View Full Version : FanFic: (Episode III fanfic!) When Heaven isn't Heaven anymo

Dec 16, 2003, 09:37 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, this here is going to be my 3rd Fanfic, but I can't post it just yet. To inform you, it's the first ever Episode III Fanfic, and I'm making it up as I go along. Prologue will most likely be up by today!!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-16 11:08 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hikara on 2003-12-17 08:56 ]</font>

Dec 16, 2003, 09:38 AM
Lookin forward to it ^_^

Dec 16, 2003, 10:08 AM
oooh... a new fic by Hikara... *evil grin*

Dec 16, 2003, 12:38 PM
ep3... *look of shame*

but, seeing as your pretty good with these fic things, i hope it does well. no offense, Hikara, but im not going to read it.

Dec 16, 2003, 02:08 PM
Prologue- A world apart.

Arkz Planetary Base, Ragol. 13:22:41

Break sat down at his desk, looking over the reports from the Arkz spies on the Hunters' activity, before simply sighing, tossing the Data Disc aside, then putting his head in his hands. The Hunters weren't doing a thing to prepare for any severe battle, plan for any onslaught, or even aknowledging the fact that they were at Civil War with the Arkz. They thought they were practically invincible with their Weapon C.A.R.D.s they had created, allowing them to mimic any weapon listed in the Pioneer 2 history logs from Sabers to the Unsealed J Swrod, while the Arkz were simply stuck with the weapons that had been passed down to them from their fathers. They were real weapons from the years Pioneer 2 sent its Hunters to destroy monsters, and they were not weak weapons, either, but there was no variation. It was the same weapon over and over again.

"It's like they're pretending we're not even here," Break muttered, walking over to the window and staring out at the rainy surface of Ragol. A few of the once hunted Rag Rappies ran for shelter from the falling water, as a Hildebear nursed her young cub under a tree. It was a painful reminder of what had started this Civil War. Many a person was fed up with waiting; any number of years orbiting a perfectly inhabitable planet was too many. So, these people walked right up to the Principal Tyrell and demanded they land. When the Principal refused on the basis that the planet was still highly dangerous, the restless people swore they'd take to war. Tyrell, unafraid of their petty threats, simply waved his hand and sicced the entire Military on them, forcing the rebels onto the planet they were so desperate to land on. The Exiled Population organized themselves into an army, nicknamed themselves the Arkz, and swarmed to attack Tyrell. The Principal counter-acted with his own army consisting of the population that was still with him, kept their name of "Hunters," and used them as a defense. Thus, the Pioneer War began.

Break's father had been the leader of the Arkz, but when his untimely death of a heart-attack came, they put Break in charge of the Arkz. Break's father had been over the Arkz for 16 years, Break being born only 2 years before the war. He was 18 when his father died, putting Break in a commanding position, and now the once "Young Commnader," as they had called him, was 23, totaling 5 years as their leader. Break's mother, on the other hand, had disappeared when he was only four.

And to make matters worse, during all this fighting, everyone had forgotten to teach the next generation the skills of weapon creation and Tech Casting, so in order to compensate, C.A.R.D.s were created, causing the Photons in the air to form into a weapon on command; yet because the Photons were arranged, not chanelled like they should be, they could be broken, causing the weapon to shatter on the user. Similar to this was the Arkz' own Monster C.A.R.D.s, which created a monster that could be destroyed. Everything in combat, nowadays, was C.A.R.D. based, and it made most of the older population sick.

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for you," Break whispered, staring at the Hildebears. "If you monster hadn't been here, we would've landed, and this whole conflict would have been avoided." But, the past had happened, and Break would deal with what life threw at him now.

The whirring sound of Break's dorrs opened caused him to turn and face a red headed HUmar wearing a rather dark outfit. It was Endu, a rather mysterious Arkz, and head of most of the Frontal Assaults.

"Break, the attack force is preparing for battle," Endu reported. "All we need now is your command." Break brushed one of his long strands of brown hair behind his ears, and straightened out his blue and white robes.

"Sure thing, Endu. I'll be there in a second." Endu nodded and left Break alone again. Break smiled, then pulled his antique Agito off the wall. "Shall we leave Principal Tyrell a little problem? Yes, I think it's time he finally remembered we still exsist... and still pose a threat." Break gave a little menaching chuckle, before exiting the room.


Pioneer 2 14:20:07

"I don't think our plan is working, Captain Robinson," Tyrell muttered to his head of Military. "This plan of ignoring the Arkz is supposed to bring them out of hiding, and yet, it's been 3 weeks since their last assault! Do you think they've finally gotten over fighting the Hunters?"

