battle/C-mode modifyer code. Even PK/NOL/CK... because more binary codes are hidden within codes. And these codes are inaccessible.

Isn't that right... BARUBARY??? Yea you said it yourself. So come out of the shadows MAN! You can't hack Barubary6...you're just another messenger boy like Nugz.

Dec 8, 2003, 06:30 AM
Well, it took me some time to read through the whole discussion with ADE. I think he's basicaly right, he just has an unfriendly way of saying it.
However, there is 1 point at which he is wrong. Reverse engineering is NOT illegal, and definitely NOT a violation of copyrights. Once I buy the product, I can use it in whatever way I want, provided it is for my own personal use. If I take more pleasure in disassembling PSO than I do in playing it, that is my right. The TOS may in some interpretation state otherwise, but I doubt it would hold up in court. Also, ppl that do reverse engineering, or other kinds of hacking just for their personal entertainment are usualy NOT nolifes. They just have a different way of appreciating software.
The only thing the TOS does, as far as I can see, is state that if I do some of the things mentioned there, ST has the right to ban me from the online PSO community. And that could very well be legal, as taking hacked stuff online would almost certainly effect others in a way that does violate some law.

And to continue on the reverse engineering thing. Suppose I did it and by that I got some knowledge about how the game works, and what to do to, say, unseal a J-sword. (erm, Barubary6 did that already...) Would it then be illegal for me to share that knowledge? No it wouldn't.
But I would probably also be able to find how to make any item on the disk. Sharing that knowledge would still not be illegal, although it could get me banned.
What would be illegal is publishing pieces of code I took from PSO. This code IS protected by copyright. And there is an interpretation by which the publication or use of code messing with the original program is also a violation of copyrights.

And I really do think the ppl saying 'hey, it's just a game' and 'play the way you want' are wrong. Yes, it is just a game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have to be taken seriously. Personaly, I take my fun VERY seriously. Keeps me from going completely insane...
When I bought PSO and read the manual, I found ST offering me a certain type of entertainment. When I finaly made it online, I couldn't realy find it, as it was being ruined by the results of cheating. I admit that at the time duping, and a few stray hacks were the worst there was, but that had already made the trade-system completely worthless. Also, I remember on my first session some moron coming in asking me for a lvlup code. That was realy pathetic. First time online and already finding a moron that thinks I'm a hacker or something...
Also, the "PSO is f***ed up already, what's the problem with f***ing it up some more?" doesn't hold. If all would stop f***ing up PSO, that would give ST time and a serious chance to patch it up. Flaw here is that the ppl doing the f***ing up some more are the same kind that f***ed it up to begin with. No respect, and not talking to'em. And ofcourse if those ppl wouldn't do the "some more" part, the initial f***up would probably also not have taken place. (The attitude to not do the "some more" is the same as the one for the initial problems)

Anyway, the whole thing is about respect. And using cheats DOES ruin the game, which is very disrespectful towards the ppl like me, that came looking for what ST offered in the manual.
Why is it that whenever there is something good, or at least could be good, there's idiots who seem intent only on ruining it. I can see how and why they succeed at it, but why do they have to be there? Why can't they just show some respect and keep their accomplishments to themselves, so noone has to suffer from the negative side-effects of them? Oh well, I guess we weren't all raised that well... The thought of learning Japanese is getting stronger.

Last remark to the ppl claiming cheating doesn't ruin the game: Ignorance is bliss...to the ignorant. (And in case you're really dim, that means you, cheater)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Superguppie on 2003-12-08 04:05 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2003, 07:27 AM
On 2003-12-07 14:10, AUTO_ wrote:

You guys have to seriously come off of ADE. You have to admire a level 200 legit who manages to stick to his guns after damn-near everyone in this thread mocks him and criticizes him.
How about ADE gets of our case for a change?!
Thread after thread he posts the same damn thing.
Yes he is right to have that opinion, but do I have to hear it over and over again? After one time I get the message: ADE doesn't like cheating and wished everybody played like him. And yes ADE I don't have to read your posts, but if you take over every topic with your stuff it is hard to miss it.

I read through ADE's post on this thread and he actually did make many valid points, most of which got thrown back in his face and countered by talking about his personal life.

Yes, he has some valid points, but the reason why "we" think that he has some problems in his personal life is because "we" can't understand why he is so upset about this. So "we" try to find reasons for that behavior.

You all seem to think the ST ToA is complete bullshit and isn't a valid argument when defending legits. The ToA is the ULTIMATE defense against cheating. Whether or not ST enforces what's in its ToA...does that make it right to "push it to the limits" (pretty weak excuse)?

Pushing your limits is human behavior and as we all know some humans can be weak, so yes it is a weak excuse. It is simple logic: Human smells easy "power" > Human gets easy "power". "Power" overrules respect/honor for the game. You can say that this is all bullshit, but it is the truth, some people think this way (sometimes without even knowing they do this). The only way to beat human behavior is letting other people check on these people. So in this case ST needs to enforce their agreement. Or else people will look for the limits.

