View Full Version : An Army of One...

Dec 11, 2003, 05:22 PM
I saw a few guys said some things about joining the Army and/or other branches of the millitary, so i decided to start a thread to talk about it more..

Quotes from a different post..


On 2003-12-09 20:13, polishedweasel wrote:
Screw college, go to join the military then get refused because you were slightly overweight, then after you do that get a job, and get them to tell you that you couldn't work because of some messed up paper work, then after that keep looking for a job, and after weeks of unemployment, have your father threaten to kick you out of your house, have the tags on your car expire, bounce a check, owe the bank money, figure out a way to pay for your insurance and eventually figure out that this life sucks....

oh wait, don't do that....I already did :/


I've considered joining the Army before because I've always sorta wanted to be a Ranger, but I'd rather have a job that pays more money.

lol.. this was kinda funny,, cause if someone ever wanted to join the Army because it pays well.. Then well, they joined for the wrong reason... The Army gives you too many other obligations to say, well its all worth it cause the pay is good.. Cause if you consider yourself a hardazz that doesnt like to be told what to do, or if you don't like living your life on a routine,, then simply the pay may not be enough to get you to go the full 20 years till retirement..

I know a whole lot of the armed forces. Looking for a higher army job try the Special Forces.

Of course it would be more training but there are great medical and dental plans along with alot more money than a lowly private. I would just hope that you are determined if you choose a job within the SF.

Yeah.. their are some nice medical and dental plans out their for soldiers.. but only for the active duty.. Us National Guards Men an Women get the Shit end of the Stick every time,, never fails..

Ok.. their are basicly 2 divisions to every branch of the U.S. Armed forces.. Active and Reserve..

National Guard and Reserve are the worker ants....
We know everything a standard soldier should know.. How to maintain our wepons and vehicles, How to do budy AID, and stuff like that.. But the thing is, we only go to drill once a month, and summercamp is 2 weeks in the summer. You probably know some Guardsmen and dont know it.. Most of us realy like to just live our lives like everyone else..

Active duty guys are the real deal guys.. sure reserve and guardsmen can do everything they can,, But they still do the, wake up at 4 30, gung ho formation thing.. When something happens overseas national guardsman and reserve might get get called once to go to afganistan, Active duty guys get called to Iraq(the dangerous one), then more then likely theyl go home for a couple of weeks, then go back to Iraq for six more months, then to kuwait, then maybe they get to come home for a good if their lucky..

Dont get me wrong.. the moneys good when your active,, but it gets better if you get some rank.. which is not easily obtained.. Theirs no lvl up action replay code for going from spc to sgt.. lol..

Dec 11, 2003, 05:29 PM
You can't just join the Rangers, you join the Army first then volunteer for 8 weeks of Ranger training. Which, I dont think I have to tell you, is tough, very tough.

You also cant just join a Special Forces units, like Delta, SEALS, or the Green Berets.

This isnt directed to anyone in particular, but I love how people think the Armed Forces are for morons, and that if you join the Air Force or Navy you will get to fly a plane.

Dec 11, 2003, 05:35 PM
On 2003-12-11 14:29, Dangerous55 wrote:
You can't just join the Rangers, you join the Army first then volunteer for 8 weeks of Ranger training. Which, I dont think I have to tell you, is tough, very tough.

I knew that already, but still, I've always wanted to be one.

Dec 11, 2003, 05:45 PM
I would guess they hv that general idea 55 cause that the way those recruting commercials are set to make you believe..

I mean,, everytime you see a guy or a girl on a airfore or army or marine commmercial, you see um swimmin in a storm or jumpin from an airplane or flyin a jet or mappin cooridinates for everything from a convoy to a the lauch trajectory of a scud missle..

You never see anyone with all the jobs i saw coming through basic.. like cook, or supply, or my favorite, the army band trombone player, whos mos training after basic is only 2 weeks..

While only the best of the best make it into the special forces and a fighter piolot in the air force.. It realy isnt that hard to become an Ranger..

I mean if you realy think about it.. you come a long way in basic training and if your already physically fit, it becomes alot easyier for you..

