View Full Version : Parents Stop Picking On Violent Game!

Dec 6, 2003, 08:40 PM
My parents and other parents and goverment and news paper people are ragging about violence in games causing violence but that is not true .... excpecially from violent games ... if i was to pick on a game it would be mario party (dont matter wich 1) when u get like your stars and you friends jack them that makes you frustrated, agrivated, and pissed the F**K Off and thats what starts the anger and fighting ......
Agree or disagree


(suicidal zombie plz keep ur mouth SHUT about my poor grammer or spellin .. idont give a F**K. Butch:P

Dec 6, 2003, 08:47 PM
I agree, MarioParty is a very frustrating game, probably the most frustrating game I've ever played.

Dec 6, 2003, 08:49 PM
cool thanx

Dec 6, 2003, 09:17 PM
On 2003-12-06 17:47, ERS wrote:
I agree, MarioParty is a very frustrating game, probably the most frustrating game I've ever played.

And gets boring really fast

Dec 6, 2003, 09:24 PM
Mario 64 is the frustrating game for me. I didn't know how many swear words I could link into one sentance before that game.

Dec 6, 2003, 09:34 PM
Boy, you have bad grammer!

Dec 6, 2003, 09:57 PM
On 2003-12-06 17:40, RalfWiggum wrote:
My parents and other parents and goverment and news paper people are ragging about violence in games causing violence but that is not true .... excpecially from violent games ... if i was to pick on a game it would be mario party (dont matter wich 1) when u get like your stars and you friends jack them that makes you frustrated, agrivated, and pissed the F**K Off and thats what starts the anger and fighting ......
Agree or disagree


(suicidal zombie plz keep ur mouth SHUT about my poor grammer or spellin .. idont give a F**K. Butch:P

I know how you feel, actully this media violence issue was started by Joe Liberman.He just took this issue out of porportion by blamming video games are the primary reason why the Colobine Incident happened not the other factors that made incident happened. The Colobine incident didn't happened because of games it was the harasssment of the teenagers that the incident happened.

I'm planning to reform the ESRB and the MPAA ratings system and possibly propose a classifcation board that focuses on Classifcation not censorship, because one of the new propoesed ratings will be unrestricted by restricted to adults so that adults will be able to play what they want.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Jkid on 2003-12-06 18:59 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 12:47 AM
On 2003-12-06 18:57, Jkid wrote:
I know how you feel, actully this media violence issue was started by Joe Liberman.He just took this issue out of porportion by blamming video games are the primary reason why the Colobine Incident happened not the other factors that made incident happened. The Colobine incident didn't happened because of games it was the harasssment of the teenagers that the incident happened.

I'm planning to reform the ESRB and the MPAA ratings system and possibly propose a classifcation board that focuses on Classifcation not censorship, because one of the new propoesed ratings will be unrestricted by restricted to adults so that adults will be able to play what they want.

I agree. Did the game "brainwash" those teens to go and murder all their classmates? No, it did not. However, mentally unstable people (IE those who have rage problems, cannot differentiate reality from fiction etc) should not play those sort of games. I don't like seeing younger kids playing really violent games, but for teens and adults, they let you do wild stuff that you could NEVER do in real life. Like become a wanted felon, rob/plunder, shoot people, etc...

Also, anyone who "reinacts" games like Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, etc, is a fucking idiot.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2003-12-06 21:48 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 01:41 AM
On 2003-12-06 18:34, Miller wrote:
Boy, you have bad grammer!

...Uh, look who's talking...

Anyways, I completely agree. Violence doesn't come from video games, it comes from ignorant parents. If someone raises his child to believe everything in video games, and does not dicipline the child on important lessons, the kid may grow up to think that violence is an acceptable answer to life's problems.

Oh, and shouldn't this go on the Rants board?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Saygram- on 2003-12-06 22:41 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 02:07 AM
Hmmm.... I see how it is.

"Video games caused Columbine. Lets ban video games! Pity the poor teenagers in the school who lost their friends! Destroy video games!"

Yes, I do feel sorry for what happened at Columbine, and I do feel that what happened that day shouldn't have happened, but you know what pisses me off? At least the kids that were killed had friends to feel sympathetic for them. From all the media attention and press, the kids that did the deed were constantly harassed, picked on and tormented by the 'popular' kids in school - obviously by not all of the kids of course but enough to piss 'em off to go gun crazy.

I honestly hope the kids that tormented those two and survived will live on, knowing that their actions and their blunt immaturity robbed them of their innocence that their parents perceived they had, and the deaths that their actions lead to cause. If it wasn't for them, there would have been no reason to go to school and kill the source of their problems - their peers. Honestly, I hope they realize that their immaturity cost them lives and that they will not forget the screaming of what happened - because you know what, even though it was a horrible thing that did happen, it should have sent waves warning other kids of what could possibly happen. It did, but did anybody ever pick up on it? Not really. Obviously, if the kids would have matured and not thought "It won't happen to me", the rest of the shootings throughout the years would have never happened - sure it was copycat but at least much of the damage would have been taken care of if the tormentors said "Sorry."

