View Full Version : GC-Item: What for FOmars...?

Dec 22, 2003, 04:46 PM
Seeing the site doesn't have a list with all the equipable items for each class... What would be some good equipment for a FOmar ? Right now my FOmar is wearing:
Riot Repeaters +9(45 a.beast & hit)
Red Saber +78
Soul Banish +9
G-Assasin Sabers +25
Hildebear&blue's Can +9
Parisite Wear: De Rol
2 God/Techniques
2 Wizard/Techniques
Attribute Wall
Ila (150 something mind)
Marica (123 Pow)
(I switch mags from melee to mental power)

Dec 22, 2003, 04:49 PM
...i think you should take your items and give them to a needy HU and quit using FOs http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif
[/FO Hater]

you already have what you need pretty much...

Dec 22, 2003, 05:24 PM
well i would go with the non-fo stuff becuase a FOmar is made to melee. And as you level you will gain more mst.

Dec 22, 2003, 06:45 PM
My fomar uses a magical piece for tech casting. And for melee, a double saber on ep1, and an elysion on ep2 because of the higher ata. You will find that on later levels, you wont be able to hit the side of a barn! Such bad ata (163 max)

Dec 22, 2003, 08:45 PM
On 2003-12-22 13:46, MegamanX wrote:
Seeing the site doesn't have a list with all the equipable items for each class... What would be some good equipment for a FOmar ? Right now my FOmar is wearing:
Riot Repeaters +9(45 a.beast & hit)
Red Saber +78
Soul Banish +9
G-Assasin Sabers +25
Hildebear&blue's Can +9
Parisite Wear: De Rol
2 God/Techniques
2 Wizard/Techniques
Attribute Wall
Ila (150 something mind)
Marica (123 Pow)
(I switch mags from melee to mental power)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaactually, if you look at the top of the Weapon/Armor DB, there's some scroll-down menus. You can use those to select which version you're playing, and then it will reload, showing all the weapons in that version. Then you can choose the appropriate char. class, and it will reload, showing ALL the weapons that character type can use. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 22, 2003, 08:51 PM
where are you in the game? because if you are anywhere in ult., then it is vital for you to have maxed ata, AND for ALL of your weapons to have hit % (more or less depending)

take off those wizard techs for god/arms.

Dec 22, 2003, 10:26 PM
I don't have god/arms, I need the techs for a good shifta/deband/jellen/zalure, and i'm on ult ruins/vr spaceship.

Dec 22, 2003, 10:59 PM
On 2003-12-22 19:26, MegamanX wrote:
I don't have god/arms, I need the techs for a good shifta/deband/jellen/zalure, and i'm on ult ruins/vr spaceship.

well if you plan on meleeing, then invest in some god arms, or put about 100 dex on your mag, but you need to do one of those.

Dec 23, 2003, 09:33 AM
While hardly acting as a full replacement for a God/Arm, an Elf/Arm++ will do in a pinch.

Dec 23, 2003, 01:07 PM
I'm not having many accuracy problems. I need to get high-disks so I can wear HP units instead of Tech units. Other than that, I just wanted to know what I should be looking for.

Dec 24, 2003, 07:02 PM
i have a 166 melee fomar, and i go with a setup something like this

Mechguns with at least 25 hit
Srank Twin

Aura Field/Virus Armor
God Power
God Mind
God Arm
God Battle

15 Def, 145 Pow, 40 Dex, 0 Mind mag

also, materials can alter what you need to wear in your slots and the stats you need on your mag. i messed up my materials badly, thinking i owuld be a spellcasting fomar, and i took 125 Mind Materials, and a fair number of defense and evade. When i finally decided to go melee, i had only room for 15 power mats and no luck mats. thankfully, the fomar maxes at 1002 atp, so that is not really a problem with the right mag and units, but high luck is definlty going to help make up for the lack of atp.

Dec 25, 2003, 02:27 AM
Well I like a character that is low maintaince, meaning you don't have to stop much to go back up top and refill things. My FOmar runs like this

Geist Vulcans - 45%hit
Sacred Cloth
Resta Merge

100 Mind
50 Dex
5 Def
45 Pow

I enjoy not being frozen as I can survive Falz and run through ruins without trouble. The Cure/shock is very nice for playing on Episode 2 and Vol Opt. The Sacred Cloth is great as well for being able to get up in front of Lillies and not get paralyzed. As a result I can pretty much handle any support needs for the team, melee decently enough, and at LVL 163 there are few things that will kill me. Generally the only time I die is getting trapped in a group of monsters or from my own party killing me when fighting Falz.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste space with multi-hit weapons, as you can get in easy hit credits with Jellen and Zalure. Just take a few enemies down from time to time with some good mechs and let HUs do what HUs are suppose to. There are few things that my FOmar can't do with the setup I use. Another plus is how light to travel I am. I only carry 10 Trifuilds and 10 Moons. At most I may use 1 or 2 Trifuilds per stage (Forest, Caves, ect), and the Moons I hold on to incase I die. This way I can feed my mag three on the spot to get his Sync at 120. I love not having to carry sols.