Let me put it in simplier terms.. If your on the football team.. Your not over weight, and you started for the team... If you joined the Army, you could be a ranger. As long as you have perfect vision and no majoy medical conditions.. And ive seen the gangliest of nerd become air born rangers.. The qualifications arent that hard.. i mean common.. you cant do 5 pullups.. what kinda crap is that..

Dont get me wrong though i wouldnt doubt that ranger training is hard.. But id bet i could make it.. im pretty sure i could handel it.. but i dont think i got the guts to try.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif.. i dont think ill ever go active..

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Anubis_ on 2003-12-11 14:50 ]</font>

Dec 11, 2003, 05:49 PM
One of my friends (few years older than me) joined the air force last year. He (like the commercials showed) thought he was going to be a pilot. Pfffft. The commercials don't mention the fact that only officers can become pilots and that no one will start as an officer (unless you have a college education or get promoted). He's an F-15 weapons specialist......try and guess what they do, the name is cooler than the job.

Dec 11, 2003, 05:56 PM
lol.. my guess is that he may hv to clean the weapons repeatedly after piolot runs..

If you ask me i think that the airforce is the softest branch.. i mean, if you dont join to becom an air trafic controler or a piolot, then you might as well just join the navy or the army.. They dont even have realy pt tests.. I mean they do it on a frikin excersise bike..

When i went to gulfport mississipi, (a training base for air force, navy and army, all so houses Marines) The Army offten laughed at how the Navy often complained about how hard they had it in training.. How they were on lock down during ait cause some one messed up an inspection of an admiril or something and now they only had 5 hours aday to play their x box.. Most of us nearly peed our pants when they said that.. They only things we were allowed to keep in ait were irons and flauresent lamps..

Dec 11, 2003, 06:03 PM
Actually he loads the correct missles, rockets, and bullets on to the jet. Exciting.....

Dec 11, 2003, 06:16 PM
On 2003-12-11 15:03, Allos wrote:
Actually he loads the correct missles, rockets, and bullets on to the jet. Exciting.....

Only if you do it wrong.

Dec 11, 2003, 06:26 PM
I want to join the Marine Corps. Either that or become an Army Ranger (yes yes I know I know...). I have a death wish.

Dec 11, 2003, 06:34 PM
On 2003-12-11 15:26, Monomate wrote:
I want to join the Marine Corps. Either that or become an Army Ranger (yes yes I know I know...). I have a death wish.

It's like you and I are one. In one way, I want to join the Marines as my grandfather was one for a good portion of his life. See above for my Ranger opinions.

Dec 11, 2003, 06:50 PM
Hmm...fuck the military? That's how I feel right now. :

Dec 11, 2003, 06:59 PM
i've been thinking about joining the military, since my friend is now in training to become a marine sniper and all, but i think i'll finish my 2-year degree from college first...

Dec 11, 2003, 07:07 PM
On 2003-12-11 14:49, Allos wrote:
One of my friends (few years older than me) joined the air force last year. He (like the commercials showed) thought he was going to be a pilot. Pfffft. The commercials don't mention the fact that only officers can become pilots and that no one will start as an officer (unless you have a college education or get promoted). He's an F-15 weapons specialist......try and guess what they do, the name is cooler than the job.

i always wanted to be an air force pilot. it was always my dream. then i found out i was colorblind. that was crushing...air force won't let you be a colorblind pilot...

Dec 11, 2003, 07:18 PM
On 2003-12-11 16:07, Monomate wrote:

i always wanted to be an air force pilot. it was always my dream. then i found out i was colorblind. that was crushing...air force won't let you be a colorblind pilot...

My bro got accepted into the Air Force Academy a few years back and he really wanted to fly too, but he found out he couldn't cause he has 20/25 vision. That blows.

Dec 11, 2003, 07:54 PM
I want to join the Armed Forces. I am afraid that I might be over the weight limit, though (5'11" 230lbs).

Dec 11, 2003, 07:58 PM
Just a smidgen, I was 5'10" 199 and I was about 5 lbs over. Since then I've lost about 15 lbs, so I'm good. Fuckers. >:[

Dec 11, 2003, 09:15 PM
On 2003-12-11 14:45, Anubis_ wrote:

It realy isnt that hard to become an Ranger..