"I highly doubt it, Principal," the Muscular HUmar replied. "I think they're playing with your mind just as much as we are theirs. They could just be hiding, waiting for an opportune time to strike, much like the Opportunistic Diseases of Coral. I say we keep our guard up, because I'm sure the moment we let it down, they'll hit us hard."

"The Arkz aren't some disease that plagues the land, Robinson. They're an entire colony, just like the people still on the Pioneer 2. We can't just find some vaccine for them, because they'll just counter it themselves. Captain, I'm beginning to believe the only option we have left is to rush in on them and wipe them all out completely."

"You'd resort to Genocide?" an older Doctor said, walking into the room. The man was somewhere near his mid-40's, but his voice was still strong, just as his stature was still tall and straight. In fact, this Doctor didn't wear the traditional white lab coat; instead, he wore his FOnewm clothes of 21 years ago.

"Dr. Montague," Tyrell greeted, standing up. "It's nice of you to join us. Please, do fill us in on your opinion on this matter."

"I think your last solution was slightly... how would I say this... Rash? Yes, that's it. Rash. Principal, just simply waving the Military away to kill all the Arkz is pushing it just a little too far, even for a war. Genocide only led to the overthrowing of rulers, and severe Chaos. I think that even severely wounding and forcing the Arkz into a treaty would be better than wiping every last one of them out."

"You do understand, Dr. Montague," Robinson added, "that these Arkz are not going to give up easily. Most of them fight to the very end of their lives resisting both the Military and the Hunters. So even if we were to attempt your idea of subduing them, they all just might disappear anyway!"

"Robinson has a very good point, Doctor," Tyrell finished. "But you are right; Genocide is not the way to go. We will try your idea of forcing them into a treaty, but if it fails, we result to our final plan. I'm sorry, but I can't have the Pioneer 2 people being threatened. Robinson, you have a few weeks to prepare an assault. Do what you must." Robinson saluted, then walked off, followed closely by Montague. But just before Montague left, he faced the principal and said "I wish you well, Principal. You are their main target, after all." He finished his sentence with his trademark chuckle, then faded away through the teleporter.

"I know, Doctor," Tyrell whispered, fingering a Varista on his hip. "I know..."


Dec 16, 2003, 02:42 PM
On 2003-12-16 09:38, KaFKa wrote:
ep3... *look of shame*

but, seeing as your pretty good with these fic things, i hope it does well. no offense, Hikara, but im not going to read it.

Come now, KaFKa, even if it is an Ep3 fic, you should still give it a chance. It's not like the entire story is going to be about Episode 3. There will be much indepth stuff that relates to other works by Hikara...

Dec 16, 2003, 02:43 PM
Shhhh!!! Don't blow anything, Chaos!!

But yeah, Kafka. You should at least give it a chance.

The combat I'm doing in this fic is not exactly like it is in Episode 3, so if that's what bothers you...

Dec 16, 2003, 03:15 PM
Holy shit! So thats the reason for the Civil War. That changed my mind on everything!

You have awesome writing skill Hikara! But I bet you hear that alot, don't you?

Dec 16, 2003, 05:10 PM
Hmm... Nice start. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif I don't plan on ever buying Episode III (strange, this is coming from the girl obsessed with EVERYTHING PSO), but I'll probably still read this fic, just cuz it's well written. *G*

Dec 16, 2003, 08:11 PM
this is an intresting thing as far as ep three is concerned I will probibly rent it if that is posible to see if I like it before buying it

Dec 16, 2003, 08:34 PM
why do so many people hate ep.3? Anyway Hikara, nice

Dec 16, 2003, 10:02 PM
Good start. I know that you are not going to follow Ep. 3 story as we really dont know much of it but it will be interesting to see what things are the same in your fic and the game. Hm, I dont think that made sence. Oh well.

This post is rated C for Confusing

Dec 16, 2003, 10:15 PM
Will the Protectorate be involved with this one?

Dec 16, 2003, 11:54 PM
Thats a secret http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 17, 2003, 06:11 AM
This is really cool! And since so little is known of Episode 3, you made a brilliant plot all by yourself! I like how you portrayed the Arkz. They're not evil, they just have different beliefs. And your explanation of the C.A.R.D.s is great, although it would help me if you better explained the monster cards. Still, I've got a feeling that if my character lived to this point, he would hate the C.A.R.Ds as well, but he would probably not be a member of the Arkz. Oiy, I ramble! Great work, Hikara! Keep it up!

