View Full Version : About RAmar.....

Apr 9, 2001, 02:44 PM
Ok,I go straight,
I need you people to introduce me some good guns...please tell me what class is it,eg.is it hanguns,rifle,shot and so on..
A new RAmar playing,getting online later on,hehe

Apr 9, 2001, 04:23 PM
The best weapons for you to use are Shotgun type weapons. The photon bonuses are more important than the class of weapon--a lowly Shot +35% vs Dark is more valuble than a Arms +15% vs Dark. When you max your ATP and ATA (somewhere between level 50 and 70), the extra ATP and ATA of an Arms compared to a Shot is overwhelmed by the difference in percentage bonus.

The best elements are HP stealing (draw, drain, fill, gush) and TP stealing (heart, mind, soul, geist). The great news is that the "common special" Shotguns have these element special attacks! Crush Bullet steals HP while Meteor Storm steals TP. The other elements you'll want to look out for are Charge and Demon. A Charge shotgun with Dark bonus is the key to soloing V-Hard Ruins. A Demon shotgun will reduce the HP of a target to 1/4 the original, which is also potent (especially in a team because you'll soften up all the enemies without actually killing them).

In addition, you'll want a mechgun type weapon with a good Machine bonus. This will let you slay Beats efficiently on V-Hard. The firing rate of shotguns is too slow.

You'll also want a rifle type weapon with a good Machine bonus to take out Garanzes from long range.

Oh--for the "looks real cool" factor, Suppressed Gun is the best IMO.

Apr 11, 2001, 12:51 AM
Thank you.
but i am currently level 23.
i don't have all those weapon you say.
so can you name me some other for now?

Apr 11, 2001, 01:37 AM
Your first priority is a gun that puts you far from the enemy. A rifle-type is perfect for this. You'll also do more damage per hit with a gun designed to hit a single enemy. Shotgun-series guns are nice but don't deal the damage needed offline and are too slow. They are good online for racking up the XP though since you will hit many enemies per shot. Pistols won't be too good for you but if you get one with good stats use it.
My primary weapon for the last 30 levels or so has been the Justy*23. A fantastic rifle, it does great damage and it's special attack drains 1/2 HP from the enemy. It's a 9-star rare, but my Greenill ID is perfect for the RAmar since my Shop regularly has them for sale.. They usually have bad stats but over time I have found 3 rifles with 50% vs. each of the first 3 stages, and a +35% Dark.

Apr 11, 2001, 11:52 AM
Oh well, I said I was leaving PSO World because of the cheating, but I'm a sucker for trying to help people with advice. So I'm back.

Personally, I don't like rifles. In my experience, they lack the crunch power of mechguns and can't slaughter crouds like a shotgun. At low levels, mechguns and shotguns seem bad because they need pretty good ATP and ATA to be effective. However, by level 23 your ATP and ATA should be high enough for shotguns to be your best main weapon choice (both online AND offline).

I don't really understand the reputation shotguns have for not doing much damage. Even at pretty low levels, they do at least 80% the damage per hit of the equivalent rifle--which means they do a LOT more damage overall when there's 3 or more enemies. When your ATP and ATA are high, there's not really much of a difference in the damage per hit that weapons do (assuming the same photon bonus). But mechguns and shotguns hit more times.

Except for having fun with variety, I use exclusively shotgun type weapons except for V-Hard Mines. In V-Hard Mines, Beats and Garanzes just have too many hit points to take out quickly with a Crush Bullet. I'll switch to a mechgun to take out Beats quickly and a rifle to take out Garanzes from a distance.

In V-Hard Ruins, the enemies have even more hit points and higher defense. However, since they're almost always in crouds of 3 or more, shotguns remain best.

Oh--just one little bit of (probably unnecessary) advice: when playing online, try not to hog experience. Get your hits in with your shotgun, but try not to kill them before the others get their hits in.

Apr 11, 2001, 12:40 PM
The Ultimate Weapon that I have seen so far, usable only by Rangers and Hunters, is the Spread Needle.