The only thing that makes PSO flawed is the people who play it.

So true http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

On 2003-12-07 15:51, ADE wrote:

Why not try turning legit? I promise you it is a much more satisfying experience. Unfortunately I won't be around to see it.

Been there, several times over the (almost) 3 years that I have played PSO. And yes I loved/love playing that way, but I also like to cheat a char to hell http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
My Chars have been pretty much 50-50(Cheat-Legit) over the years.
And as long as ST doesn't enforce their agreement I will continue to play both playstyles.
And as said before of course I won't join a Legit game with a duped char. I might not completely respect the game and its agreement, but would never confront a legit with a playing style he doesn't like. All of PSO can't be legit, too much humans following their human behavior, however a small group of legits could manage fine in small community and play PSO like it was meant to be.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AppieDPC on 2003-12-08 04:29 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2003, 09:26 PM
heres a idea noone haings out on eu ships so pick a eu ship and a block and make it the legit ship and black. now you guys got your own lil pso world and no one can bother you.

Dec 9, 2003, 12:00 AM
My college's ISP is unable to access EU and JP ships. I lag out every time I try to log to them.

Dec 9, 2003, 10:07 AM
On 2003-12-05 20:42, ADE wrote:
I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega.

If he's on dial up or has a dynamically assigned IP there is no way to match up a person with an IP. The best an ISP could do would be to say his IP was somewhere between - (generic example).

Besides, posting something on a message board isn't proof that someone is breaking the law.

Dec 9, 2003, 10:16 AM
How doable a trace is, is totaly circumstantial. The MODs of a message board are only responsible for what happens on the board itself. I could say I killed someone and brag about it and stuff. But still the only thing the MODs can do is ban me to keep me from poluting their messageboard.
Plus, even attempting such trace would probably be a violation of laws, so a warrant or something like that would be needed...

Dec 9, 2003, 01:54 PM
On 2003-12-09 07:07, gallaugher wrote:

On 2003-12-05 20:42, ADE wrote:
I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega.

If he's on dial up or has a dynamically assigned IP there is no way to match up a person with an IP. The best an ISP could do would be to say his IP was somewhere between - (generic example).

Besides, posting something on a message board isn't proof that someone is breaking the law.

Actually all ISP's (by law) must keep a record of all ips assigned for a predetermined amount of time. Having dialup is far from anonymous. All they would have to do is look up the time that a post was made and match it up to the customer who was assigned that IP. How do you think all those Kazaa and Kazaa Lite users got busted for sharing files? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

That said, I think its absolutely ridiculous to even mention having the mods turn in someones IP. As Superguppie mentioned, the legal ramifications alone would be enough to warrant a law suit. And he makes another excellent point as well. Posting something on a message board is not a valid form of proof. Not sure what some people believe the mods job is, but let me try and clear it up for you. Their job is to make sure the boards run smoothly and that the rules (of the message board not the game) are upheld. They aren't the police.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: VioletSkye on 2003-12-09 11:59 ]</font>

Dec 9, 2003, 04:07 PM
I posted that information based on personal experience. However, that was a few years ago.

And yes, asking pso-world mods to be 'internet police' for video game copyright infringement is ridiculous.

Dec 10, 2003, 11:32 PM
ADE, you have been talking about how you have the ToS behind you but as far as I'm concerned, that is just something you say yes to in order to play the game.

What good is the ToS if it is not enforced? The ToS is not law if those laws are not enforced. Sure, there have been bannings that have been occurring, but that is most likely just a glitch.

Hopefully they will not get the AR codes online until ep3 is released. And hopefully ST has checked this game over for bugs 500000 times(I think maybe once is ok for them).

Dec 11, 2003, 04:31 AM
On 2003-12-10 20:32, mkay wrote:
ADE, you have been talking about how you have the ToS behind you but as far as I'm concerned, that is just something you say yes to in order to play the game.

The fact that you said yes to it means you agree to abide by it. If you then violate the ToS you are subject to the punnishment mentioned in the ToS. (= BAN) Only possible exception is a term in the ToS that violates a local law...

What good is the ToS if it is not enforced? The ToS is not law if those laws are not enforced. Sure, there have been bannings that have been occurring, but that is most likely just a glitch.

The fact that the effort to enforce the ToS is below what is desired by many doesn't make violation of the ToS right. A violation of an agreement you said yes to is a violation. (= wrong) Where I live we don't have a police officer looking at every traffic light. Yet many people do stop when the light is red...
The 'glitch' bannings are an indication that ST is working on enforcing the ToS. I hope they get it right soon. And I think ADE will agree with me when I say "The sooner the better".

Hopefully they will not get the AR codes online until ep3 is released. And hopefully ST has checked this game over for bugs 500000 times(I think maybe once is ok for them).