Dec 17, 2003, 09:40 AM
Um, no, I don't think on putting the Protectorate in this story, though there might be references of some Master of Grants, or a Great Protectorate of long past. Not HIKARA flat out, but subtle hints here and there.

I've decided to stick to all the characters that are already provided in the story, with a few new ones here and there, and I'll be making it up as we go along.

For the rest of the Prologue, coming soon, The Hunter's view on the predicament, and a rather large.... well, you'll just have to see.http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 18, 2003, 12:17 AM
the Unsealed J Swrod That was the biggest problem. That,
Break's dorrs , and when Break is talking to the Hildebear, "monster" should be plural.
On a less professional note, that was good for a prologue. I'm one of the few people planning on buying Episode 3, only because I'm bored with 1&2 Very Hard offline single mode.
I'll follow this one, too. I've got nothing better to read.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gnarled_rose on 2003-12-17 21:19 ]</font>

Dec 18, 2003, 01:17 AM
I really enjoyed that...very good start, can't wait for the rest...

Jan 5, 2004, 12:04 PM
And now, the rest of the prologue...

"My outlook? I think the Arkz are a bunch of impatient pigs, that's what I think! I really want to know why they were so desperate to get to the planet that they'd start a WAR on it! It's so... immature!" Sil'fer rolled her eyes as she half-listened. Orland was so forward in evertyhing he did or said, that he never looked at the facts. As Orland rambled on and on, Sil'fer began to recall the reports she had read about everyone else's opinion.

When the Arkz had been exiled from the Pioneer 2, most of the remaining hunters were deeply saddened; they were going to be fighting against their former friends and family members in battle. No one on the Pioneer 2 wanted to fight them, but the Principal's continuous demands for their commander's head on a platter forced the Hunters into fighting. A great number of people now believe that old age was impairing Tyrell's ability to think clearly, causing him to make such decisions, while others just hated the Arkz outright. Unfortunately, the generation that cared for the other side had waxed thin, and the constant fighting drove the new generation to a want of victory. Now, it seemed that they were just fighting because they could. But a few people knew the Arkz hadn't lost sight of why they were fighting, unlike the Hunters, who were driven by Tyrell. And for that constant sight, a few people actually respected the Arkz...

Sil'fer was suddenly awakened by the soft touch of someone's hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at the visitor. It was an all green clad FOmar with orange hair, another friend of Sil'fer's.

"Relmitos!" Sil'fer said, her expression growing into a smile. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, thank you," Relmitos replied, returning the smile. "Is Orland rambling again?"

"I'm afraid so..."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that Humanoids have an Idle Mode... But that's beside the point. I came to tell you of something rather interesting I learned about the past of Hunters that may..." But Relmitos was cut short by the blaring of alarms and red lights flashing, an alarm they hadn't heard in a long time...

"The Arkz are on the ship!?" Saligun suddenly shouted, jumping to her feet.

"It would seem so," Orland replied. "Now might be a good time to test that new weapon, Sil'fer."


"Blow down any Military Personnel that stand in your way!" Break shouted to the Arkz attack group. "Just make sure you don't harm any innocent bystanders; only those that oppose you! We're not here to kill everything in sight, just to remind Tyrell we still pose a threat! Now move out!" The force all nodded to Break before rushing into the Pioneer 2's Central Plaza from the teleporter, letting loose a rain of fire on any Military Soldier that happened to be there. Break stayed back a moment, until a FOmarl dressed in dark blues teleported in.

"Welcome to the fight, Creinu," Break said over the noise. "So, what's the status of the group?"

"They're all on their way, Break," Creinu replied, drawing her Evil Curst. "The Command Group should be here any minute now." Break nodded in approval. The Command Group was a group of 12 people, including Break and Creinu, that had a member of each class in it, hand picked by Break and used as, well... a Command Unit during assaults. Break suddenly noticed something that may have posed a threat to the group and pointed it out to Creinu. It was a large red Police Vehicle with a gattling gun pointed at the assault force. Creinu nodded, then raised her palm and began concentrating. After a few seconds, Creinu closed her eyes, put a hand on her head, and clenched her teeth tightly before casting Zonde, causing bolts of lightning to leap off her fingertips and disable the Cruiser. Break quickly helped steady Creinu, who found herself suddenly exhausted, hardly able to stand.

"It takes more and more energy to focus those Photons, Break," Creinu muttered. "I can barely cast that nowadays."

