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Dec 12, 2003, 04:26 PM
i just started a new hunewearl and noticed that everytime i use a technique and my TP lowers it starts to regenerate automatically. ive only got like a saber, armor, barrier and my mag equiped. nuthin like a TP generate. anyone got any ideas??

Dec 12, 2003, 04:29 PM
All Newmen regenerate TP, depending on your level.

Dec 12, 2003, 04:37 PM
All you need to do with Newmans is to stand still in order to regenerate TP. Androids will regenerate HP when standing still. And humans don't regenerate anything, but they can use more materials than other races.

Dec 12, 2003, 04:38 PM
sry that was kinda a newbish question ive just nvr used a newman before only humans.

Dec 12, 2003, 04:38 PM
Yes, it`s natural for every Newman (HUnwearl, FOnwearl, FOnewm).

Dec 12, 2003, 04:42 PM
And androids do the same thing, but with HP of course...

Oh the power of Androids and Newmans =D

Dec 12, 2003, 04:45 PM
Actually it's not that helpful unless you're playing offline and leave for a long time.

But Mates and Fluids aren't all that expensive...

Dec 12, 2003, 06:25 PM
I wouldn't really say that. In the midst of a fight, yeah, it's useless, but, say you need to go to the bathroom for a little bit or need to take care of something--it only takes a couple of minutes for it to fill completely.

Dec 12, 2003, 11:39 PM
i'm not sure about hi-lev newmans,
but lv100+ droids regen hp quite rapidly..
my lv150 hucsl regens some 5hp/sec

Dec 13, 2003, 02:01 AM
Don't worry, I was confused by that regen thing too at first. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif I'd played the DreamCast version for a long time, and I sure as heck never saw that before.

Dec 13, 2003, 02:12 AM
On 2003-12-12 13:45, heyf00L wrote:
Actually it's not that helpful unless you're playing offline and leave for a long time.

But Mates and Fluids aren't all that expensive...

If you need to go back to Pionner2, no telepipes, urgent to go back, you stupid human with less than 10tp and NO telepipes =P... is it useful!?!?! also for HP and androids, while a boss and you are high lvl, it helps A LOT

Dec 13, 2003, 08:34 AM
KEfka's regeneration has become so quick I do not even carry mates at all except Olga/DF.

Dec 13, 2003, 09:52 AM
On 2003-12-12 20:39, Dhylec wrote:
i'm not sure about hi-lev newmans,
but lv100+ droids regen hp quite rapidly..
my lv150 hucsl regens some 5hp/sec

yeah, the regen speeds up the higher your level with androids and newmans.

Dec 13, 2003, 10:41 AM
On 2003-12-12 13:37, A2K wrote:
All you need to do with Newmans is to stand still in order to regenerate TP. Androids will regenerate HP when standing still. And humans don't regenerate anything, but they can use more materials than other races.

Yes.. but if you ask me, the only way that would have been a fair trade is if the regen was always occuring, and not just when you're standing still. I mean, cmon people.. how often do we stand around for five minutes to get our TP back? The only way the "stand around" version of the regne would be helpful, is if it was fast enough to fill the bar in 20 seconds. Oh well.. at least newmns have the comfort of never being truely stranded, since Ryuker will always be available.

Dec 14, 2003, 09:19 AM
Just to stop my Fomar being stranded, I carry a TP revival, but it really is pathetic, considering it's classed a 9 star.

Dec 14, 2003, 02:18 PM
I mean, cmon people.. how often do we stand around for five minutes to get our TP back?

challenge mode o_o

Dec 14, 2003, 02:42 PM
humans can regenerate tp, for some reason i think my red ring is regenerating my tp, lol, i just noticed it 2day, cuz i don't have a tp/revival and it was regenerating, so i unequiped everything but that, and its regenerating my tp ^_^

Dec 14, 2003, 08:48 PM
On 2003-12-13 07:41, ilr2000 wrote:
Yes.. but if you ask me, the only way that would have been a fair trade is if the regen was always occuring, and not just when you're standing still. I mean, cmon people.. how often do we stand around for five minutes to get our TP back? The only way the "stand around" version of the regne would be helpful, is if it was fast enough to fill the bar in 20 seconds. Oh well.. at least newmns have the comfort of never being truely stranded, since Ryuker will always be available.

Actually, I've always found the TP regen to be really bloody useful with my HUnewearl. It restores pretty fast at her level (128 at the moment), and can be handy for regaining a little extra TP without having to pipe back to town, if I just need a bit more to keep going. I like to stretch things thin. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

In that area, it's also handy if you're playing with some other plays who're standing around for a bit for some reason... waiting for another member or whatever to come back. I've had a few times where I've used the down time to regain some lost TP.

I just look forward to when my FOnewearl starts to regenerate as fast as my HUnewearl does.

Dec 14, 2003, 10:41 PM
On 2003-12-14 17:48, GuardianPoe wrote :
I just look forward to when my FOnewearl starts to regenerate as fast as my HUnewearl does.
Well *points to sig* Hedoba's regeneration is ok, I wouldn't call that fast... Why ? she has nearly 2900 TP, what may be "fast" on your HUnewearl will not be on your FOnewearl.
It's good if you need bathroom, though.

Dec 15, 2003, 09:55 PM
Heh, I like using my FOnewm's TP heal when fighting Olga Flow. After the first form, I move him back a bit, and go find a nice book to read. Come back a while later, boom, full TP, and no Trifluid wasted. It's kind of a nice extra for FOnewearls/FOnewms, but is actually really nice for HUnewearls, thanks to their naturally lower MST.