If you walk into a room carrying a Spread Needle and anyone else is more than 2 steps behind you, they don't get any exp. It has more range than techniques, and a faster rate of fire than anything else I've seen. It also does good damage and can paralyze the monsters. If someone thinks there is a better weapon out there for anyone but Forces, I'd very much like to see it.

Apr 11, 2001, 12:53 PM
okay first of all shotguns are really slow, i use a RAmar and they are boring, so are spread needles cuz spread needles may be good but they take the fun out of it, ask any experienced player what they think about them. A good rifle i used to have and is common, it was my first legendary, a Visk. its a relatively strong rifle and very common in vhard. Another good weap is the Vise, its a machine gun that has a good special. the special is that it devotes some hp to the attack, its really good for bosses for this reason. Its the weapon i still use on bosses
i go from 480 sumtin hp to 12 by using the special at my level and i take down about 2400 overall after the combo. another good tip is dont raise your mag's power yet, start out raising his dex to about 30-40, cuz then you can use stronger guns at lower levels making up for the power difference, trust me i did that, i have a mag with 55 dex and i never miss now, missing is a big issue with using guns. if you didnt know the dex of the mag raises your ata by .5 each point of dex. so mines raising my ata by 22.5 (or 23 cuz it rounds off). personally i like a challenge so i use the holy ray and my double saber a lot with my RAmar. i hate spread needles please dont plague the atmosphere by using them online haha. okaiseda this is too long now, byebye!

Apr 11, 2001, 01:44 PM
Ah yes, mechguns. Considering every character can use them, I'm shocked how underrated they are. For interesting gameplay, they're my favorite. The long recovery time combined with medium range and narrow arc of fire require a lot of forethought and accurate control compared to other weapons. A 4 man firing squad of Spread Needles and shotguns needs merely to vaguely keep up with each other. A 4 man firing squad of mechguns takes teamwork.

The Vise special can do tons of damage, but I prefer a Charge special. I'd rather spend meseta than HP--the Vise special sucks up so much HP it's scarier than the enemy! Unfortunately, a Charge Gatling with good photon bonuses is a heck of a lot less common than a Vise with good photon bonuses. The best I've got so far are Charge Repeaters--but none with good photon bonuses.

I'm curious about how much damage a Spread Needle does. Without shifta, my Charge Spread +30% Dark does 300+ damage per hit in V-Hard Ruins (RAcast with max ATP, ATA). How much does a Spread Needle +30% Dark do per hit in V-Hard Ruins (Hunter with max ATP, no shifta)?

I wonder how rare Spread Needles are compared to Charge Arms. I've not yet found either.

Anyway, I'll chime in on the Mag advice, and refine it a little bit. At first, feed your Mag Antidotes, Antidotes, and more Antidotes. This builds up both Dex and Str with cheap Antidotes. When your ATA is built up enough to use your best guns, it's time to put everything into Str. Dimates are good, but Sol Atomizers are much better. Every time you can buy Sol Atomizers at the shop, buy 10 for the bank and 10 for your item pack! Follow this Mag feeding advice, and you'll max out your ATP and ATA in record time.

Oh--there's a little matter of the Mind stat. As a RAmar, you're probably still hurting for more MST to learn spells big time. Either you've already picked up a few mags in the Mines or you're going to. Keep at least one one you and feed it as a "Mind mag". If you can still buy monofluids, start it off on those. In its second form (lvl 10-34), feed it Moon Atomizers. In its agonizingly picky third form (lvl 35-49), feed it Difluids and/or Moon Atomizers. This will be slow going because nothing short of Trifluids will build up Mind quickly. Make sure to hit level 50. If the Mag is at level 49, and you raise two stats at the same time, it will go straight to level 51 and will NOT evolve! You'll have to slog it up to level 55 if that happens. In its final form, feed it Moon Atomizers. This will result in a Mag with a high Mind stat. You can equip it whenever you need to learn a technique with a high MST minimum. You will still know the technique even when you equip your other mag and your MST drops below the minimum required to learn it.

Apr 11, 2001, 02:59 PM
Hell Arms is my gun of choice. The one-hit kill is fairly accurate enough that it is well worth the slow firing rate.

Apr 11, 2001, 06:35 PM
Ok, so you agree that the Spread Needle is broken?