And why is it that you only hope the AR codes will stay away until Ep3? You want Ep1&2 to go to hell when you get Ep3? I don't think I will stop playing Ep1&2 when I get Ep3, so as far as I am concerned the AR codes should NEVER make it online. (whatever that may mean)
And no matter how many times you check a program of any considerable size, you can never be certain it is hacker proof. You make a hack impossible and they'll just find another one. Plus, when using client-side saving, you're just asking for hacks...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Superguppie on 2003-12-11 01:32 ]</font>

Dec 12, 2003, 12:43 AM
Yes but what is law if there are no consequences for breaking that law? Its like playing a game with rules that you have to abide by without a referee. like you are playing basketball with your friends, you can foul them as much as you want because there is no punishment for that. So until there are user bannings for cheating, the ToS is not law because it is not enforced.

And yes, I also don't want ep1&2 to go to hell either. We are lucky that right now the AR codes are only file swapping and not file deletion. Once they figure out the online enabler+file deletion, we are as good as f***ed. But I will be mostly switching to ep3 because old people i know will be on there.

About the whole ToS = no law stuff, we can argue all we want about that but I dont think either of us will come to an agreement.

Ah yes, don't take me for a duper because I am legit. I am just discovering ways dupers can say that they are justified in doing what they do(duping).

Dec 12, 2003, 04:02 AM
...let's hope ST starts enforcing soon
...and let's hope they never take the AR shit online

I'll probably meet old friends in Ep3. But C.A.R.D. revolution is a way different game and I expect to keep playing Ep1&2...

Dec 12, 2003, 07:10 AM
On 2003-12-10 20:32, mkay wrote:

Hopefully they will not get the AR codes online until ep3 is released. And hopefully ST has checked this game over for bugs 500000 times(I think maybe once is ok for them).

Now you mentoined it, two weeks passed since its release, way better start than NGC Ep1&2 JPN 1.0 http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

On 2003-12-11 01:31, Superguppie wrote:

Where I live we don't have a police officer looking at every traffic light. Yet many people do stop when the light is red...

Good example only thing is that at that traffic light around the corner there might standing a police officer checking that traffic light. Of course he couldn't be there when you first pass that light but perhaps another day he is standing there. So people are cautious. After all he could be standing there. Now ST (atm) doesn't enforce their TOS in ayway. So there is no reason for the cheaters to be cautious.
That glitched patch from a couple of weeks back might be a step in the right direction for people to start being cautious, but for now there is no reason to be cautious (Banned Blue Ring online is an exception LOL)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AppieDPC on 2003-12-12 04:11 ]</font>

Dec 12, 2003, 08:01 AM
I think the banned blue ring may be one that was left over from the past. I don't know the status of the blue ring at DC, but it seems the banned one is the DC variant that is still somewhere in the GC code. Unlike other unreleased stuff it is meant not to be released ever, so banning for possessing it is easier than for other 'legit in the furure' or 'legit but hacked to hell and back' stuff.

And I, again, express the hope that the pre-test code from a few weeks ago will soon cease being pre-test. At least such code exists, so there is hope ST will start making the cheaters more cautious. The sooner they get to it the better

Dec 12, 2003, 08:42 PM
For every color ring there is another one from the DC.

Dec 19, 2003, 04:49 PM
TOS.. a set of rules to abide by for playing pso.. himm we are all wrong for not following these rules right??..

well take a look at just a snipit of the the laws on the books in just the state of Indiana..

# Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March.
# It is illegal to sell cars on Sunday.
# Oral sex is illegal.
# A man over the age of 18 may be arrested for statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes, and is under the age of 17.
# It is against the law to pass a horse on the street.
# It is illegal for a liquor store to sell cold soft drinks.

my goodness.. if i followed these rules that are actually written into law in Indiana i would hate life.. sniff

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ILLI on 2003-12-19 13:50 ]</font>

Dec 22, 2003, 09:00 AM
If laws are out of date, they still shouldn't be violated. They should be replaced.
Laws that don't make sense shouldn't be violated, they should be explaned or replaced.
Laws that are not enforced are not to be violated. The enforcement should be implemented.

Same goes for the ToS. The fact that ST does nothing to uphold them has no bearing on the fact that they should be obeyed.

Dec 22, 2003, 09:12 AM
On 2003-12-05 20:42, ADE wrote:
I think you Mods should trace the IP address of SCMFXT and report him to Sega. If you mention copyright issues, even a stupid company like ST would respond. He has participated in reverse engineering, which is a crime.

Oh, that is good one, another person telling us how we should do our jobs. Well guess what, we are not going to do that. We have neutral stance (meaning not for it, but we won't damn you if you do cheat). That rule is not going to change. If you don't like it, well, there are plenty of other websites to go.

On 2003-12-22 06:00, Superguppie wrote:
If laws are out of date, they still shouldn't be violated.

