View Full Version : GC: Mighty Morphing RAmar

Dec 16, 2003, 12:37 PM
has anyone ever turned into another character while fighting Olga Flow? when i fought him/her on very hard i got turned into a HUmar with Whitill (i think) section ID that looked a bit like Donoph (Retired Hunter quest) but i still had my red handgun. when the fight was over i was returned to my purplenum ramar MP3 Junkie. i think i was hit by an orange beam but i'm not sure. i'm assuming i was turned into heathcliff flowen but i'm not sure. this was on offline mode. has anyone else had this experience?

Dec 16, 2003, 12:49 PM
yes, he does it to my HUnney all the time (which makes me think of what hes doing with her...)

Dec 16, 2003, 02:18 PM
You indeed are transformed into Flowen. Actually, your body kind of switches places with his, it's hard to explain, but, you can see your body inside of it if you're far enough away from Flow to look that high...

It happens in Hard, Very Hard, and Ultimate. I heard it *can* happen in Normal, but, if it does, consider yourself pretty unlucky. In this state, Olga Flow attacks become stronger and he himself becomes very if not completely resistant to any attack that isn't his current elemental and type weakness. You noticed the "???" attribute he had, right? When he moves to the center and starts releasing gas he's actually changing his attribute and going wonky with his resistances.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: A2K on 2003-12-16 11:20 ]</font>

Dec 16, 2003, 06:28 PM

is it fun being flowen?

Dec 16, 2003, 06:41 PM
On 2003-12-16 15:28, badbitz wrote:

is it fun being flowen?

not at all...it's a pain in the arse unless you're a FO...then you can totally own olga with whatever tech he's NOT resistant too at the time...

Dec 16, 2003, 07:50 PM
On the bright side, you look sorta cool. Wish I could get a coat like Flowen's for one of my characters. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Dec 17, 2003, 02:48 AM
i didn't find it all that much of a pain really, i just fired on him with my red handgun and took him down fairly quickly. unless his alignment changed or something, the handgun has a 20% native efficiency on it. by the way, is flowen a mate of donoph's or something cos at the end of that quest donoph says "i've lived a good life...HEATH..." (capitals are mine). and they look similar. anyone know?

Dec 17, 2003, 03:18 AM
On 2003-12-16 09:49, KaFKa wrote:
yes, he does it to my HUnney all the time (which makes me think of what hes doing with her...)

>_< ARGH! I cant get that pic out of my mind... Olga Flow and a HUne.... X_X

Being flowen... it was a pain in the ass for me until I knew about the attribute changing stuff. Thank god I had my vulcans with native, beast and dark % n_n and in case it was machine, a red handgun with machine %. Just be sure you have weaps with % for different type of enemies, so you'll always have one to hit Olga no matter what atribute she turns into.

P.S. Kafka, La Chupacarbra? 1-Are you a girl? 2-WTF is a carbra? I know what a "Cabra" is, but a "carbra" XDDDDD

Dec 18, 2003, 07:04 AM
On 2003-12-16 23:48, MP3_Junkie wrote:
i didn't find it all that much of a pain really, i just fired on him with my red handgun and took him down fairly quickly. unless his alignment changed or something, the handgun has a 20% native efficiency on it. by the way, is flowen a mate of donoph's or something cos at the end of that quest donoph says "i've lived a good life...HEATH..." (capitals are mine). and they look similar. anyone know?

Dont think so dude, Donoph was on Pioneer 2... He probobly should have went down on Pioneer 1 and doubled his kill rate before being slaughtered by Falz!

Dec 18, 2003, 08:33 AM
Heathcliff Flowen, Zoke Miyama, and Donoph Baz were all old friends. Principal Tyrell might have been in there too... I'm not sure about him, though.

If you do the Sue-Bernie subplot and come back to the Retired Hunter, Donoph will talk a little more about his relationship with the other two.

Dec 18, 2003, 12:26 PM
Yeah. They were 3 friends. Zoke Miyama followed an outlaw path against the government. Flowen Heathcliff joined the military and became the most important general. And Donoph... was neutral. neither against or with the government. Then there is Alicia Baz involved too. But with the shitty translations I don't understand from who is daughter. Supposedly Donoph Baz is not her biological father but is who took care from her.
Also there is a nice sentence from Alicia Baz that resumes all the Episode 1&2 storyline.
Is something like "Evolution and curse are the two faces of same coin"

Dec 18, 2003, 12:44 PM
kafka's title is actually a sort of "legendary" monster/demon that is supposed to live in either south america or cuba (forgot which). i think it means "the goat eater" or something like that. hes supposed to explain all of the blood drained goats and other animals that farmers find there. i think their flesh is eaten off too, but meh.

Dec 18, 2003, 05:43 PM
Does this happen on Normal, cause i killed Olga on Normal and he never did that on me, and yeah i've never tryied to kill him on h, vh or ult, i just hate seabed


On 2003-12-18 09:44, shinto_kuji wrote:
kafka's title is actually a sort of "legendary" monster/demon that is supposed to live in either south america or cuba (forgot which). i think it means "the goat eater" or something like that. hes supposed to explain all of the blood drained goats and other animals that farmers find there. i think their flesh is eaten off too, but meh.

Well it's a myth from Latin America, kind of demon, with the body of a human and with wings, his head was hairless, and he had horns on his head, some on his back, and huge fangs... he was called "El Chupacabras" meaning "The GoatSucker" not eater, because the first animal he killed was a Goat, but he killed lots of farm animals, chickens, cows, etc, that was when i was like 9-10 years old i think ((now i'm 17)), it was really scary, some people on TV said that they saw it and attacked them, and they had like marks on their body, but now i think it's reaaaaally stupid... and it's "El" no "La", of course unless you're a girl...

Dec 18, 2003, 06:55 PM
I heard it was only Hard and above (like Falz's 3rd/4th form (4th if you count the darvants).