"Be glad you still can without a C.A.R.D.," Break comforted. "It's more than what any other Arkz Force can do..." Once Creinu could stand on her own again, Break rushed past the battling group towards a Hover Vehicle landing pad, then highjacked a Hover Bike. It wasn't exactly something Break wanted to do, but as soon as the Arkz Alarm went off, the teleporters were immediately shut down, making it so he wouldn't be able to get where he wanted to quickly. So, Break kicked the bike into full throttle andbegan to race for their target.


Rio, the Arkz RAmarl of the Command Group, flicked her long, thick pony tail behind her and silently drew her Yaksminov 9000Ms, lurking in the shadows. She had been teleported directly to the target on purpose in order to ensure the Arkz' plan would be successful, seeing as how Rio was the Head of Arkz Covert Ops. and known to be one of the sneakiest people alive. So, hiding in the shadows still, Rio eyed the target: a large energy core in the new Central Lobby where tournaments were held between Hunters. Why was THIS their target? Tyrell had poured a lot of Meseta into this huge Lobby, so damaging it would cost even more. And everyone knew that ever since Red Ring Rico's disappearance, Meseta was everything to the old Principal.

The Lobby was almost entirely empty, except for a rather tall, muscular FOnewm, an almost childish looking RAcaseal, and a HUmar, a HUnewearl, and HUcaseal that had just recently arrived. Rio was barely able to make out their conversation, but it wasn't anything extremely important.

"So where are these Arkz Pigs?" the HUmar demanded.

"They're still in the Main Plaza," the FOnewm informed. "The Military shouldn't be able to hold them off much longer; they never do..."

"Any ideas on what they're trying to accomplish?" the HUnewearl asked.

"None yet," the RAcaseal finished.

"But I have a pretty good idea!" another voice called from down the lobby. Rio peeked out of the Shadows just long enough to see who this bold warrior was, then cursed under her breath when she saw a short, chubby FOnwm.

"Peko," Rio hissed to herself. "You're going to get yourself killed!" The Hunter FOnewm only laughed at the small Peko.

"Peko!" he shouted. "So good to see you! I think you may have grown the last time I saw you! No, wait. It's just your shoes." The two males began to laugh hysterically while the girls stared in astonishment and disgust at the comment.

"Glustar," Pekomuttered, suddenly growing angry. Rio rubbed her temples to irritation, as she recalled the rivalry that Peko and Glustar had... She then looked up at Peko and hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Stella, this is Peko," Glustar said to the RAcaseal. "He's an old friend of mine! We knew each other back in the Acadamy days! I'm just surprised that the Arkz even let someone of his stature into their group."

"Shut up!" Peko shouted in rage. He then materialized his Hildebear's Cane. "I swear if you insult me once more..."

"Come on, little kid!" Orland teased. "Try to attack us!" Peko let out a shout of rage and ran directly at Orland, cane poised to strike, but as Peko got closer and closer, Orland generated a Partisan, knocked Peko's Cane up into the air, and caught it, holding it just out of reach. "Oh, what's wrong? Is it out of your reach, little one?"

"Okay Orland, that's enough," Sil'fer put in.

"We'll just see who gets the last laugh!" Rio suddenly shouted. She fired a shot from each gun, blowing the Partisan away and the Hildebear's Cane into Peko's reaching hand, then leapt down onto the floor next to Peko, guns pointed towards the group.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Teifu exclaimed. "It's 5 on 2!"

"Is it?" Peko chuckled. 2 C.A.R.D.s appeared in his free hand, then suddenly dissolved into tiny little Photons that began to form actual creatures in front of the Arkz pair. Rio used one of her own, but the Photons began to create something much bigger. When the blazing white Photons were finished forming their creatures, they stopped glowing and returned to normal colors, 2 Delsabers and a Baranz now facing the Hunters. "Now it's 5 on 5. But who do you think will win this one!? GO, my Delsabers! DESTROY THEM!"

"Fire, Baranz!" Rio screamed. The two Delsabers leapt at the Hunters, causing them to scatter as huge swarms of missiles flew through the room. Peko stood, laughing hysterically.

Rio held the triggers of her Yaksminov 9000Ms down, watching the rapid fire bullets chase after the fleeing Stella, until Stella used a C.A.R.D. to create Red Mechguns and returned fire, causing Rio to have to take cover. Rio hid behind a large pillar in the room as the Red Photon bullets blazed past her cover. Every so often, Rio would jump out from behind it and blast at the RAcaseal, but would be forced back into hiding to avoid the shots.