So basically, you are saying I, and everyone else who was in the bowling alley, should be arrested for bowling on a Sunday. It is in law in Illinois that is in the books, but it is so ridiculous that it is not enforce. And besides, the terms of sevice are guidelines and rules. Not laws. If you break them, you get banned, not arrested or fined. Big difference there. Last thing we need is another "duping = murder and raping" comparison that Phalanx did.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2003-12-22 06:25 ]</font>

Dec 22, 2003, 12:20 PM
Ya know I get pretty sick of your neutral stance, PSOW.

Think about all the work you guys have done on guides and FAQs, and how it's all become worthless becuase people don't have to earn their way through quests anymore. They can just cheat to get the rewards, making all the research and FAQ writing for naught.

That should PISS YOU GUYS OFF. It would really piss me off. And I would wanna do something about it. Why don't you guys care at all?

Dec 22, 2003, 12:53 PM
On 2003-12-22 06:00, Superguppie wrote:

Laws that are not enforced are not to be violated. The enforcement should be implemented.

Same goes for the ToS. The fact that ST does nothing to uphold them has no bearing on the fact that they should be obeyed.

people will always do what other people let them do.
If ST doesn't do shit to enforce their ToS, then the dupers won't go away. It is as simple as that.

On 2003-12-22 09:20, ADE wrote:
Ya know I get pretty sick of your neutral stance, PSOW.

Think about all the work you guys have done on guides and FAQs, and how it's all become worthless becuase people don't have to earn their way through quests anymore. They can just cheat to get the rewards, making all the research and FAQ writing for naught.

That should PISS YOU GUYS OFF. It would really piss me off. And I would wanna do something about it. Why don't you guys care at all?

*looks at how much times the guides are looked at*
some with over 10,000 hits, I don't think Psow have anything to be pissed about, people do use the (good) guides (me included).

Dec 22, 2003, 01:25 PM
On 2003-12-22 09:20, ADE wrote:
Ya know I get pretty sick of your neutral stance, PSOW.

Why? Is it because they don't jump behind you and start blindly flaming cheaters.

Think about all the work you guys have done on guides and FAQs, and how it's all become worthless becuase people don't have to earn their way through quests anymore. They can just cheat to get the rewards, making all the research and FAQ writing for naught.

Not really. Believe it or not, there are people out there that do quest for fun and they still use those guides to help them along the way. I know it may be hard to understand, but not everyone does things just for the rares at the end. This is why I can say that cheating doesn't affect me, it's because of the way I play. But I digress, there are also a good number of cheaters that do quest just for fun. Even when you just consider the number of people that do quest for the rares, it makes all those guides and FAQ's worth it.

Saying that it is useless to make guides just because some people cheat is just like saying that it is useless to make game reviews just because some people will not use them.

Dec 22, 2003, 01:33 PM
On 2003-12-22 06:12, RuneLateralus wrote:
Last thing we need is another "duping = murder and raping" comparison that Phalanx did.

XD, that's classic. I forgot how hilarious Phalanx was.

Dec 22, 2003, 01:47 PM
On 2003-12-22 10:33, Aurra wrote:

On 2003-12-22 06:12, RuneLateralus wrote:
Last thing we need is another "duping = murder and raping" comparison that Phalanx did.

XD, that's classic. I forgot how hilarious Phalanx was.

I enjoyed laughing at him, too.

As for you, Superguppie, what the hell is it with you and your whole "cheating is against the law" thing? It's just a game! Also, cheating is videogames is not against the law; never has been, and never will be. Remember Game Genie? What about Action Replay? Do you think that games stores would be allowed to sell those if cheating was against the law? I think not.

Dec 22, 2003, 11:25 PM
I bet in the next ten years said devices will be illegal since they negatively affect online gaming. Since you're stealing the experience of the game from someone, you're essentially stealing money from them, which IS A CRIME. It won't be long until a new court precedent is set, and online cheating will be a crime.

Dec 23, 2003, 12:33 AM
that's a little farfetched.... you know how some people make an ass of themselves and ruin your fine dining experience, one that you have paid for? that's not a crime either, and you can't get your money back... meal costs more than a HL though!

Ya know I get pretty sick of your neutral stance, PSOW.

oh i'm sorry. but we don't cater to just one person, and i'm so sorry we're not taking sides and not getting into childish arguments.