Its much like my Aunt who bought her son a Playstation2 for his birthday, or Christmas. I forgot what. The game that was packed in with the system was Grand Theft Auto 3 (guess what happens).. he's 11, she's clueless about what she bought and she comes in and watches him play this game and is mortified about what she sees. So she goes back to the game store and BITCHES AT THE CLERK ABOUT WHY HE'D SELL SUCH A PRODUCT TO A KID. Well, if I was there I would have smacked her across the face becuase SHE WAS THE ONE WHO FORKED THE DOUGH OVER FOR THE FLIPPIN SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOT THE PRE-TEENAGER. IT WAS HER OWN FAULT FOR BEING THE DUMB BROAD WHO DOESN'T INVESTIGATE GAMES AND OR EVEN READ THE WARNING LABELS! I found out about this little stunt she did when she sent an email out to the whole family, asking for sympathy and hatred towards the industry... and she almost tricked my parents into agreeing with her until I yelled at them (yes, I did indeed yell) about how it was her and only her fault, and nobody elses, regarding the actual purchase of the gaming system. My parents tried to cover for her excuses, but I blasted them down saying that the clerk sold the system to an adult, with the game meant for an adult, and once the objects switched hands, it was out of his control regarding what the consumer would do with it.

Though a couple years ago, in Mall of America, I went to a gaming store and there was this lady, about 35 years of age, looking at games for her son. She was wanting to make sure that he didn't get any vulgar games, or games that would taint his mind per say, and she was wondering about Crazy Taxi. The sales person, obviously wanting to make a sale, said the game was acceptable and that it would be fine. Now, the talk between the two was going on for like 10 minutes, and once he tried selling Crazy Taxi to a lady who said she didn't want any inapproperiate materials in a game, I knew I had to step in. I basically explained to her that the game itself, Crazy Taxi, is a fine concept except that the people do say some swears once in a while - nothing too big but still they were in there - and I also informed her about the ERSB symbol and about its descriptions, and what types of games she should aim for with her child to make sure that she got exactly what she wanted. She of course refused to buy the game, and I spent 20 minutes through the store, guiding her on possible games and with games she did look at, explained through my gaming experince what type of game it would be, whether or not it would be clean, etc.

And when I was ready to go shop at another store, I told the lady "Thank you for taking such an interest in what games your child plays." She said thanks, of course, and thanking me about how well mannered I was. "Don't thank me, thank my parents." I said that with a smile and I walked out of the store. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2003-12-06 23:09 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 02:23 AM
It really comes down to scapegoating. Video games, movies, etc., are easy targets for people who can't take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Leiberman targets video games and movies particularly because he knows he'll get the sympathy vote from irresponsible people. It's a parent's responsibility to teach their children the difference between fantasy and reality, and the difference between right and wrong. But in this day and age people would rather blame someone and/or something else for everything from tripping over their own two feet to accidentally spilling hot coffee in their lap. (Hello, it was supposed to be hot! Don't put that shit in your lap, you clumsy asshole!) What really pisses me off is that people like these will sue and WIN for their own incompetance! What the fuck?! Let's face it, the USA now stands for Ultimate Suing Alliance. I'd say it can't get much worse, but give it a few years. Word is Hillary Clinton will be running for president in 2008. Let the apocalypse begin.

Dec 7, 2003, 03:25 AM
Video games are what caused me to put holes in my wall, door, and wall some more. Nothing like taking out frustration on inanimate objects.

Dec 7, 2003, 03:39 AM
On 2003-12-06 23:07, anwserman wrote:
Hmmm.... I see how it is.

"Video games caused Columbine. Lets ban video games! Pity the poor teenagers in the school who lost their friends! Destroy video games!"

Yes, I do feel sorry for what happened at Columbine, and I do feel that what happened that day shouldn't have happened, but you know what pisses me off? At least the kids that were killed had friends to feel sympathetic for them. From all the media attention and press, the kids that did the deed were constantly harassed, picked on and tormented by the 'popular' kids in school - obviously by not all of the kids of course but enough to piss 'em off to go gun crazy.

I honestly hope the kids that tormented those two and survived will live on, knowing that their actions and their blunt immaturity robbed them of their innocence that their parents perceived they had, and the deaths that their actions lead to cause. If it wasn't for them, there would have been no reason to go to school and kill the source of their problems - their peers. Honestly, I hope they realize that their immaturity cost them lives and that they will not forget the screaming of what happened - because you know what, even though it was a horrible thing that did happen, it should have sent waves warning other kids of what could possibly happen. It did, but did anybody ever pick up on it? Not really. Obviously, if the kids would have matured and not thought "It won't happen to me", the rest of the shootings throughout the years would have never happened - sure it was copycat but at least much of the damage would have been taken care of if the tormentors said "Sorry."

Its much like my Aunt who bought her son a Playstation2 for his birthday, or Christmas. I forgot what. The game that was packed in with the system was Grand Theft Auto 3 (guess what happens).. he's 11, she's clueless about what she bought and she comes in and watches him play this game and is mortified about what she sees. So she goes back to the game store and BITCHES AT THE CLERK ABOUT WHY HE'D SELL SUCH A PRODUCT TO A KID. Well, if I was there I would have smacked her across the face becuase SHE WAS THE ONE WHO FORKED THE DOUGH OVER FOR THE FLIPPIN SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOT THE PRE-TEENAGER. IT WAS HER OWN FAULT FOR BEING THE DUMB BROAD WHO DOESN'T INVESTIGATE GAMES AND OR EVEN READ THE WARNING LABELS! I found out about this little stunt she did when she sent an email out to the whole family, asking for sympathy and hatred towards the industry... and she almost tricked my parents into agreeing with her until I yelled at them (yes, I did indeed yell) about how it was her and only her fault, and nobody elses, regarding the actual purchase of the gaming system. My parents tried to cover for her excuses, but I blasted them down saying that the clerk sold the system to an adult, with the game meant for an adult, and once the objects switched hands, it was out of his control regarding what the consumer would do with it.