I mean if you realy think about it.. you come a long way in basic training and if your already physically fit, it becomes alot easyier for you..

You know physical fitness is not the only thing you need to become a Ranger, right? Or even a grunt.

Dec 12, 2003, 12:39 AM
Awakening, Earth is black
Feel hurt, pain, nothing
Time passes
Earth feels pain

Dec 12, 2003, 01:10 AM
On 2003-12-11 21:39, NKOTB wrote:
Awakening, Earth is black
Feel hurt, pain, nothing
Time passes
Earth feels pain

ummmm.... -_-;;

i still wanna join the army, but the army reserves over here in australia. choosing between either a medical assistant or miliary police... but i'm considering mp since i can't stand the sight of.. ugh, organs and blown off limbs. ><

Dec 12, 2003, 05:07 PM
i agree with most of u that society in general thinks that the military is for people who arent smart enough to get into college, and this is completely wrong. although u dont exactly need a college education to enlist, to become an officer in the Army u hav got to attend West Point (its probably the same thing for the other branches, except u go to their accademies). also any technical job requires someone who knows what there doin. for a while now ive been thinkin of becomin a JAG lawyer, ive always wanted to be a lawyer but the addition of the military would make it a lot more rewarding.

Dec 12, 2003, 05:55 PM
to become an officer in the Army u hav got to attend West Point

What the fuck???? who the hell have you got your information from.. West point.. lol...

Im sorry you must be mistaken.. 3 of the officers in my batallion went to the same college im attending.. La Tech is nothing compared to a break neck ivy league college like west point..

in order to become an officer you have to attend college and OCS(Officer Trainin)for i forget how many months..

Well sure if you wanna become a general u might want to go to west point.. but thats some pretty high goals there.. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

oh yeah and to 55, i didnt mean to make it seem like it was easy to become a ranger, cause i know its not.. I was just saying that i think i wouldnt've had much trouble going through if i went right after basic.. Are you a ranger?

Dec 12, 2003, 06:43 PM
the military if really a great opportunity for people. i go to school with many who are in the reserves and my brother is going into the air force in february.

i am really glad that my brother is going in, because it seems like the perfect thing for him to do with his life (you would understand if you knew him), and it is perfect for us, because they will "learn" him a lot of the respect lessons my parents seem to have forgot to tell him about (and i'm sure regret now). it pays well in benefits, and gives training to those who cannot afford college.

i for one wanted to go into the military as an officer after college. however, i talked with some representitives before attending college, and was informed that i could never join the military because my asthma was too severe. some of the guidelines are rather strict, but i realize why that one came to be. i was "helping" my brother get into shape for the military over the summer, so i decided i would run around the block with him, after all, i am a faster runner and *used* to have way better stamina. i ran 1/8 the distance he did, and began to cough up blood. its probably best i am not able to join, because it would be very easy for me to end up dead.

Dec 12, 2003, 07:00 PM
On 2003-12-12 14:55, Anubis_ wrote:

oh yeah and to 55, i didnt mean to make it seem like it was easy to become a ranger, cause i know its not.. I was just saying that i think i wouldnt've had much trouble going through if i went right after basic.. Are you a ranger?

Er, no I am not a Ranger.

Well I would think again.

What do YOU think you have to do to be a Ranger?

Dec 12, 2003, 07:48 PM
I got an update on my bro. He joined the air force ROTC at Cornell University and is planning on getting laser eye surgery. That way they'll let him fly and his starting rank will be 2nd. Lt. when he graduates.

Dec 12, 2003, 08:05 PM
Fighting soldiers from the sky.
Fearless men who jump and die.
Men who mean just what they say.
The brave men, of the green beret.

Dec 13, 2003, 11:13 AM
On 2003-12-12 17:05, Allos wrote:
Fighting soldiers from the sky.
Fearless men who jump and die.
Men who mean just what they say.
The brave men, of the green beret.