Think about all the work you guys have done on guides and FAQs, and how it's all become worthless becuase people don't have to earn their way through quests anymore. They can just cheat to get the rewards, making all the research and FAQ writing for naught.

really? then how come they're still getting read? how come people are still asking questions? how come people are still requesting for them. i don't knwo what's worse, people saying i ripped them off all from somewhere or saying it's all a waste. and i have no problem really about doing them, in fact i am doing some right now. i don't need to make my opinion the opinion of every other person out there in the world and i don't feel the need to dictate how others think and act, and i don't feel the need for someone to dictate how we choose to run the site. i think you've gone off the extreme deep end of the pool.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-12-22 21:40 ]</font>

Dec 23, 2003, 02:43 AM
I think you are in denial. You posts seem to lash out harshly at what I say. Everytime I post and say what I think, people personally attack me rather than offer a rebuttal. Why is that? I'm not personally attacking YOU by saying that I think the FAQs were for naught. What I'm saying is that they would be a LOT MORE VALUED in a legit community, so I figured it would be REASONABLE that you would take a stance on the legit side of things.

I guess I was wrong. However, I find your extremely harsh (and uncalled for) reply to be quite childish. Maybe you shouldn't read between the lines so much. I was not attacking YOU AS A PERSON, I was trying to make you think about how PSO works.

Everyone around here takes everything the wrong way.

Dec 23, 2003, 02:49 AM
You're saying that people will get arrested for cheating on online games... you do realize how rediculous that sounds right?

Dec 23, 2003, 02:50 AM
i think you're in denial, but see i don't feel the need to call you names. i also don't feel the need to call anyone who doesn't agree with me names and then say it's all personal attacks. maybe if someone always says something about what you post and think, there's something they're finding wrong about what you post and the way you think. but if you keep disagreeing that people see something wrong, then that's denying. but as you specifically mentioned in one of your posts

"Damn it I'm right, it's crystal clear"

See I never need to resort to those lines.

I mean, hey I can use your logic and say OMG you breaking our TOS is a crime.

Dec 23, 2003, 02:54 AM
WTF you're mods!!! You're NOT SUPPOSED TO BE INSULTING MY VIEWPOINTS!! That's exactly what you tell everyone else NOT TO DO!! Why don't you set an example and follow your own rules? I might have broken them in the past but I'm not doing it right now, am I?

Why don't you guys stop treating me like crap just because you've got some past beef with me? It's painfully obvious we have some personal agenda at work here.

Denial? Cheating IS A CRIME. You're breaking a legally binding contract!! Sure you won't get in trouble, but if you're a good person then breaking the law SHOULD BOTHTER YOU. It should gnaw at your conscience because it causes harm to others.

Nobody here has a conscience over the anonymity of the internet, apparently. Let's just cheat and ruin the game for other people because we will never meet them, so it doesn't matter. Right?

Dec 23, 2003, 02:59 AM
I have no past beef with you. I am not insulting your viewpoints, nor am I insulting viewpoints on legitness. I am talking about not needing everyone to think like I do and agree with me. I said nothing about cheating in my previous post. Maybe you shoudl read it again. The mods have as much right to express how they feel.

Funny thing is yes you have been breaking rules and now too.

Trust me, in no state will ST lawyers go after someone for duping an item on PSO.

Dec 23, 2003, 03:02 AM
But that STILL DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT. Can't you see that? Do you even care? Are you even listening?

It should be a matter of PERSONAL INTEGRITY. Not wanting to cheat because you're a good, hard-working person. There are few of them here. Even the mods don't see my point. You're all beyond help.

Answer me this Lollipop, are you a cheater? I've already made my guess in my mind, but I won't post it.

Dec 23, 2003, 03:03 AM
Ok I've had it. Bye.

Dec 23, 2003, 03:05 AM
Hey I'm still not gonna have a stroke and compare it to a crime. It's a game. I'd rather worry about interest rates if I had to. Welcome to the real world.

Nope I'm not a cheater. Don't even trade. OMG but you already decided about me before you heard my answer. Nice assumptions.

Dec 23, 2003, 03:17 AM
I thought Ade said for everyone to leave the site!!

Dec 23, 2003, 05:50 AM
Why did you ban him like that?!

Now your evil agenda of cheating cannot be held at bay!

*runs away to phone the police*


Dec 23, 2003, 07:01 AM
It's about time you guys banned him, but I will miss the laughs I got from arguing with him.

Dec 23, 2003, 11:05 AM
ADE was right, though. Whether you are going to get in trouble or not should be of no matter. Cheating is wrong.

Just because you are able to steal and not get caught, does that make it right? No. The same applies to cheating (although I KNOW they are not on the same level of severity).

And please don't say "It's just a game." If it's "just a game", then why do people have to have cheated items/characters? If it's "just a game", why are people always obsessing about having the newest hack/dupe? Why are the cheaters working so hard to find more ways to cheat if it's "just a game"?

I really wish PSO had no cheaters on it...it'd make for a much more pleasant experience on the game and on forums like this. I know a lot of arguments would cease to exist. Oh well...