Though a couple years ago, in Mall of America, I went to a gaming store and there was this lady, about 35 years of age, looking at games for her son. She was wanting to make sure that he didn't get any vulgar games, or games that would taint his mind per say, and she was wondering about Crazy Taxi. The sales person, obviously wanting to make a sale, said the game was acceptable and that it would be fine. Now, the talk between the two was going on for like 10 minutes, and once he tried selling Crazy Taxi to a lady who said she didn't want any inapproperiate materials in a game, I knew I had to step in. I basically explained to her that the game itself, Crazy Taxi, is a fine concept except that the people do say some swears once in a while - nothing too big but still they were in there - and I also informed her about the ERSB symbol and about its descriptions, and what types of games she should aim for with her child to make sure that she got exactly what she wanted. She of course refused to buy the game, and I spent 20 minutes through the store, guiding her on possible games and with games she did look at, explained through my gaming experince what type of game it would be, whether or not it would be clean, etc.

And when I was ready to go shop at another store, I told the lady "Thank you for taking such an interest in what games your child plays." She said thanks, of course, and thanking me about how well mannered I was. "Don't thank me, thank my parents." I said that with a smile and I walked out of the store. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Heh, you're a man after my own heart, Answerman.

Towards the Columbine shooters...well, I feel bad that they were tormented, but my sympathy is limited by the fact that they ruthlessly murdered a wide variety of people, including many innocent bystanders. "Popular" kids should stop being such assholes to kids different than them. Just because some kid plays video games, or watches anime, or dresses differently, whatever. Of course, the answer to solving this bullying problem is NOT shooting all of your classmates.

My parents are semi-clueless about videogames, but I'm really the only person in my family that plays video games. The most violent game I have? PSO. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Woo, a little puddle of blood on the floor. WOW THIS IS SO FUN, I'M GOING TO GO KILL THE NEIGHBORS WITH THIS MODEL LIGHTSABER!!!1

And no offense to your dear old grandmother, but from what you've said, she does sound like a dumb old broad. Be thankful, though, that your grandmother can still get around and buy stuff...mine has Parkinson's disease, and is almost bedridden with it.

Parents need to be responsible with what their kids are playing. Kids are groqing up way too fast nowadays. (Geez, I sound old when I say that. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif) I mean, kids are playing uber-violent vids before puberty, and stuff like that. Most younger kids nowadays are punky little assholes.

Dec 7, 2003, 03:48 AM
On 2003-12-07 00:25, Delsaber wrote:
Video games are what caused me to put holes in my wall, door, and wall some more. Nothing like taking out frustration on inanimate objects.

dont you just love those startegy games that are just logical paradoxes?

and yes, i agree with everyone else in that its just plain stupidity that makes shit like this happen. sad, sad, pathetic world it is...

Dec 7, 2003, 12:26 PM
Meh. I wholeheartedly agree. First of all, Mario Party is fun for like one game, then the star stealing gets soooo annoying. And, have you noticed how fast they came out with 4 and 5? We didnt even get a chance to friggin rent them and they make a new one http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
Second, GTA games are messed up. You just run down the same place, killing the same people. ZzZz. Im not exactly sure what happened, about the Columbine thing, but why would you like play GTA, decide "this guy is bad and cool" and kill some stuff? Weird. Violent video games are just boredom killers.

Dec 7, 2003, 12:33 PM
On 2003-12-07 00:39, Eihwaz wrote:

On 2003-12-06 23:07, anwserman wrote:
Hmmm.... I see how it is.

"Video games caused Columbine. Lets ban video games! Pity the poor teenagers in the school who lost their friends! Destroy video games!"

Yes, I do feel sorry for what happened at Columbine, and I do feel that what happened that day shouldn't have happened, but you know what pisses me off? At least the kids that were killed had friends to feel sympathetic for them. From all the media attention and press, the kids that did the deed were constantly harassed, picked on and tormented by the 'popular' kids in school - obviously by not all of the kids of course but enough to piss 'em off to go gun crazy.

I honestly hope the kids that tormented those two and survived will live on, knowing that their actions and their blunt immaturity robbed them of their innocence that their parents perceived they had, and the deaths that their actions lead to cause. If it wasn't for them, there would have been no reason to go to school and kill the source of their problems - their peers. Honestly, I hope they realize that their immaturity cost them lives and that they will not forget the screaming of what happened - because you know what, even though it was a horrible thing that did happen, it should have sent waves warning other kids of what could possibly happen. It did, but did anybody ever pick up on it? Not really. Obviously, if the kids would have matured and not thought "It won't happen to me", the rest of the shootings throughout the years would have never happened - sure it was copycat but at least much of the damage would have been taken care of if the tormentors said "Sorry."