Ballad of the Green Berets


my Grandfather was a Green Beret. I was honored to be able to wear his beret.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Monomate on 2003-12-13 08:18 ]</font>

Dec 13, 2003, 03:36 PM
well hell 55, are you even in the army.. I stick bye what i said.. I dont think it would've been that hard for me to go through ranger training if i had went right after basic.. I realy wanted to be an air born ranger, but like i said before, i had no desire to go active dutty.
I know not only could i hv mad it through training, butt i probably wouldve had alot of fun doing it too.

Their are two types of people that go through millitary training.. The ones who get home sick and hide from the drill srgnts durring learning hours, and the ones how love to quolify and get all hype on obstacle courses and love the rush of pt tests..

Basic training was hard.. But it was an experience i would trade for anything in the world... What you dont understand is that after 4 nights of sleeping in the woods.. getting CS gas thrown on you 4 times, and marching 15 kilometters with 50 pounds of equiped ment on your back in a span of 12 hours was really the funnest day of my life..

You really try to argue like you know what your talking about, so either you dont and were never in the army,, or you were , and you were one of the guys who struggle to complete every graduation requirement in basic..

Not everyone hates training.. Some of us love the fact that we wake up every day, pushing ourselves to our physical limits..

The only time i ever came close to failing anything in my 5 1/2 months of training is when my bank account locked up and i couldnt afford new running shoes when the souls wore out on my old ones and gave me shin splints..

Training isnt hard for people who don't settle for the bare mininmum..

Dec 13, 2003, 03:43 PM
On 2003-12-13 12:36, Anubis_ wrote:

Not everyone hates training.. Some of us love the fact that we wake up every day, pushing ourselves to our physical limits..

Amen brother. I've always loved pushing my limits (pushing other people's limits is fun too lol), particularly my tolerances for pain, and physical fatigue. I'm in very good shape, but I can always be in better shape, so I push myself hard. I think I would love basic, besides, it would certainly make something of me.

Dec 13, 2003, 05:46 PM
Again Anubis, I am not in the Army.


How old are you?

Dec 13, 2003, 07:25 PM
On 2003-12-11 14:29, Dangerous55 wrote:

You also cant just join a Special Forces units, like Delta, SEALS, or the Green Berets.

According to the US government the Delta force doesnt exist so u would have to get high in the military to be even offered. The SEALS hell week of training is so impossible that when my uncle joined up (he passed) there were 150 recruits from the best positions a soldier could have and only 5 passed. Green Berets are the easiest to get in though.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zanza717 on 2003-12-13 16:26 ]</font>

Dec 13, 2003, 07:52 PM
well for one thing, you never said you werent in the army, you just said you werent a ranger..

and i dont know why you insist on arguing about the situation when you've apparently have no experience in army training..

your like a scientist tring to tell and astronaut how to float around in space....

how the heck do you think you know more about the situation than me.. Granted you dont know me, and i might not be in the army at all as far as you know..

I just find it ironic that you talked about in your first post how people(citizens) have messed up ideas about the millitary.. When you yourself are a citizen who has messed up ideas about it yourself....

Maybe i dontknow all the qualifications of becomeing a ranger.. but i think i know a little bit more about the situation then you do.. and were i stand with it..

One of the things we're are constantly taught throught out not only basic training, but our every day work enviornment in the military, is how to bringe the gap between civilian knowledge about the millitary.. Not only to recruit and get them interested in joining.. but to educate them on the abilities and general requirements of certain feilds...

You may think you know alot about Rangers because youve studdied up on them.. I thought i knew alot about my job as an engineer when i joined.. But i garuntee you dont know half as much as you would know if you actually been through the training..

Rangers tell citizens its hard to become a ranger.. Cause the requirements are some what strict compared to civilian lifestyle. They woulndnt give the same description to a fellow soldier.. Soldiers talk to Soldiers differently then civilians not cause we know the lingo, but because fellow soldiers know how much effort and principle behavior is required from their peers..

Dec 14, 2003, 12:13 AM
This probably isn't 100% true, but coming from a civilian lifestyle this is my guess.

Delta-Hardest to pass training even if you are offered the job

S.E.A.L.-Not as hard as Delta but pretty damn hard

Ranger-lowest in the group in training difficulty, which isn't saying much.

Dec 14, 2003, 12:48 AM
...That. was. freaky.