Dec 23, 2003, 01:22 PM
As some people have said before, cheating online is wrong. I couldn't care less whether or not you cheat offline. However, when you bring it online, you are affecting the play of other people (most cheaters anyway). Its disrespectful. People who cheat online bring down the enjoyment factor of other players and that's just not right. That's what the ToA are for, whether you choose to acknowledge them or not. ST put them there for the people who choose to play legit. Abiding by the ToA is one of the few things that ST asks of players. Again, its very disrespectful to NOT obey the ToA. ST made this game for us, yet cheaters who come online can't even respect them for that. Hack offline and cheat offline all you want, but as soon as you come online with cheats etc., its showing that you don't give a fuck about the people who spent(and spend) time to make this game great. You cannot say you havn't gotten your money's worth from pso because everyone has. So why don't you even care about something that boils down to being a favor/request of ST to us the players (hopefully it will be more then that soon)? Its downright fucking rude. I'm done.

Dec 23, 2003, 02:13 PM
Yes, I couldn't see children barge into rooms and take over as if they were thinking that the world's going to remember them. Small children like Nugz and other kids who run in rooms and spam saying some pretty mean stuff.

It's funny how you can do this to a community per say PSO's. But you just can't rob a bank like you used to.

Hard earned? Yes. Like it or not, some people play games for sport and earn every bit of self respect and some "honor". Which can be tossed like salad if a cheater came along and ruined it for them. The word challenge ceases to exist at the moment.
But we all have to remember that even through these times... people get lives they will have to live. Not many people can be stuck on one game their whole life. We all know Barubary finally discovered the meaning of it (I guess). That being my example, and with no offense, my assumption. But I too barely ever get online anymore and I know some others as well. Cheating will also find its way dissolving from the servers. And then again we will see those new people log on and play as if nothing happened... Maybe it will get worse? Maybe there is no change? I logged on last night to see that Antares 8-1 had so many spammers on... A minor change for better? or worse? And this is Episode 3 I'm talking about?

ADE was right, banning him being right or wrong... that's the decision of the general public. I hate to see someone with good opinions and strong mind to just... begone.

We're going to miss you ADE. Rest in Peace.
Oct 18, 2003 - Dec 23, 2003.

Dec 23, 2003, 02:21 PM
ADE got banned on Festivus http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Peace, goodbuddy. See you on Ep3, maybe.

Dec 23, 2003, 02:26 PM
-sigh- so ade got banned huh? yes, he got angry alot (far too much), but he never did anything other then support his views. -is disgusted- >.<;;

Dec 23, 2003, 02:51 PM
I was going to post something really good, but my browser refreshed on me... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif. Anyway, ADE really did get what he deserved, not saying if his point was right or not, but PSOW shouldn't have to take a stand because of "morality," and that "cheating is wrong!" (*sob*).
Anyone else notice how many cliche's and completely ripped phrases he used in his arguments? Jeez, what a loooser.

Edit: Wasn't even aware of this topic until now, but srry http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2003-12-23 12:08 ]</font>

Dec 23, 2003, 02:54 PM
i'm sorry, you guys are a little over reacting here and while i agree that people shouldn't cheat and that it's not right especially online and i wish there were none, it has nothing to do with ade's banning. in case you guys haven't seen, he did plenty than just get mad, he's been downright rude, disrespectful, flamed members and staff members and broke the rules plenty of times. it has nothing to do with his views and opinions of not cheating, because i agree with no cheating, but that doesn't mean i am going to enforce my opinion on the entire site and all of our members. we're not here to censor people's views, we're here to make sure the rules are set in place. you can have strong opinions and argue well without having to go against our rules, flaming and ruining the experience of other members of our site. if it would be disrespectful to disobey ST's TOS and ruin people's experience online on PSO, then it's disrespectful to go against our TOS and ruin people's experience here. it's two completely different matters and we're here to do our jobs.

solstis, just because he's gone doesn't mean you can flame him. quit it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-12-23 11:58 ]</font>

Dec 23, 2003, 03:23 PM
-rereads his own post- maybe i was a little too harsh? >.< i could've left out the cussing, i guess. i just get angry.>.<; definitely don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or anything. sorry if i came on a little strong=O

p.s.- i guess i really shouldn't have expressed my opinion on ADE since i don't read too many of his posts, along with the fact i havn't been here as long as him. i just get tired of people constantly hating on him, i get tired of anybody constantly hating on anyone...

Dec 23, 2003, 03:32 PM
It's kind of disheartening that ADE got banned yet Phalanx, who was at least three times as bad, was allowed to roam free and leave PSOW of his own accord. I'm not flat-out disagreeing with the ban, but I do think everyone made ADE into a little bit of a scapegoat. There have been plenty of people worse than ADE here who nobody ever raised a finger against, yet he shows up for a couple months and gets banned. Sad, really. But I'm too lazy to wage war about it, especially here where I'm liable to get banned. *snicker*

Anyway, ADE, you made these boards interesting. People are going to miss you now that you're gone, and all the threads can go back to being boring wastes of time. Have fun over at IGN.