Its much like my Aunt who bought her son a Playstation2 for his birthday, or Christmas. I forgot what. The game that was packed in with the system was Grand Theft Auto 3 (guess what happens).. he's 11, she's clueless about what she bought and she comes in and watches him play this game and is mortified about what she sees. So she goes back to the game store and BITCHES AT THE CLERK ABOUT WHY HE'D SELL SUCH A PRODUCT TO A KID. Well, if I was there I would have smacked her across the face becuase SHE WAS THE ONE WHO FORKED THE DOUGH OVER FOR THE FLIPPIN SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, NOT THE PRE-TEENAGER. IT WAS HER OWN FAULT FOR BEING THE DUMB BROAD WHO DOESN'T INVESTIGATE GAMES AND OR EVEN READ THE WARNING LABELS! I found out about this little stunt she did when she sent an email out to the whole family, asking for sympathy and hatred towards the industry... and she almost tricked my parents into agreeing with her until I yelled at them (yes, I did indeed yell) about how it was her and only her fault, and nobody elses, regarding the actual purchase of the gaming system. My parents tried to cover for her excuses, but I blasted them down saying that the clerk sold the system to an adult, with the game meant for an adult, and once the objects switched hands, it was out of his control regarding what the consumer would do with it.

Though a couple years ago, in Mall of America, I went to a gaming store and there was this lady, about 35 years of age, looking at games for her son. She was wanting to make sure that he didn't get any vulgar games, or games that would taint his mind per say, and she was wondering about Crazy Taxi. The sales person, obviously wanting to make a sale, said the game was acceptable and that it would be fine. Now, the talk between the two was going on for like 10 minutes, and once he tried selling Crazy Taxi to a lady who said she didn't want any inapproperiate materials in a game, I knew I had to step in. I basically explained to her that the game itself, Crazy Taxi, is a fine concept except that the people do say some swears once in a while - nothing too big but still they were in there - and I also informed her about the ERSB symbol and about its descriptions, and what types of games she should aim for with her child to make sure that she got exactly what she wanted. She of course refused to buy the game, and I spent 20 minutes through the store, guiding her on possible games and with games she did look at, explained through my gaming experince what type of game it would be, whether or not it would be clean, etc.

And when I was ready to go shop at another store, I told the lady "Thank you for taking such an interest in what games your child plays." She said thanks, of course, and thanking me about how well mannered I was. "Don't thank me, thank my parents." I said that with a smile and I walked out of the store. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Heh, you're a man after my own heart, Answerman.

Towards the Columbine shooters...well, I feel bad that they were tormented, but my sympathy is limited by the fact that they ruthlessly murdered a wide variety of people, including many innocent bystanders. "Popular" kids should stop being such assholes to kids different than them. Just because some kid plays video games, or watches anime, or dresses differently, whatever. Of course, the answer to solving this bullying problem is NOT shooting all of your classmates.

My parents are semi-clueless about videogames, but I'm really the only person in my family that plays video games. The most violent game I have? PSO. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif Woo, a little puddle of blood on the floor. WOW THIS IS SO FUN, I'M GOING TO GO KILL THE NEIGHBORS WITH THIS MODEL LIGHTSABER!!!1

And no offense to your dear old grandmother, but from what you've said, she does sound like a dumb old broad. Be thankful, though, that your grandmother can still get around and buy stuff...mine has Parkinson's disease, and is almost bedridden with it.

Parents need to be responsible with what their kids are playing. Kids are groqing up way too fast nowadays. (Geez, I sound old when I say that. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif) I mean, kids are playing uber-violent vids before puberty, and stuff like that. Most younger kids nowadays are punky little assholes.

You are right about their 'innocense' being destroyed when they killed their classmates, but honestly - things must have been pretty bad if they even considered shooting their peers.

I mean, it wasn't copycat or anything... it was actually an original idea. I don't deny that there was something wrong with those kids, but their troubles were mostly founded by their peers, or at least aggrivated by them.

Kelly Rowland's "Stole", anybody?

EDIT: I love how the parent's of the gunmen are the ones being blamed for the act. Its so wrong... yeah, it was their own kids who went shooting but it was YOUR CHILDREN who drove them to do the deed in the first place.. nobody else. Stop blaming somebody else, and stop with the "My Johnny is a little angel, he would never torment anybody or pick on somebody!" bullshit! (The stuff in bold really does anger me.)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: anwserman on 2003-12-07 09:36 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 02:32 PM
All i have to say is "bowling for columbine"

if you havent seen it, go watch it now. its a great film, and talk about this in great detail.

also, one of the killers wrote in his diary how they had plans to hijack a plane and fly it into new york...

Dec 7, 2003, 03:43 PM
On 2003-12-07 11:32, Zaneatron wrote:
All i have to say is "bowling for columbine"

if you havent seen it, go watch it now. its a great film, and talk about this in great detail.

also, one of the killers wrote in his diary how they had plans to hijack a plane and fly it into new york...

I remember that part. Great documentary too...

who knows... maybe bowling causes violence...

Dec 7, 2003, 04:11 PM
This should be moved to Rants.

Or Fresh Kills...

Dec 7, 2003, 06:52 PM
The thing is, nobody forced a gun into these kids' hands. It was a choice they made, and thus it's their responsibility. The thing is, schools didn't used to be a dangerous place. Back when I went to school nobody ever killed each other. At most there'd be an occasional fist fight, but nobody died and everyone involved could walk away. I think Johnny Witherspoon described it best in his role as Papa Jones in the movie Friday.

