View Full Version : Which class for a pure force?

Dec 21, 2003, 03:49 PM
I'm going to make a new character and i was wonder what people think is the best force if i want to almost never meelee and just use my techs?

Dec 21, 2003, 04:07 PM
FOnewm. They have a 30% boost to GA and RA techniques, and they have the second highest MST of any character in the game, second only to the FOnewearl.

And they regen TP.

Dec 21, 2003, 04:12 PM
FOnewm or FOnewearl.

FOnewearl has Boosts to simple techs and megid and megid penetrates. FOnewearl also has more MST than FOnewm.

FOnewms have GI and RA tech boosts and have more DFP (so you're more likely to live).

Both have regenerative TP, like all Newmans.

Dec 21, 2003, 04:20 PM
On 2003-12-21 13:12, JohanCC wrote:
FOnewm or FOnewearl.

FOnewearl has Boosts to simple techs and megid and megid penetrates. FOnewearl also has more MST than FOnewm.

FOnewms have GI and RA tech boosts and have more DFP (so you're more likely to live).

Both have regenerative TP, like all Newmans.

Well, both are good forces. Were you planning on being mostly a tech spam force, or more of a support force? FOnewearls have 2x bonus range for Anti and Resta, so they can provide good support but don't do near as much damage on GA or RA techniques, like FOnewms can. FOnewearls are easier to raise in the beginning due to a 30% boost in simple techs (Foi + Booma = charred Booma ass), but FOnewms become tech powerhouses later on. FOnewms don't have the Anti or Resta bonus, but can nuke a room and kill everything in 5 seconds flat if properly prepared.

Dec 21, 2003, 04:23 PM
well, my favorite fo is fonewm, BUT thats not what you asked soooo, best fo for being purely fo=fonewearl. strongest simple techs, second strongest gi and ra techs (not far behind fonewm in damage), megid that penetrates, the most tp, plus resta and anti range boosts- making her a great support fo along with a pretty great attack fo (esp. considering her uber high mst gives her the most hp- recovering resta). she is THE purest of fo's. made for techs, not for melee.

Dec 21, 2003, 04:46 PM
On 2003-12-21 13:20, anwserman wrote:
FOnewms don't have the Anti or Resta bonus, but can nuke a room and kill everything in 5 seconds flat if properly prepared.


even with maxed mst, rafoie merge, psycho wand they cant kill a room of bartles in less than five seconds. this is not including the fact that there is no place where everything is weak to the same spell, there is hardly ever just one wave in a room, and you cant kill a bartle in one rafoie. ever.

but, if you were referring to normal forest only, I will forgive you.

Dec 21, 2003, 04:56 PM
ok thanks everyone for ur feedback, im going to choose fonewm.

Now i need to choose a crest. What do crests do anyway and which one is best for FOnewm's?

Dec 21, 2003, 05:28 PM
meh, fonewm is built to have some melee in him, but whatever, its your choice=p trust me on this, though... only being able to tech spam attack techs and not being able to do good support gets old after awhile. support fo can be fun in its own right if you do it correctly. unless your offline only... then you should ignore everything i just said=p

lain-im sorry, but your wrong. a fonewm CAN kill a wave of bartles in LESS then 5seconds. i would know, my newm is max mst with raf merge and he can kill a online bartle in 5raf's. it takes less then 1second to cast a raf if your unarmed. and with psychowand, might be able to kill in 4raf, not sure though. not to mention that my newm kills in 3raf offline, would be 2raf with psychowand, so ya...

Dec 21, 2003, 06:02 PM
lain-im sorry, but your wrong. a fonewm CAN kill a wave of bartles in LESS then 5seconds. i would know, my newm is max mst with raf merge and he can kill a online bartle in 5raf's. it takes less then 1second to cast a raf if your unarmed. and with psychowand, might be able to kill in 4raf, not sure though. not to mention that my newm kills in 3raf offline, would be 2raf with psychowand, so ya...

This almost makes want to play with my mage...almost...

Dec 21, 2003, 07:30 PM
FOnewm or FOnewearl, any of those 2 characters, i preffer FOnewm cause the looks and he's my alter-ego =D

And btw my FOnewm lvl120, 2-3 Gifoies kill all on Ult Forest ^_^, on Ruins they need like 4-5

Dec 21, 2003, 07:51 PM
On 2003-12-21 13:56, Treadstone wrote:
ok thanks everyone for ur feedback, im going to choose fonewm.

Now i need to choose a crest. What do crests do anyway and which one is best for FOnewm's?

Use this guide (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=306) to choose a section ID.

In my opinion bluefull or pinkal would be good for a force.