A military ad poped up while I was reading this thread, I did a double take before I realized that it was for the military...

Life is scary.

Dec 14, 2003, 12:54 AM
OK Anubis, you are not a Ranger, I am not a Ranger. Neither of us have Ranger training, we have the same amount of experience with it.

You are the one saying I have messed up ideas about the military, yet you are the one saying you can get into Rangers with no trouble at all. O_O

You also seem to think the Rangers will take anyone who can run for a long distance in a short time.

Dec 14, 2003, 12:37 PM
I think Zanza717 was right when he said Delta's no longer exist.. So i figure it makes navy seals are the most hardcore..

OK Anubis, you are not a Ranger, I am not a Ranger. Neither of us have Ranger training, we have the same amount of experience with it.

You are the one saying I have messed up ideas about the military, yet you are the one saying you can get into Rangers with no trouble at all. O_O

You also seem to think the Rangers will take anyone who can run for a long distance in a short time.

Have you been reading any of my posts...????
Honestly,, cause its like im talking to a brick wall..

First of all, who are you to doubt my abilities..

Second, at no point and time did i say, if you could run good it made you able to be a ranger..

And thrid of all, We are no were near the same experience on the matter,, and if you have trouble figurning that out, i hv nothing father to say to you..

Dec 14, 2003, 01:40 PM
Now its time to quote you:

It realy isnt that hard to become an Ranger..

...too that I told you that physical training isnt the only part of being a Ranger, and it isnt.


I was just saying that i think i wouldnt've had much trouble going through if i went right after basic..

Then I asked you what you think you need to do to become a Ranger, you never answered. Instead just went on and on about how I am not in the Army so I know nothing and how you love to run and do physical things. So to that I said:


You responded in a post that really said nothing at all. You said since I am not a Ranger I cannot argue it, but I guess since you are not a Ranger you can. Now what sense does that make?

Then you call me a brick wall. Nice.

Here is my last question:

Other then physical training, what do you think you need to become a Ranger.

Dec 14, 2003, 11:00 PM

It realy isnt that hard to become an Ranger..

I mean if you realy think about it.. you come a long way in basic training and if your already physically fit, it becomes alot easyier for you..


You know physical fitness is not the only thing you need to become a Ranger, right? Or even a grunt.

i didnt mean to make it seem like it was easy to become a ranger, cause i know its not.. I was just saying that i think i wouldnt've had much trouble going through if i went right after basic.. Are you a ranger?

Er, no I am not a Ranger.

Well I would think again.

What do YOU think you have to do to be a Ranger?

well hell 55, are you even in the army.. I stick bye what i said.. I dont think it would've been that hard for me to go through ranger training if i had went right after basic.. I realy wanted to be an air born ranger, but like i said before, i had no desire to go active dutty

Again Anubis, I am not in the Army.


How old are you?

well for one thing, you never said you werent in the army, you just said you werent a ranger..

and i dont know why you insist on arguing about the situation when you've apparently have no experience in army training..

your like a scientist tring to tell and astronaut how to float around in space....

how the heck do you think you know more about the situation than me.. Granted you dont know me, and i might not be in the army at all as far as you know..

I just find it ironic that you talked about in your first post how people(citizens) have messed up ideas about the millitary.. When you yourself are a citizen who has messed up ideas about it yourself....

Maybe i dontknow all the qualifications of becomeing a ranger.. but i think i know a little bit more about the situation then you do.. and were i stand with it..

One of the things we're are constantly taught throught out not only basic training, but our every day work enviornment in the military, is how to bringe the gap between civilian knowledge about the millitary.. Not only to recruit and get them interested in joining.. but to educate them on the abilities and general requirements of certain feilds...

You may think you know alot about Rangers because youve studdied up on them.. I thought i knew alot about my job as an engineer when i joined.. But i garuntee you dont know half as much as you would know if you actually been through the training..

Rangers tell citizens its hard to become a ranger.. Cause the requirements are some what strict compared to civilian lifestyle. They woulndnt give the same description to a fellow soldier.. Soldiers talk to Soldiers differently then civilians not cause we know the lingo, but because fellow soldiers know how much effort and principle behavior is required from their peers..