Dec 23, 2003, 03:55 PM
It's sad to you leave ADE, many of the posts here were far interesting thanks to you, not the usual trash. Why you were banned is still beyond me though, there are certainly other people who deserved it far more then you (won't name people), and they seem to have gotten off scot free.

It was great doing the occasional tower with you Ade, I hope we can do something similar in another game. Good luck in future endeavours Ade, hopefully they will be more fair then PSO has.


Dec 23, 2003, 04:06 PM
On 2003-12-22 20:25, ADE wrote:
I bet in the next ten years said devices will be illegal since they negatively affect online gaming.

Nintendo tried that same shit years ago on Galoob and in the end they lost.

Dec 23, 2003, 04:08 PM
Phalanx was close to banning and received warnings about it. But you see he actually changed his attitude and toned it down and then he left. What are we supposed to do? Make him come back just so we can ban him? And not every single one of his post attacks someone. And other people receive warnings and instant bans too. Or does everyone just love to argue?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LollipopLolita on 2003-12-23 13:10 ]</font>

Dec 23, 2003, 04:21 PM
its the last thing you said...

arguing and these boards go hand in hand heh

Dec 23, 2003, 04:24 PM
Or does everyone just love to argue?


Dec 23, 2003, 04:36 PM
when it's ade that you're all arguing with, everyone loves to see him burn. and when he's gone and not around to argue with, well then you guys can take the aim at us as usual! or until the next target comes along. why do we even have a cheaters board...


Dec 23, 2003, 04:37 PM

Dec 23, 2003, 04:41 PM
btw... ADE did nothing but ruin TOPICS.. the TOPICS would be about one thing and he would turn them into a flamin party, bashing anyone not legit..

His posts were flame bait.. most posts he made were made in a way to make the other person feel he was attacking them... his comments were just harsh enough to make someone feel like they needed to respond...

And let alone the fact that he was on a one man mission to force his opinion on everyone here at psoworld.. yeah his opinion might be great/right, but the way he was going about it was wrong...

Will I miss him?? no.. Will i miss his views?? yes
Will I miss the way he stated his views?? H3LL NO


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ILLI on 2003-12-23 13:51 ]</font>

Dec 23, 2003, 05:47 PM
I really agree with most of ADE's viewpoints, except that he didn't hold ST as responsable as I think they should be held for the sorry state that PSO is in. I dispise cheaters and cheating, but it's ultimately ST's job to police the servers. If people are just allowed to go wild, they will.

Oh well, I don't really know what the debate was since he had left the game anyway. PK and Nol never made me quit the DC version; neither will the shennagians on the GC version.

Dec 23, 2003, 06:17 PM
why do we even have a cheaters board...

So many users including ADE said the same thing as well. There is a sweet bit of irony to that statement. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Dec 23, 2003, 06:28 PM
thats something i would expect from bogus, not you bonus

Dec 23, 2003, 07:02 PM
On 2003-12-23 12:32, Zarana wrote:
It's kind of disheartening that ADE got banned yet Phalanx, who was at least three times as bad, was allowed to roam free and leave PSOW of his own accord. I'm not flat-out disagreeing with the ban, but I do think everyone made ADE into a little bit of a scapegoat.

I nearly choked from laughter after reading that. There is possible way that Phalanx was worse than ADE. Now I agree that he was annoying, arrogant, self-righteous, and stupid, but he was no where near the ADE. At least Phalanx would, on rare occasions, leave a topic where he knows he's been beat, and he could accept the opinions of others, sometimes. The only thing ADE had over Phalanx was the fact that ADE pretty much kept himself in the cheater's section of this forum.

There have been plenty of people worse than ADE here who nobody ever raised a finger against, yet he shows up for a couple months and gets banned. Sad, really. But I'm too lazy to wage war about it, especially here where I'm liable to get banned. *snicker*

I don't think I've met anyone worse than ADE.

Anyway, ADE, you made these boards interesting. People are going to miss you now that you're gone, and all the threads can go back to being boring wastes of time. Have fun over at IGN.

I must admit, it was fun proving him wrong.

Dec 23, 2003, 07:17 PM
On 2003-12-23 13:24, BonusKun wrote:

Or does everyone just love to argue?


BonusKun is COLLECT - Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures

Arguement is the key to debating and discussion. What oother way than to spice up a boring topic, and make it interesting by 10 folds. I know many of us did it before http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif *wink* heh. LOL! Okay maybe THAT (<---) was unnecessary. But You do know what I mean right Lolita? I mean come on, on here or PSO, when was the last time someone called you names and insulted you because they thought it was funny? Everyone gets it sometime or another, but that's life, and it kinda (like you said Lolita) dies down on the flame bits.

::Btw that picture of the girl you got there is pretty nice and well-crafted::

Dec 24, 2003, 01:11 AM
It's not as easy to get rid of me as you think!!!

Just know this PSOW: your security for bannings really SUCKS. I didn't even have to do anything except clear my computers password forms and it unlocked my account. Maybe you should work on this!!