Pops: "What's that for?"
Craig: "Protection."
Pops: "Protection?! Protection from who?"
Craig: "Me and Smokey... I got to take Smokey down to his house."
Pops: "Aww, man... Your mother and I never would have moved in this neighborhood if we had known you'd need a gun to walk down the damn street."
Craig: "You know how it is."
Pops: "Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids today are nothin' but punks. Sissy fighters. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass whippin'." He holds up his fists and adds, "This is what makes you a man. When I was growin' up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day. Now you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?"
Craig: "I'm a man without it!"
Pops: "Put the gun down. C'mon, put up your dukes. Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He had to find out the hard way. Twenty-two years old... You've got a choice." He raises his fists again, saying, "These are all you need. All right?"

Dec 7, 2003, 08:23 PM
My parents buy my little brother Mrated games... why? because that is how he gets his violence out... I'msure that without shooting games kids would be shooting eachother alot more. Oh sure its easy toblame video games for violence, but they really supress violence... I'm sure that after my friends ruthlessly owned on my at red faction I would have hit them if not for me learning how to play the game, and starting to blow them to peices with a rocket launcher. During fighting games... when I'm being beat I feel like punching my tv, but then Igo in and bust out a massive combo, decimateing anything in my path. Heh I remember bloody roar primal fury, inwhich I'd be owned on as any other character but Uricko and Long, all because of the combos. I can now safely say that halo is my anger managment... who needs a dude talking in your ear about three step programs, and counting to ten, when you can stick a plasma grenade to the back of a fellow player's head and watvch him fire at you until his head explodes. Sure I gained a major boost on the morbid death factor, but hey... I'm learning strategy at the same time.

I think it should be proven that a group of ten year olds who have been playing flight simulation games, fighting games, and anything else could be an entire army with those little remote controlled bomber planes, and they'd "drop it right in the pickle barrell" (Thats what air force bombers used to call hitting their target, and only their target.) pretty much every time. There are kids out there that could probibly out-strategize many army commanders, and could set up so many ambushes with the military the enemy would be spinning.

I'm sure that that would never be proven, but I'm just saying... kids now are more coordianted, strategic, and quick minded then most adults. Sure that won't stop little billy from shooting his friend when he finds his dad's loaded beretta, but that can't be blamed on videogames.

Dec 7, 2003, 08:51 PM
see the thing about video games is...video games let you do things you can't do in real life. so why the hell would you want to make it real life...that would take the fun out of the video games (that and ruin your life...)

btw...shouldn't this be in Rants...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Monomate on 2003-12-07 17:53 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 09:29 PM
heres how it adds up- parents blame violent video games mainly for one reason. you go to almost any house anywhere in the US and you'll see parents that are neglecting their children like never before. both parents working, parents not even caring what their child does, etc. what happens next? the child has no morals being taught to him. people have common sense, but a child can't know whats right from wrong without being taught it. so, the child doesn't know thats its not ok to re-inact what he saw on his video game, the tv, the movies, whatever... it isn't just video games. so he does just that and the parents are (stupidly) horrified. so, they look to something else but themselves to blame. they find violent video games. something relatively new that they've never really been exposed to. thats where the blame lands. its your fault parents, not the gaming industry. so parents, turn off The Man Show, stop cussing and discussing sex in front of your kids, and raise them. yes, RAISE THEM you ignorant, stupid morons.

i find it ridiculous. hey people, an 8year old kid isn't meant to play gta3. THESE GAMES HAVE RATINGS FOR A REASON. don't go buy your child a mature (17+) game and get angry about the content. not only do they have a rating, but the esrb goes out of their way to give people that little box that tells why its rated that way. again, ITS YOUR FAULT. you wouldn't take your child to an R-rated movie would you? or let him watch mature rated shows on tv would you? video games are the same way. people who complain about violent video games- STOP PUTTING BLAME AND START ACCEPTING IT.

edit: sp.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: shinto_kuji on 2003-12-07 18:49 ]</font>

Dec 7, 2003, 09:39 PM
On 2003-12-07 18:29, shinto_kuji wrote:
heres how it adds up- parents blame violent video games mainly for one reason. you go to almost any house anywhere in the US and you'll see parents that are neglecting their children like never before. both parents working, parents not even caring what their child does, etc. what happens next? the child has no morals being taught to him. people have common sense, but a child can't know whats right from wrong without being taught it. so, the child doesn't know thats its not ok to re-inact what he saw on his video game, the tv, the movies, whatever... it isn't just video games. so he does just that and the parents are (stupidly) horrified. so, they look to something else but themselves to blame. they find violent video games. something relatively new that thev'e never really been exposed to. thats where the blame lands. its your fault parents, not the gaming industry. so parents, turn off The Man Show, stop cussing and discussing sex in front of your kids, and raise them. yes, RAISE THEM you ignorant, stupid morons.

i find it ridiculous. hey people, an 8year old kid isn't meant to play gta3. THESE GAMES HAVE RATINGS FOR A REASON. don't go buy your child a mature (17+) game and get angry about the content. not only do they have a rating, but the esrb goes out of their way to give people that little box that tells why its rated that way. again, ITS YOUR FAULT. you wouldn't take your child to an R-rated movie would you? or let him watch mature rated shows on tv would you? video games are the same way. people who complain about violent video games- STOP PUTTING BLAME AND START ACCEPTING IT.

