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View Full Version : Is my Opa mag retarded?

Apr 8, 2001, 05:06 AM
Howdy all...
Being a fan of Sega since the master system, i almost crapped myself when i finally got online and saw an Opa-Opa mag. I eventually got someone to trade for one, but it was lvl 50 with crap stats.
Well, now he's level 164 or so, and ive fed him mostly trimate to get his POW over 100 (Im a hunter, btw). Thing is....he still cant use any photons/summons. None.
I'm gettin kinda worried, and feedin him Trifluids now to raise mind just in case that does it....i dont want a lvl 200 mag that cant get me invincible ever! Is this common, has this happened to anyone else - am i just being impatient? Please lemme know, thanks.

Apr 8, 2001, 05:27 AM
Well sir, what you got is a hacked mag. There is no way to make it learn PB's and it may get you kicked offline if you use it too much.

Apr 8, 2001, 05:30 AM

Apr 8, 2001, 05:43 AM
Anyone wanna trade their legit opa mag or opa heart for a lvl 165 hack? Cmon people, get it while it's hot!
...Now I'm sad. Bye bye, opa.

Apr 9, 2001, 09:43 AM
It isn't hacked! This happened to my brother when he made his Opa Opa. He had evolved it in such a way that by the time his Mind > 100, the MAG had been the same one (Durga, I think) since lvl. 35 (he had traded it from someone else) so it had only 2 PB's. New PB's will not be added until the mag changes shape! We thought, "Cool. We're gonna get Opa Opa's PB!" But it didn't happen. Man were we pissed...anyway! Your Opa Opa was just transformed before it ever got a 3rd PB through normal evolution. Sux to be you!

Apr 9, 2001, 02:51 PM
Well...traded some guy a brave knuckle i wasnt usin and got me a better opa, lvl 200 (i wanted to raise it, ah well) its got a buncha PB's and good round stats (about 35-40 all but mind, which is 70 somethin.....wish his power was like that, bein a ranger and all, but oh well).
Out of curiosity, do you keep feedin a mag when its lvl 200 and IQ & Synch are maxed? Just wonderin, thanks for the info everyone...

Apr 10, 2001, 05:14 AM
the mag is hacked, theres no legit way to get a opa opa with a lvl 50 mag because you need to feed the cell to a mag with 100 mind

Apr 10, 2001, 02:21 PM
So opa mags are kinda aimed at Force characters, huh? Mind >100...not all that helpful for my Hunter, but dammit he looks good.