Dec 25, 2003, 07:48 AM
Hmm, while I know I'm slightly off-topic here (due to the lack of a FOmar character) I know that a Bringer's Rifle will serve you well (provided you own one). Let's face it, Forces weren't exactly designed for melee. I use most of my characters (including my high-ATP HUcast) as long-range firebases, using rifle-types where possible. Trust me, if the enemy can't reach you they can't hurt you.
However, always keep a melee weapon (eg, Red Saber) handy in case of emergency. Again, off-topic I know, but keeping a spare melee weapon has hauled my RAcaseal's butt out of danger on multiple occasions. Gotta love that Twin Blaze.

Dec 25, 2003, 03:04 PM
i dont think tech units stack. i could be wrong, i advise that ur esearch througohly

Dec 25, 2003, 03:14 PM
On 2003-12-25 12:04, darthsaber9x9 wrote:
i dont think tech units stack. i could be wrong, i advise that ur esearch througohly

They do, but
2 God/Techniques
2 Wizard/Techniques

it's toooo much, leave the 2 god techniques if you want, but replace wizard techniques with dragon or god hp

Dec 25, 2003, 05:59 PM
I got 4 God/Techs now (friend gave to me for some other items) Now all my tech disks are maxed!

Dec 27, 2003, 12:41 PM
On 2003-12-25 04:48, Caecilius wrote:
Trust me, if the enemy can't reach you they can't hurt you.

Which is why Rafoie is your best friend. Get equipment that boosts your MST. Be a force. let hunters do the melee work.

Dec 27, 2003, 01:04 PM
Finally, somebody acknowledges my existence...

Three words pertaining to any Force: Rafoie and guns.

Dec 27, 2003, 04:00 PM
I'd Perfer Gifoie. Less TP and more damage. Also has a really cool attack graphic.

Dec 28, 2003, 12:58 PM
On 2003-12-27 13:00, MegamanX wrote:
I'd Perfer Gifoie. Less TP and more damage. Also has a really cool attack graphic.

But it's caster-centric, meaning you have to stand at the center of an enemy horde to make the most of this spell. I hate spells like that.

Dec 28, 2003, 04:45 PM
not really, at lvl. 21-30 it reaches really far. In some rooms it reaches the end. Has a radius big enough to fill a whole Square room in caves 1.

Dec 28, 2003, 04:48 PM
On 2003-12-28 13:45, MegamanX wrote:
not really, at lvl. 21-30 it reaches really far. In some rooms it reaches the end. Has a radius big enough to fill a whole Square room in caves 1.

And high level Rafoie targets more than halfway across (longwise) the final room of Ruins 3.

The point being that Rafoie makes it much easier to stay away from enemies.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Quo on 2003-12-28 13:49 ]</font>

Dec 28, 2003, 04:54 PM
Well, Gifoie can hit enemies that just appear after you have just killed some with the same Gifoie. Ex. You fire ONE gifoie, you kill 3 Gilchich's, then the new Gilchich's come. That same one can hit them too. And if you fire multiple ones, they can take out 2 rounds of people and save 1/2 the TP you would with Rafoie. I don't like any of the RA's except for Rabarta because it has the greatest chance of freezing opponents. Gizonde is ubber fast, Gifoie is more powerfull, saves more TP, and can hit new coming enemies (unless it's RIGHT when they come out, then it does 0), Grants is just really good on some enemies/bosses, Megid is fun to use on normal, Zonde looks like a Mega thunder storm (21-30), Foie is like a Yamato shot on Starcraft (from Battle Cruiser), Barta is a little Ice trail, ect...

In each catagory, I perfer:
Foie techs: Gifoie
Zonde Techs: Gizonde
Barta Techs: Rabarta

Dec 29, 2003, 07:30 PM
as for sticking to just spells if you are a force, that is somewhat of a good idea. once you get to around level 150 with a fomar, and your mazing your mst easily, it gets both boring, and you relaize that you arent really doing that much damage, because by the time you cast your second gifoie the room is clear, so you really havent done anything. My fomar still uses spells, but mainly gizonde and rabarta. The point is, i can do more damage as a melee force, and that is good for 2 reasons. if their is another force in the team, its not like space is being wasted, because i am playing the role of a hunter. Also, i can provide my teammates with lvl 30 support techs, which is obviously very helpful. The only force that can really go strictly as a nuke em up force is the fonewm. the get the boost to the good attack techs, and have a high mst max.