*wipes away a tear*

I love you man...that was brilliant

Dec 7, 2003, 10:53 PM
This topic really is great. Ive always thought about it, and ive got a lot to agree to in this.

First, i believe 100% that video games are an "punching bag" for your anger. Every time i get mad (mainly my parents), i either: A:Go in another room and watch tv, or B:Go in my room and play some game like Devil May Cry or GT3.

Second, i also believe in the ESRB (that it?) rating. Sure, some games like BMXXXX were a little underrated, but it has helped me get some games. But also, like i said, some games are under or over rated. Like FFX. It had a "T" rating. Now my mother thinks "T" games have cursing and blood...the usual. But i played the whole game, no cursing, no blood, nothing. Just "Violence". Give me a freaking break. Can you fight monsters in real life? No. Are there even things that earn the name monster? Yes, my little brother. But there are no real monsters. Which leads me to my 3rd point...

Reality check. My god, if you think a game is real (except for some), you need to see a psychiatrist NOW!!! Its absurd to mix realty with fiction.

4th, about the school shooting (whatever the fuck its called), to blame that on games is stupid. "I dont want to look like a bad parent. Maybe ill blame on these non-real, fictional games with plasma rifles and green, ugly monsters" IT'S YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT IF YOU DONT RAISE YOUR KID RIGHT!!! ACCEPT THE BLAME AND TRY TO CORRECT IT IF YOU STILL CAN!!! I know people whose parents do care a freaking bit if they smoke pot, crack, etc. Hell, i even know some that smoke with there dad. This is not the role model a parent needs to be. Show your kids whats right and whats wrong.

This has been a very big relief to me, getting this all off my chest. And I would like to sum it with one statement...

This world we live in today, the people we see, things we hear. Its corrupted. Society today is corrupted.

PS: Fuck my dad. The big dick.

Dec 7, 2003, 11:40 PM
On 2003-12-06 17:47, ERS wrote:
I agree, MarioParty is a very frustrating game, probably the most frustrating game I've ever played.

never played it before

Dec 7, 2003, 11:42 PM
On 2003-12-07 15:52, VulpesMundi wrote:
The thing is, nobody forced a gun into these kids' hands. It was a choice they made, and thus it's their responsibility. The thing is, schools didn't used to be a dangerous place. Back when I went to school nobody ever killed each other. At most there'd be an occasional fist fight, but nobody died and everyone involved could walk away. I think Johnny Witherspoon described it best in his role as Papa Jones in the movie Friday.

Pops: "What's that for?"
Craig: "Protection."
Pops: "Protection?! Protection from who?"
Craig: "Me and Smokey... I got to take Smokey down to his house."
Pops: "Aww, man... Your mother and I never would have moved in this neighborhood if we had known you'd need a gun to walk down the damn street."
Craig: "You know how it is."
Pops: "Oh, no, son. That's not the way it is. You kids today are nothin' but punks. Sissy fighters. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass whippin'." He holds up his fists and adds, "This is what makes you a man. When I was growin' up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day. Now you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?"
Craig: "I'm a man without it!"
Pops: "Put the gun down. C'mon, put up your dukes. Now you're a man. Your uncle picked up a gun, too. He had to find out the hard way. Twenty-two years old... You've got a choice." He raises his fists again, saying, "These are all you need. All right?"

That's beautiful. Seriously.

And I must say.. this is the very first time I have ever seen so many people in a message board actually agree about something. Maybe it's because this is a video game forum.. and we're juuuust might be leaning in one direction as a whole. But still this thread is a thread from the world of forms.

Dec 8, 2003, 05:11 AM
Video Games are alot easier to target and blame than media or society.

In any case, if you want frustrating play Shinobi for the PS2 - its the only game I've ever broken a controller over.

Dec 8, 2003, 06:06 AM
On 2003-12-06 17:40, RalfWiggum wrote:

(suicidal zombie plz keep ur mouth SHUT about my poor grammer or spellin .. idont give a F**K. Butch:P

wow, I'm actually paid attention too........
**sobs** I'm actually somebody!!!
Anyways, Nah, You're spelling and grammer isn't as bad as other people, and I can actually READ yours.
And if you don't give a fuck, then why would you bother reading it?

Dec 8, 2003, 08:11 AM
On 2003-12-06 23:07, anwserman wrote:
Yes, I do feel sorry for what happened at Columbine, and I do feel that what happened that day shouldn't have happened, but you know what pisses me off? At least the kids that were killed had friends to feel sympathetic for them. From all the media attention and press, the kids that did the deed were constantly harassed, picked on and tormented by the 'popular' kids in school - obviously by not all of the kids of course but enough to piss 'em off to go gun crazy.

i find it funny that the school board reacted by suspending a little kid that held up a chicken finger and said "bang!".... and yet when kids belittle, taunt, and humiliate others, it's all part of highschool.

Dec 8, 2003, 10:07 AM
I think that playing violent games all depends on your mental situation, background, and your age. When I was younger I was only allowed to play M-Rated games when my older brother played with me so that he could explain why the people shot at each other. He would tell me that you just can't go around shooting people or cutting them up (we were playin DOOM) in real life. My parents also brought me up with these same morals. Now I can play M-Rated games and my parents don't really care because they know I'll never do stupid shit.