OK Anubis, you are not a Ranger, I am not a Ranger. Neither of us have Ranger training, we have the same amount of experience with it.

You are the one saying I have messed up ideas about the military, yet you are the one saying you can get into Rangers with no trouble at all. O_O

You also seem to think the Rangers will take anyone who can run for a long distance in a short time.


First you tell me how hard it is to become a ranger.. then you tell me your not even in the millitary.. Then you confuse me, i dont know if you were really tring to ask me a question when you reiterated yourself in all caps like that.. To me it seemed like you were being smug.
So after that, i realy didn't think answering you was really important anyway.
So to put in short, You try and make it seem like I dont know what Im talking about, then ask for information in the very same post..
Its hard to deferintiate between actual questions and sarcasim in your posts..
Maybe if you would have made some kind of filler inbetween the mood of your post, Like
(but seriously i would like to know).
So to answer your questions im 19, and I really dont know what you want me to say..
That I know that physical training is not all thats required to become a ranger..
You said you dont just need physical training to get to be a ranger. Then you ask me what you need to be a ranger.. Im lost, Now do you wanna tell me,, or do you want me to answer..

Dec 14, 2003, 11:17 PM
The reason why I kept on asking you what you think you need to be a Ranger is because the only thing you were talking about was physical training. So, you were acting as if they would take anyone if they can run, jump, or do anything like that.

I really don't see how this is confusing.

Here is another thing for you, when you type like you're 8 people will think that you are 8.

Dec 15, 2003, 10:30 AM
OK.. well apparently you know more about this then me.. so tell me 55, what do you need to be or able to do to become a ranger...

Im seriously aking a question.. I tried to apologize but apparently it isnt working.. I seriously want to know what you have to say..

Dec 15, 2003, 03:21 PM
On 2003-12-15 07:30, Anubis_ wrote:
OK.. well apparently you know more about this then me.. so tell me 55, what do you need to be or able to do to become a ranger...

Im seriously aking a question.. I tried to apologize but apparently it isnt working.. I seriously want to know what you have to say..

First off, the reason why I asked you is because it seems to me that you think if you can do anything they throw at you physically they will let you in. Common sense tells you that isnt true for ANY branch of the Armed Services.

Second here are some things I have gathered that are needed to become a Ranger:

1. Accuracy. Can you shoot? There not going to let you in if you cant hit a man 20 feet away.

2. At least a 70 on all exams.

And here, got this off an official site:

High standards are required and maintained despite the stressful environment in Ranger training. The Ranger course produces a mentally hardened soldier, who possesses an enhanced capability to perform combat arms related associated functional skills and is more confident in his ability to overcome obstacles, withstand the stresses of combat and accomplish his mission under extremely adverse conditions.

During the Ranger course, the Ranger proves he can overcome seemingly insurmountable mental and physical challenges. He has demonstrated, while under simulated combat conditions, that he has acquired the professional skills and techniques necessary to plan, organize, coordinate, and conduct small unit operations. He has demonstrated that he has mastered basic skills needed to plan and execute dismounted small unit day and night operations, low altitude mountaineering, and infiltration as well as exfiltration techniques via land, air, and sea. As a result of proving that he can successfully accomplish these tasks during the Ranger course, he is authorized to wear the Ranger Tab.

I dont claim to be an expert, I really dont know that much about Ranger training. But common sense tells you that it takes a wide variety of skills to become a Ranger.

Dec 15, 2003, 06:30 PM
could you guys chill out...Anubis, you did not become a Ranger, dangerous i doubt you will become a Ranger...this is irrelevant!!! Stop arguing!!! This is just a little bit interesting to me because i want to become a Ranger, however, you guys really aren't helping...just drop it...dead issue...

Dec 15, 2003, 07:20 PM
On 2003-12-15 15:30, Monomate wrote:
could you guys chill out...Anubis, you did not become a Ranger, dangerous i doubt you will become a Ranger...this is irrelevant!!! Stop arguing!!! This is just a little bit interesting to me because i want to become a Ranger, however, you guys really aren't helping...just drop it...dead issue...

I have no ambition to be a Ranger, Regular Army maybe but not a Ranger.

I just like to argue.