"What I wouldn't give for a Barrier..." Rio muttered. But a high pitched sound, followed by a loud explosion and the scream of Stella drew Rio out. Stella was sprawled out on the ground, her teeth clenched in pain. The action had all stopped, and everyone was looking up at the balcony above Rio, causing her to do so as well. The sight was something that drew a smile. Break stood intimidatingly on the balcony, his face nearly expressionless.

"So YOU'RE the one behind all of this!" Orland suddenly shouted, pointing a finger at Break. "You're the Arkz scum leading this operation!" Break smiled slightly, his eyes still showing a hint of anger.

"Yes Orland," Break replied. "I am the lead of the Arkz. I am the one that you hunt, the one that all Hunters seem to hate. I also have something to accomplish."

"You're not taking us down without a fight!" Teifu reported, drawing a Sange.

"What? No, I don't have any intention of harming a Hunter. I only have one thing in mind, and you won't get hurt if you just step aside."

"I have a better idea!!" the RAmar named Kranz said. The Hunter RAmar was accompanied by Relmitos, as well. Kranz held a Custom Ray ver. 00 in his hand and pointed it at Break. "I'm going to end this war RIGHT NOW by killing you!" Break laughed loudly, sending chills up the Hunters' spines.

"That's quite the talk for a Hunter," Break chuckled. "Rio, Peko, tell the team we're leaving. I can finish it from here." Rio and Peko nodded before running out of the room.

"You're a disgrace, Break!" Relmito shouted. "Why are you after Principal Tyrell? Your ways bring shame to all FOmars!"

"My ways are mind to decide, Relmitos," Break put forcefully. "No upstart FOmar like you can tel me how to live my life! We Arkz have a bone to pick with Tyrell, and if we were to have it our way, the Pioneer 2 would have landed already, and Tyrell would be overthrown! But you Hunters happen to be protecting the Coward, so we have no choice but to fight you! If you could see it our way, it'd be quite honorable!"

"Enough chatter!" Kranz screamed, silencing Break. "It's time to end this!" Kranz let out a warcry and rushed towards Break, his weapon changing to something more powerful.

"Yes, I agree entirely!" Break shouted back as he put his hand up, a C.A.R.D. in his grasp. "I'll finish what I started! RAFOIE!" A small light appeared in the large central core of the lobby, until the high-pitched *PING* echoed. Everyone stared in horror as Break telepiped away, and when the telepipe finally closed, the light exploded, blowing the core apart, shutting the lights off in the lobby and showering the 7 Hunters with glass. Teifu glared at Kranz.

"Great move, Kranz," Teifu scowled, causing Kranz to shrug.

"I get the feeling Tyrell isn't going to like this," Sil'fer said. The whole team agreed silently...

Jan 5, 2004, 07:36 PM
Ooh, very nice! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif wow, I'm constructive today, aren't I?

Jan 5, 2004, 08:43 PM
On 2004-01-05 16:36, ladyjaderiver wrote:
Ooh, very nice! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif wow, I'm constructive today, aren't I?

About as constructive as I'm going to be. Hikara-chan, good chapter.

Jan 5, 2004, 10:33 PM

Jan 7, 2004, 06:27 AM
Excellent writing. My favorite part is still how you show the good sides of both teams. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 7, 2004, 08:31 AM
"I am the lead of the Arkz
Shouldn't that be leader? Then again, since no one else has pointed it out, I'm just going crazy....er.
Nice job, and I think it would be cool to see a small number of your battle sequences go in real-time[Lost Kingdoms II-esque(And yes, you still haven't played that.)] instead of every other card game's turn-based style. Not all, but a few. Like emergencies or something.
But nice job, especially describing the card materialization. Only you could pull that off.
Hope to read more, from either story!

Jan 8, 2004, 08:03 PM
pretty good, but seems stale for some reason... (same thing i've been getting in my own fic, too stale and overdone...)

but, good chapter nonetheless http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 9, 2004, 09:12 PM
Kafka use a smaller flame

Jan 9, 2004, 09:23 PM
On 2004-01-09 18:12, White_Knight wrote:
Kafka use a smaller flame

if i wanted to flame hikara, i wouldnt be so subtle about it...

besides, im not going to lie just because it makes the rest of you feel better...

i gave my honest opinion on the chapter, so calm down...

[edit]its been said...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KaFKa on 2004-01-09 18:28 ]</font>

Jan 9, 2004, 09:40 PM
I'm going to cry. Every time I read someone else's writing, I realize how crappy mine is.

Eh, great story so far. I'm not sure if I want to see more.

Jan 9, 2004, 10:28 PM
I was talking about your stuff you said it's overdone right??? so use a smaller flame it won't be so overdone