Someone without mental stability or a good upbringing could easily misinterpret games (which is why they shouldn't play them).

I also love how uniformed the public is on gaming, but that's a completely different topic.

Dec 8, 2003, 10:07 AM
(Newspaper headline)

"Kid Suspended From Inapproperiate Use Of Chicken Finger, Attempted Gun Use To Blame"

(insert story here)

.... Related Story: "School food linked to raising obesity in school children and one death from cholesterol, Lifestyle 5F."

Dec 8, 2003, 11:37 AM
for once, i agree with everything posted before me. its a sad fact of life that people still need a scape goat for there own fuck ups. most of the time, games are a good stress reliever for me. going down to the arcade, playin time crisis 3, and blowin away people does a number on lowering my stress level. just the simple fact of playin, and getting away from ur problems, even for a breif period of time, can help emensly.

parents need to take responcability for there actions, i tried buying a T game a few years back from stop n save, and i was denied. now im not saying all game stores dont sell inappropriate games to minors, but most ive been to dont. so that just leaves parents buying games for there kids. listen, if ur parents r to stupid to look at very blatent sign on a game box, they get what they deserve sorry to say. and even the esrb came about because some parent got offended by a game(night trap) that wasnt even good to begin with. if parents took the time to get involved with what there kids do, outside of sports, then i think most of the school shootings would disapear.

Dec 8, 2003, 02:12 PM
On 2003-12-08 08:37, shifter wrote:
and even the esrb came about because some parent got offended by a game(night trap) that wasnt even good to begin with.

Actually, it was Mortal Kombat that raised the fuss that inspired Sega to construct the ESRB.

The whole deal came about when there were complaints about the blood in Mortal Kombat. Nintendo chose to require Midway to remove the gore from the game entirely, while Sega chose to have the blood unlockable with a code (ABACABB, as I recall).

This was the game that started all the debates on violence in video games. Sega was the company that came up with the answer-- A rating system for games. The first games to be rated were on the Genesis, but Nintendo quickly adopted the system, as well. Now, all games are rated by the ESRB.

Now, the problem is that parents just don't know. I think that the video game industry needs to get together and start running Public Service Announcements during shows that're popular among parents/adults (I think JAG would be a good show to air these ads on), to inform them of the rating system. That would solve a lot of problems.

Dec 8, 2003, 05:21 PM
Heh... the thing about the ESRB is that my parents actually do look at it. They will suggest a less violent game for me if they think they should. For example... I had saved up 50$ and I was begging and pleading my mom and dad to take me to wal-mart so I could buy GTA3. They said ok, and took me. The stoire clerk got the game, and set it on the counter, back-side up, and shoved it towards my dad, showing him what it is rated M for. My dad looks at me, and asks "Do you think you are mature enough for thig game? Becuase personally this is not what I would have bought for you." I look at my dad, the back of the box, the clerk, then my dad again, and nod, showing that that is the game I want, and that I am mature enough for it.

You see here... the morale of the story is that even if your parents arn't buying a game for you they can still ask about it. My parents know that I'm mature enough for bloody games, because they know they actually brought me up right, and I'm proud to say that at the age of 14. My parents also like to ask me for advice on games to buy for my little brother, and they are comfortible with him playing GTA3, because they know that he is mature enough for the game, so he wouldn't reinact anything on the game. Me and my older brother basically taught my little brother video games, and so my parents are ok with us haveing M rated games (Except for if they have nudity all over them....) Even though my little brother knows the hooker trick and the stripclub danceing thing he doesn't go there, or do that. He just goes, gets his money from the strip club( which he had my older brother do the sit there for like... 15 minuites thing) and is off to have fun. Ok, just because a kid can have fun killing people, and stealing cars in a video game doesn't mean that that kid will go and kill someone in real life.

Ok, its not just parents who blame video games some times. Does anyone else remember back when thiose kids got arrested for stealing a car, and blamed it on GTA? well there ya go... kids who have bad up-bringings use games as a shield, its like pleading insanity after you commit murder, it shields you from harsher punishment. I'm in no way saying that either of those two things should ever be done (Unless you are actually insane, and need mental help, then the latter of the two can be used) I'm just saying that kids w8ill also blame video games if it will keep them out of trouble.

Dec 8, 2003, 06:01 PM
I hate long posts.. so ill keep this one short..

I agree with shifter, i hate it when people try to put of their own bad actions on other things, if you do something stupid, its no ones fault but your own..
But i also hate the thought of a 6 year old playing Vice City..

Dont get me wrong.. i luv the game, but i would give it to my kids untill they could tell the difference between a blow pop and a blow job..


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Anubis_ on 2003-12-08 15:01 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2003, 06:07 PM
If I was trying to get violent video games banned I would just use posts like yours.

Dec 8, 2003, 06:22 PM
On 2003-12-08 07:07, Allos wrote:
my older brother played with me so that he could explain why the people shot at each other. He would tell me that you just can't go around shooting people or cutting them up (we were playin DOOM) in real life. My parents also brought me up with these same morals.