Booyah! You all suck for taking pot shots at me when I couldn't speak!! Eat it!! I'm still able to read and respond to every last word (until they fix it) >_<

Dec 24, 2003, 01:15 AM
Oh, by the way. I was never once proven wrong. Hop over to IGN and read my latest topic and I've got about 30 guys that'll agree with me. And one of them has more IQ points than all of you combined.

Dec 24, 2003, 01:24 AM
I was being nice to not ip ban you, but I suppose I will now. And btw you just tottally proved yourself a hypocrite by bypassing a security module(Which is illegal btw and already have sent a email to RoadRunner about it).

Dec 24, 2003, 01:27 AM
Oh and to anyone else who read his weak attempt at a old hole. Just patched it with 1 line of code.

Dec 24, 2003, 01:34 AM
Oh my god that's a crime!!! Quick 911!

Amazing though, comes back, hypocrite, abusing loopholes just like PSO cheaters, and then flames again!! Hell yeah ADE, guess you're a bit like those PSO cheaters HUH?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saladwood on 2003-12-23 22:35 ]</font>

Dec 24, 2003, 01:35 AM
Sounds like a job for Reno-911

Dec 24, 2003, 02:05 AM
ADE geez, I thought you hated PSOw. It's always the ones who say they don't care about getting banned who end up trying to come back http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Just in case you were curious, PSOw's "sucky" ban system is only used because this site is huge. HUGE. It's not IGN, whose PSO board has like a grand total of 50 posters. If they did anything stronger than a username or cookie ban for everyone who did something wrong they'd be banishing innocents left and right. Your IP doesn't really belong to you; there are lots of other people who have the same one. That's not even the half of it, because if they had to do subnet bans they could potentially take out a whole city of poeple who have never even thought about flaming. Scriptor's subnet gets banned? Whoops, there goes Ness and Abdur also! (hypothetically, at least)

Oh well, good night.

Dec 24, 2003, 02:36 AM
On 2003-12-23 22:35, eRUPT wrote:
Sounds like a job for Reno-911

Damn you, you beat me too it >.< Well at least I can add the picture for ya.


Dec 24, 2003, 06:16 AM
well just as i thought ADE was done providing amusement for these boards, he appears illegally and instead of having one last chance of maybe appolgising, he writes an angered post!hurrah! just like ADE.
|R.I.P |
| ADE | <----grave of ADE
| |
| |

EIDT:d`oh. i also had a little man dancing, but it screwed up when i posted

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: darthsaber9x9 on 2003-12-24 03:21 ]</font>

Dec 24, 2003, 08:40 AM
hEH.. Kinda ironic ADE goes out cheating..

Dec 24, 2003, 09:04 AM
On 2003-12-24 05:40, ILLI wrote:
hEH.. Kinda ironic ADE goes out cheating..

No he was comitting a crime.

Dec 24, 2003, 09:15 AM
On 2003-12-24 06:04, BonusKun wrote:

On 2003-12-24 05:40, ILLI wrote:
hEH.. Kinda ironic ADE goes out cheating..

No he was comitting a crime.

Because we all know that cheating is against the law. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Note: I knew you were being sarcastic and so was I.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ness on 2003-12-24 06:15 ]</font>

Dec 24, 2003, 10:34 AM
And that what makes it all worthwhile.

"Anyone want to dupe a AK-47 and shoot up a neighborhood school? (In Other words... let's dupe some haxed varistas and pop a nizzle up in tha hizzle in the lobbizle fo shizzle)" - Snoop Dogg from Video Game Girls Go WILD

Dec 24, 2003, 10:38 AM
On 2003-12-23 22:15, ADE wrote:
Oh, by the way. I was never once proven wrong. Hop over to IGN and read my latest topic and I've got about 30 guys that'll agree with me. And one of them has more IQ points than all of you combined.

I have the Highest IQ than of anyone of this board combined with Infinity http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif.

Dec 24, 2003, 10:49 AM
On 2003-12-23 22:15, ADE wrote:
Oh, by the way. I was never once proven wrong. Hop over to IGN and read my latest topic and I've got about 30 guys that'll agree with me. And one of them has more IQ points than all of you combined.

I have the Highest IQ than of anyone of this board combined with Infinity .

Well if he wasn't proven wrong, he has been now..
BogusKun hath spoken and even brought forth a quote from the megapimp himself SNOOP

heh http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ILLI on 2003-12-24 07:50 ]</font>

Dec 25, 2003, 06:14 AM
It is so true. I still want to see those virgins from the Video Game Girls Gone Wild video.

Jan 1, 2004, 02:35 AM
On 2003-12-25 03:14, BogusKun wrote:
It is so true. I still want to see those virgins from the Video Game Girls Gone Wild video.

$25.99 from www.videogamegirlsgonewild.com they only accept Credit Cards no COD's or checks!