It must really suck to have such binding morals http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 9, 2003, 11:31 PM
This is to all who commented .,... thanx alot for taking place in my little poll like thing ... so ya it makes me proud to see that people are interested in what i have to say

Dec 10, 2003, 11:03 AM
On 2003-12-07 18:39, Monomate wrote:
On 2003-12-07 18:29, shinto_kuji wrote:
heres how it adds up- parents blame violent video games mainly for one reason. you go to almost any house anywhere in the US and you'll see parents that are neglecting their children like never before. both parents working, parents not even caring what their child does, etc. what happens next? the child has no morals being taught to him. people have common sense, but a child can't know whats right from wrong without being taught it. so, the child doesn't know thats its not ok to re-inact what he saw on his video game, the tv, the movies, whatever... it isn't just video games. so he does just that and the parents are (stupidly) horrified. so, they look to something else but themselves to blame. they find violent video games. something relatively new that thev'e never really been exposed to. thats where the blame lands. its your fault parents, not the gaming industry. so parents, turn off The Man Show, stop cussing and discussing sex in front of your kids, and raise them. yes, RAISE THEM you ignorant, stupid morons.

i find it ridiculous. hey people, an 8year old kid isn't meant to play gta3. THESE GAMES HAVE RATINGS FOR A REASON. don't go buy your child a mature (17+) game and get angry about the content. not only do they have a rating, but the esrb goes out of their way to give people that little box that tells why its rated that way. again, ITS YOUR FAULT. you wouldn't take your child to an R-rated movie would you? or let him watch mature rated shows on tv would you? video games are the same way. people who complain about violent video games- STOP PUTTING BLAME AND START ACCEPTING IT.

And every time they blame it on videogames, the media (newspaper, 10 o clock news, etc) usually takes out an old bloody copy of Mortal Kombat and/or GTA and show only the bloody shots (fatalities). They (media) don't take out the happy games and rant. Zelda: Wind Waker was ANIMATED !!
SSBM was a fighting game, and it's not conssidered violent. let's see ... PSSHHHH !! phooy I'm too lazy to write up more http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Dec 10, 2003, 05:00 PM
its quite odd that you would mention the columbine issue and violent video games. at the moment, i'm writing a speech for my speech class about firearm safety. let me put into perspective MY experience and compare ME to the columbine shooters, eric harris and dylan klebold.

1) we live in the same general area. they lived within walking distance from my house, but i never knew them, and i didn't go to columbine, although i knew lots of them.

2) we were approximately the same age.

3) i too was tormented throughout school for being different. until my later high school years, i was always shorter than everyone else, and well mannered, making me a prime target for everyone to pick on. this has made me a bitter, spiteful person, just like they were.

4) although i didn't play doom very often, i loved to watch my brothers play the game. i too was exposed to violent videogames, including doom.

5) in the end, they were obviously suicidal. i can honestly say, i had thoughts about suicide too, but i couldn't do that to my family.

6) i have very easy access to firearms and how to build bombs (via the internet, and a packet i found at one of my dad's friends houses)

but what is the difference between me and the shooters? there are two major points:

1) from an early age, i was taught how to properly use a firearm safely. it is ETCHED into my brain that i could never hurt another human being with a firearm, let alone point one at someone without ammunition.

2) my parents cared about me enough to teach me firearm safety. my parents generally cared about what i was doing and i never lie to them because we have a good relationship.

so what does this mean to the topic? violent videogames ARE a scapegoat. firearms in general are too. what really NEEDS to happen is for parents to take the initiative to find out what their kids are doing and teach them about firearm safety. it also says that schools should do more to stop the torment from the other students to the short and weird. it has nothing to do with guns themselves OR doom. ok, i'm done comparing myself to murderers...

Edit: Kickass! I just realized that this post is the beginning of my speech! WATAAAH!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MasterJoel on 2003-12-10 14:06 ]</font>

Dec 10, 2003, 05:09 PM
I think we should share more hugs

*Dave Mathews song plays*

Dec 10, 2003, 05:24 PM
On 2003-12-10 14:09, Shattered_weasel wrote:
I think we should share more hugs

*Dave Mathews song plays*

i want to kill dave matthews with my car. i saw it on grand theft auto how you can kill people that way. the thing is, i can now kill his entire band with one pass... and then, i can reverse and run them over again. and then forward and run them over AGAIN. i repeat, i saw this in grand theft auto games. ::coughsarcasmcough::

Dec 10, 2003, 05:33 PM
On 2003-12-10 08:03, Firocket1690 wrote:
And every time they blame it on videogames, the media (newspaper, 10 o clock news, etc) usually takes out an old bloody copy of Mortal Kombat and/or GTA and show only the bloody shots (fatalities). They (media) don't take out the happy games and rant. Zelda: Wind Waker was ANIMATED !!
SSBM was a fighting game, and it's not conssidered violent. let's see ... PSSHHHH !! phooy I'm too lazy to write up more http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

It's worse than you even think. Recently, Congress voted on whether or not video games should be treated as an entertainment media on the same level as literature and movies. What example did they use to base their decision? Doom.

They chose DOOM, of all games?!? Granted, I really enjoyed that game back in the day, but not only has it become rather archaic, but it's just a plain bad example-- obviously chosen by the ignorant. They could've chosen a Phantasy Star game, or a Final Fantasy game, or they could've chosen friggin' Jeopardy on the Sega CD or PlayStation. But nope. They choose Doom. It's like they specifically went out and chose the absolute least intellectually sophisticated game they could find. Why isn't the video game industry lobbying more seriously? Cheeseandrice...